Parents warned about chickenpox outbreak in schools

| 06/06/2024 | 14 Comments

(CNS): The Public Health Department has recorded six confirmed cases of chickenpox reported within the school system. Five students and one teacher have been infected. A press release said the PHD is working closely with the schools and relevant healthcare providers to manage the situation and prevent further spread of the disease. As part of the mitigation efforts, there will be a special vaccination clinic on Saturday, 8 June, from 9am to 2pm at the Public Health Department, Smith Road Medical Centre.

“Given the highly contagious nature of chickenpox, we are undertaking swift and effective action to mitigate the spread and safeguard the health of the school community and the broader public,” Acting Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams Rodriguez said. “Chickenpox is a common but preventable disease. We urge parents and guardians to ensure their children are vaccinated. The upcoming clinic provides an excellent opportunity to get protected.”

Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Gent said all necessary measures to contain these cases and protect the community were being taken. “Our collaboration with schools and healthcare providers is crucial in this effort. We encourage everyone to follow the preventive guidelines provided,” he said.

Public Health officials said subsequent vaccination clinics were being organised and people should contact the department at 244-2889 or email for more information

Preventive Measures and Information

Ensure vaccinations are up to date. The chickenpox vaccine is effective in preventing the disease. The varicella vaccine is 92% effective at preventing all varicella. In the Cayman Islands, the varicella vaccine has been included in the vaccination schedule since 1996. Monitor for symptoms such as fever and an itchy, blister-like rash. Practice good hygiene, including regular handwashing and avoiding close contact with infected individuals.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It would be an idea to list the schools these children attend, so we can keep our kids home and prevent further spreading.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ignorant fools still haven’t learned their lesson regarding vaccines.

    What’s it going to take?

  3. Annonymous says:

    It’s actually better to get this as kid than as an adult. Kids usually don’t get too sick but it hits adults hard. I know because I had more than once and the older I was the more sick I got. (Contrary to popular belief I didn’t build up immunity until the 3rd time)

  4. Anonymous says:

    Next problem is shingles. If you’ve had chickenpox then your risk of shingles increases down the road.

  5. Anon says:

    Also it’s a live virus so if you vaccinate keep yourself home for at least 2 weeks no different then MMR . Not sure why doctors here don’t tell people this .

  6. Anonymous says:

    since when is chickenpox deadly? everyone I grew up with in the 80’s and 90’s had it and they seem fine.
    Also how are we blaming the unvaccinated when it occurred in a school and you have to be vaccinated to attend?

    CNS: The death rate for chickenpox may be very low but it mainly occurs in immunocompromised children and adults, who tend not to be able to be vaccinated. If everyone is vaccinated, it stops the spread and protects the vulnerable. Where it’s allowed to spread because of the selfish I’ll-be-fine attitude, those vulnerable people stand a much better chance of catching it and dying. Ditto all the other contagious diseases that are now easily preventable.

    Chickenpox may not be deadly for most but it can be extremely uncomfortable, especially for very young children. it can also be pretty miserable for adults who catch it.

    Regarding school entry. I have a feeling that they changed the rules a while back so that unvaccinated children could attend. I haven’t double checked this and could be wrong.

    • Anonymous says:

      You don’t have to vaccinate to go to school . This outbreak has been said cane from a recently vaccinated child

  7. Anonymous says:

    How long is the chicken pox vaccine good for ?

    • Anonymous says:

      You made it this far…why not open a web browser and answer your own question? Two lifetime doses for Varicella prevents 95% of moderate illness, 100% of severe illness.

  8. Anonymous says:

    i blame the anti-vax idjots.
    hopefully its only their kids getting it and not any that cant get the vax.
    also is it required tjst s teacher be vaxed?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Antivaxers get theirs.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Likely brought in by unvaccinated laborers.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Those who refuse to vaccinate should be refused entry to our schools. Keep your little bubble boys home and away from the normal children.


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