Almost 1,300 people isolating with COVID-19

| 05/05/2022 | 40 Comments

(CNS): With an additional 223 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 reported to the Public Health Department in the first two days of this week, there are now more than 1,276 people locked down as a result of the continuing increase in COVID-19 cases across the community. There are also seven people admitted to hospital. While PHD officials said that last week’s situation report reflected a small decrease in the infection rate, the number of active cases since last Wednesday has increased by almost 300.

In the last six days there have been more than 70 new cases in the Sister Islands alone, and every day across all three islands the number of people isolating, staying home from school and work, has increased, impacting local businesses and public services.

The official report for case numbers for the week 24 -30 April showed an increase in the virus numbers for the sixth week in a row. There were a total of 604 new cases, with a daily average of 86. But test numbers had also increased from 1,419 tests the week before to 1,897 and a negativity rate of 32%, one point below the previous week.

“When this is considered with the fact that a higher number of tests were performed it would suggest a genuine but modest decline in infection,” officials said in the report. However, since then the rolling daily average has continued to increase and stood at 95 yesterday.

With many countries experiencing a resurgence in the number of cases, officials stressed the need for people to get vaccinated and boosted to keep hospital admissions down. Interim Chief Medical Officer Dr Atilia Newton said the pandemic was not over but had moved into a different phase.

“Societies can manage a closer return to normality by maintaining a high vaccine coverage and following some basic precautions. Strong surveillance systems and preparedness of health systems are essential to the timely identification of new variants and potential escalation of cases, hospital admission and deaths,” she said.

Last week saw a modest increase in first and second doses, as 91% of people over five have now had two shots. But Dr Newton said the level of boosters had to improve. She asked the public to take into consideration that several countries are starting making third dose an entry requirement.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (40)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    And still not a peep from the Panton-PACTless Clown Car and Sabrina about Long Covid. Total negligence in light of the fact that the Mother Country is actively addressing the issue.

  2. Anonymous says:

    …Inflation , Health Care costs…affordable housing….just to name a few

  3. Anonymous says:

    Too many super spreader events happening this weekend.

    • Mumbichi says:

      Yes. Next weekend is the Sister Islands extravaganza, with the fishing tournament combined with Braccanal. I don’t mind Braccanal. Young people have fun, dry hump in the streets to music.

      Please try to be careful folks. You are young, but still more vulnerable that you realise. Be safe when you’re on the Brac partying. Have fun. Don’t drink and drive please. There are several services that will carry you around for the four days of Braccanal.


    • Anonymous says:

      Covidbano is going to be 🔥

    • Anonymous says:

      A magnificent carnival of Covid! Bumping, grinding and twerking to spread Covid and God knows what else in the coming days in every public building and office.

      Living our best lives!

  4. Anonymous says:

    1,300 “formally” isolating. I know of at least 4 in my office that are informally isolating based on home tests.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those four are doing the right thing.

    • Anonymous says:

      And this is why it keeps spreading and will not stop.

      My family used the home test and reported the positives as required by law I might add. Two family members were testing negative on LFTs while testing positive on PCRs. Note that no, we didn’t attend any super spreader party events.

      If everyone showed some community responsibility, maybe, just maybe the spread can be reduced and even stopped.

      I give up .

      • Anonymous says:

        Except it’s an accepted fact – thebCMO admitted it – thatvPCRs can come back positive long after you have stopped being infectious. Which is why many other countries transitioned to a specified period of time for isolation after testing positive. But not Cayman, where we love rules, but love ignoring them even more !

  5. Anonymous says:

    Quarantine needs to stop. It has been and continues to cause social issues. If you are sick stay home it is common sense.
    We are not living with the virus and it is here to stay. These measures create a false sense of security and creates unnecessary anxiety.
    Viruses cannot be cured. It is evolution. The mutations are more contagious so they will infect more people whether vaccinated or not.

  6. Unhappy Caymanian says:

    I think the rest of the world has demonstrated that as Covid is endemic you can live with it.

    Sadly project t fear continues so that the Director of Public Health can justify an untenable position.

    Please depart Mr Director.

    • Anonymous says:

      We can live with it if people follow basic guidelines, which many can’t seem to find the social responsibility to do. You’ll see these people standing 1-foot behind you in the line, with their mask around their chin– oh, and with their donkey ears on.

    • Anonymous says:

      My friend who is 25 years old is currently out of work extremely sick with covid. She is vaccinated and boostered and wears a mask.There are 8 others in the class who in the past week also have covid. Numbers go high after holidays and vacation week. Covid is still here and not going anywhere soon. This is in the US.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Get fully vaccinated & boosted, and follow PHD COVID-19 guidelines & mandates.

    …and, like most of us, you’ll be just fine.

  8. Anonymous says:

    That’s what they get for reporting it.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Yawn. Fix the damn dump.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Some things happen, so other things could happen” #Progress

    • Anonymous says:

      I feel like government is using covid as a distraction so that they don’t have to address the real long term issues facing cayman – the dump, education, planning dep. etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yah, there in a bit of a bind. It will take “a minute” to work through. It’s akilies heel is the Financial Services Industry & the adjoining sectors i.e. Legal/Corporate Services and Real Estate/Development.
        Premier Wayne Panton doesn’t speak much on it, and the Attorney General tells half truths relative to well sourced and reputable media outlets.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I think we are starting to unmask ourselves. In and out of shops and restaurants daily now with out masks like many

  11. Anonymous says:

    Blah blah blah covid this covid that. Sky is blue. Sun is warm. Cut the mask and jab crap ASAP.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Oh well…sicka covid ….

  13. Anonymous says:

    95% of which barely have the sniffles.

    “Societies can manage a closer return to normality by maintaining a high vaccine coverage and following some basic precautions….”

    All non-assbackwards countries have returned to normal.

    • Anonymous says:

      U.S. COVID update: Death toll hits 1 million, nearly 120,000 new cases

      – New cases: 119,865
      – Average: 67,159 (+3,128)
      – States reporting: 43/50
      – In hospital: 17,802 (+757)
      – In ICU: 2,034 (+48)
      – New deaths: 767
      – Average: 374 (+12)

    • Anonymous says:

      Can manage a return to normality by not locking people up for weeks if they report it, instead of the 5-7 day infectious period. May get some more honest reporting then.

      • Anonymous says:

        And you may get to work quicker if you drive on the wrong side of the road and ignore all the STOP signs!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Unmask our children Wayne.


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