CIG spends $1.1M more on land to block development

| 01/10/2024 | 6 Comments
Cayman Islands Government buys Mariners Cove, Cayman News Service
Mariners Cove (from social media)

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has used public cash to buy another two pieces of land costing more than CI$1.1 million, the Ministry of Lands has confirmed. According to a brief summary of a recent Cabinet meeting, the ministers approved the purchase of both pieces of land for conservation reasons. However, officials told CNS that the acquisitions were made to prevent development and maintain access to the ocean.

The CIG paid CI$650,000 for just over two acres in Little Cayman (block 88A parcel 3) and CI$455,000 for land (block 25B parcel 243) adjacent to the old Mariners Cove site.

The recent acquisitions, approved by Cabinet in its 10 September meeting, are in addition to purchases revealed in response to a freedom of information request made by a CNS reader.

The FOI request revealed that since the elections in 2021, the CIG (first PACT and now the UPM) has spent at least CI$45.5 million acquiring more than 60 pieces of land, most of them purchased over the last 18 months. CI$12 million was spent buying land on Cayman Brac alone. The CIG also spent over $2.1 million on Scranton Park and some $20 million for beach access on all three islands.

Some of the lots, including some of the more expensive acquisitions, appear to have been financed by the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF). However, despite the government’s claim that much of this land is for conservation purposes, less than C$1.6 million has been spent on buying land to actually conserve endangered natural habitats or species.

The Department of Environment confirmed that neither of these two new plots bought by the government was a priority for specific species or habitat conservation.

Lands and Survey said the National Conservation Council was consulted under section 41 of the National Conservation Act, as is the case with all land acquisitions, prior to Cabinet approval of the acquisition of the parcels.

Officials also stated that the land was bought using the budget line EA146 Land Purchases: Conservation, which is not listed on the appropriations bill passed in parliament following the delivery of the 2024/25 Budget last year.

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Category: Government Finance, Land Habitat, Politics, Science & Nature

Comments (6)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Probably the best money government will spend ! Outside of assisting people in need and education scholarships.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Since it’s taxpayers money being used, they will be disclosing the beneficia owners of the property, right 😂

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is how corruption is now being done. Blatant and massive misuse of public funds in many of these purchases. The politicians are out of control and aided and abetted by the Civil Service.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Honestly, this is one of the few things CIG does that i openly support.

    We need a sovereign wealth fund specifically earmarked for purchasing key pieces of land and holding them back from development and privatization. These areas should be held in public trust and with the requirement that any modification of the land by government must be put forward to public vote for approval.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Conservation for the endangered Caymanian is also super important and I applaud the government for doing this although they should be doing much more.


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