GT roadworks spill over into Monday traffic chaos

| 22/04/2024 | 18 Comments
Roadworks in Central George Town on Monday

(CNS): A late concrete delivery created challenges for drivers around Central George Town on Monday morning after roadworks on the capital’s revamp spilled over from the weekend until noon. The road closures, including the junction of Edward Street and Fort Street, were scheduled to end on Sunday, but the necessary concrete did not arrive until Monday, a release from the Ministry of Infrastructure said.

The Central Business District Enhancement Project is a major infrastructure project under the George Town Revitalization Initiative that will improve the pedestrian experience, enhance the streetscape and create a more vibrant and sustainable George Town, the release said.

However, the project has been ongoing for several years but has so far made little significant impact.

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Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It behooves my why are we wasting money on a project that add no value to people’s lives or stimulate the economy? Why do we as a country sit back and allow our government to blatantly waste our money and tax us more in the end. We cant afford homes or land and jobs are given to their cherry picked friends and this is what we get, a paved road to no where? Come on Cayman we deserve better!!

  2. anon says:

    Can the G.T. Manager of Development let us know how many of the much needed new parking spaces he has created in George Town in his 8+ years of tenure.

    • Anonymous says:

      8 years..?
      The overpaid team’s salaries and expenses could possibly exceed the budget for the entire project.
      Civil servants should not be allowed anywhere near money. They don’t know how it’s made , only how it’s spent.

    • Anonymous says:

      Additional parking spaces won’t be required since those unable to afford electric vehicles will opt for buses. The national energy policy restricts the mobility of low-income individuals, curtailing their freedom to travel.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This whole revitalization project is stupid as hell. It brings zero benefit whatsoever. But yet costs money. WTH

    • Anonymous says:

      It brings significant benefit to the contractors, the team of people hired to manage the project, and it improves the onshore experience for the cruise ship tourists. You are naïve if you think it is intended to benefit the ordinary Caymanian or resident!

  4. Anonymous says:

    civil service incompetence is never ending…

  5. Anonymous says:

    Anything new here? No! ALL Cayman Islands Government projects and activities are:

    1. poorly managed;
    2. take longer than usual;
    3. grossly overbudget;
    4. still inadequate after “completion”, thus requiring second or third attempts to correct.

  6. Anonymous says:

    It s already a very poorly managed operation and extremely slow. Lost count of the number of times I go past that site and see the backhoe driver sitting on his motionless machine looking at his phone.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Their time would be better spent dealing with the princess who thinks he’s entitled to park his truck in the middle of the street every day.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Pissing away that surplus one stupid project at a time.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The traffic jams will continue until morale improves.

  10. Anonymous says:

    First world countries work at night when its cooler and safer for the workers.


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