Masked men rob WB grocery shop at knifepoint

| 28/09/2024 | 1 Comment
McRuss grocery store in West Bay

(CNS): Police are on the lookout for two tall, slim men who robbed the McRuss grocery store on Mount Pleasant Road in West Bay shortly before 4:00am Saturday. It was reported that two masked men entered the shop armed with bladed weapons and demanded money from the staff. After taking an undisclosed quantity of cash, the men left the location on foot towards Mona Lisa Way. There were no reported injuries as a result of the incident.

The matter is currently under investigation by West Bay CID. Anyone with any information is asked to contact 949-3999. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS confidential tip line on 949 7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to the Cayman Crime Stoppers website.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    ..before 4:00am Saturday. Shops are open then??

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