Ministers and PS resign amidst UPM dysfunction

| 31/10/2024 | 137 Comments
(L-R) Sabrina Turner, Andre Ebanks, Kathy Ebanks-Wilks and Heather Bodden at today’s press conference

(CNS): Deputy Premier André Ebanks, Ministers Sabrina Turner and Katherine Ebanks-Wilks, and Parliamentary Secretary Heather Bodden have resigned from the UPM Government, effective immediately. Ebanks said their position had become untenable after several months of dysfunction, disorganisation and a lack of professionalism.

He said that this and a specific “mode of operation” in handling a recent issue, coupled with the totality of how the government has been working, triggered the walkout.

Speaking at a hastily convened press conference Thursday morning, just after the four had tendered their resignations to the governor, Ebanks said the country was at risk of “erroneous decision-making and reputational damage, which could have long-term adverse consequences”.

As a result of disagreements on both principle and policy, the four had made the decision to resign and begin working on forming a group that could come together to lead the country with integrity, which Ebanks implied was in short supply on the current government benches.

He said that not all ministers had been afforded the same level of transparency and involvement to make informed decisions in the best interests of the people and the country as a whole, which is leading to the erosion of due process.

“The atmosphere in meetings does not foster objective analysis or provide a forum for a respectful exchange of differing views. In fact, there is unchecked disrespect, particularly towards women in caucus, which dissuades open dialogue and discourages healthy discourse,” Ebanks said.

“Increasingly, self-interest above country interest is reflected in decision making, which diverts funding, time and efforts from addressing national priorities and hinders equitable resolution of constituency needs,” he added.

Describing their decision as “agonising”, he said, “We owe a higher duty to the country and its people. We cannot compromise our professional integrity and our responsibility to uphold the highest standard of good governance, accountability, due process and objectivity.”

Ebanks and his colleagues would not be drawn on specifics but stated that they would be speaking with the press more in the coming days. He said that this was just day one, and they needed to gather their thoughts on the way forward and how to achieve the goal of a better government.

Ebanks said that the four MPs would remain dutiful representatives of their constituencies until the governor calls a general election, “when the people of the Cayman Islands can choose to elect a new group of principled leaders committed to good governance, professionalism, innovation and a shared vision to take our three Islands to a brighter future for this and future generations of Caymanians”.

Bernie Bush MP is currently travelling. The four MPs said they had messaged him about their decision but were unable to say if their back-bench colleague was joining them, though there was an indication that they were hopeful that he would.

This move by the group means the government no longer has a majority, but it could still hold onto power until an April election with the support of members of the PPM. In December 2012, after McKeeva Bush was ousted from the office of premier, Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and her fellow disaffected UDP colleagues, who formed the People’s National Alliance, were supported by the opposition PPM to carry the administration through to an election held six months later.

CNS has reached out to MPs who are still members of the UPM and independent opposition members. We are awaiting a response.

Check back to CNS later today for more on what is believed to have triggered this latest government crisis.

See Ebanks announce the resignations at the press conference below:

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Comments (137)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    More stoopid Ludie Games!
    These changes may be justified but 2 words are missing:
    Public Consultation..or
    District Councils.. or
    Citizens Advice!!

  2. anonymous says:

    If you don’t see that this was all part of Wayne’s retaliation you are more fool than them. Each one of these 4 owe him – mortgage, education and employment, loans, and well HB is just his loyal side kick and always has been. He is like the husband she always wanted.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wayne’s power play. Juju even has his spies in her office.

  4. Weekend says:

    Elderly Caymanians like Ms. O’Conner and Mr. Bush for government…

    I appreciate this government very much out of general respect and principle because I was raised that way.

    These days I get some help from the private sector. Thank you very much!

    Although that is where I stand with that topic, I will know the whale.

    I am figuring out a few things to establish long-term sustainability remotely, and I am eager to work on this challenging mission during the finer half of my day. My goal in mind is to avert debt and ultimately bolster financial self-sufficiency. Transient work gets me thinking.

    It is my desire that more Caymanians may come forward to open up about their thoughts about the digital literacy gap.

    Wealthy Caymanians can bring manufacturing to Cayman and have it as like
    a quick-access tool apron to pull the right tool to get the job done.

    I’ll say less, thinking about how best to accommodate my own stay-over visitors in the meantime.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The comments are full up

  6. Anonymous says:

    The Best Comment Award goes to 31/10/2024 at 2:50 pm. Unfortunately, it went over the head for many ( 10 👎so far)

    • Anonymous says:

      Will you please stop posting messages about your post. It wasn’t exactly Shakespeare, or even Hemingway.

  7. Anonymous says:

    These 4 also accepted McKeeva Bush as their lord and savior and as a result are no better than the rest.

    • Anonymous says:

      Almost impossible not to notice the timing of Mac’s announcement of his new “nonprofit venture” and todays Gang of Four jumping over the rail of Juliana’s sinking ship .

  8. Anonymous says:

    Is it time to change back from the “One Man One Vote”? I’ll admit, I was all for it in the beginning, but now I’m wondering if that was the better option or not. I’m thinking not and would prefer to spread my vote around.

    • Politricks, politricks who gan get in says:

      4:04 you are so right. all OF the high falluting big brains thought this would be the panacea for better government of these islands. they however did not take into consideration the lack of civic and political savy OF the Ci people who have been indoctrinated by the merchant class to accept largesse for vote in our past. in terms of the present the element of foreign investment has brought another element to the problem which with one man one vote which has allowed for a populist style of politics fuelled by foreign money which allows for vote buying to reach the hands of persons who care not for country to become MPS without knowledge, sense respect for laws or constitution or love of country which in the end foments the type of crisis we are now experiencing.

      So where will it all end. Our days of stable government seems to have come to an end. THE BLOKES called ppm are NOT OUR Saviors, trust me for they have bills pay for and to their Patrons and their political funding: more of the same i say but perhaps better disguised.

      A new vision for the cayman islands needs to be formed , one which is subscribed to by men and women of integrity, wisdom and loyalty to country and its people. one which seeks to educate people as to the responsibilities of the elected and those who elect them to work together not against each other. A vision that eschews the essence and pride of being a caymanian willing to fight for our rights and die for country if necessary, forging bonds of love and prosperity from east to west and north to south of these Cayman Islands. A vision for people to stop talking behind closed doors and rise up against injustice, malfesance and any local or foreign threat to our well being as Caymanians.

      Caymanians lets stand up and MOVEUP, SHAKE THINGS UP, SAY no TO VOTE MONEY. Its not too late for a better today and tomorrow.

      MAY the Creator of the Universe continue to Watch over Us All.

  9. Anonymous says:

    These four + PPM (in coalition) = 10.

    Andre for Premier. Joey as Deputy.


  10. Anonymous says:

    Finally, the Independents are standing up to the Old Guard.

  11. Anonymous says:

    You don’t even need to guess the rotten apples they’re referring to.

  12. SSM345 says:

    Looks like Andre and Co. are sponsored by Testicular Fortitude unlike Castrated Chris.

  13. Anonymous says:

    “Unchecked disrespect, particularly towards women in Caucus”. I just can’t imagine which 3 that might be.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Let’s review the record after decades of so-called ‘multigenerational* Caymanian politicians’ (* you’re all expats, some just arrived earlier than others). In no particular order:

    – The dump.
    – “Five-mile (and shrinking) Beach”.
    – The public ‘transport system’.
    – Saunders’ transparent attempt to introduce garrison politics.
    – Kenneth Bryan’s new personal Cayman Airlines’ new route to his Caribbean tourist board meetings in Barbados.
    – No restoration of the pre-covid evening Miami flights which used to be so useful for travellers coming home to Cayman.
    – Government departments taking each other to court! (Fnarr, fnarr, roll up and watch the incompetence – perhaps we could sell tickets to replace rapidly failing revenue in other areas?!)
    – The insane cost of living, which discourages both tourists and financial services workers, thus undermining both pillars of the islands’ revenue.
    – 1 in 4 children in Cayman starting primary school overweight (
    – The number of MLAs who have beaten women.
    – Jon Jon’s ‘lamp post cover-up’.
    – Bush’s persistent criminality.
    – Persistent education failure. 2021: “Almost 60% of Year 11 students miss 2021 exam targets*, 2023: “Only 27% of all students…reached the expected standards in all three core subjects of reading, writing and maths.” ( (Severe educational failure has been the norm for decades. See this Cayman Compass article from back in 2016. Nothing has changed.

    – More competently-run jurisdictions (yes, I know, it doesn’t take much) are stealing Cayman’s revenue. See this Financial Times article, “Singapore and Hong Kong vie to be the Caymans (sic) of Asia” which notes:
    “The two cities have set up new fund structures to lure wealth away from traditional offshore financial centres… Singapore established the Variable Capital Company, a fund structure that allows a wide range of potential users to shelter large pools of capital in discreet, lightly taxed wrappers domiciled in a well-regulated financial centre… Investor take-up, particularly in Singapore, has been rapid. The bankers, fund managers and lawyers involved in setting them up say their impact could be far more widespread and more disruptive than previously imagined, drawing assets and expertise into the region… The new vehicles represent a direct challenge to traditional offshore finance centres whose success has been built on privacy and low taxes and whose economies are heavily dependent on the revenue generated by financial services… Singaporean authorities, frustrated at the tendency of local fund managers to register investment vehicles offshore rather than in Singapore itself, launched the rival VCC in 2020. It made it easier for overseas and domestic entities to register an investment vehicle in Singapore… For Singapore the rush to establish the new structures has been especially pronounced. “Prior to 2020 the vast majority of Singaporean managers had their funds in offshore jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands, Mauritius or Luxembourg. Now the tables have turned,” says Mahip Gupta, a partner at Singapore-based Dhruva Advisors.“ Since the Variable Capital Company structure was introduced, most have chosen Singapore as their fund domiciliation hub.””, 20 March 2023.

    – They are succeeding, heralding the start of the slow death of the financial services sector: Cayman’s own Economics and Statistics Office (ESO) August 2022 warning that banks and trusts are moving off island: “Banks & Trusts: The total value of international banking assets domiciled in the Cayman Islands declined by 12.9 percent… Similarly, international liabilities domiciled locally fell by 13.0 percent…” (, page 27).

    Cayman is in a downward spiral and doom loop, due to its dysfunctional politicians. Many expats are preparing contingency plans for when the MLA Moron Mob eventually finish the place off. Sadly, because of the political system, it’s probably beyond salvage. Make your money, and prepare to get out in 5-10 years at most:

    1. Expats can’t engage in politics: even those of us with status can’t stand for election. Colleagues without status can’t risk annoying people and losing their work permit by being openly critical (hence anonymous CNS comments are the only source of dissent).

    2. It’s tragic, but no intelligent and honest Caymanian could ever be sensibly advised to go into politics, as that would trap them on this tiny, incompetently run spec of land in the middle of the Caribbean. Consequently, only bottom-feeders, knuckle-draggers and window lickers stand for election. Cayman’s best and brightest are busy developing the ability to work overseas, in proper careers. Anyone sensible is pursuing a profession which gives them global opportunities, e.g. IT or accountancy. By such choices the top e.g. 75% of Caymanians self-select out of politics. The bottom 25% of remaining oxygen thieves then engage in a race to the bottom to bribe people for ‘wotes’.

    3. This is why Caymanian politicians are so uniquely awful (definitely incompetent, probably corrupt, often criminal). They have effectively excluded anyone decent from power. Every country has morons, criminals, thieves, and the congenitally dishonest among their politicians. Cayman’s problem is that political candidates seem to come *exclusively* from such people. This then exacerbates the problem identified at (2): capable, hardworking and intelligent Caymanians see the ‘death spiral’ direction of travel, and are determined to develop escape options focusing on global skills, not parochial, inbred local politics.

    4. Cayman is presently incapable of self-government. PR and status holders should be allowed to both vote and stand for election. See comments under: It won’t happen though, because the MLA Moron Mob know that (a) only idiots will vote for them; and (b) the current mob rely on there being no decent alternatives – they’re terrified by the idea of competition. PR/status voters and candidates would wreck the morons’ gravy train. As one person noted on this article, most Caymanian politicians wouldn’t be trusted with a mop and brush anywhere else in the world (or even in the private/expat sector here).

    I don’t blame intelligent, honest and hard-working Caymanians for not getting involved in politics: I picked my job to look after my children, and any Caymanian with sense will do likewise, which means being internationally employable. That does, inevitably, however mean that you are led by the dregs. Ultimately, even though I have status, I can go home: most Caymanians aren’t as fortunate, which is why I highlight the problem.

    If only there was a pool of intelligent, hard-working, well educated, highly-qualified and honest pool of people – who aren’t trapped in Cayman and thus disincentivised from politics – from whom better candidates could be identified… 🤷‍♀️. It’ll never happen, but you can’t say that you weren’t warned! 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said. Thank you

    • Anonymous says:

      Expats know better right? Than why did you leave your country to come here? So you can make Cayman more like the country you left for better opportunity?

      Ridiculous and arrogant.

      • Anonymous says:

        Grow up!

      • Anonymous says:

        … why did you leave your country..

        It depends…

        A desire for career development opportunities is one of the top reasons people come to Cayman. It allows individuals to reach new levels of professionalism.

        Skilled and unskilled labor come to Cayman for the opportunity to make money to support their families at home.

        Professional expats have no intention to stay, at least initially. Cayman is rapidly losing its appeal as a place to settle for good.

      • Anonymous says:

        @ 6pm – Are you SERIOUSLY satisfied with the current state of politics in Cayman? This isn’t about expat V ‘Generational Caymanians’. It’s about doing what is best for these islands. And the current crop of self-interested, bent and ineffectual ‘politicians’ aren’t cutting it and haven’t been for a long time. Put your hate to one side and indulge in some lateral thinking and introspection.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Expats know better right? Than (sic) why did you leave your country to come here?”

        Excellent question. For two reasons:

        1. Your record of educational achievement is execrable (e.g. “then/than”), and therefore you are desperate for us. By contrast, e.g. Singapore hasn’t had the equivalent of Roy Bodden’s xenophobic sabotaging and ‘third world-isation’ of its education system, so they don’t need expats as much.

        2. Low income tax, i.e. just work permit fees, which are about 7% of our salary.

        It’s that simple. Cayman is an abysmally-run, too hot, too humid, and too-expensive-to-live speck in the ocean. Almost the only thing going for it are the fact you need us, and the low income tax. Not no income tax, low income tax, because work permit fees are a de facto income tax.

        In summary, to quote perhaps Barack Obama’s most annoying phrase: “You didn’t build that”. That, in this case, being the economy. Expats built it, expats maintain it, and we do so both because you’re incapable of doing so yourself and because you have a low rate of income tax which is what entices us. Neither reflect well upon the locals; quite the opposite, in fact. Given the money you are haemorrhaging on education, you should be graduating 100% literate and numerate high schoolers, not 25% literate and numerate, and even then well behind first world expats’ kids.

        Plus ça change, it’s been like this for decades.

      • Anonymous says:

        6:00pm with the win.

        Game. Set. Match.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are plenty of good Caymanians who, as you say, currently won’t run if they value their careers and their family’s welfare.

      Andre is the only one who has truly made the sacrifice to run. Wayne and Roy made their money first.

      How to fix the mess:

      1. Increase the size of parliament by ten seats which represent the entire country. Anyone can run, everyone gets four votes. Top 10 national candidates are selected.

      This puts an end to the parochial paralysis. It is currently no one’s job to make good decisions for the country. Or at least not their main job.

      The larger house would also prevent a small number of venal candidates holding the entire government agenda to ransom.

      2. Make all back benchers part time. Parliament only sits a few times a year. Make it like jury service. Then no one has to give up their career to run, the total salary bill will be no higher, and part time salaries won’t be attractive to people who can’t get a real job at the best of times.

      3. Increase Minister’s salaries to 120% of their last pay check, subject to a reasonable minimum and maximum.

      That will avoid the deadbeats and incentivize the professionals and executives that cannot afford to cut their salary by 60% to serve.

      4. Do away with the crazy rules that eliminate 50% of the already-tiny talent pool. None of this “you must be 8th generation Caymanian and not have spent three years on secondment in Hong Kong. If you are Caymanian, you can run. You still have to get elected, that’s the check on whether people are Caymanian enough.

      • Tom McCallum says:

        “If you are Caymanian, you can run. You still have to get elected, that’s the check on whether people are Caymanian enough.”

        I made exactly this point to the Constitutional Commissioners when I met with them at the time the constitution was being put together.

        This remains, to me, a key element in moving us past the often farcical game of political musical chairs we have seen for quite some years now.

        Oh, whilst I agree with point 4, I disagree with point 1 (we need fewer representative for such a small country, not more), and 2 and 3 are interesting, but need discussion

    • Anonymous says:

      No more free food in educational institutions … why is this continuing?

      • Anonymous says:

        WTF? I’m all for free school meals but it needs to healthy, balanced and hopefully locally sourced. No more free fuel for CIG employees? No more free rides for politicians… or exemption from breathalyser tests?

  15. Anonymous says:

    We need to elect honest educated Caymanians who are committed to public service rather than the quest for personal profit that has been the goal of too many current and recent politicians. For that to happen we need to ensure that there is an opportunity for such people to organize campaigns and to step forward prior to any election. If we do not allow time for new people to get organized the development cartel and other corrupting elements will likely succeed in getting the corrupt politicians re-elected.

  16. Anon206 says:

    So, because these four don’t like the atmosphere at work, have to deal with some difficult people, don’t get their way, they feel that it’s appropriate, just a few months from an election, to resign? What about the uncertainty now of their ministries, what about what this does to destabilize the county, its international reputation? There are terms set for a reason, just because your huge ego is offended you don’t get to decide when an election is held?. You are paid to stick it out and fight for those who voted for you as well as those who did not. This speaks volumes about what type of ministers you are, disloyal, easily led, own interest egotists that are happy to put this country in this precarious position. It’s interesting that 3 of these four have already hopped back n forth on more than one occasion. The other is just a pawn.

    For all those out there that think a quick election would clean the slate, think again, how is this fair to those wanting to put their hat in the ring, how will they get the time to gather their campaign and let the public know who they are and what they stand for to give them a fighting chance?

    There needs to be rules against this, this is playing with democracy, finding loopholes to benefit your own interests. Andre your actions contradict your words. Smells of something very unpleasant and leads me to question their integrity. No matter what government is formed next, be very very wary of including these 4 in it, if they don’t get their way it will only lead to more disruption and childish antics.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anon26, if you can’t read between the lines or see that they are standing up to the f**kry that has held and continues to hold this Country by the nuts then you are also part of the problem because you condone the behaviors and operas morandi they are calling out and probably wote for the donkeys we have in Govt.

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘There needs to be rules against..’


      Sit down and evacuate you had your time!

    • Anonymous says:

      “So, because these four don’t like the atmosphere at work, have to deal with some difficult people, don’t get their way, they feel that it’s appropriate, just a few months from an election, to resign?’

      Yes, more than appropriate and good timing!

    • Anonymous says:

      Must be a blog from Mac, JonJom or Jay

  17. Anonymous says:

    You know exactly the individuals they’re referring to without saying.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Yes, but as long as they are Caymanian, the average Jamaican construction worker doesn’t care too much where they are originally from…he doesn’t even need to stay married; just have a Caymanian kid, and then he gets 40 points automatically on his PR application!

  19. Anonymous says:

    “Bernie Bush MP is currently travelling. The four MPs said they had messaged him about their decision but were unable to say if their back-bench colleague was joining them, though there was an indication that they were hopeful that he would.”

    And just like that, any shred of credibility they were pretending to have, was squashed like a waffle stomp.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Must be a spare Tahoe for John John now at least.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Government collapsed before Laguna Del Mar. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  22. Anonymous says:

    If they have done this for the reason they say they have then they have my respect entirely.

    Finally a group of our “leaders” have taken a stand and stood up against what we all knew on these islands.

    The next shred of integrity would be for them to petition the governor directly with their insider knowledge and evidence and clear the place out entirely.

    • Anonymous says:

      PPM warned us 3.8 years ago that this would happened. It has now happened twice. Ministers have been fired and we have seen multiple resignations. Cayman we got what we elected. An independent lead government has been a complete failure.

      When will caymanians wake up and stop electing people because they can buy us lunch our pay our bills. When we will stop electing persons who were unemployed before the election and expect that they can run this sophisticated country. Caymanians cannot blame foreigners for this debacle.

      The only thing that have saved us these past years is that we have an experienced and well lead civil service and strong Governors.

      Wayne tried Juliana tried and both failed. Right now a PPM led government is our only hope. Until Dan and his team are ready.

      Dan and the PPM need to join up and put country first.

      Another option is for Andre and the PPM to join up now along with Wayne and kick these jokers out.

      Give Andrea Sabrina Heather and travelling Cathy some credit. But not much. They should never have joined forces with Mac and others.

      New Cabinet for next week.

      Premier Alden
      Deputy Premier Andre
      Joey Hew
      Wayne Panton
      Barbara Conolly
      Moses Kirkconnell
      Roy McTaggart
      Dwayne Seymour

      Heather Kathy Sabrina David issac are all capable of being Parliamentary Secretaries. Make Julie Speaker.

      All have been successful in their private lives.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lost me at the absolute rank amateur that is Jon Jon. Why even type all your crap out just to end it with him?

      • Anonymous says:

        Noooo…progress means moving forward!

      • Anonymous says:

        REALLY? Only a blind man would miss that Wayne is orchestrating this. These 4 are all loyal to Wayne…Sabrina even more so because she owes him over $1 million.

      • Anonymous says:

        The only reason I would think that an option would be to put the breaks VERY quickly on the rampant spending (I know I know Alden wasn’t much better with the schools etc) until the general election next year so hopefully a proper government slate can be elected.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nope. Progressives are the source of 100 million plus high schools. JOCC needs to retire for her wasteful spending and self tribute Brac school.

      • Anonymous says:

        Anyone who puts Seymour in a potential government shows they’re not on the ball, 3:38. Try again. He is an unintelligent out for himself moron MP as his attitude to minimum wage shows….to say nothing of the other stuff about hitting the excavator in the middle of the road etc etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think Heather and Kathy are both as capable of being Ministers as Dwayne Seymour

  23. Anonymous says:

    Dissolve the government and call new elections. We will all vote next week, the same day as US elections, and this way we don’t have to be subject to any campaigning.
    Everyone just go to their assigned polling place and write the name of 19 candidates. At the end of the vote the 19 people with the most votes becomes our representatives.

    • Anonymous says:

      If it was only this easy- but i am with you on the thought.

    • Anonymous says:

      And you would still get the same bunch of clowns

      • Anonymous says:

        Sadly, I believe you are correct. The only thing less educated than our Ministers is the electorate.

        • Anonymous says:

          How does this ratio get worse when we keep granting status more quickly than Caymanians can procreate? The numbers are clear: there are more “Caymanians” than there are Caymanians nowadays, so how do things keep getting worse?

    • ANON says:

      I agree with you 100%. It’s a pity we can’t get rid of some the useless Chief Officers and in an ideal world the DG would be gone too.

      • Anonymous says:

        The big Wanna Be Deputy Governor joker needs to go too.
        Maybe then they would hire local men and women to be security officers of the CAYMAN ISLANDS Government..Instead of cheap labor who speak foreign languages!
        A dangerous situation islandwide!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Don’t forget they also allow theses security guards to handle your personal confidential documents. Data protection breach?

  24. Anonymous says:

    This is not true, just yesterday Jon Jon said everything was just fine. Did his “gaydar” fail because the next full moon is two weeks away?

    • Anonymous says:

      It seems the Caymanian MPs are fed up with being shouted at by the Jamaican mob, that Juju can’t control.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Ha, right after “Donkey Ryder” says he is going to change the law to make it more difficult to obtain Caymanian status…I guess that’s on the backburner now for the millionth time.

    Come one, come all and head on down to the Mango Tree and find yourself a Caymanian wife! (Only while supplies last…)

    • Anonymous says:

      Only trespassers in mango tree bud. Caymanians left long ago. Latino caymanians own that roach hole.

  26. Good Governance says:

    This. Thank you for taking a stand.

    1. The level of dysfunction and disorganisation, and a lack of professionalism, places the country at risk of erroneous decision making and reputational damage which could have long term adverse consequences.

    2. Some ministers … not afforded the same level of transparency and involvement to make informed decisions in the best interests of the people and the country as a whole which is leading to the erosion of due process.

    3. Unchecked disrespect, particularly towards women in Caucus … the atmosphere in meetings failing to foster objective analysis or provide a forum for a respectful exchange of differing views.

    4. Increasingly, self-interest above country interest and decision-making process which diverts funding, time and efforts from addressing national priorities and hinders equitable resolution of constituency needs.

    Having experience working with ministers and ministerial councillors, these four statements are unfortunately, absolutely accurate for not all, but a lot of them.

    Cayman has a large number of voters who keep returning people not fit for public office. It is time to insist on more educated and professional leaders.

    • Anonymous says:

      Where you going to get them from 1:54? Intelligent potential politicians are mostly already earning big money in the private sector and don’t want the crap that goes on in politics. Thats why we get left with the Bernies, John Johns, Kenneths, Jays etc etc of this world. Politics is the only job they ever “succeed” in and stick with.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      You have to educate the population first. It is by design that the public school system is failing.

  27. Anonymous says:

    LOL. The dysfunction began on 14 April 2021.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I say Wayne should form a new government with the 4 that resigned OR all should join PPM. I’m not a PPM fan at all but running as an independent is disastrous. They need to form a party and stick to it.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean the same Wayne that passed out Cabinet portfolios to uneducated and unqualified fools just to get to be Premier? That Wayne?

    • Anonymous says:

      You spoiled it when you mentioned PPM. Educated and principles fresh blood needed alongside the four… NONE of the others regardless of political affiliation, they all need to get out, stay out, and be stripped of their ‘honourable’ titles (which should be earned not automatic in any event).

    • Anonymous says:

      NOOOOOOO….need new..understand???

  29. Anonymous says:

    East End just got a couple inches of blacktop from the cemetery up to Skipwith Link.

    That is how progress is measured prior to an election.

    • Anonymous says:

      East End has two civic centres that can be used for Hurricane shelters and West Bay does not have any except having ground breaking twice for it. Let the Father of the House explain why West Bay does not have any.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Well done! Cause for great optimism.

  31. Ironside says:

    “Be thankful we’re not getting all the government we’re paying for.” – Will Rogers


  32. Anonymous says:

    Best news this year.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Political posturing at its most obvious.

  34. Anonymous says:

    clown show, the circus was in town

  35. Anonymous says:

    Best news in a long time! Ju ju, Jon Jon and dump truck man are hell bent on destroying this island and lining their pockets while they do it!!
    We need some new blood real quick! Someone who has Cayman’s best interests at heart!

  36. Anonymous says:

    Break the tyranny of Ju Ju, Bush, Bryant, Seymour, Saunders and whoever else associated to start a well overdue fresh uo to date Cayman!

  37. Anonymous says:

    I hope they truly are doing this for the right reasons and not jumping ship because all of us have decided they are not fit for government and they could lose their seats.

  38. Anonymous says:

    “You have reached the Canal Home Private Loan Association. Please leave your name, number and the development where you would like to live and we will get back to you.”

  39. Anonymous says:

    Not surprising, you just have to look at the clowns they appointed to run our Statutory Authorities and Government owned companies since 2021.

    I have never seen a more self-serving inept bunch, many of these Authorities and Companies experienced the worst governance they have seen in decades, yes, people talk. Consequently, the Port is a mess, our public health system is failing, affordable housing is non-existent, and the Turtle Farm and Cayman Airways continue to hemorrhage money.

    I agree with Andre; call the election; let’s get some people with strategies and vision in place, not just those who want to ensure friends and relatives are taken care of by putting them in places they have no clue how to run.

    I can’t think of a worse crop of politicians in my 40 years of voting. This one man one vote really did us in.

    • Anonymous says:

      A clean sweep of the UDP port authority appointed by Kenneth Mac and Saunders supporters is urgently needed to bring some management and Fiscal discipline to the business of running the port.
      It’s become a highly paid lunch club for the “what’s in this for me” gang.

    • Carey says:

      Absolutely! These board appointments are the worst I have ever seen in my life. Cayman Airways board is a joke. All the members do is fly up and down free, utilizing Business class seats that they could be making money on. But making money doesn’t seem to be their priority at all. A total mess! Unbelievable.

  40. Voter says:

    We need a national vote NOW.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes…but to vote in who?
      electorate cannot be trusted…just look at mac and ju-ju elected time and time again

  41. Anonymous says:

    Yabadabadooo Scooby Dooo!!! Just be careful who you choose to be with you STAY AWAY from those ole greedy backward cronies, the obvious ones!

    He is the ONLY one with a brain and acts professionally, especially on the world stage.

    Let’s hope this a new fresh beginnibg for Cayman with restored civility and respect!

    • annoymous says:

      some of the things being mentioned are the same things, Some of them are being accused of, or dare I say one in particular, who is rude and very unprofessional towards people. ONly Andre we can believe

  42. Anonymous says:

    And the sh*t show continues.

    Good on them for publicly admitting what we all know already:

    “Increasingly, self-interest above country interest is reflected in decision making, which diverts funding, time and efforts from addressing national priorities”.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Like a Madhatter’s Party.

    • Ironside says:

      “Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule—and both commonly succeed, and are right.” – H. L. Mencken

  44. Anonymous says:

    This entire government is nothing but a damn joke. A pack of monkeys could probably do a better job.

  45. Anonymous says:

    caymanians elect these people so you have no-one else to blame but yourselves.
    and to make things worse, you also prevent the most qualified and successful people on island from being elected…
    welcome to wonderland.

  46. Anonymous says:

    this should be the only option now:
    direct rule for 2 years while a new raft of political candidates are selected/vetted based on qualifications, experience and integrity. then we have new elections.

    • Anonymous says:

      Go back to England please.

      • Anonymous says:

        Can you present a compelling counter argument?

        This slate of MPS has failed at every turn.

      • Anonymous says:

        Anon at 12.31 is correct.

        Four examples of incompetence/corruption demonstrating how utterly incompetent and corrupt current Caymanian politicians are:

        1. Squandering public funds, claiming that there is a budgetary surplus, while borrowing money and allowing food import costs to skyrocket. See

        2. Unlawful delays processing permanent residence applications, and lying about it. CIG make the rules, people obey them, CIG acts dishonestly, then lies about it. This is both irrational and a breach of legitimate expectations. It doesn’t broadcast “Rule of Law” and “Stable investment location”, it proclaims “We’re going the same way as South Africa and the ANC”. See comments beneath

        3. Mount Trashmore. This should be the emblem of the Cayman Islands’ future if nothing changes: a tribal parish-council-with-delusions-of-adequacy doing nothing as a stinking biohazard pollutes the air next to their capital city.

        4. Overdue mass transit system. Local politicians are determined to make money by building roads to allow them to develop and sell land they own. Call it what it is: corruption. Quite aside from the transparent dishonesty, it’s nonsensical: more roads won’t reduce traffic. Nor will buses: they use roads, too… Look at Hong Kong, Singapore or Dubai: what’s required is a light rail system (e.g. DLR), tram system or monorail. Yes, it will be expensive. No, there’s no alternative unless you want a permanently-jammed hellscape for everyone living east of Hurley’s (What’s that, MPs? You don’t care: you just want $$$$. Of course.) EVEN BANGLADESH HAS A LIGHT RAIL SYSTEM. CAYMAN IS FALLING BEHIND THE THIRD WORLD…

        I am specifically pinning the blame on Cayman’s continuing failure to address points 1-4 above on the fact that both the electorate and all political candidates are drawn from an extraordinarily shallow gene pool. This has created – and will continue to maintain – a worsening cycle of failure and corruption. The closest comparison to Cayman now is South Africa towards the end of the Mandela years. The initial optimism has worn off, and xenophobia, jingoism and corruption are beginning to corrode the foundations of the state. See:

        The only people who really suffer in the end are Caymanians. In 10-15 years, once the wheels finally fall off, the expats can simply go home, or move to another country with better governance (i.e. most places). By definition, expats who secured work permits and status here have valuable skills. We can therefore escape. Caymanians have nowhere to go. Be careful, or the fate of Bermuda/Jamaica beckons.

        In summary, there should be far higher guardrails on who is allowed to stand for election. What are you afraid of – competence?

        • Anonymous says:

          Was the government ever competent? I’ve lived here for 25 years and they were just about as dysfunctional then as they are now. Pay millions for consultants to look like something is being done about a problem, do nothing and then kick the can down the road.

    • Anonymous says:

      Repeat, repeat, move on!

  47. My Old Cayman where are you says:

    Ministers and member of Parliament, in keeping with transparency, kindly inform the public of what “issue” you are referring to. The Caymanian public has a right to know.

  48. Anonymous says:

    the current cig circus continues…
    when will people realise…pact/upm were never elected… they had no common agenda or manifesto…they just grouped together for their own selfish needs.
    that’s what you get for voting in small minded, small town independents.

    • Anonymous says:

      WTF are you on? Every MP that is in Government currently, was voted in by the voting public. You may not like it but that is a fact.

      • Anonymous says:

        They mean the specific coalitions weren’t voted in, and that a lack of coherent policy platform to bind MPs together inevitably led to this instability and individualism.

      • Anonymous says:

        Re-read what was said, it may not have been as clear as it could be but what the OP is saying is that nobody voted for the ‘party’ of PACT/UPM, it was just constituency by constituency vote for independents who once voted in formed a team/party.

        • Anonymous says:

          And some of the candidates misled voters as to whom they would align with. Whether we like it or not we need other parties formed like the ppm for our democracy to work as designed. Good parties will properly vet their candidates, develop future leaders and then present the strongest team to us the voting public to decide on. Remember that we had the same issues of instability under the old system in the nineties and the famous coup of 2001. Having changed the constitution we have not advanced our thinking and practices to adopt its features and keep going back to the old practice of voting for the nice man or woman down the road with no idea as to who will form government. Following the general
          Election the real horse trading begins and a small number of salivating king builders step in bring a pack together to form a government that is not reflective of the majority’s vote. With the few determining the government for the many we do not have a functioning democracy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Plus the public purse and the entire population of Cayman are all being held to ransom by someone only 300 or so on the Brac voted for.

    • Anonymous says:

      Add…uneducated unprincipled unemployables lacking integrity.


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