NRA still working on numerous traffic hot spots

| 29/11/2024 | 35 Comments

(CNS) The National Roads Authority (NRA) has said with work underway to realign the intersection of Homestead Crescent and Shamrock Road to improve the sight distance for vehicles entering and exiting, a section of Homestead Crescent will be closed on Tuesday 3 December for essential paving works. The work also includes some minor changes to the Dominoes parking lot where spots along the road side will be shifted to make way for the new road layout.

Meanwhile, significant work is also continuing in and around the country’s major area of traffic trouble coming in and out of George Town. The CUC roundabout near King’s Sports Centre is being reshaped to improve traffic patterns and reduce congestion, officials said, with a project “designed to provide a smoother and safer experience for commuters, particularly during peak travel times.”

Alongside reshaping of the roundabout, delineators have been installed at the Linford Pierson-Bobby Thompson Way roundabout. This new feature aims to clarify lane usage and improve traffic flow, the NRA said.

Motorists exiting the Linford Pierson Highway should use the outer-most left lane if traveling to Fern Circle or proceeding straight across to Outpost Street. The middle lane is designated exclusively for traffic heading to the Bobby Thompson Way stoplight, while the inner-most lane is intended for vehicles either continuing toward the stoplight or reentering the Linford Pierson Highway.

The authority said the Linford Pierson Highway remains an active work zone as expansion efforts continue to widen the highway to three lanes in each direction. This is aimed at alleviating traffic congestion and to accommodate the island’s growing traffic demands. Drivers are urged to exercise caution, adhere to all posted signage and observe the 25mph speed limit when traveling through the area.

The NRA appreciates the public’s cooperation and patience as these essential updates are implemented. Drivers are urged to take care in all active work zones. Motorists are reminded to stay alert, abide by the speed limit and follow work zone signage if and when temporary diversions are made.

For the latest updates on roadworks and projects, please visit the NRA website at

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Category: Local News

Comments (35)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Cayman car issues are due to:
    over 50% of cars on the Cayman roads are unlicensed and uninsured. The last crackdown found 70% of cars stopped for speeding or in a crash were unlicensed and uninsured.
    These cars should be confiscated until they get their license paid.
    Around 60% of drivers are either on the phone by their ear or texting! you are 26 times more likely to be in an accident while texting and driving. Yet so few people are ever charged.
    Police should be checking phones after every collision, as probably close to 80% of collisions are due to people on their phone while driving.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Roundabouts only work in the first world.

  3. Anonymous says:

    As pointed out, we pander to the imbeciles who cannot drive, rather than address the idiots and let everyone else get on with it.

    Paint crosshatch areas and designate no stopping, that should help those roundabouts that get blocked. Oh, and enforce it.

    LPH/Bobby Thompson is a cluster. People from LPH will use that left lane in perpetuity, I’ll tell you that right now. I drive and ride defensively, and it’s served me well. It does irritate me that my insurance premiums underwrite those of the countless crash magnets we have driving around.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What you should be asking is who is making their fortune off all the unnecessary guard rail being sold to the NRA.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Everyday there is unnecessary traffic due to poor traffic management and lack of parking at prep high school. Parents park on the shoulder which prevents vehicles from driving around the stand still traffic to get into Prep High school. RCIPS and NRA need to manage this urgently.

    • Anonymous says:

      simple free solution:
      no cars with one kid are allowed on school grounds for drop-offs.
      people will sonn learn to car-pool for their kid drops offs

    • Anonymous says:

      It is illegal to undertake using the verge. The police need to clamp down on people like you.

      • Annonymous says:

        12.34 If someone is turning right you can go around on the left. I guess you swing left whilst turning right which is totally wrong.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Let me translate, we cant have normal roundabouts because the general level of driving is so poor that we have to block the lanes to ensure the idiots go in the right directions. We continually engineer our roads to the lowest common denominator instead of trying to raise the level of driving by actually enforcing the traffic law.

  7. TBodden says:

    Stop wasting money building infrastructure for who Cayman and destroying our precious environment! Stop expanding our population with non Caymanians !

    • Annonymous says:

      Stop punishing good drivers. Instead upgrade the D/L written test, ticket bad drivers, inpound their vehicles, take away their licenses and for God’s sake stop exchanging a JA license for a Cayman one. These will cut problem in half.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Just spitballing here but perhaps they could finish just one project before starting 6 more?

  9. Anonymous says:

    More death traps round abouts. Sad so many lives have been in vein due to poor construction and design by NRA.

    • Anonymous says:

      What? you suggesting we replace them with traffic lights? you seen our elite drivers going through on red at nearly every cycle?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Nothing that traffic lights and a few proper intersections would not fix.

    • Anonymous says:

      Traffic lights should be removed at Jaques Scott’s and the cricket pitch and replaced with roundabouts. Only then will you see improvements.

    • round & round incircles we go says:

      Except for the people who jump red lights and even amber if I put my foot down!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Still no incorporation of cycle lanes into the transportation matrix, as necessitated by the NRA’s own 2015 Plan. Fuel station lobby shouldn’t be louder than voters.

    • Anonymous says:

      No one is ever going to cycle here. It’s too hot and too dangerous. We don’t need to waste the little space we have for roads on cycle lanes.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile….the $200K Deloitte public transportation study, which included recommendations on enhanced mass public transportation, simply gathers dust. So lets just continue on with our bus (..I mean “van”) system without even modern basics like a “route schedule” and “GPS tracking”.

    Ironic and sad that even the Camana Bay shuttle bus has online GPS tracking!

  13. Anonymous says:

    The additional service road/Edgewater Link should help a little bit.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Taking into account the state of traffic congestion on the roads, all road works should be done during the night when minimal traffic is present. Common sense….

  15. Anonymous says:

    Oh it must be election time again…time to start work…

    • Anonymous says:

      Roadwork plans are always timed so that NRA is visibly working for about the last year of each government. It’s become like the most basic part of the political orthodoxy here. Build some roads and make sure the work is happening in the back half of the term. I still remember seeing ‘Action Man’ Arden and his big truck parked on the side of the expanded North Sound Rd., hand on his hip checking out the new asphalt… They still think this works and don’t realise we took it for granted as part of their politricks long ago.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Are there any plans to manage the traffic on walkers road. the 3pm traffic due to prep school pick up blocks the entire southbound lane between prep school and burger King. a turning lane is needed. Also, Prep parents are now parking in the grass in front of the church of God to wait for their children. This leads to blocked site lines to get onto Walkers road and children crossing a busy intersection. NRA please look into fixing this road and RCIPS please help with traffic management.

    • Anonymous says:

      Prep school (St Ignacious) please add busses so we stop all these parents of high school students dropping their kids off & picking them up.

      • Anonymous says:

        And yet the people dropping them off still have to go to work (or yoga for the YM’s) so there will be 0 less cars on the road as a result.

  17. Anonymous says:

    free money making solutions:
    Sell goab and build new goab east of frank sound.
    bring in car-pool lanes and congestion charge for single occupancy vehicles that come through hurleys roundabout morning or evening peak times.

    • Anonymous says:

      We need to enforce traffic laws before carpool lanes are ever allowed. It will be missused like every other cut around way these idiots use. see the entrance to the roundabout in front of Red Bay primary. Cars coming from prospect cut and use the lane to enter from Browns Esso this creating an even worse traffic jam for us who play by the rules. Bunch of selfish jerks.

      But in the end this traffic issue is 100% the RCIPS fault for not enforcing anything on the roads.

  18. Anonymous says:

    idiots…building more roads is not the answer as proven everywhere else in the world.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very true and fully agree , but …This is Cayman…

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course more roads fixes the problem. It’s like saying there would be less congestion if we still just had west bay road and no ETH.

      The problem is there is no room for the roads we need.

      The easiest fix, though, that is perpetually ignored by the government, is implementing a proper bus system.

  19. Anonymous says:

    25MPH road work zones: if this is not enforced by RCIPS then it is a waste of effort. The reduced speed zone should indicate if this is in effect 24 hours a day OR only when workers are present. Other countries indicate a reduced speed with words to indicate this PLUS that speeding fines are doubled.

    • Cheese Face says:

      The RCIPS don’t care if people speed, check the Linford raceway every morning, free for all, do what you want, no one cares, etc.

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