Aqua Bay $60M 10 storey revamp gets greenlight

| 29/11/2024 | 45 Comments
Aqua Bay Club, Cayman News Service
Aqua Bay Club

(CNS): A revised planning application by condo owners at Aqua Bay on Seven Mile Beach to redevelop the small condo complex into a 10 storey tower cut the proposed height just enough to meet regulations. The project described by objectors as an “ill-conceived monstrosity” has been given the greenlight from the Central Planning Authority which dismissed all of the other concerns raised by the dozens of objectors, despite the obvious and significant change it will bring to the quieter and less dense northern end of the beach.

The CPA said that the project complies with the 1997 plan, which the objectors pointed out was woefully out of date and an inadequate guide for modern day conditions. But the said the objectors had not persuaded the authority that any of the myriad concerns presented had merit.

“The Authority is satisfied that the layout, scale and massing of the development are compatible with the ecological, aesthetic and other physical characteristics of the site and that a high quality of design and landscaping are and will be used,” the CPA said according to the minutes of the October meeting when the project was reconsidered.

Even though the finished product – a glass and steel tower – will look nothing like the current low rise condo complexes around it as the size and scale is far bigger than anything nearby, the CPA said the proposed development didn’t represent over-development of the site. The authority said it complies with all minimum required setbacks even though it granted a variance for additional apartments.

The CPA also stated that the project complies with the minimum high water mark setbacks and the “proposed development will ensure that it is designed to avoid interference with natural coastal processes.” But the department of the environment has been warning for years that the highwater mark setbacks in the now 27 year old plan are massively insufficient to deal with the changing dynamics of the beach and the impact of climate change.

Many of the places built on the southern end of Seven Mile Beach had substantial beach fronts when they were built in the 1990s but today have no beach at all.

The precedent setting project, a major redevelopment of the existing three storey complex built some 35 years ago, is on the last remaining tranquil stretch of Seven Mile Beach which has not yet succumb to the serious beach erosion problems. But this approval of the application could be the beginning of the end for this much loved and more appropriately developed stretch of the beach.

In its reasons from granting planning permission and effectively dismissing all of the objections the CPA said it was of the view that they did not raise sufficient ground for refusing permission and accused them of making “several inflammatory and hyperbolic statements”.

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Comments (45)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The island vibe has been ruined with these high rise buildings, the tunnels, and the traffic. The airfare is quite low for high season…. think people are moving on from GC. It’s no longer the top island travel destination it once was.

  2. Chris Johnson says:

    For the many that do not know the history of Aqua Bay I will explain it in detail.
    In the very early sixties or maybe before three sisters and their husbands acquired 500 hundred feet of 7 mile beach. They imported al the wood to build three houses and two cottages on the beach. One of the husbands was Dr Lear Grimmer who treated local animals at no cost.
    He also created black coral carvings which he gave to local charities to sell to raise funds. His brother in law was the famous band leader Mitch Miller who also contributed to society.
    I know this because in 1997 I acquired the third house on the beach. For many years it was very peaceful and a lovely place to live. Regrettable one Brian Butler build on both sides of my home.
    Several years later in about 2000 I replaced my home with another one. This was after turning down many offers to sell to developers.
    Meanwhile the Palms my neighbours and Silver Sands objected to the Aqua Bay development. Their complaint fell on stony ground.
    What I have to say is that Cayman lost the plot years ago when the likes of Benson Ebanks and Norman Bodden ran the island. They had the foresight to plan where Cayman was going. That is totally lost and we are now in the hands of rogues and vagabonds.
    Many of you know me because I will not mince my works. Truth will out.
    In conclusion choose carefully at the next election .

    • Anonymous says:

      If only a very erudite governor warned us about this in the 70s…. If only.

      Natives being natives I suppose.

  3. Those who legitimize Corruption in Cayman says:

    CPA like the NRA board is full of corrupt minions ! Doing the bidding of certain minister’s who are indirectly benefiting from their decisions! That’s why they were anointed by certain ministers.They came into government in debt but they are no longer in that financial position. Only person not aware of this is their corrupt counterparts in the World Class civil service who responsibility it is to stop this corruption and to report and prosecute those who are engaged in it .But all we see are the small fish being caught and sacrificed and middle size and big fish being left alone to continue swimming in their corrupt murky waters and becoming bigger and bigger everyday.

  4. Anonymous says:

    We haven’t had a “nor’wester season” for years, which is why the southern end of the beach is in the shape it’s in.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Precisely what the DOE was asking for.
    Quick Images said it best.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I just hope that the foreign owners in there, who spout lies for their own gratification, who pollute our beloved islands with their greed gets what is coming to them, here, there, California, Majorca wherever. Karma will find you. I don’t know how they can destroy this precious part of the beach.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hate to break it to you but it’s Caymanians approving this. Truth stings.

    • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

      11:00, Sorry to say it is Caymanians who keep destroying our islands with their planning approvals. Stop blaming outsiders for our problems. We are our worst enemy in terms of destruction of our islands and lowering our overall quality of life on our islands.

      It is our GREED which is killing us.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I will always be a proud member of the ‘when we’s’ club and always be saddened by the loss of what Cayman was.

  8. Anonymous says:

    What was the outcome of all those town hall meetings earlier in the year about updating the Development Plan? Kicked into the long grass?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Private property and the redevelopment meets planning regulations. There was no legal basis to reject this as the developers met all the requirements imposed when this was initially turned down by the CPA. Property owners have rights.

    I agree with many that the objections were ridiculously hyperbolic, and consisted mainly of the usual expected fill-in-the-blank strawman arguments.

    (No doubt that many in the the neighboring condo complexes are contemplating a redevelopment plan as well for their 30 to 40 year old complexes……)

  10. Anonymous says:

    If its legal, can’t blame CPA or DOE or CIG, its legal.

    Can’t blame the developer either really, he’s got a vision that many dont agree with, but it would not come to fruition without the owners of the property agreeing.

    So there lies the blame and fault for the eyesore, which it shall be.

    the majority of Cayman are not happy about this and the precedent it sets, the only option is to change the law.

    Be careful who you vote for people….election is 5 months away, ask every candidate to sign a pledge regarding their views on changing planning laws, etc. PPM will go to 30 stories easy. So will Mac.

    If it was me, i’d ban all development road-side on SMB higher than currently exists on each parcel…however i would allow 20-30 stories on the land side of the roads.

    Hey maybe Mr Dart will go to the owners of Aqua and say, look, here’s $100M…i’ll own the land forever, you can live here rent free until you die but can’t grant your property as its mine.

    or maybe not

  11. Anonymous says:

    This is as insane as insane can be. But keep building.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Is this newly approved project endorsing the ‘managed retreat’ ideal? Nope. No retreat at all, managed or otherwise.

    I wish for a CPA that wasn’t owned by outside entities.

  13. Anonymous says:

    continue the destruction of seven mile with concrete towers. You literally cant even see the water after passing the waterfront. I hope the next set of elected government (all new faces hopefully) will reign in the planning department and issue and investigation into how this mess is allowed to continue.

    I hope it wont be more of the same, because im ready to vote you out every 4 years.

    LTD Da Unboozler

    • Anonymous says:

      You can’t see over a 1 storey building so what difference does another 9 make? Or are you a giraffe?

      • Anonymous says:

        6:16, if you grew up here and witnessed the rate of development along the SMB corridor you would understand where they are coming from with regards to not being able to see the sea anymore.

        • Anonymous says:

          Those complaining are probably the descendents of those who stole the property rights and sold it off.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Very Nice !!!

  15. DEXTER RIVERS says:

    It is obvious that any new buildings have to be higher and higher. The space on Grand Cayman is limited and we have to keep some land for trees, birds, animals and farmland. I just wish these new buildings were built further from the sea, say 200 feet. Our land scape is no longer one of the Island Time Forgot. And unless we put a moratorium on new immigrants and less reliance on increased stay over tourism, we can expect more older building to be rapidly demolished. We cannot live in the past, but we could do a better job planning and preserving the land and trees that we have left, so that the plants and animals can continue to live and us humans can feel like we live in a natural world and not a concrete jungle.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Well said Dexter. You need stand for government. I am afraid it may be too late. Consecutive governments largely led with Bush around have ignored the wisdom of their predecessors who ruled no more than three stories on SMB and no building on George Town ironshore.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with much of what you noted. BUT, until there are better candidates for Ministers, and the electorate is better educated and informed, nothing will change. It all comes down to the Caymanian population (those who can run for office and those that can elect their officials). As of now I see a bleak future for Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree in principle but these types of towers like aqua beach are not for locals, residents or guest workers. They solve no problem. They are just being built for the enjoyment of foreign multimillionaires who come here a couple of times per year and to line the developers coffers.

      • Anonymous says:

        A lot of Generational Caymanians have wealth. When your wealthy countrymen decide to build for their neighbors, change will happen. Stop blaming expats for what you yourself can change. Cayman is not so special, all developing prosperous countries have wealthy expats coming in. Unfortunately, most work to reap the benefits of their investment – Cayman seems to just complain and want that wealth to go away. Well, you just may get your desires. The lack of foresight here is regrettable.

    • SSM345 says:

      Unfortunately Dexter when those in charge operate on a 4yr contract, only the immediate future (4yrs) is taken into consideration and the impact they can have within that timeframe.

      That impact is 99% of the time shortsighted and negative.

      One must only look around for the evidence.

      Most of them probably can’t spell preservation

  16. Anonymous says:

    total non-story…precedent set elsewhere so it was always going to get approval.
    private land and private development that has followed all planning laws and regulations. nothing more to be said.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Excellent. Another glass and steel tower. Very much in keeping with the Caribbean landscape.

    • Anonymous says:

      go to the brac…you will love it there…(for a few hours)

    • Anonymous says:

      But…it’s the only way building setbacks from the ocean to reduce beach scouring can be achieved.

      • Anonymous says:

        except that they don’t set back further because it isn’t the law. it could work that way. but it doesn’t.

    • Anonymous says:

      As much as I hate to say it and many readers of this article may either agree or not, but going up the 10 story plus route may be the only way forward for Grand Cayman. Available space on the 74 odd sq miles will dwindle further as time progresses and to maximize this development space we have left, I can see the glass towers becoming the norm. Look, it’s already happening now at an ever increasing pace. Government gets to fill its coffers with repeat stamp duty on future sale transfers , at the maximum rate . Setback rules are met and the sea wall dilemma is now also overcome, hopefully allowing the beach to re-generate without a DART / CIG hare-brained proposal to bring in sand.

  18. Anonymous says:

    so glad the objectors didnt get what they want. congrats on wasting money to hire a lawyer and even go to the extent of flying in from overseas to object. these dinosaurs will be dead when the new building will be finished anyway. congrats to Mr. Butler.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Which one is next??


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