2025 public holidays released including Election Day
(CNS): The government has revealed the dates for the 13 official public holidays in the Cayman Islands next year, including Wednesday, 30 April, which is anticipated as the date for the general election, and the newly confirmed annual Emancipation Day holiday, which was introduced this year. The King’s Birthday is earmarked for Monday, 23 June, but still has to be confirmed.
The 2025 public holidays for the Cayman Islands are :
- Wednesday, 1 January – New Year’s Day
- Monday, 27 January – National Heroes Day
- Wednesday, 5 March – Ash Wednesday
- Friday, 18 April – Good Friday
- Monday, 21 April – Easter Monday
- Wednesday, 30 April – General Election Day (anticipated)
- Monday, 5 May – Emancipation Day
- Monday, 19 May – Discovery Day
- Monday, 23 June – King’s Birthday (unconfirmed)
- Monday, 7 July – Constitution Day
- Monday, 10 November – Remembrance Day
- Thursday, 25 December – Christmas Day
- Friday, 26 December – Boxing Day.
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Category: Local News
Emancipation day is in May because I Cayman Islands enslaved received their emancipation in May. Unlike other Caribbean islands who received theirs later on in the year.
Unlike other Caribbean islands, the Royal Navy had to come to Cayman, a couple of years after Emancipation was declared, to enforce the law in Cayman, as Caymanians refused their slaves, their freedom.
Sad but true
Why does this island have a day off for Remembrance Day? You commemorate Armistice Day you don’t celebrate it! People giving their lives so you can have a day off work is not what this solemn day is for.
We need one in September!
We need a holiday between July and November, that is a long haul!
I have no idea why they put Emancipation Day in May. It needed to go in August or September.
None but ourselves can free our minds.
needed to not have it at all.
Cue all the expat business owners complaining that Cayman has too many public holidays. If you don’t like it you can always leave. The entitlement that comes out of the woodwork when discussions of our public holidays come up is astounding. Cayman has a culture that centres strongly around our history our family and our friends and many of these public holidays allow locals and expats alike the opportunity to recharge our batteries and relax ready for a fresh start the next day. Todays financial climate often requires families with kids to have both parents in the workforce in order to make ends meet. Public holidays allow parents more opportunity to spend much needed time with their kids. If you cant accept this then Cayman is not the place for you.
Yeah, just make it every Monday of the year, that’s what the Civil Service wants.
“Cayman has a culture”
We can tell by looking at Minister of Culture
I dont understand why election day (voting day) is a holiday for expats when they can’t vote. Should only be for registered voters. Voters has to stand in line to vote, while expats spend all day at the beach or enjoying friends or getting payed time and half if the chose to work.
Because the schools have to close and expats go to school. Also, there are tonnes of Caymanians that aren’t registered to vote. How do you deal with them? They still have to go to work? Too hard to regulate.
They would fall in the unregistered voter category and therefore have to stay at work also.
Also, you’re not allowed to drink on an election day.
You can drink all you want, just buy it the day before.
Using your logic, only registered voters should be prohibited from purchasing alcohol on polling day. Sound good?
I don’t understand why white expats and Caymanians get Emancipation Day off.
If anything, we should be working twice as hard that day
But does it really makes sense to have a public holiday for the minority of residents to vote?
Whatever the number of voters are, they are all entitled to a chance to vote. The standard way to achieve this, and easiest way, is via a public holiday.
Although the law says that employees need a chance to vote, we’ve seen how some employers would impinge on that right if they could.
Other countries with populations in the millions seem to manage just fine without a day off.
For real… Pay that double time and go bout ya business…
Agreed! I am outta here, planning on asking the flight attendant to video the door hitting my ass on the way out!
I realise this is likely unpopular, but can we please stop making Election day a Public Holiday? It makes a farce out of the whole process as so many people just take it as a day off, and adds an additional burden on businesses. Instead, all businesses should be mandated to give their eligible employees adequate time off to go to the polls, as is done in every other country.
Go home.
They need to use the schools and some of poll workers have other jobs. It’s not just about the people voting but the logistics of it all.
They don’t “need” to use the schools.
I was hoping Emancipation Day would be May 1st, the day after we removed the mix of 19 incompetent, crooked, stupid, (enter your own adjective) A-holes from our Parliament.
Was thinking same thing, or even make it the same day as election day for final emancipation, if not we are doomed!
Agreed except it’s highly likely that 15 or more will return.
11 will return.