Gutting the NCA: Why no consultation?
Wayne Panton MP writes: It appears the UPM government is determined to undermine the National Conservation Act (NCA), Cayman’s most important piece of environmental legislation. What’s more, the government intends to gut the NCA with no mandate to do so by the people of these islands and, in fact, without any public consultation whatsoever. Why the need, why the rush and why without consultation?
The NCA was not a piece of rushed legislation.
It was talked about for more than a decade — by no less than three government administrations — before it was eventually passed in 2013. Throughout the process, members of the public were given the opportunity to hear about what was being proposed and to voice any concerns they might have. In the leadup to its passage in what was then called the Legislative Assembly in December 2013, the government hosted 17 public meetings about the proposed law across all three Cayman Islands.
Then, in the Committee stage of the legislative process, more than 30 amendments were made to address the concerns of various members of the Legislative Assembly. Many compromises were made and, in the end, all 15 members present in that Chamber at the time the vote was called voted in favour of passing what became known as the National Conservation Law. This achievement was not only a victory for the government of the day but a victory for the people of the Cayman Islands and our way of life.
But that victory didn’t sit well with some of the developers and government officials in Cayman,
who saw the need to protect and conserve Cayman’s environment as a hindrance to making
In 2017, the then Premier Alden McLaughlin, once a proclaimed strong supporter of the NCA, announced plans to gut it. He put together a committee of more than 20 people — lawyers, developers and even me. This effort came to an unceremonial end when the initiative was abandoned without a single amendment being brought forward because there was NO evidence that the NCA (nor its administrating body, the National Conservation Council) was harming development. In fact, the evidence was — and still is — to the contrary; development had taken off and it continues, virtually unabated, today.
In 2021, Premier McLaughlin acknowledged that it was clear development was going strong. In his main address to the Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce, he lauded the success of the construction sector here, saying that nearly 750 development projects were approved in 2019, with a combined total value of more than $890 million.
If anything, there is a strong feeling in the country that we are doing too much development, that we are changing too fast, and our people find it overwhelming. Even CUC, our electricity provider, is now telling us it can’t keep up with development and increasing temperatures, so we may have to endure rolling blackouts. This is Cayman, not Cuba, and reliable electricity is essential to our quality of life but obviously also to our economy. For example, it is vital to attract and retain our vital financial services industry.
How is it that we have so desperately failed to plan?
Even the chair of OfReg, in laying blame at the feet of CUC, observed that “there has been an ongoing construction boom since [2017], with larger than ever developments coming online at a faster rate than was seen between 2008 and 2011″.
In other words, in the period following the passage and implementation of the NCA, there has been more development than ever, not less as is being alleged. Were it not for the effective work of the NCC under the framework of the NCA we might have far worse consequences from ill-advised and uncontrolled development than the mess we currently have to endure. As bad as it is now, it will likely get worse with increasing impacts of climate change, which is something that the UPM administration has not prioritised.
Despite all of the evidence as to why it is essential, they are either incapable or unwilling to adopt the critically important National Climate Change Policy. Will that and the Minister be the latest victims of special interests?
So, I ask again: What is the need to amend — let alone gut — the NCA? What is the rush to do it, and why would the government not consult the public on what was, leading up to its initial passage, the Bill that probably had the most public consultation in the history of the Cayman Islands?
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Category: Land Habitat, Science & Nature, Viewpoint
I think the legislation needs to be rolled back to ensure that a moderate amount of development continues – otherwise the real estate agents will be unfairly penalized if development slows down.
Do you not have functioning eyes? Development is going crazy around here and has been for a long time. And that last group of people we need to be concerned about is the real estate cartel!
I think their eyesight is blighted by dollar signs.
The legislation affects less than 1% of projects of which only 0.3% are refused. Kinda adds perspective to who is behind all these pro development comments.
There is in the islands a cartel of “ far right” (check Wikipedia for definitions) extremists who dominate a particular local Facebook page. They love Trump and loathe Biden with vitriolic hatred. They know who they are. I would like to know their views on this subject. I hope to be surprised!
Third world, unedumacated voters want a third world Government they understand and can use. Only the educated and expats don’t want this. Better to except this as normal in grand Cayman.
MP Panton loves the Cayman Islands and definitely the environment. No doubt about that.
If MP Panton only loved Caymanians and looked out for Caymanians best interests (as much as he does the environment).
MP Panton previously tried to have the Legal Practitioners Bill 2016, which was drafted by Maples, passed without telling this to the public (but, when it was discovered, had to pulled last minute, in 2017, before that upcoming election).
MP Panton, when Premier, brought the Legal Services Act (ss.1-22, 99 and 101) into force, which the PPM forced through Parliament in the latter part of that election term, without considering relevant amendments. Wonder why that was?
MP Panton, whilst having valid criticisms about lack of public consultation with respect to the National Conservation Act, is looking very hypocritical (although he is correct about passing legislation without public consultation).
Everyone has a right to be heard, but it’s very hard to listen (especially to a good point) when it’s coming from a hypothetical position.
It’s the message that we should be most concerned about; not the messenger.
They shouldn’t gut it, they should just scrap it altogether.
Cartel bot alert!!!!
Wayne’s message is solid so all the cartel and its minions can do is to try to attack Wayne and other people who love Cayman. The attacks on Wayne and others who speak out against the destruction of our country are attempts to deter Wayne and others from speaking the truth about what developers and the politicians and so-called ‘public servants’ who work for the developers are doing.
Bottom line – the only politicians who would even consider gutting the NCA are those who are working against the people of the Cayman Islands and for the development cartel. All of the evidence clearly shows that the NCA has not slowed development at all! If anything we need to enhance the NCA and restrict development to only those projects that do not adversely affect our infrastructure and are being built for Caymanians not foreign investors.
In another time and another place a similar “cabal” was finally outvoted. It was labelled
“The Family Compact” and was kicked to the side by a populist, democratic firebrand
who got the people behind him. The plutocracy continues in much reduced form. Here, it runs rampant. SAVE THE NCC !
A Canadian has entered the chat. I bet virtually no one will get the historical reference, so I’m not sure how effective your post is here.
Minister Wayne why didn’t you voted no to EW road?
Because it is necessary. It is as necessary as it is to do it right.
I’m flooded already from the rain and they asphalt the road yet??
Hypocrisy is the word you are searching for.
No one is saying there shouldn’t be a road or development; only that any development in the future should be done in a way that best protects the environment!
It simply needs to be done right. Taking account of environmental concerns.
The amendments to the NCA were prepared by attorneys acting on the instructions of the ‘Developers Council’ – AKA the cartel. They were then passed to politicians also acting on the instructions of the cartel.
It’s not the environment causing the high cost of living.
If we stabilise our population size and ban overseas buyers we can fix the housing crisis. Agree / disagree?
It isn’t so simple, Choppy. The Law of Unintended Consequences will come into play.
Anyone who isn’t a real estate vulture and/or developer agrees with this.
First she was supported, then Wayne got elected and she wasnt supported. Now its lets save the environment and after he gets elected, it will be the same as last time..dead silence while he wheels and deals in the dark. I notice he hasnt attended anymore LGBT rallys either…total fraud…not fooling me Wayne!!
He was the Minister who got the NCA passed after 15 years and the only Minister who stood up for civil unions. What have you done for us? Oh yeah, you’re probably part of the developer cartel who has caused us to sit in traffic for a good part of every week. Sit down, please.
Ask him what the amendments to the NCA were when it was passed? It had to be amended because it was so draconian in its first draft andit still is!
We don’t need to ask him because it’s a matter of public record. He’s admitted there were 40 amendments, but in the end, the Bill passed unanimously. If it’s so draconian, why did every single MP vote for it?
I remember it well, and it’s also on public record so easy to check. Just as with SIPL, the law was watered down significantly not because it was draconian, but because it clashed with certain interests, the same interests that raise their ugly heads again now. We all know by now that this is all about the $$$$$ so stop trying to pull wool over our eyes.
The cabal is attacking Wayne because they no that there is absolutely no reason to gut the NCA other than developer’s greed.
Thank you Mr. Wayne. We should all be behind you, if not for any other reason than your stance on environment and conservation. It really matters, Sir. Already our streets are overrun by people who don’t live here. It’s not their fault — they are just trying to make their way, but we need to cut back on ALL development and ALL influx of expat workers to fill those superfluous hotels.
Dear Wayne,
Thanks for the viewpoint. Now how about retiring as you are the one most responsible for the horrible government currently in power.
Or at least apologize for your failure to lead. It was your circus until your clowns forced you out.
Most people don’t seem to understand that the clowns were elected by the Cayman voters. Wayne tried to be ringmaster but you can only do so much when the Cayman people demand so little from their elected MP’s.
I would have resigned my seat rather than assemble that bunch into a Government, I guess the power thirst overcame him.
When “that bunch” is all you have, would it have been the best thing for the people to him to resign? That would have just brought us to the horrible place we are in much sooner.
Would you have had the PPM take the reins again instead, given their track record bowing to developers (especially Dart)? It was obvious after the last election that the PPM no longer had a mandate, but because of this inane single-member constituency system we voted in because we thought it would get rid of McKeeva, Wayne was stuck with a group of (mostly) muppets.
Didnt Wayne advocate for Single Member Constituencies where he could use his wealth and win ?
A lot of people thought it was a good idea at the time and ignored the warnings of what has happened in other small island states that have gone that route. However there were better ways of giving every voter the same weight in the election without SMCs. This has been a disaster for Cayman.
It almost did get rid of McKeeva. Mario Ebanks was short a handful of votes. Can’t remember how many.
Would you want to lead (be responsible and take the blame for) this bunch of clowns?
Perhaps Mr P did the right thing. I wouldn’t want to stay either. He would have been taking the blame for this still whereas in stepping down he has exposed the festering, rotten, ugly reality for all to see. The people WE elect into positions of power, public trust, privilege and responsibility, to protect people, islands and public purse.
Think long and hard who to vote for Cayman. Only Andre and Wayne have really represented our interests at this point.
You really believe he stepped down voluntarily?
Why has there been no consultation…. why would the developers who own the politicians allow that to happen when the developers and the politicians know that 90% of the voting population is absolutely opposed to giving developers more latitude to destroy Cayman, destroy our quality of life and impose ever increasing infrastructure costs on ordinary people?
Sing along with me …. “Money, it’s a gas, grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.”
There certainly was no public consultation on spending upwards of $65 million on the Brac High School with apartments for the builders to benefit less than 200 students. The Brac is now a separate kingdom with it’s own rules and it’s own “Governess”.
That is ‘Empress’ not Governess
Goddess to be precise.
Or at least the personal instrument of the Almighty
There were months of selective consultation – with the fraction of 1% of the population who make up the development cartel.
The vast majority of Caymanian people and other residents that were not consulted as their views are contrary to those who own the majority of our politicians.
The developer cartel were not only consulted on the proposed gutting of the NCA- they are the principal authors and architects of the destruction of the NCA and our environment.
Same Wayne that tried to get the Legal Practitioners Bill, which was written by the big Law Firms, passed in Parliament. Remember when his own Government told him to withdraw the bill after they realized his deception ?
The audacity of bringing a law written by the biggest Cabal of special interests in the country to our Parliament and not letting the country know who wrote it.
Thank God the opposition of the day found out and exposed him.
The biggest and most powerful cartel of special interests in this country is the Lodge. The Lodge is littered with PPM members and those in the developer cartel.
Don’t forget the Attorney General and the former Chief Justice.
Dont forget Wayne!!! he is a Freemason
The cabal is attacking Wayne because they know that he is telling the truth about the NCA and that there is absolutely no reason to gut the NCA other than developer’s greed.
That is true. Maples drafted. All facts:
Direct rule by UK now!
lmao shut up and go home if you want direct rule. You mouth-breathers that parrot this nonsense act like you don’t watch the news and see the shitshow going on over there right now.
Get up and do something yourself..all in Cayman hands, not Uk! You have been self-governing for decades and look where you are…change it!
It’s time to speak up! This isn’t just about the environment, it’s about our quality of life and the future of our islands.
Make sure your voice is heard. Sign the petition and use the comments section to let our government know why it matters:
Better yet – participate in a citizen initiated referendum to be run at the same time as the election asking whether you prefer preservation of our environment or paving it over for overseas investors.
Wayne trying to become relevant for the next election..God I hope Alva decides to take this joker out.
Both Wayne and Alva are jokers!
Neither are a great choice.
Why would anyone believe a word this man says?
Developer stooge
Criminal enabler
Is she supported or not? Pretty sure we all know the answer, yourself included.
See that tree you’re hugging? I peed on it.
I wouldn’t. He LIED to the entire legal profession with the Legal practitioners bill. He doesn’t care about the environment, just about hearing the sound of his own loud obnoxious voice.
Big landowners and developers have everything going for themselves currently.
They rake in profits with no taxes and they impose huge infrastructure costs that they impose upon the general fund which means the common man is paying for the problems you have and continue to cause.
End this madness and their forever political clout.
Vote for candidates that sign a pledge to make these people pay for ALL of their infrastructure costs.
No more free ride for you greedy band of brigands and scaliwags.
“When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men [and/or women] living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system which authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” -Frederic Bastiat
It is the above which encapsulates the maladministration of the Cayman Islands.
Why no consultation? Because they know they can get away with it. Because the CIG operates on a basis of closed door negotiations cloaked in a purposefully implemented lack of accountability. Because the system itself, by construct, provides for it. There is nothing new about it. It is as unacceptable, it is as reprehensible, and it is as detrimental now as it was before and will be in the future if these issues are not recognized, acknowledged, addressed and rectified.
Not one single MP, including yourself Mr. Panton, have done what is really and truly necessary for real transparency to be made a reality and an unequivocal demand written into the law itself. It is the continuation of this heinous status quo which allows for all of Cayman to be used and abused into a perpetual perpetuity from not only the inside out but also from the outside in. The Cayman Islands are corrupt and corrupted from the inside out and the outside in. The electorate are pawns.
Are you, Mr. Panton, willing to be the one or one of those who will not ask for, but demand that the changes which need to be made for the collective well being of the interests and the well being of all to be not only written into law as a demanded guiding and driving force but also make it a criminal offence for those given the privilege of positions of leadership to deliver anything other than an explicit and unmitigated transparency? Those who are unwilling to face the sanitizing qualities of direct sunlight are not now, nor were they ever, up to any good. Are you not yet aware of the damage which has been rendered as a result of allowing this status quo to continue unhindered? Of course you are Sir. So then what are you willing and/or able to do about it?
The Cayman Islands does not have a valid democracy. The proof of such is all around us and there is no way to escape that fact. We need a national vote. It is the only civilized way to break up the garrison community strongholds and the entrenched positions held by those whose quality of character and the woefully bereft lack thereof are allowed to continue their destructive, megalomaniacal, senseless, extortionate, manipulative, wasteful, pompous, self enriching, cleptocratic, sociopathic and predatorily narcissistic ways and means.
We need for the position of premier to be voted on directly by the electorate themselves/ourselves, to the explicit exclusion of any and/or all others, particularly the MP’s themselves. The system itself is a veritable whorehouse of subversively paid for undue and illegitimate influences. Do you or anyone else not see that these are necessary changes which are only the beginning of what needs to happen in order for Cayman’s trajectory to be guided into an even remotely acceptable and/or ultimately beneficial direction? If pre-existing systems need to be in one way or another laid to the side in order to allow for these direly necessary changes to take place, then so be it.
Have we, or you yourself, not seen how this cyclical farce of ‘horse trading’ (that which you were most recently at the forefront of) has repeatedly produced poisonous fruit, the undeserved empowering of nefarious political and private sector cabals whose guiding force is a self interested greed and a lust for an illegitimate power and/or influence over the decision making processes which impact one and all? There are myriad examples of negative consequence after each woefully inadequate, entirely corrupted and utterly ludicrous electoral cycle and its equally malodorous aftermath. Do we not yet know the definition of insanity? Does one, anyone, need to be reminded of it? Then why do we refer to the next election as anything other than the periodical rearranging of the deck chairs of a metaphorical Titanic?
Are you, or anyone else for that matter, not yet willing to stand up for what is really and actually necessary?
This is all a result of being unwilling and/or unable to stand and be counted for the well being and the interests of the Cayman Islands and all of her people.
That fact is you should have stood alone instead of wallowing with the pigs.
The fact is that the system which we are subjected to is more aligned with the tenets of gangland politics than anything which could even be remotely referred to as good governance and/or good governmental administration.
The fact is that special interests groups, regardless of their agenda, are given too much opportunity to surreptitiously and subversively and illegitimately force their agenda in the absence of one single iota of objective observance of all of the factors at play or anything beyond the parameters of their singularly myopic objectives.
Good sense and the collective well being of the Cayman Islands and her people have been thrown to the wayside while one extreme battles the other for supremacy.
We once again have supposed leadership at the highest level of what is quite simply just another bout of governmental maladministration who was not within the parameters of any given semblance of reality, sanity and/or cognizance decided upon by the electorate themselves/ourselves. Moreover, nor would “they” have a chance of gaining said position if it were the electorate themselves/ourselves who were to the ones who made the decision.
This is not democracy. This is not acceptable. This is not good governance.
These are the realities. We can all talk about the negative consequences, however, what we need is those who are willing to stand for a real, sustainable and valid democratic process and electoral process. It is that which Cayman really needs, first and foremost.
The Cayman Islands needs to evolve, granted through a gauntlet of multidirectional dangers and pitfalls, but we need to evolve beyond anything which by construct of colonial contract or a reliance upon a system of representative parliamentary supposed democracy which has failed us repeatedly as a small island nation and its people (call it what you will), into a place and a people who can have at the very least some semblance of hope and/or expectation of actually being represented within one’s own homeland. That does not exist in the Cayman of today and that is what needs to change forthwith.
You are right Mr. Panton. No, we are not Cuba. Not quite yet. I will tell you what we are. We are on a trajectory which mirrors and parallels the trajectory of Cuba prior to its second revolution. Not all of the parameters are the same, but the parameters which do align with Cuba’s pre-revolution realities are exactly what is and has been being perpetrated here in the Cayman of today. Those who refuse to learn from history will be made subject to the repetition of it, regardless of whether they want to or not and regardless of what the manifested retribution of that repetition will show itself as.
It is time long past to evolve beyond that which hinders our path towards a system of governmental administration which we can all believe in regardless of whether or not we can agree with the trajectory itself.
That’s a lot of words to say absolutely nothing! If you think you have all the answers then do something about it yourself.
At least you broke up what you said with some paragraphs, but, unless you have something more focused to say in long-form, you need to know one thing: less is more!
This is the government which you assembled, no?
Another pointless contribution
In actual fact, we would have been better off if Wayne’s contribution was pointless. Sadly however, it has proven catastrophic.
Exactly. He was so eager for power
What about our international obligations to ensure compliance with our sustainable development goals (SDG)? The National Conservation Council is the only body interested in protecting our environment and the developers and their puppet MPs don’t want to comply with any authority or obligation… so gut the NCA to get rid of the National Conservation Council and the obligation to provide an environmental impact assessment. Shame on all our MPs who are selling us out!! They are hurting the future prospects for the Cayman Islands and ruining our children’s future … when we become another ‘Miami beach’ with no unique Island charm… and no environment to protect. Shame on you!!
what do we expect…we have a government that won’t do interviews or press briefings?…plus we have a virtually non-existent media….
any comment mrs governor???
Only you can save us Mrs. Governor. Put the call into London and request direct rule for 3 years.
I’ve heard so much about this and it’s interesting the Plan Cayman initiative now going on.
I do not understand why our government is so reactive to everything. We need to plan.
Infrastructure is needed and we need to figure out ways to add back to our biodiversity. I do not understand why the easiest solution is always to pave and cement over. Trees offer shade and flood protection. Building farther back helps the coastline, so we can enjoy the beaches. Saving the coral reefs, keeps wave heights at smaller levels and allows nurseries of small fish to thrive. We cannot continue unchecked.
Building and in particular giving concessions, needs to include community initiatives. Why do developers get concessions and yet there is no community parks or local trees that are required? This should be standard. There should be certain amount of parking allocated, there should be increase of use of local and native vegetation and a certain amount of vegetation required per square foot.
We cannot continue this way.
Thank you for what you did in bringing the conservation law here and I hope that we can be successful in keeping it.
PlanCayman is really “BuildCayman”.
No planning involved.
The Permit and Build Department.
PermitandBuild IF you are one who ‘contributes’ to the right people
Is this the same Wayne Panton who unleashed this UPM govt on us?
Same dog puppy
People were “incentivesed” to move across the floor of Parliament.
Fool, he didn’t “unleash” anything upon us. It was a political coup. Don’t you get that?
No-one unleashed the UPM, every voter had a part in that and the next lot of jokers for 2025 not looking any better.
Define “gut”? what if the amendments just bring it in line with the Public Authorities Act? that would be a good thing because it would mean the NCC functions lawfully free from political interference!
Gut is just their tabloid headline. Nothing of the sort is being proposed
So obviously as a developer/developer’s stooge you have seen and/or helped write the proposed gutting process.
Seeing as you are in the know – Please provide details of what is being proposed and let the public judge – Oh wait – that would be a disaster for the developer cabal so you can’t let that happen.
Or, you can just all continue to speculate, with no information whatsoever and get your oversized panties all up in a twist over proposed good governance.
Gutting conservation law in favour of unsustainable development is not good governance.
How about making the NCC actually make decisions for themselves instead of delegating all their powers to Gina?
Given the NCC haven’t slowed development at all, your personal issue is showing quite badly.
The list of NCA amendments prepared by PAHI and given to the Sustainability Ministry, based on the advice of their UK based esteemed legal advisor, were essentially “gutting” the NCA.
how can the Ministry of Planning spend money revising environmental laws????
They did though. Auditor General….
Because the developers own them
Because the developers want rid of the NCC, that is why. Our politicians are influenced by the monied developers not the Cayman people. Mr. Panton was removed as Premier because he would not drink the Kool-aid. Being principled does not work with the band of greedy individuals we elected.
The email chain will soon end up on someone’s proverbial windshield.
Explain please.
Pretty sure consultation follows a bill.. Wayne knows this. Or at least he claimed that’s all that is needed when he blindsided the legal profession with the Legal Practitioners Bill. Pot, meet kettle.
Rubbish – the developer cartel were not only consulted on the proposed gutting – they essentially drafted it and supplied the bladed instrument intended for use.
Yea? Just like the big overseas outsourcing law firms drafted the legal practitioners bill. Welcome to the politics which Wayne plays. Once there’s a bill then I’ll read it and decide until then he can sit back down.
Some of you saying the amendments were drafted by the development cartel, others saying the Ministry got it drafted by UK counsel. Can you all please decide which conspiracy theory youre going with?
There is an obligation to consult with ALL stakeholders!! How could this be a democracy when we Caymanians are not consulted?? Our MPs are supposed to be working for all of us … not just the developers?? Shame on all of our MPs for being so inconsiderate to their Caymanian constituents!!! .
Shame on the electorate for electing them!
After teh bill is published there will be a consultation period, its not published yet…You are worse than Wayne …Fire …Ready Aim!!
Thanks Wayne for this valuable commentary. They need to gut it now because they know it is not supported by the people and they also know they are not going to be re-elected so this is their last shot to monetize those relationships for a post government life.
Not supported by the people????
Nobody has proposed “gutting” the NCA. The poorly drafted NCA gives too much authority to one individual post-holder. You know this.
Why the need to play politics?
This is all he has- master at pretending to care about the environment and at fooling those who don’t know him any better. Reality is that he’s just power hungry al the time.
Lies. He’s probably the only one out of the entire bunch who genuinely does care.
It needs to be completely scrapped and let the CPA handle all matters. You foolish people do not recognize how critical development is to our economy.
It’s critical that development is done correctly! Thant’s the whole reason for an EIA where major projects, or projects that may have significant impacts, are concerned.
The NCC does not make decisions. It can only decide when an EIA is required.
The result of an EIA is not a decision. It is information that goes to decision makers, either CPA or Cabinet.
that is not correct, for the love of all things holy, please actually READ the law, don’t buy the message fed to you by Panton and CMR. The NCC have significant power to DIRECT the CPA to refuse applications but they have delegated ALL their powers to a single civil servant which is a breach of good administration.
Read the law. You are mistaken, or purposely lying.
ONLY when development would affect a protected area or species. These areas and species are agreed upon by cabinet.
Read the law. And maybe the history. The NCC has directed refusal on only 7 applications to date (less than 0.1%) because they would clearly damage/harm a protected area/species.
For instance: Someone put forward a stupid plan to build over-water cabanas in a marine park. No! That’s a Marine Park! Designated for nature and the public, not private development.
Incorrect. Its not just Narine Protected Areas and Critical Habitat, the NCC must also be consulted and give conditions of approval with any adverse affects (NCA section 2 – covered by 12 examples a thru l, to the ENVIRONMENT GENERALLY. Maybe pick up the NCA are read it? or look at a CPA agenda a see how much consultation is required per NCA 41(3) on MANY applications because as the CICA judges clearly identified, the threshold is so ‘low’
Lol. You mean recommendations that can be ignored?
Exactly. Recommendations that get ignored.
So to recap: The NCC can only issue directives if building will impact a protected species/area. Otherwise, with private property, they offer recommendations to make the build more eco-friendly that can be ignored if the landowner wants.
That’s… Fair. Why change it unless you wanted to undermine protected areas that are there for nature & public enjoyment? Or not give people environmental information about their build?
this is a lie.
monkey sees monkey does
Why you lying?