Cops round up serial thieves after 100 car break-ins

| 11/10/2023

(CNS): Four men have been charged in connection with thefts from cars over the last few weeks. Police said that one of them had been arrested three times in the last six weeks for theft and has now been charged in two of the cases. So far this year, the RCIPS has received over 100 reports of this “growing trend” of things being stolen from cars or the theft of actual vehicles, a crime that was almost unheard of here just a few years ago.

In ongoing efforts to target the rise in this type of crime, the police rounded up two suspects on 29 September and another two on 2 October. Three others were arrested earlier as part of targeted operations.

“Police have apprehended recidivist offenders who have been targeting communities and stealing thousands of dollars of tools, jewellery and cash from vehicles,” said Superintendent Roje Williams. “Reports of thefts from vehicles have increased significantly over recent months, and we are now seeing this escalate to theft of vehicles. These offenders are known to police and often have complex personal issues that lead to their recidivist behaviour.”

Officers continue to respond to reports and put proactive measures in place to disrupt and apprehend individuals. Overall, seven people have been arrested and four charged.

“Two of the men that were arrested were caught in possession of tools believed to be used to facilitate theft activity,” said Williams. “We see this as a growing trend and believe offenders are resorting to breaking into vehicles as opposed to burglaries because they consider this a lesser crime, and possibly enabling them to get back onto the streets sooner and begin the cycle over again.”

Regardless of the arrests made, police urge people to be proactive in protecting their possessions and not leave valuable items in vehicles. If this is unavoidable, the items should not be visible when the car is unattended. Where possible, owners should record serial numbers and keep photos of valuables or engrave unique markings to make identifying them easier if they are stolen. Windows should always be secured and doors locked, and vehicles should be parked in well-lit areas.

The RCIPS is encouraging the public to report thefts to the police by calling 911 or the nearest police station.

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