Dominoes game goes on despite gunman

| 29/05/2024 | 58 Comments
The would-be robber points at the dominoes players

(CNS): A group of men playing dominoes in North Side yesterday afternoon were undeterred by the appearance of an armed man demanding money, which was caught on camera and posted on social media. The men were also videoed beating the would-be robber, who has a disability, during the altercation that followed. The RCIPS said that shots were fired during the incident.

After the police and medical services were called to the scene, the suspect was arrested and the gun was seized. The RCIPS has now begun the formal investigation into what happened, but most of it appears to have been recorded on Ring cameras and mobile phones and posted on various social media platforms.

According to the official RCIPS press release, an altercation occurred after an apparent attempted robbery in the vicinity of North Side Road. The police said that the would-be robber and one of the men at the scene received minor injuries, and both of them were taken to hospital for treatment.

The police said that shots were fired but no one was hit. No other details were released by the RCIPS. However, the videos show the robber, wearing a florescent work-site shirt, hat and face covering, waving a black handgun and a plastic bag and demanding cash from the dominos players, who all remained calm and continued their game.

Paying no attention to the gun, the men taunted the robber and eventually went after him. The young North Side suspect, who has had a very troubled life, is known to the police. He has a prosthetic limb as a result of a motorcycle crash when he was a teenager.

The would-be robber is treated by medics

See videos on social media here and here.

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Comments (58)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Glad the gents were able to give this criminal an assin’, and that nobody else was hurt. We are going to have to step up wherever it is safe to do so. The RCIPS can only respond after an event. When we see shady stuff going on, we have to let the RCIPS know. This is not going to get better without community involvement. Community involvement is a major participant in much of the rest of the world as a major contributor to fighting violent crime. Step up. You see something, say something. This is not the world we want for our children, or theirs.

  2. SSM345 says:

    The risk of the Publics involvement in dealing with criminality is only going to increase; as will the risk of death of public persons or the criminal perpetuating against the public…..

    Only a matter of time we are commentating on this as we are here on this story.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Caymans finest hard at work in Garrison Northside. Must be a good life to hang with the boys all day whilst NAU picks up the tab.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman politicians dependent on these people for votes.
      No MP in NS, Bodden Town E and W , West bay and GTC is going to stand up to them.
      Fear of losing not only their votes, but also those of hundreds of similar NAU dependent family members.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you ask the same question about all the immigrants lounging around Camana Bay all day? Or is it just that you see a lil glimpse of melanin in the video and assume that they haven’t worked hard all their lives and deserve to enjoy the spoils? Couldn’t it be that these are fishermen that are out from 3am making an honest living? No, I guess they must be NAU recipients because their shirt had a Cayman coat of arms instead of Gucci. 🙄

      • Anonymous says:

        100%. I used to live in NS and they’re mostly old timers, play dominoes regularly and no harm to anyone. One of them (who didn’t join in) works shifts in a very responsible job and most of the others are retired. Hate when expats (and I am one) make nasty, acidic comments like this. We really need to stop this shit. TBH this was probably a more effective deterrent for that kid than the police or jail. Perhaps if more community members did this instead of protecting, doing nothing, turning a blind eye or never speaking up, we would have a lot less of these young wannabe thugs running rampant on the streets right now.

      • Anonymous says:

        That doesn’t make any sense. It’s a garrison though? right?

        I wonder how many of those guys vote for their wives and family member in a true testament to equality.

        I strongly suspect their wives are the breadwinners and they just sit at home lording it over their families controlling their votes. You know why I think and believe that?

        Because everything past Savannah is a third world, borderline agrarian society.

        And it’s been that way for 70+ years. We don’t call it the bush because of their excellent work ethic??

      • Anonymous says:

        Annon 10:54am, well said!

    • Anon says:

      Anonymous @ 30/05/2024 at 9:43 am and @ 10:53 am

      These aren’t NAU clients – these are hardworking N Siders, who’ve worked hard all their lives and do not #$@% around – most of NAU clients are imported.

      • Anonymous says:

        It would really help if CNS when reporting, could describe those involved as Caymanians , retired, just back from work and so on, which would head off uninformed assumptions about them.
        Without that, it is easy to assume the worst case as comments indicate.

  4. Anonymous says:

    More importantly, the public need to be asking: how do knuckleheads like this, known to police and communities, so easily acquire working, loaded illegal firearms in the Cayman Islands? Is it really that easy now to acquire a gun? Do the police give these guns back to these dangerous recidivists when they are perpetually released on bail?!? Also, are there any situations where bail isn’t granted in the Cayman Islands? If it’s not armed daylight robbers, what are the criteria to be held? So many questions…

  5. Anonymous says:

    Guy wanted all the smoke and got it.

    Well done, gents!

  6. SSM345 says:

    Brings a whole new meaning to getting a “beat down at a game of dots”.

    A lil 6 luv he picked up.

  7. anon1 says:

    Perp demonstrating a lifetime of poor choices right there.
    Imagine trying to break up dominos with North Sidas

  8. Anonymous says:

    Good to see the “unemployed” out actively seeking work on a Tuesday afternoon.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Why is this Honduran even here?

    • Anonymous says:

      Mother and grand parents here so not exactly just off the boat….

      better question might be why isn’t he under psychiatric care after he was diagnosed with mental health disorders, and as judge ordered when he was sent to jail last time?

  10. Anonymous says:

    I hate to bring this up, but the fact that he could get his hands on a real gun that could have been used to kill quite a few people is something to worry about. What happens next time he gets a gun and a head full of bad ideas?

  11. Anonymous says:

    From what I’ve heard on the marl road this household is very troubled so I’m not surprised by the outcome. Kids being raised in dysfunction and chaos will turn out like this…

  12. Anonymous says:

    His status should be revoked once his sentence is completed.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. His status (if he even has it, which I doubt) should be revoked now, and he should be deported when his sentence is completed.

  13. Elvis says:

    Looks like the joker wanna be robber got a 6 love 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. Anonymous says:

    When your life is threatened you are in fight or flight mode. It could have ended badly with one of the men playing dominoes being shot. The men’s angry vocal responses to the gunman did not make him stand down.
    The gunman has had a history of issues but when you pull a gun you are enticing violence. Those who live by the sword die by the sword.
    I do not condone physical abuse but what would you do if your life is threatened? Almost everyday there are robberies and some of them armed robberies.
    The gunman needs help and now so do the men that responded with violence. This incident shook the small community.

    • Anonymous says:

      No one is “shook”

      • Anonymous says:

        Shouldn’t those people be at work..?
        If unemployed I’m not surprised.
        If unemployed and Jamaican, then why are they still here.?

        • Anonymous says:

          How do you know what their work is or is not? Do you know that they aren’t fishermen that just came back from a successful haul? Maybe they worked all their lives and now live a modest life relaxing playing bones at their leisure. If any of these people looked like the typical north American visitor, you would have never made this comment.

        • Anonymous says:

          Retirement age Caymanians at a game that they love.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not today, Bobo. The people have spoken.

  15. Anonymous says:

    play dumb games and win dumb prizes

    • Anonymous says:

      Dumb game? Playing dominoes well requires good memory, strategy and calculations. Hardly dumb characteristics! These guys do this all day.

      Would you call bridge a dumb game too?

      • Anonymous says:

        10:35; they referring to the game of crime….it doesn’t pay…..this guy’s prize for his attempted robbery going be about 20urs in prison…..

      • Anonymous says:

        I think you need to read the above again… the dumb game the above was referring to was most certainly pulling a gun out and pointing it at people.

      • Anonymous says:

        Shows how dumb you are

  16. Anonymous says:

    LMFAO i love my people boy

  17. Anonymous says:

    They need to ban face masks now, anybody approaching me with that crap will get sent home to papa.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you’re suggesting you would arbitrarily harm “anybody approaching” you wearing a mask? You have serious issues.

      As a medically compromised and vulnerable elderly person, I choose to wear a mask whenever I’m in any indoor area, except my home. I expect to do that for the foreseeable future. If you or any of your type were to ever encounter me with that attitude, your first better be good!

      Idiot, saying shit just to spout!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Think they were referring to face mask with firearm or used in the commission of a crime as opposed to face mask being worn on its own….otherwise I doubt the commentator would have some difficulty being in public since 2020 to the present…

  18. Anonymous says:

    There is a need for severe laws against people who interrupt domino games.

    • WBW Czar. says:

      I am certain that our esteemed Minister from North Side will introduce the at the next meeting of most regarded legislative body. As soon as Jay gets back from his latest jolly.

  19. Anonymous says:

    And yet CIG’s mental health facility in East End languishes unopened.

    So much money spent and so little in the way of results.

    At least the Premier is fully committed to the monuments of the “Valley of the Sun” up on the Bluff.

    • Anonymous says:

      12:04, Are you able to elaborate on the “mental health” of someone who is obviously “criminally minded”?

      The results this guy has got thus far in life are from nothing more than his criminal activities and failure to pull any of them off successfully. He reaps what he sowed.

      Ain’t no “worlds smallest violin” required here Bobo; not worth the effort to play it.

      • Anonymous says:

        He was diagnosed as having mental health challenges requiring psychiatric when he stabbed his step father and promptly live streamed it.

  20. Anonymous says:

    this is what we need more of. good ole community beating of these criminals.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Another one of DCR’s likkle angels when is someone going to be held accountable for this ridiculous foolishness that is going on with crime in Cayman.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Great outcome, pay for your indiscresion.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Were his human rights violated by all those old bullies?

    • Anonymous says:

      He is lucky this is not the states where people are armed too. Approach someone like that with a gun and more than likely you are going to get shot back and killed.

    • Anonymous says:

      People clearly can’t understand irony smh.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your human rights gone out the window when you pull a gun of me Bobo; then it becomes self-defense.

      What’s next; that he was disabled?

      That guy with the machete should have chopped his other leg off.

    • Anonymous says:

      You posters are hell bent on violating this poor fellow’s rights for all the dramatized nonsense. The young man evidently needs mental help so why beat and chastize him. Shame on you hypocrites.

      • Anonymous says:

        8:04, you read his current charge list on court? Rape, theft, assault…soon to be robbery, possession and use unlicensed firearm….add the fact he fresh from prison which means he will be out on license (parole)….

        What planet do you live on?

        Violating his rights?

        Please put down your pipe.

      • ? says:

        That’s exactly what you ARE.

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