COVID-19 hospital admissions in double figures

| 09/05/2022 | 44 Comments

(CNS): Cases of COVID-19 continued climbing over the weekend and there are now ten people in the hospital as a result of SARS-CoV-2, six of whom have been vaccinated. Over the weekend another 227 people officially reported testing positive for the coronavirus, including another 21 in the Sister Islands. There are now at least 1,427 official active cases of COVID, including 125 cases on Cayman Brac.

Concerns remain, however, that not everyone is formally reporting positive tests in order to avoid the official isolation, which means the case numbers that are already impacting local businesses and public services again could be far higher. Based on the official reports, the seven-day rolling daily average increased to at least 106 cases on Monday.

Meanwhile, the vaccination clinic has cut back its service to just three days per week this month. Throughout May there will be no clinics anywhere on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

See the new schedule for May here.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (44)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So the hospital has more vaccinated people than unvaccinated with covid? Interesting.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not particularly interesting. Since about 90 percent of the populations if fully vaccinated, you would expect more people in the hospital to be vaccinate. However, the percentage of people who are unvaccinated that are in the hospital is significantly higher than the percentage of people who are vaccinated in the hospital. If by “interesting” you mean to infer that vaccinations are ineffective, then the percentages don’t support what you’re saying.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Good, traffic has been much better this week for those of us who have moved on.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Stop the testing!! Stay home if you feel sick!

    Life must go on!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Covid is here to stay. We now have medication and knowledge and vaccine to deal with it. We have seen that vaccinated or not you still can get it but in most cases it is a mild case, there are always exceptions to any illness. It does not report the status of the overalol health of those who were vaccinated and hopitalized. I agree that allowing thousands of cruise passengers was simply a decision based on money! Money that government sees not the people. Open the boarder to ALL overnight tourist, vaccinated or not! They are the ones who put money in the peoples pocket by visiting the restaurants, hotels, condos etc. Time to open up and deal with the few cases that may arise. People can make their own decision on whether to wear a mask or attend an event etc. Time to let those who choose live their life again.

    • Anonymous says:

      The government Covid reports not only fail to report the status of the overall health of those who were vaccinated and hospitalised, they do not report any statistics whatsoever in regard to those experiencing continued symptoms or new health issues once the acute phase of Covid passes and they test negative. The problem is real, the issue is global, the impacts can be significant, but our Careless Comedy Caper government shrugs it off with nary a word.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you an epidemiologist? A virologist? Do you study infectious disease for a living? If not why do you think that you know the best plan of action? I don’t go to my doctor for advice on my finances. I don’t go to my banker for advice on my car issues so why is it that random people with literally no expertise feel that they have this whole thing figured out. I don’t get how after 2 years there are still average joes that think somehow they have figured out how to handle COVID..These arm chair experts don’t ask questions they just spew their opinions as if they are based on some expertise that they don’t have. Honestly it’s kind of scary.

      People have lost respect for expertise and education to the point that you have people that could barely graduate from caymans subpar education system that think they know the answer to everything. It’s pretty bizarre.

      The ego and lack of humility is indicative of why our species can’t have nice things. How we have managed to avoid extinction boggles my mind.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree with what you’re saying. But I think part of the problem is that governments have time and time again showed that they are making decisions based on factors other than pure science and are not necessarily looking out for the best interests of the average citizen. This is why people are whipping up average joes into thinking they know more than they do.

        The truth is that the average citizen is pretty stupid and would probably do well to listen to experts. The problem is that the government is pretty stupid too.

        That said I think the rapid loss of trust in institutions and expertise that has occurred over the last few years is going to lead to problems much worse than covid. It’s depressing to even think about it.

        • Anonymous says:

          I agree with you. my issue is, if the experts are struggling to manage COVID, what makes the layman think they can figure it out after watching a few videos and reading some articles. To me it just shows how complicated the issue is and how arrogant ignorant people can be. Like you, I am concerned about how that distrust and misplaced self confidence is going to play out in the future.

          I totally understand questioning the leaders and policies but that’s different from ppl convincing themselves that they know the solutions when generally all they are doing is regurgitating information. Hella hubris.

          • Anonymous says:

            Apparently our leaders have convinced themselves that they know the solutions when generally all they are doing is regurgitating information. The hella hubris is that the Clown Car occupants are trying to convince us that know the solutions. I am not convinced. You?

      • Anonymous says:

        @2:56: What is mind boggling is that those who are at the helm of government with final say in plotting Cayman’s Covid “plan of action” are not epidemiologists, nor virologists, nor have they studied infectious disease for a living: they are politicians of the Keystone Cops and Clown Car variety who make decisions based on political expedience and the desire to maintain power and control. The question we should ask ourselves is this: In regard to their handling of Covid, do I have confidence given the evidence at hand, that my government’s leaders are making the best decisions possible on behalf of the Caymanian people? My answer is No.

      • Anonymous says:

        Are you a doctor? If you are you should be ashamed and embarrassed of your profession right now. There’s a reason why many have to do their own research and don’t trust the profession any longer. The global C19 policy has been run by doctors and scientists and it’s been a complete disaster and failure on many levels. All told the reckless and ill conceived interventions designed by those who know so much will have killed far more people globally than covid ever could have. It’s a travesty of biblical proportions and the damage is untold. But it won’t be forever.

      • Anonymous says:

        You don’t need to be an epidemiologist or virologist to read the opinions of other virologists and epidemiologists who disagree profoundly with the management of this disease. Examine the logic and outcomes of some of these ridiculous policies and common sense will tell you there’s a serious problem. Snap out of it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Vaccinated meaning booster in the last 4 months or what? It’s way too vague of info and then people speculate and their heads explode.

  6. Anonymous says:

    With the USA leading the world in Covid cases and the world figures still rising, there is no end in sight to the increase in Covid figures here.
    A very interesting daily status report published by the U.S. CDC relates to the Covid status of cruise ships. That dashboard may be found here:
    Cruise ships are a floating petri dish for Covid infection.

    A figure that should be of concern to all is the potential long term impacts of Covid in the Cayman Islands. Long Covid, also known as post-COVID-19 syndrome, post-COVID-19 condition, post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 , or chronic COVID syndrome, is a now common condition that is afflicting a fairly significant number of persons who are recovering from or have recovered from the acute Covid infection. In the UK the most common reported symptoms involving suspected cases of Long Covid are: fatigue/weakness/tiredness, shortness of breath, diminished or loss of smell, and difficulty concentrating. It is of concern that even mildly symptomatic Covid cases can result in serious illness regarding some cases of Long Covid.
    If we use the frequency range of Long Covid which indicates that post-Covid sequelae can potentially affect between 30% and 50% of Covid patients, we arrive at an estimated range of Long Covid here in the Cayman Islands. Using today’s figure of 1,427 cases, that means between approximately 300 and 700 of the current active cases have the potential to develop one or more symptoms of Long Covid. What is inexplicable is that our Government is totally ignoring the issue and as yet will not even mention Long Covid by any name in any of their reports or press releases. In contrast, the UK is actively addressing the issue and takes it very seriously. In regard to Long Covid, the Panton-PACTless Clown Car occupants just smile a silly smile at each other, tweak each others bright red noses–Beep! Beep! Beep!–laugh a shrill laugh, bobble their heads and go on their merry way as if there is nothing to see here. We deserve better of our government. We deserve to know what is happening in regard to Long Covid in the Cayman Islands. They truly deserve the BoBo award for their treatment of the issue.

    • Anonymous says:

      God, you’re boring.

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe, but is he or she correct?

        • Anonymous says:

          Exactly! Yes! That is THE question! It is 100% correct that our government is apparently shrugging off a very real issue. For an excellent summary, Google the web article entitled “Long COVID in the United Kingdom (UK) – statistics & facts”. That page presents a quick snapshot of the prevalence and seriousness of the matter. For a quick overview on how seriously the UK is taking this health issue, Google this search string “UK long covid clinics”. The many articles returned will keep you busy for a while. You will find references to the UK NHS setting up specialist long COVID services for children and young people as part of a £100 million expansion of care for those suffering from the condition. £100 million! How much is our feckless Comedy Central government spending on the issue? So far, crickets. Sabrina has not even bothered to spew her usual hot air.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ok. Facts bore you and/or short attention span. Ok, no problemo. Let’s make it simple for ya: Sabrina and the Clown Car ignore the issue of Long Covid.

    • anonymous says:

      Cases don’t matter

  7. Anonymous says:

    So Day1 or 2 treatments still not being offered by doctors?

  8. Risky says:

    Vaccinated persons should not be in hospital

  9. Anonymous says:

    Wait till the Batabano variant takes hold.

  10. Elvis says:

    Just take care people. Yes we are all or most of us are vaccinated. However its plIn to see you can still catch this virus. It is also serious enough to put vaccinated into hospital.
    Respect it, respect peoples safety and wear your mask when required and in groups and hope you dont catch this

  11. Anonymous says:

    This weekend’s superspreader event should make for a fun week!

    • Anonymous says:

      living life is a superspreader risk…if you want to minimise your risk…isolate and protect yourself.

  12. Anonymous says:

    What kind of idiot would report a positive test?

    • Anonymous says:

      A socially responsible idiot.

      • Anonymous says:

        Socially responsible means staying home while sick like you would with the flu. If you’re coughing and hacking, stay home.

        • Jotnar says:

          If you test positive, stay home until you test clear on an LFT. Can be infectious and asymptomatic – so relying on symptoms is not socially responsible. But surrendering your self to indefinite incarceration until you can get HSA to give you a test and it meets their opaque PCR criteria (unless you are the Governor of course – tested and out of isolation within 4 days) you are not being socially responsible, just masochistic.

      • Anonymous says:

        A business owner or a denier of science and logic, of which there are many here

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