Archive for June 17th, 2024

Cubans using CAL to get to mainland

Cubans using CAL to get to mainland

| 17/06/2024 | 20 Comments

(CNS): Cabinet has approved amendments to the Customs and Border Control (Visas, Entry and Landing) Regulations, 2019 to introduce in-transit visas for Cuban nationals. Statistics show that significant numbers of Cuban nationals are travelling through the Cayman Islands and onto mainland South or Central American countries on a return ticket but are not returning. Instead, […]

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US consultants working on draft housing policy

US consultants working on draft housing policy

| 17/06/2024 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Public Works LLC, the US-based consultants contracted by the UPM government to draft the Cayman Islands’ first housing policy, has begun work on that document, according to ministry officials. Since winning the CI$276,750 contract last October, the consultants have carried out a public consultation, including an online survey, and met with stakeholders and focus […]

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