Mac launches non-profit ahead of plans for re-election

| 23/10/2024 | 147 Comments
McKeeva Bush announces the launch of the OBC

(CNS): McKeeva Bush MP (WBW) will be running for office again despite previous comments that he was stepping away from the political fray. On Wednesday, Bush launched what he described as a non-profit organisation (NPO), which he is inviting people to join. He said it will eventually shape into a new political group and hopes to field enough candidates to “win a majority” on a common policy platform.

At a press conference in the parliament building to introduce the NPO, Bush called the current administration a “mess” that remains plagued by internal disagreement but has not yet confirmed who will join him on the campaign trail.

He named several people that he supports, including government colleagues André Ebanks, Kathy Ebanks-Wilks, Jay Ebanks and Kenneth Bryan and independent opposition MP Chris Saunders, and implied that he would like these individuals to join him.

Bush said he had “spoken to” them about his new non-profit, which he has named the Organization for a Better Cayman Islands (OBC), but that so far, no one had confirmed that they would be running for office on this new platform.

CNS has reached out to the MPs he named, and we are awaiting a response.

Bush said this non-profit is not a political party. The aim is for people to join the OBC and establish a board, which will develop a manifesto setting out a policy platform on which the group of candidates that the board selects will stand.

He said there were some good current MPs who should be returned to office, but there were others who should be replaced, and he urged those who have run in the past to have another go.

Bush said he was not looking for a leadership position in any future government, and even if he did not win his own seat — though he was very confident he would win — he would still work on helping to shape the non-profit and its goals.

“It was not my intention to stand for re-election next year,” Bush said. “However, based on strong encouragement from my West Bay community and all over the island and some members of this parliament, I have decided to stand for election next year if certain conditions are met and they agree to focus on nation-building and the creation of institutions that will serve our people long after many of us have departed from politics and this earth.”

Although he has no confirmed candidates and few specific policies have been set out, Bush offered his views on some of the challenges that the country is facing and “some very hard issues” to solve. He was critical of the current administration, which he indicated was still troubled by infighting and disagreements, and said the alliances in this government since the election had failed.

He also took direct aim at Health Minister Sabrina Turner in particular, accusing her of failing in her role by being “so hands off” over the delays relating to the much-needed mental health facility. He said that if he were in charge of Cabinet, he would have removed her from the ministry.

Bush is not a member of Cabinet, but as parliamentary secretary for the border control and labour ministry and the planning ministry, he has worked with the UPM since Wayne Panton was ousted as premier in November last year.

Nevertheless, he made it clear that he thought this administration still wasn’t working because it was impossible for its members to agree on policy positions. He said that even with the collective responsibility of the Cabinet, Premier Julianna-O’Connor-Connolly has a hard job keeping the ministers in line because everyone in the government claims they were elected on their own. He said that alliances, rather than parties or groups, have not worked.

Asked if he believed the former PPM administration was a better government than this one, Bush fell short of saying it was better but made it clear he preferred it and “got along” better with that group.

Bush, too, is in disagreement with his colleagues and has also made it clear that if the OBC candidates win the majority, they will immediately begin plans for cruise berthing facilities, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. Even if there is a ‘no’ vote, he does not believe that would properly represent the people’s views, he said.

Next year, when he stands for what he has said really will be the last time, Bush will have been in office for forty years. He accepted that, given the concern he has about doing things better, people will ask why he has not already addressed the issues over those four decades.

“I want to say right here, right now, that they are right to ask that question because I, too, ask myself those same questions,” he said. “How could I have done it better? How could I have done it differently?

“The passage of time and hindsight have given me some answers, and one of those answers is that I should have engaged the people of the Cayman Islands more and explained to them the vision that I was working towards. My presence here today and having this press conference is me learning to do things better and differently,” he added.

Bush said he believes that he has a duty and a responsibility to have a “frank and honest conversation” with the Caymanian people and all those who live here.

“Simply put, we must do a better job of building institutions that will serve, protect and prepare the people of the Cayman Islands for the challenges that we are now facing and will continue to face. As I said earlier, we need to put our differences aside, live better with each other, and rebuild a community that creates opportunity for our people where we can once again share and care for each other,” Bush stated.

Listing what he had already done, Bush said his political experience had given him the “impetus and encouragement to create the non-profit Organization for a Better Cayman.” While a lot of good has been done, there is still a lot more to be done, he said.

“There are many good people that are elected now and there are some of them I would like to see returned next year,” he said. “There are also others that I would love to see try throw their hat into the ring again as I believe they have a lot to offer. I ask them to not be discouraged if they lost before.”

Bush said he planned to meet with other people that he believes have a lot to offer and will encourage them to run.

“I won’t call their names here as I don’t want to get them in trouble with their employers,” he said. “To those thinking about getting into representative politics, I can say that despite the challenges, it is still a noble cause. Don’t let all the negativity discourage you from considering public service. As I enter the twilight of my life in politics, I have no desire to play any leadership role other than to see the parliament a better place than when I entered it.”

Bush told the press that the aim now was to start building this new organisation from the ground up and be ready in time for the election to field as many candidates as possible to win.

See the outline of Bush’s OBC below:

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Category: 2025 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (147)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    caymanians elect these people so you have no-one else to blame but yourselves.
    and to make things worse, you also prevent the most qualified and successful people on island from being elected…
    welcome to wonderland.

  2. Anonymous says:

    easy solution to this. ppm and upm just come out and say they will not form a government with mac or his new party.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Why would anyone support or trust this person. Just look at his history. An absolute disgrace and an embarrassment to our country.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cayman’s Baby Trump will never go away.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Does DCI recall why his last one was shut down? How short are memories in Cayman?!?

  6. Anonymous says:

    why is he still in politics? Enough is enough! He stated “the current administration is a mess” and yet has invited the same politicians to form a new political party” more of nothing. They ALL NEED TO GO!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t he already have one that had.. ‘questionable’ accounting practices? Something about missing account statements right before the law was passed that all NPOs needed to make their statements public?

  8. Ironside says:

    “Bush said he had “spoken to” them about his new non-profit, which he has named the Organization for a Better Cayman Islands (OBC),”


    I have another name for the acronym, OBC.

    Old Bush Con.

    Is that a descriptive fit?

    Term Limits for elected MP’s, please hurry come! But it’s not likely with the ones holding onto the 3 P’s — Power, Privilege and Prestige. Not to mention the money!

    “The government consists of a gang of men” (and women)…”exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office.” – H. L. Mencken

  9. Anonymous says:

    So, is this the new party by Don?

  10. Anonymous says:

    And there you have it folks. A list of Mac’s likeminded and ethically challenged politicians. God help us if this crew forms our next government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Think about this If Kenneth Bernie Mac Jay Sabrina Kathy lost the election what would they do.

      Kenneth perhaps a talk show host
      Bernie remain unemployed
      Mac reopen landscaping business
      Jay go back to construction work
      Kathy legal secretary
      Sabrina reopen her immigration service

      How many of you would employ them.

      Why do we think this group can run our country.

  11. Anonymous says:

    And there we all were thinking the worst of the virus had passed.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Who wrote all this for him?

    Was there not a Speaker of the House visiting from UK a few months ago? What was the reason of his visit?

    Who is behind writing this not from Bushy’s mouth or writing…?

    • Anonymous says:

      Me thinks a group of people were working earnestly to put a new group together and made the mistake of sharing the document with MacDaddy who went out on his own and announced it.

  13. Anonymous says:

    “Simply put, we must “…” stop electing convicted criminals, drunks and gambling addicts.

  14. Corruption is endemic says:

    All I can say is it’s never non-profit where McKeeva is concerned.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Something tells me that this won’t be non profit.

  16. Anonymous says:

    27 voters. That was the margin of victory in WBW in 2021.

    • WBW voter NOT in favor of Mac says:

      as a WBW voter who did NOT vote for Mac, this gives me hope that we have enough newly registered voters in our district to get this guy OUT!! Please please vote him out, there are too many of us in WBW that are sick of being stereotyped into the Mac clown posse! We don’t want him!! go away!

  17. Anon says:

    please Katharine, Andre you can’t join him.

    I don’t know if I care about the others, hoping KB won’t get in again.

  18. Anonymous says:

    ‘Even if there is a ‘no’ vote, he does not believe that would properly represent the people’s views, he said.’ So a dictatorship then? Have a referendum for the sake of democratic principles, but ignore the outcome if it doesn’t align with what he wants.

    • Anonymous says:

      To use his own words, I do not believe Mac is representative of the people with a 27 vote majority, so let us also ignore that vote.

  19. Anonymous says:

    You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. In the name of God, go.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I’m interested to see who’s going to put their hands up to align themselves and enable this despicable filth of a character, ….. but then hey, Wayne did… 😔😔😔

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes that was shocking. But instructive.

    • Anonymous says:

      why is he still in politics? Enough is enough! He stated “the current administration is a mess” and yet has invited the same politicians to form a new political party” more of nothing. They ALL NEED TO GO!

  21. Anonymous says:

    I can’t help but read this article and think about Mr Ezzard Miller’s letter the other day. Seeing oafs like McKeeva put himself forward for a position of authority, and we wonder why young Caymanians have no serious role models with good old fashioned Caymanians values? Why bother with that, when you can spend on government credit cards, harass women, and buy your support? Seriously, why does anyone give this guy the time of day?? He’s nothing but a self-serving drain on Caymanian resources. Don’t get drawn in, Cayman!

  22. WBW Czar. says:

    We do need a fresh slate of people to stand for election and I think this is a great step in the right direction.

  23. Diogenes of Cayman says:

    If Mckeeva was really interested in leaving Parliament in a better state than he found it he would vacate his seat immediately.

    That would be a immediate marked improvement, he should have been expelled from Parliament following his conviction but no one in Cayman is held accountable for their actions other than regular Caymanians

  24. Chris Johnson says:

    If Bush is forming a not for profit does that mean all other parties are in the game for a profit

  25. Anonymous says:

    no thanks…
    direct rule for 2 years while a new raft of political candidates are selected/vetted based on qualifications, experience and integrity. then we have new elections.

  26. Anonymous says:

    fyi mac, im not sure what your plan is for interest rates. however, we cannot set our own interest rates since we are pegged to the USD.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Something tells me this will not be the last new organization/party announced before election season

    • Anonymous says:

      It is truly depressing that the future of this wonderful place , is going to be in the hands of the likes of Mac Kenneth Saunders and Seymour.
      Each with a past that nobody could be proud of , a future we must all fear, and none with a shred of education or integrity
      Mac in power will mean that these parasites will finish the job of Cayman’s descent into the cess pit.


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