Speaker says speakers can speak

(CNS): While speakers in the Westminster parliamentary system are expected to not speak on political issues, the man who currently occupies that office in the Cayman Islands, McKeeva Bush, during an address at a special youth event hosted by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association in Trinidad this week, said that speakers can speak up on behalf of their constituents. Bush was attending the “CPA Roadshow” aimed at promoting awareness about parliamentary democracy.
According to British parliamentary rules, “Speakers must be politically impartial. Therefore, on election the new Speaker must resign from their political party and remain separate from political issues even in retirement. However, the Speaker will deal with their constituents’ problems like a normal MP.”
Speaking at special event in Port of Spain, which was organised as part of the annual regional conference of the CPA, Bush told the audience of young people interested in entering politics that while the rules say a speaker cannot join in the debate in parliament, there are no rules that forbid the speaker, as an elected member, to voice the feelings of his constituents and speak for them outside the House, within the Cayman Islands or outside.
Those who oppose the speaker because he voices his opinion on matters of development or any other important issue “are not in touch with the reality that confronts constituents”, Bush said.
“In contrast to thinking, well in the past, that the speaker can’t speak at all, there is many a dispensation that brings the imperative of a speaker in today’s world speaking for or against a matter that affects his constituents,” the speaker told the young audience in Trinidad from high schools and tertiary institutions.
As he spoke about the rules of parliament, the code of conduct that members must abide by, as well as the rules which govern the business of the House, he also encouraged the young people to get involved in their communities to put forth their ideas for the welfare and harmony of all community members.
“If you have ideas about becoming a member of parliament, most of all you must be willing to serve and appreciate and genuinely care for people. That will be your best tool in getting the people to support you, when they see and feel that they can put their trust in you.”
He advised them to have patience, nurture a loving spirit and care for one another in their school, which would shift over into the wider community where they lived. “However, in all this distraction of your being, ensure that you go to school and pay attention to your school work, for nothing in today’s world beats a relevant education,” Bush added.
The road show was part of the CPA’s 44th annual conference of the Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic Region. Started by the CPA Secretary General Akbar Khan in 2016, the first was held in Grand Cayman but now the Roadshow is a part of the CPA regional conference.
Category: Politics
Do we see the what both Alden and Mack is
doing , Alden is getting someone else to to quite Mack down while Alden is getting his powers taken away from him .
And what business do another elected Member having coming into dictating to Cayman elected Member on what they can and can’t do .
He is a pugnacious loquacious infantile obtrusive Speaker of the House.
Now CNS worse has been said of this man don’t you agree? Hsja

I heard him on a local talk show once and since woody never introduces who he is talking to a few times during the interview (it’s radio, not everyone is listening 100% of the time) I thought it was just some crazy job bishop who just learnt english. Mac is whack.
I honestly don’t know where to start on this one, but at some point people will wake up and realise that electing people who would sell their souls to remain in power, is not in our best interest!
Who remembers all the mud Aldart would sling at Mac; only to make him Speaker? History has not been kind to people greedy for power.
Couldn’t agree more….I think he knows his days are numbered and grabbing as much as he can on the way out.
You think he is that smart?
I think sacrificing Mini Marco showed his concern….he’s planning an nice golden parachute with our biggest landowner.
He is the speaker for the Caymanian People. What does that tell the world about the Caymanian people?
Anyone remembers when he suspended Suckoo for mentioning China Harbour in his debate ?
Now we can see why the government is adamant in building that cruise pier….it was apart of the ‘horse trading’ that happened following the last election and why Alden is beholding to MAC……talk about scratch each others back and Alden that wuzz can’t do a thing about it but he is indebted to Mac for him being premier again! #Wakeupcayman #2021sooncome #alden&macneedgo
Yep CHEC already paid someone years ago when it was taken away from the Itallian firm GLF.
8.41pm Of course we understand you are making this up as you go with absolutely no proof. You’re malicious.Dangerous even.
I’m not 8:41 but what he/she says is well known in and outside of political arena.
Speakers can indeed speak but in his case its best to keep the ‘muzzle’ that Alden gave him on until early 2021 when the LA is dissolved and the campaigning gets really going!
“Speakers can speak”… and grab ass.
After the Panama Papers T&T must have become the new payCHEC distribution center.
McKeeva Bush is a delusional snake oil salesman.
I don’t think he’s deluded…he knows exactly what he’s doing and who he’s doing it to…all Caymanians gettin scrude including his deluded or colluded voters in the republic.
I’d prefer putting him in an astronaut. Suit and zooming him off to mars- out of sight out of mind!
Oh dear me!
Oh lawdy!! Someone gave that man a dictionary and some new vocabulary words to learn!
WOW! I must admit, if he understands the big ol’ words he’s using, I am indeed impressed. He must have realized that it takes a better education than the 7th grade to ‘run’ a country.
Now he needs to work on taking how the silly colloquialisms he used that make him sound like an uneducated dolt.
It’s impossible to change an old uneducated dolt.
@2.37pm Change can be good. Try it; there might still be time for you.
p..pure, unadulterated, b.b..bureaucratic haraaasment.
To 10.20 “Now he needs to work on taking how the silly colloquialisms he used that make him sound like an uneducated dolt.” Uhh. You lost me there Bo Bo. Guess you were in too much of a hurry insulting one of our Caymanians.
I don’t not think that he should have been appointed as Speaker. The Premier should have appointed a non- elected person, but we all know that was part of the making up deal between those two.
Mac had never served as Speaker and as much as I dislike him and diagnose him as the biggest single cause of Cayman’s ailments, the Governor presided over the LA until as recently as 25 years ago and Mac is the one who put an end to that. As a result we have had our own legislature entirely separate from the UK developing its own rules and traditions for that period of time. They may not be great or even good yet but building a nation takes centuries. I have to credit him for that important change. I do not like the way he carries out the office and he clearly has far too much power behind the scenes but have no major issue with him holding this post as part of his deal with Alden. It keeps his ego fed, keeps him mostly out of the news and mostly quiet and not making major decisions in his own special way. If you’re going to get in bed with him politically putting him in the Speaker’s Robes is the best behaviour you’ll get out of him.
I’d prefer puttt
He controls the unity government as Speaker. It is clear that Alden McLaughlin and Moses Kirkconnell are beholden to Big Mac or there are consequences and the dolly house will mash up
Alden owes his 2nd term as Premier to McKeeva and his 3 UDP seats. He effectively compromised his integrity and ppm party and as a result. The deal was struck to guarantee both would remain positions of power and political survival as the co-leaders of the Government of National Unity.
Yep..Adlart is week, greedy and dangerous.
Caveat Emptor: Wrong. The deal was struck because it was the preferred alternative for many who were scared of a government made of individuals with no experience and no common platform. At the time it happened you were probably among those who were relieved that we were not getting the individuals now in opposition.
It was the preferred alternative of those who wanted to continue to reap the benefits of Government who made special interests their top priority. I would much rather have given the power to those currently in Opposition over the blatantly compromised bunch we have now and their backbench yes men and woman