Archive for April 23rd, 2024

Four men charged with 2023 Digicel store robbery

Four men charged with 2023 Digicel store robbery

| 23/04/2024

(CNS): Eleven months after an armed hold-up at the Digicel store on the waterfront, three Bodden Town men, aged 21, 22 and 28, and a 22-year-old man from George Town have all been charged with conspiracy to commit robbery. The four men appeared in court on Tuesday and were bailed to return on 14 May.

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West Bay men arrested for illegal gun after police chase

West Bay men arrested for illegal gun after police chase

| 23/04/2024

(CNS): Police have arrested two men from West Bay following a pursuit along the West Bay Road and the Esterley Tibbetts Highway yesterday evening, during which, the officers said, the men threw a handgun and a loaded magazine out of their car window during the chase. An RCIPS release said that around 8pm on Monday, […]

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Suspect in East End stabbing in police custody

Suspect in East End stabbing in police custody

| 23/04/2024

(CNS): Police have arrested a 22-year-old man from East End on suspicion of wounding in regards to a stabbing in the car park at the East End football field at the weekend. The man was arrested on Monday morning, 22 April, in connection with the violent incident where three men were involved in an altercation […]

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McField angry as UPM ignores boundary report

McField angry as UPM ignores boundary report

| 23/04/2024 | 63 Comments

(CNS): More than eight months after the 2023 Electoral Boundary Commission handed over its report on a revised election landscape, local attorney Steve McField is enraged that the Cayman Islands Government has failed to deal with it. McField and his fellow commissioners, EBC Chairperson Dr Lisa Handley and Adriannie Webb, worked for several months on the […]

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CINWS grows headcount ahead of busy storm season

CINWS grows headcount ahead of busy storm season

| 23/04/2024 | 22 Comments

(CNS): In the dynamic field of weather forecasting, adaptability and resiliency are essential for success, according to a release from the Cayman Islands National Weather Service about new recruits that have been added to the growing team of experts. Last year, the service took on several young Caymanian trainees who have been honing their skills […]

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Minister promotes Cayman Islands business in Asia

Minister promotes Cayman Islands business in Asia

| 23/04/2024 | 12 Comments

(CNS): Financial Services Minister André Ebanks is on the road again, this time promoting the financial service sector in Asia. Ebanks, whose portfolio includes commerce and social development, has been focusing heavily on his financial services sector responsibilities recently, which has taken him away from the jurisdiction a number of times so far this year. […]

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