$160k of work underway at CKIA on Cayman Brac

| 28/10/2024 | 15 Comments
Cayman News Service
Captain Charles Kirkconnell International Airport, Cayman Brac

(CNS): Work began on Monday at Charles Kirkconnell International Airport (CKIA) on Cayman Brac to upgrade the passenger and cabin baggage security screening checkpoint area and administrative offices. The work is estimated to cost about CI$160,000 and is a separate project and budget from the anticipated wider upgrades outside based on the master plan, which is currently undergoing an environmental impact assessment. The work is expected to take three months to finish.

This indoor work will see the baggage security screening area undergo a comprehensive redesign aimed at improving the overall flow of passengers and enhancing safety. These changes will address the current challenges, including congestion and delays, and create a smoother, more efficient screening process, ultimately reducing bottlenecks during peak travel times.

New state-of-the-art advanced security screening equipment, including a walk-through metal detector and x-ray machine, will be installed. The renovation works in the security checkpoint area will also include new flooring installation, fresh painting of the area and replacement of the existing drop ceiling.

The offices will undergo renovations and redesigns to optimise the working environment for staff. This will involve reconfiguring office space and updating the aesthetics to create a more modern and efficient workspace. Works in the administrative offices will include removing a wall and constructing a new one, installing new flooring, fresh painting of the area and replacing the existing drop ceiling.

In a press release, the Cayman Islands Airport Authority said it was committed to ensuring these upgrades cause minimal disruption to airport operations and appreciates the travelling public’s understanding as the work gets underway.

Travellers are reminded that the recommended check-in time is no later than one hour prior to departure for domestic jet flights and no later than 30 minutes for domestic express flights. However, for the duration of this project, it is suggested to add 30 minutes to those times, which will help to minimise any potential delays at the passenger and cabin baggage security checkpoint on departure due to these works being conducted at Charles Kirkconnell International Airport.

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Category: Local News, Travel

Comments (15)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    And the Premier is calling for the UK to take off the FFR shackles…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Another private sector board. Watch this carefully.

  3. Anonymous says:

    As someone who was born and raised in the Brac, then moved over to Grand after getting a degree, I have a genuine questions for the barrage of downvoters:

    Why is it that the sister islands are treated like the black sheep of the family? The forgotten sisters.. it’s like any time literally anything is done for the Brac, Grand Cayman immediately uproars.

    This is not a case of Juju paving private driveways – the airport is for all of us – so save the emotional outburst and be objective for a second. Why did you react angrily to a public – not private – airport upgrade?

    By the way, “ca dem brackas dont need dat!” is not a valid answer here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because the brac is a false economy and a money pit.
      What income does the brac generate for the naional budget.
      How many islands of that size and population have an international airport wuth a runway that size.
      Look at Montserrat or Anguila.
      They have a far greater population but nothing as ridiculous as that airport.
      It is a social welfare island.
      Decentralize government. Move the prison.
      Time for the brac to start paying its way.

      • Anonymous says:

        So you’re outraged that %0.016 of the annual budget is being used on the Brac.

        Imagine not wanting the best for every last square mile of these islands. You do realize that the sister islands’ scuba diving product is world class, and the bluff offers a unique tourism experience also? It’s all part of our tourism package.

        Letting the sister islands rot definitely isn’t going to boost their economy and reduce “welfare” demand. What? You expect every last person living there to close up shop and move away? Shut down the sisters islands’ borders and only leave the iguanas??

        Your mentality is quite frankly unapologetically disgusting and if you’re Caymanian by blood your ancestors must be rolling in their grave.

        • Anonymous says:

          50 million dollar school is 0.016 of budget

          Bracenomics at its best

          • Anonymous says:

            Don’t worreh teedee, I get it why you salty like drift wood and I don’t mean to quote Ozzy.

            Over 10x that figure has been spent on schools in Grand Cayman over the past two decades and unna children still can’t top Brac grades all now.

            People literally move from Grand to school their children in the Brac for the better quality education.

            But hey, enjoy your traffic and loss of true Caymanian identity as Grand turns into a diluted pot of piss; a crying shame of what once was all in the name of over development because expats who move here only care about their gated community’s upkeep and to hell with the lower class natives who depend on “welfare” to upgrade airport security.

            Cayman gone.

            • Anonymous says:

              Not hard to get a quality education when there are a dozen pupils, same with jobs afterwards when brackas only look after their own in the civil service.

              brackas, what a uniquely successful race. Saying that, easy done when the Government is the largest employer.

        • Beaumont Zodecloun says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Good it’s over due. I spoke about the over crowding in the arrival area on the talk show and spoke to both of the Brac MP’s. Happy to know they doing something now , Thanks

  4. anonymous says:

    The Premier giving work to her family….again.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Should be an uncontrolled regional airport.
    Social welfare jobs

  6. Anonymous says:

    Let us hope that the works will improve the baggage claim area.

    Anyone who comes to the Brac on the jet should be able to tell you how crowded it is around the conveyor belt, and how long it takes you to get your bags.

    Caymankind at its best???

  7. Anonymous says:

    This appears to be good value for money. I hope to see more of the same.


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