GT traffic light upgrade fails during morning commute

| 20/03/2024 | 17 Comments

(CNS): Upgrade work to traffic signals carried out at the weekend by the National Roads Authority (NRA) caused some delays during Monday’s morning commute at the intersection of Bobby Thomas Way and Smith Road after the new system failed. However, it was quickly rectified, and officials said the “significant upgrades” to the traffic light infrastructure, which included the replacement of signal cabinetry and the addition of backup power, are now all functioning properly.

The NRA said the new equipment would make the traffic systems more resilient and reliable. However, there was a minor setback on the first morning due to the signal timings on the newly installed signal controller. The outage affected only one light at the intersection.

“The issue was promptly identified and corrected by 7:45am,” officials stated in a release. “We continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure the ongoing reliability of the lighting infrastructure in the area. We extend our sincerest apologies to all commuters for any inconvenience experienced and appreciate your understanding as we continue to improve our road infrastructure.”

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Category: Local News, Travel

Comments (17)

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  1. Cheese Face says:

    How is that fleet of electric busses coming along? Anyone? Hello? Crickets…..

    • Buses says:

      electric buses are not feasible neither are able to be used for quick turnarounds due to limited range and lengthy time to recharge. we just need proper diesel buses and car pooling lanes.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I really had hoped after all the road extension, new lanes and wider roads the traffic would get better.

    As tax payers, we are not getting value for our money and it appears all in vain as we continue to suffer under the pretense our way of life would improve. As I stand looking in as a irritated tax payer, the only people benefiting here are the politicians and those closely connected.

    More roads don’t work! Mandate employers to stagger work hours or have some government agencies to open on weekends i.e. open on Saturdays and close on Mondays this isnt rocket science.

  3. Elvis says:

    Ready steady stop

  4. Elvis says:

    Sounds about right

  5. Anonymous says:

    More NRA incompetence.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The only upgrade it needs are railroad crossing barriers to stop the red-light idiots. The amounts of crashes here is ridiculous. Even on green I’m checking all directions.

    Also, if it’s blocked, don’t enter it. Idiots.

  7. Anonymous says:

    where is Bobby Thomas Wqy again?

  8. Anonymous says:

    might want to fix the school lights in Cayman Brac. They have been off for awhile.

  9. Anonymous says:

    this intersection needs re-surfacing….it’s 3rd world in its current condition.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Classic Cayman

  11. Anonymous says:

    That intersection should have been a roundabout a long time ago.

  12. Anonymous says:

    that intersection is a complete nightmare every morning…
    thats what you get when you build bigger new roads leading to the same bottleneck.
    thanks for nothing cig….idiots who say the solution is not bulding more roads…. but all they do is build more roads.
    welcome to wonderland.


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