Archive for January 30th, 2023

‘Recovery’ farm releases trailer ahead of film premiere

‘Recovery’ farm releases trailer ahead of film premiere

| 30/01/2023 | 3 Comments

(CNS): A documentary film, three years in the making, about Beacon Farms, the unique working rehabilitation farm in North Side, is set to premiere on 8 February and a trailer has been released ahead of the full screening. Directed and produced by local filmmaker Candy Whicker, it follows the trials and tribulations of the experimental farm, […]

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Consumer Council chair commits to representing people

Consumer Council chair commits to representing people

| 30/01/2023 | 55 Comments

(CNS): George Ebanks, the chair of the newly established Consumer Council, has told CNS that he is committed to consulting with the public and ensuring their concerns are conveyed to the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg), which created this new body to protect the rights of consumers. Ebanks said he would not allow the […]

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DoE battles misinformation over feral cat cull

DoE battles misinformation over feral cat cull

| 30/01/2023 | 57 Comments

(CNS): The Department of Environment’s effort to control invasive species and the growing detrimental impact on endemic and local species have met with a significant amount of misinformation recently, especially on social media. The rollout of the alien species regulations that provide a lawful, clear platform for the control of feral animals and protection of […]

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Three guns seized from passenger at ORIA

Three guns seized from passenger at ORIA

| 30/01/2023

(CNS): One man has been arrested and is in custody after Customs and Border Control officers seized three guns from him as he arrived at Owen Roberts International Airport on Saturday. The 45-year-old passenger had arrived from Canada with a 9mm semi-automatic rifle, a 9mm pistol and a 12-gauge shotgun in his possession, according to […]

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