Former local CJ and Channel Islands judge join CICA

| 05/01/2024 | 5 Comments
Cayman News Service
Sir Anthony Smellie

(CNS): Sir Anthony Smellie, the Cayman Islands’ former chief justice, and Clare Montgomery, an appeal court judge in Guernsey and Jersey, have been appointed to the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal, the governor’s office has said. The Judicial and Legal Services Commission (JLSC) carried out a competitive, open recruitment process in the latter part of last year, advertising locally and overseas. Four people who were short-listed were interviewed and Sir Anthony and Montgomery were the successful candidates.

Governor Jane Owen accepted the recommendations of the JLSC and has appointed both to the higher court bench. “These individuals bring a wealth of skills, experience and knowledge that will enhance the already exceptional calibre of the Court of Appeal,” she said in a press release. “I look forward to Sir Anthony’s return to the Cayman Islands judiciary and to welcoming Ms Montgomery to the islands in due course.”

Sir Anthony Smellie served as a judge here for nearly 30 years, including almost 25 years as chief justice and has also served as an appeal judge in Bermuda. Montgomery has served as a Channel Islands appeal judge since 2007 and is Cayman’s first and only female appeal court justice.

The Cayman Islands Court of Appeal now comprises eight judges as follows:

  • The Rt Hon Sir John Goldring, President
  • The Hon Justice John Martin KC, Justice of Appeal
  • The Hon Sir Richard Field, Justice of Appeal
  • The Hon C. Dennis Morrison, Justice of Appeal
  • The Hon Sir Michael Birt, Justice of Appeal
  • The Rt Hon Sir Jack Beatson, Justice of Appeal
  • The Hon Sir Anthony Smellie KC, Justice of Appeal
  • Ms Clare Montgomery KC, Justice of Appeal

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  1. Anonymous says:

    @ 2:14 pm,
    Sir John’s replacement will be Sir Anthony Smellie.

  2. Anonymous says:

    So the correct form for Clare Montgomery is now the same as for John Martin, who is also a KC but has never been an English High Court or Court of Appeal judge or member of the House of Lords or Privy Council:

    The Hon. Justice Clare Montgomery KC, Justice of Appeal

    Congrats to both. Especially pleased to see that we are retaining the immense experience of Sir Anthony and adding a female presence of exceptional talent to the CoA bench at last in Justice Montgomery.

    Sir John Goldring has been President for 8 years and will turn 80 this year, so the next thing to watch is who will be his replacement as President.

  3. Anonymous says:

    cayman gets worst every day…no justice here anymore…ZZZZZZ


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