Animal charity gets CPA green light for new shelter

| 08/03/2023 | 30 Comments
Cayman News Service
Humane Society in its current location

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Humane Society has been given approval by the Central Planning Authority for a purpose-built animal rescue shelter in the Mount Pleasant area of West Bay. The new location is on Captain Reginald Parsons Drive and will provide space for up to 160 animals. Despite being in a residential community, the CPA said it was a suitable location. “There is very little development in the immediate area so the potential for conflicts between existing uses is minimal,” the members found. Although there were objectors, they didn’t raise sufficient grounds for refusing permission.

The CIHS said it was “delighted” with the approval given last month for the facility, which is being funded from money left by the late Ardyth Smith in trust and is sorely needed, as the ageing facility in George Town in current use is far too small and no longer appropriate, given the number of animals it is trying to care for.

“It will house the animals in a more comfortable environment, allowing us to provide higher welfare standards,” officials from the non-profit said in a press release. “The shelter will be raised so that it is not at risk of flooding and will meet hurricane standards so that the animals can safely shelter in place.
In addition to providing accommodation for more animals in better conditions, it will provide dog walkers a more pleasurable experience, walking through trails on the surrounding land rather than having to walk
across busy roads.”

The facility will also provide a more spacious environment for staff and volunteers to work in. However, the project will take several years to complete and will require more fundraising, CIHS said.

In its decision, the CPA said the site has adequate access via proposed vehicular easements leading to a public road. There are no physical constraints on the site that would prevent the development of the proposed shelter and there is sufficient infrastructure at the site to support the project.

See the minutes of the CPA meeting in the CNS Library.

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  1. Anon says:

    So if they got “gifted 15 acres” they should sell half that would give them around 10 million . More then enough to build double the facility they need and be able to run for years without donations.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Should be built in Barkers.

  3. Anonymous says:

    “However, the project will take several years to complete and will require more fundraising, CIHS said.”

    If they are only using 15 acres, perhaps they should sell the other 25.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The comments so far are sad to see.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Probably not a good idea to put a shelter in a district that is well known for people poisoning animals. They’ll be lobbing paraquat over the fence.

    Supposedly such substances are banned. And yet certain people seem to have no trouble getting it.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Oh those poor people who are now going to be subjected to constant dog barking. My family and I suffer badly in our neighborhood. A dozen barking dogs in the surrounding homes, but to live next door to the new Humane Society? It’s going to be torture. I advise everyone within quarter of a mile to sell up now.

    • Anonymous says:

      calm down nimby

    • Anonymous says:

      Suck it up buttercup

    • just me. says:

      I get that in Frank sound every night and I anticipate it just getting worse. This is a cultural issue with some people and can not be fixed. The animals at the shelter will not be used as a theft deterrent and chained outside so it wont be as bad as living next to third world. No reason to blame the humane society for Caymans low consciousness brethren.

  7. Anonymous says:

    dogs barking night and day, no thanks

  8. Anonymous says:

    West Bay really gone to the dogs now.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Some good news…finally!

  10. SDD says:

    Even if more funds are required, please at least begin construction. A new facility has been required for years and somehow has never happened.

    • Anonymous says:

      people been donating thousans millions for years and years. you all should be good to go with cash

  11. Anonymous says:

    well done to all involved at humane society…not a perfect organisation but they are trying their best.
    shame on cig and caymanian culture geerally for their despicable treatment of animals generally

    • Anonymous says:

      Pissing money away like they do. I wouldn’t say good job.

      Basically a glorified PR point exercise for most people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanian culture?? Have you not seen countries where they literally hunt dogs. This is not Caymanian culture. sick generalization

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you want me to take you to the houses just in my neighborhood where Caymanians/Jamaicans have dogs but yet treat them horribly? It’ll take an hour to show you them all. It’s a Caribbean thing and you lot need to not own animals if you won’t fix them or take good care of them. There will be a child mauled by one of these dogs if things don’t start changing here.

      • Just me. says:

        Not being as bad as “some” does not make it good my friend. There is good reason for having the humane society in Cayman Islands.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I find it funny that people object to having a shelter in the neighborhood, but we hear nothing about having cattle tied to trees next to residential areas.

    Good decision in allowing the shelter. Much needed.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I always wondered if they refused to change locations for fear the donations would dwindle if people didnt see them in a dilapidated premises.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh for God’s sake, why can’t the reason just be that they didn’t have the money? F*kn people always looking for the negative about everyone and everything.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like they have space for all the chickens too. Round them up!


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