Police, CBC recruiting only Caymanians and PRs
(CNS): Information circulated on social media implying that the RCIPS and the Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control (CBC) have deliberately failed Caymanians in their recent local recruitment drives by hiring nationals from other jurisdictions over local candidates is false, the police said in a release.
The eligibility criteria for these recruitment drives include that candidates must have Caymanian status or permanent residency with the right to work, both agencies have said. The police began looking for new recruits in April, and 16 people so far have passed the full eligibility criteria to become constables and 13 to become auxiliaries.
In a social media post, CBC said it received 533 applications during its recent recruitment process. From these, 17 Caymanians were selected, and they began training as customs recruits on Tuesday.
The RCIPS issued a press release Friday evening stating that over 800 people had applied to join the police, and 354 of those met the eligibility requirements. Commissioner Kurt Walton said the RCIPS would not compromise its standards by employing individuals who do not meet the requirements to become police officers. “Our commitment is to uphold the highest standards of integrity, fairness, and transparency throughout the recruitment process,” he said.
In the release, the RCIPS said that following an initial vetting process, 137 of the 533 applicants were invited to sit the entrance exam on numeracy, literacy and comprehension skills. Several candidates indicated that they were unable to attend on the date of the exams held on Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac, so efforts were made to accommodate these candidates by scheduling further opportunities.
After these exams, 51 candidates were invited to undergo the fitness test. Eight other candidates failed to advance further after additional background checks revealed they did not meet the eligibility requirements.
At this point, 16 candidates have passed the full eligibility criteria and have been recruited as trainee police constables, and another 13 have met the criteria as auxiliary constable recruits.
The RCIPS said its vetting process is ongoing, including thorough checks of individuals’ immigration status. This further demonstrates its commitment to ensuring that only Caymanians and people with permanent residency and the right to work are invited to join the RCIPS.
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If >80% of the HMP Northward population and Court Cause Lists are mutli-generation homegrown Caymanians, a great many of them lifetime recidivists, then how does hiring their Caymanian relations, football chums, dominos neighbours, and primary school friends deliver the missing law and order? Surely if that were a magic recipe for success, we would have no crime.
And when will they start doing up speed traps on the roads? 6:30am is the worst time to be on any bypass.
Yes, because after that time, it’s gridlock.
After reading this it is safe to say as an expat it makes no sense to even attempt applying for either position.
Apart from the recruiting tests do our police officers ever take a fitness test on a regular basis to ensure they can pursue our criminal element in a foot chase?.
If a tree falls in the forest…
How many of the Caymanians are Jamaicans?
6:42 What part didn’t you understand?… “Only Caymanians and PRs”. You might actually be one of the fools spreading trash on social media.
Poster meant multi generational Caymanians
The problem isn’t recruiting police officers, it’s keeping them. It would be interesting to see the attrition rate over the last few years.
29 from 533 – just over 5% – get to even start the recruit course. 9% of initial pipeline applicants for the US Navy SEALs make it through to complete SEAL qualification! Who knew that RCIPS and CBC were an elite force
Finally, however there’s plenty of yardbirds in the ranks that need a culling.
This is the main issue we have here. But they really need to keep a few Brits as hardly any of them here know of PACE, only heard of it!
We don’t care where the hundreds of headcount come from – that is irrelevant and dripping with bias. All we care about is whether the massive officer headcount are managed properly so as to regularly show up for work, accept, and preform their respective public duties, or be replaced by someone who will. The RCIPS is aching for a full and deep management review to help explain how there can still be no deployed traffic department on our roads…this is so obviously a management problem, not solved by more green recruits.
TBH, we have a massive problem with officers from a certain neighbouring country.
Cayman has really lost the plot when it comes to law enforcement and regulation in all its many varieties.
There should be (and should have been from decades ago) effective CIG cadet programs to foster and ensure that from before school graduation, young people in sufficient numbers are identified and channelled into RCIPS and other critically important departments, including Immigration, CBP, DOE, CIFS, MRCU. That’s just a snippet. The list is long.
It is beyond ridiculous that Cayman and Caymanians have allowed so many of these responsibilities to be abdicated to foreigners who simply do not have the weight of culture and heritage needed to effectively perform with the necessary authority.
Cayman is drifting aimlessly and CIG needs to step up, lead and emphasize a culture of lawfulness before it is too late. We are almost past the tipping point now.
I know it is hard, with the dismal calibre of politicians that we have, but the the Civil Service needs to take a stand. For the good of the territory.
“identified and channelled”! You mean eliminate the element of choice – like National Service?
becareful we don’t get an overdose if you know what i mean
Being Caymanian does not confer any magical sleuthing talent, rigour, or even honesty. It has nothing to do with police work, and some might say the introduction of a strong possibility of an inverse relationship given likely connections to predominantly home-grown serial offenders.
Hmmmm. 3.19% made it to CBC training, and 3.63% made it to RCIPS training. And how many will actually complete the training successfully?
And we wonder why we need the ex-pats !?!?
Rather it be quality than quantity. The CBC and especially RCIPS suffer from a severely degraded public image and trust problem coupled with they are not seen as attractive professions by Caymanians. Damage is done, this will take decades to fix and even longer if any more politicians suffer no penalties for running into light poles.
how about reduce their numbers???….
civil service is already over staffed and underworked
If they were truly going to hire only Caymanians from an entry level, numbers would plummet. 395 front line officers – and they can only get 16 candidates into basic training from a pool of 533 applicants compiled over who knows how long a period before they ran a selection course.
They dont publish the turnover rate but that’s an intake of less than 4% of the main force, even if all the recruits pass.
Of course, they will do what they always do and recruit already serving police officers from Jamaica and other countries, saying the Cayman only policy can only apply to entry recruiting as Cayman has no pool of experienced police officers to draw from and they need to replace experienced officers who leave.