Responsible developer wants sustainable planning rules

| 03/10/2024 | 1 Comment

Top Hat writes: As a developer who strives to operate ethically and responsibly, it’s incredibly frustrating to see the lack of accountability and poor planning that continues to put both residents and the environment at risk. Development should contribute to a better, more resilient future for Grand Cayman — not worsen the flooding and infrastructure issues we’re already facing.

Recent storms have shown us that this is our new reality, and we need to respond accordingly. Yet, many projects move forward without any meaningful engagement with the community or a proper stormwater management plan.

Developers pushing for high-density construction in flood-prone areas, like the natural basins south of the Linford Pearson Highway, are not just creating immediate problems for neighbouring areas, they’re setting us all up for long-term disaster. Responsible development means considering how our projects affect not only our clients but the broader community and environment.

The fact that there is still no comprehensive national stormwater management plan in place is mind-boggling. I want to see a system that allows for thoughtful, sustainable development where the government, residents, and responsible developers can work together to prevent these issues.

But as it stands, we don’t even have transparency about who is on the so-called stormwater committee or what steps they’re taking to address the growing flood risks. Developers who cut corners, clear land indiscriminately, and ignore natural drainage systems make things worse for everyone — and yet, they face no real consequences.

Then there’s the push for an arterial road through a huge swathe of wetlands as opposed to effectively implementing a national transportation plan. This is a clear example of decisions being made without the necessary studies or data. Mangroves play a critical role in flood prevention, and to destroy them without fully understanding the consequences is reckless. We need to make informed decisions, not take shortcuts.

Developers who genuinely care about the future of this island want to do the right thing. We want clear guidelines, transparency, and a focus on long-term sustainability. But until the government takes real steps to address the underlying issues, the same bad actors will continue to exploit the system, and everyone will pay the price.

At some point, the liability will fall on those in power, and the failure to act will have serious consequences, not just for the land but for the lives and livelihoods of people in this community.

It’s time for real action. We need responsible development policies, enforced fairly, to protect Grand Cayman for the future.

This comment was posted in response to Stormwater issues become Cayman’s latest crisis.

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Category: Business, Construction, development, Local News, Viewpoint

Comments (1)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It is all based on pure greed and how much the developers can get for themselves and to hell with anyone else. Of course our CPA bunch along with the elected representatives could care less as long as they all get for themselves, just screw everyone else.


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