‘Gangsta’ makes threats to kill on social media
(CNS): A local man made a poor effort to disguise himself while making a threatening video that circulated on social media this weekend. The video, which is now under investigation by the RCIPS, shows the man talking about shooting and killing people. Although he wore a mask made from a t-shirt, it is still possible to see his features at certain angles, and he made no effort to disguise his voice. Most of the threats he made were generic, but he singled out at least one individual.
In response to CNS inquiries, the RCIPS said that they were investigating the threats made to kill, but they gave no further details about the man and whether or not he is already known to the police.
The individual posted the video on an Instagram private account in the name of 23.3bi6xx. However, the video was shared across other social media accounts.
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
People are not born this way, they are not handed a gun a disguise when they are discharged from GT Hospital. Instead most of the change starts when they get home, almost immediately.
If you’re lucky, you have until they are around 8 years old to make them law abiding productive members of society. By 12 years old it’s probably too late. By late teens it becomes their fault and they have to want to change. Change can come at any age but it becomes quite the process to wheel back the hands of time.
So look back at they’re old videos if you have them, it’s fascinating to see their traits begin to develop.
Unfortunately it’s not his fault mostly but he has to pay for it. Until he get’s tired to paying for others mistakes and changes. Quite a burden we place on his head.
It’s the old nature versus nurture argument. What you believe says a lot about you.
Until we get political reform and a reform of the education system and the mechanics of how ministers are assigned ministries, bullshit like this will continue to escalate. Lots of blame to go around but ffs everybody should be looking at juju critically at this point. The only way we can reduce the prevalence of poor parenting on this island is to drastically improve our education system. Then again why would the last crop of politicians that we have been “led” by want the population to be highly educated and capable of critical thought. Shame on all of us for letting it get to this point. Trading traffic and volume for a successful business class at the cost of our once cohesive community is the root of the majority of this but y’all don’t wanna hear that. Well hear this, this is the new cayman and if you don’t like it, you better link up and stand for something cause i promise you the inertia of fuckry in this place is not going to shift itself.
Go to Singpore and learn from them how they keep crime very low with millions of people
Legalize abortion
Yoot need a spliff or two fi mellow him out still.
I’d bet that the tint on his vehicle is not within the limits prescribed by law.
This is what happens when you keep denying young Caymanian men opportunities. Reap what you sow.
Wow – so if someone is not handed something on a plate it is acceptable for them to turn to killing and violence? There are no opportunities denied for young Caymanian men who are willing to apply themselves – the banks, accountancy firms, law firms are filled with them, there are countless successful small businesses run by young Caymanian men. This stinking attitude is the problem and people are perpetuating it. Don’t try in school, don’t apply yourself to learn a skill or a trade, and the world will still owe you something and if you don’t get it, you are entitled to take it by violence.
You and your point of view are the problem. You want everything given to you, whereas people around you have had to work for it. Any ‘young Caymanian men’ who think they have the right to rob, kill, threaten or engage in any other criminal activity in order to live are the mortal enemy. I personally don’t believe that most, or possibly ANY young Caymanian men think this way. Get a low level job and rise up through hard work like the rest of us did.
You’re right, I did see him at the last few job fairs, resume in hand.
No. It is what happens when you let Jamaican men procreate without limitation, do not enforce the Maintenance Act, and rely on an education system and standards from the Caribbean.
The fact that many Jamaican men are allowed to work in the Cayman Islands speaks volumes about their attributes. Many are hardworking, unlike some individuals of other nationalities who are lazy, dependent on women for support, and lacking ambition.
Your own Islands are reaping what you are sowing…keep reaping til it all gone!
Plenty of opportunities
Their are those who adapt gangster style life. Change the laws to deal/handle gangsters. The usual expression from politicians/lawmakers is ‘their hands are tied’.
When it comes to election and the time to make your X they are all over you with promises to blind you. Don’t be used by deceivers and worse by those who are allergic to the Admin building.
WBW Czar – You are one stupid sob!
NIce! Come for your Dream Vacation and leave in a coffin. DoT, are you being concerned?
No concern cause the real criminals are elected or in senior “GeRRnment” positions errry thing Kriss!
You make no sense Bredren. Chobble nuh nice.
You have a point; High level criminality exist everywhere but two wrongs do not make a right. Society on a whole still suffers.
I’d never ever ever ever believe that 400+ RCIPS members can’t round up a group of 60 or so gangsters on the island the size of a postal stamp.
never ever ever ever
I don’t think that’s the problem.
1. Police can bring them in, but they have to provide good well-documented evidence.
2. We need competent people to bring the charges and present the evidence. And last but not least
3. Watch a jury ignore the facts and find them not guilty.
Well articulated. These three issues are the problems.
Often RCIPS and the ODPP know whose finger was on the trigger, but:
1. The criminal standard of proof is high, and meeting the evidentiary threshold is impossible. This is particularly the case when witnesses or more formally established human intelligence sources (CHIS) are required. Potential CHISs must effectively choose between being murdered or exiled off island in witness protection for the rest of their lives.
2. It’s impossible to sack incompetent Caymanians working in the criminal justice system, and they know it. Well done to the Caymanian Protection Law, its successor statutes, and the MLAs who support it! /s
3. Juries here are even worse than those in underclass areas of the US and UK, and are overwhelmingly willing to acquit defendants (But also, see point 1 about not wanting to be murdered).
By contrast, in El Salvador in 2023 the number of homicides dropped nearly 70%: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/el-salvador-says-murders-fell-70-2023-it-cracked-down-gangs-2024-01-03
Such effective methods are however prohibited under Western so-called human “rights” laws: https://insightcrime.org/investigations/too-many-soldiers-how-bukele-crackdown-succeeded-where-others-failed
NOTHING to do with the Caymanian Protection Law. All Civil Servants, including police, prosecutors and judges are exempt. Oh, and almost none of them are from her.
How many police officers and prosecutors have been sacked in the past 5 years? Is that because they’re all great, or because it’s politically toxic to sack a Caymanian/anyone from the Caribbean? What’s more likely…
What performance monitoring takes places?
Why don’t we fund the HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate to conduct e.g. the equivalent of the following: https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmcpsi/inspections/joint-case-building-by-the-police-and-crown-prosecution-service
Why do we have jury trials here?
Thank goodness we got rid of that awful former DPP with his racist ideas about prosecutors doing their jobs.
We need a functional DPS too. What a mess they are.
I’d never ever ever ever believe that 400+ RCIPS members can’t round up a group of 60 or so gangsters on the island the size of a postal stamp.
Let’s truly hope that domestic terror threats escalate properly beyond our provincial RCIPS to the FCO, and MI6. This is above RCIPS skill-set and pay-grade.
Very unfortunate and I hope the young man gets the help he needs. The core issue is there are a lot of frustrated young Caymanians whilst violence is never the answer the two tier system here is the catalyst for this type of thinking. There is one system for some privileged Caymanians and some wealthy expatriates and then there is the rest of Caymanians with no name recognition or any type of affiliation with persons in position of power and the rest of hard working expatriates who are just trying to get by. Mark my words he is just one of the many possibly frustrated and ready to do anything in order to be heard. There will be some form of retaliation in the form of violence and it’s not just the politicians to blame its people on these sites actively disparaging Caymanians and many others under anonymous postings. As for reporting to the police I wouldn’t suggest people waste their time to report should they know the young man as they will not do anything. XXXX Wonder what ever happened to those Community Safety Officers that would be in the community assisting those young men rather than ignoring them. I guess RCIPS is still stuck in the 1988 manner of policing refusing to change.
The two tier system is called corruption and voters keep voting for continuation of that standard (especially BT), instead of organising as a power block, and campaigning for legislation and enforcement to end it, and relocate the enriched protagonists to jail.
Many have tried before to no avail, definitely easier said than done…
There is no justification to violence, ever.
Your last sentence is correct
Yea ready to do anything except get and education or learn a trade that is.Its always someone else fault.
Agree. Everything — good or bad — which ever happened to me, was ultimately my responsibility. Think about that, realise its truth, and go on from there, more properly prepared to live a full life.
part 2 to my long comments.
yes some say use cybercrimes division and find who this person is and get him arrested… However this does not fix the root cause. For too long Cayman’s Government and Police has been playing with kid gloves on this situation and making these individuals/groups get so bad that its not leading down the potential acts of serious crime but potential acts of Terrorism. Cayman lost its ability to say to the external markets that Cayman is safe to vacation or do business, unless we start taking a very hard stance on this matter.
Contraception and family planning guidance to Caymanian girls would fix “the root cause” 11.11.
The problem is the local boys breeding whomever they feel at the moment – from East to West, to south Sound.
>’Contraception and family planning guidance to Caymanian girls would fix “the root cause”’
Correct. US analyses have confirmed the obvious: that violent crime almost flows from single moms* creating boys with no fathers. The following was analzyed:
– Median family income
– Mean family income
– Median household income
– Mean household income
– Per capita income
– Family poverty rate
– Child poverty rate
– Median worker earnings
– High school graduation percentage
– Bachelor’s degree percentage
– Unemployment rate
– Labor force participation rate
– Median home value
– Median gross rent
– Percentage renting
– Home ownership percentage
Nothing was as predictive as single mother rate.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan came to much the same conclusion in 1965 while serving as an Assistant Secretary for Labor under President Lyndon Johnson when he published “The [black] Family: The Case For National Action.” In now what is now commonly known as The Moynihan Report, Moynihan urged that the Federal Government adopt a national policy for the family reconstruction, arguing that the real cause of trouble was not segregation, or a lack of voting power, but family structures highly which were “unstable and in many urban centers…approaching complete breakdown.” Children, especially boys, who grow up in fatherless homes tend not to perform extraordinarily badly.
See, inter alia:
* PS Yes, one must blame women. They are the gatekeepers to sex. Many men will f##k anything. I don’t like it, I wish it weren’t true, but it is.
You think this lot are interested in or reading in your long narrative? Nooooo…
We might also blame a system which doesn’t enforce support from the baby daddy.
Therefore the problem is the men who irresponsibly ejaculated into women and then abandoned the women. Society continues its misogynistic blame of women for a man’s violence and neglect.
Typos in previous comment. Should read:
“US analyses have confirmed the obvious: that violent crime almost entirely flows from single moms* creating boys with no fathers.”
“Children, especially boys, who grow up in fatherless homes tend to perform extraordinarily badly.”
Think they will listen?
Of course not. As the great Charlie Munger said in 1995 in his famous Psychology of Human Misjudgment speech at Harvard:
“Show me the incentives, and I’ll show you the outcome.”
The problem is that for decades, Caymanians have incensed sexual incontinence, so girls spread their legs for any Jamaican bullshit artist. Welcome to the jungle, as Cayman predictably gets ever more similar to its third world neighbours.
I suppose it’s simply reversion to the Caribbean mean: I remember Roy Bodden xenophobically trying to extinguish British influence. Well, congratulations Roy, Cayman is becoming ever more Caribbeanised!

Some of these young folks think they are gangsters. They are not. they have ideas in their mind and it…this is not an actual of criminal behaviour. This is publicly announcing that they will conduct an act of what essentially more or less boils down to Terrorism. And as Such, should be declared as an act of Domestic Terrorism.
We need to be serious about this Island, and take a very hard stance. Royal Cayman Islands Police Service and what should be a New Joint Task Group made up from: RCIPS FRU, UK’S Met Police SO-15 Counter-Terrorism Command, US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Counter-Terror and Organised Crime group, maybe as well as a Detachment
of the British Army under UK’s law of Military Aid to Civilian Authorities (MACA) (maybe Special Forces, who are known for taking on Terror groups in the Mid-East and IRA in the UK) along with specially trained members from the CI Regiment. They should come in and take a really hard stance, take down these “gangster” aka terrorists and make a public notice to these people keep this stuff out of Cayman, you can keep it in Jamaica or Colombia or Honduras or Mexico. You are NOT gonna use Cayman for your operations.
Yes, this seems drastic. However, if drastic steps are NOT taken now, then in the near future Cayman will be Doomed.
Bingo. We need to borrow police from Singapore and Dubai. Declare all these pieces of crap as domestic terrorists and let those folks handle it.
They don’t play over there. We just make our bed and act upset when we have to lay in it.
Country going to crap real fast.
This is natural selection at work. Our “so-called “gangstas” wouldn’t last a minute on the street in big cities in the US or anywhere else.
They are certainly not bloods or cripts, even if they think they are.
“Crips”, but yes, agree with you.
Smoky Bacon?
When they kill and rob and rape and steal, it no longer matters if they are “true” gangstas or not. Act like an animal, get treated like an animal. When we can identify, charge, try, convict and imprison these creeps, we will prosper. You don’t want to play using the rules of the board, you have to go play somewhere else.
Threats are a felony. Buh-bye.
The hot pink mask does bring out his eyes though… eye … I spy with my little eye someone that needs a timeout.
Idiot just got out of prison too. They know who it is already
Deportation order?
Ask why his IG has the Jamaican flag prominently displayed (before the Caymanian flag.)
They were quick to point out he is apparently a Caymanian, which is accepted if he is, but stopped short of also analyzing with equal veracity, the Accent and Culture he was attempting to emulate to deliver his threatening tirade. And the music serenading him and his crew in the background sure as hell wasn’t Quadrille!
But nah, Jamaica and her sympathizers have absolutely nothing to do with the negative, violent criminality mindset, embraced by so many, which is eroding all peace and stability these islands…
YEP, coming to live with you next, Bobo!
Deport where? Bodden Town?
RCIPS was impressive with the latest armed officers in plain clothes tactic. It send a message that RCIPS is out there but you just don’t know where. This terrorist will soon answer for his threats and attempt to put fear into innocent people.
Probably the kind of person who won’t put the front license plate on his car.
Doesn’t strike me as a Telsa owner.
Sounds Jamaican.
live by, die by, wise up dude!
Cayman’s gone to the dogs. And we have no one to blame but ourselves, Caymanians. We don’t train our young ones at home, and this is the result. This is why our country is leaving us behind.
“We have ourselves to blame” for allowing the Jamaican culture to infest our communities, and outbreed us with stupid local baby mamas.
Somewhat agree with you 7:33pm – however who else we gah breed with? Unless you want more in-bred children amongst us too?
Still not training them. Look at all the kids who are doing so badly in school, what does their future look like!
According to what was said in the comments, the actual owner of that account is in prison. So who is the guy behind the red mask???!!! I trust the RCIPS will arrest him ASAP to prevent another mass shooting. Saying he’s going to spray a crowd of innocent people to get to his target should be considered a terroristic threat in my opinion.
Is he a voter?
Prob not, to avoid jury duty lol smh.
My guess is that he is not likely to care about voting and more than likely is not registered to vote.
It appears that his mind is geared towards all the wrong things in life and that he has no regard for the value of human life.
That BOY needs help get him and lock him up.
Stupid, Cyber security pros gonna find him and get him charged.
Just need to keep him in prison after that.