Archive for April 19th, 2024

Gunman claimed he was in fear for his life

Gunman claimed he was in fear for his life

| 19/04/2024 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Justin Kyle Jackson, who alongside Eric Soto is expected to be sentenced on Friday for the manslaughter of retired prison officer Harry Elliott, told the police that days after that fatal shooting, he was armed with a different gun to the one that killed Elliott because he was in fear for his life. Caine […]

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Local unemployment up to 5% even as workforce grows

Local unemployment up to 5% even as workforce grows

| 19/04/2024 | 117 Comments

(CNS): Unemployment statistics appear to be going in the wrong direction, according to the latest numbers from the Economics and Statistics office. The Labour Force Survey (LFS) Fall 2023 Report shows that the overall unemployment rate was 3.3% in October last year, but the number of Caymanians out of work had increased to 5% (357 more people) […]

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Crown says man used Snapchat to groom teenage girl

Crown says man used Snapchat to groom teenage girl

| 19/04/2024

(CNS): A 24-year-old man used the social media platform Snapchat, which deletes messages, pictures and videos within 24 hrs of them being viewed, to groom a 13-year-old girl whom he later raped in a hotel bathroom, according to the crown. As prosecutor Sarah Lewis opened the case against the man on Thursday, she told the […]

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Ex-NHDT chair acquitted in soil scandal case

Ex-NHDT chair acquitted in soil scandal case

| 19/04/2024 | 90 Comments

(CNS): After deliberating for more than eight hours over a two-day period, a jury of six women and one man found Geoffry William Ebanks not guilty of two corruption charges in relation to material cleared from the National Housing and Development Trust site in North Side that he directed to his own land and used as […]

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