Serial burglars accused of restaurant break-ins

| 27/05/2024

(CNS): Three men, described by the police as recidivist offenders with drug and alcohol dependency problems, were arrested last week in connection with three different commercial burglaries at restaurants in George Town over the last few weeks. Two have been charged with a burglary at a restaurant on South Church Street on 12 May, and the third man has been charged in relation to a break-in at a restaurant on North Church Street on 22 May.

One of the men has also been arrested for a burglary in late April at another restaurant on South Church Street. In addition to the burglaries, the three men are individually suspected of other incidents of theft that have taken place during the past several weeks.

“All three of these men are recidivist offenders, affected by drugs and alcohol, who have previously been arrested and convicted for burglary, theft and related offences,” said Detective Superintendent Peter Lansdown. “These latest incidents have once again impacted businesses in the area and will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent possible as part of our mission to keep the Cayman Islands safe.”

One of the men who has been charged is a 48-year-old from North Side. He appeared in court on 23 May, where he was remanded in custody. A 50-year-old man from Bodden Town is due to appear in court on Monday to answer the burglary charges. A 35-year-old man from George Town remains in police custody as investigations continue into the various allegations against him.

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