Governor backs equal marriage rights
(CNS): Governor Martyn Roper has urged the community to show “tolerance and respect” to those holding opposing views in the wake of Chief Justice Anthony Smellie’s landmark ruling on Friday legalising same-sex marriage in Cayman. The UK’s representative made it clear that he supports marriage equality and the independence of the local judiciary. Over the weekend, opposition to the decision and a lot of misunderstanding of the law was expressed on this site and social media. But the ruling was also widely welcomed by a broad cross-section of the local community as well as its LGBTI members.
In his short statement about the findings of the chief justice, the governor acknowledged the strongly held and differing views about the ruling but made it clear he was on the side of equality.
“Yet it is important that all our citizens can play an equal and active part in society free from discrimination as set out in our constitution. This judgement provides equal rights for everyone, a point which I and former governors have previously emphasised,” he said.
“At this time I believe it is important that all of us continue to show tolerance and respect to others, particularly when we hold different views. I also believe that our highly respected, and independent, judicial system in the Cayman Islands continues to underpin our success. It protects our prosperity, constitution, good governance and our security,” Roper added.
So far, the elected branch of government has made no official statement about CJ Smellie’s ruling and the changes he made to the marriage law to immediately make it compatible with the Constitution.
Attorney General Samuel Bulgin, whose chambers had tried to fight the petition brought by Chantelle Day and her fiancée Vickie Bodden, has said that the ruling was “very interesting” but that government would need time to consider how to move forward. The government lawyer has not yet said if an appeal is in the pipeline.
The successful outcome for Day and Bodden was not just because of the solid legal case their team had put together but because government had failed to provide a framework for marriage equality or any kind of legal framework for recognising same-sex couples, despite rulings from the European Court of Human Rights indicating that it needed to do so, as well as considerable pressure from the UK.
When he delivered his decision and amended the marriage law from the bench, the chief justice said government had missed the opportunity to address the legal problem.
Dr Leo Raznovich, who was one of the legal advisers for Day and Bodden, said the government had “ample opportunity to address this issue” before the case and had been warned many times over that equality for all is required by the Constitution, without any exception. He said that on Friday the court had done “the job that the government was unable, or unwilling, to do”.
Raznovich, a former law school professor, believes that any attempt by the government to appeal will almost certainly fail. He pointed to the case in Bermuda, where none of the judges were convinced by the government’s arguments that civil marriage must remain an exclusively heterosexual institution.
He said the UK government had also made it very clear that same-sex marriage must be extended to every corner of Britain, including all of its overseas territories.
“As a matter of law and as a matter of politics, any prospect of appeal is set to fail and to constitute a haemorrhaging of money that the government should instead use for health, education or other areas that will benefit all Caymanians, rather than a group of narrowed-minded anachronic churches whose mission appears sometimes to divide and to promote hate, rather than to unite and promote love,” he said.
Raznovich said those who oppose the decision as a matter of principle rather than with hate should consider how cruel it is to deny people “the ability to love one another, to commit to each other and to support each other throughout life, in good and in bad times, to have that love respected and protected by the country in which you were born and raised”.
He added that the CJ’s decision would not force anyone to marry someone of the same sex, nor would it force any church to celebrate a same-sex marriage. “However, the Cayman Islands have instead become one of the most advanced nations in the Caribbean, something of which you should all be proud,” he said.
Meanwhile, Paul Twocock, executive director of campaigns and strategy at Stonewall, one of the world’s most well-known advocacy groups for the LGBTI community, issued a statement offering its support for the decision.
“This news is a landmark moment and will mean a lot to many same-sex couples in the Cayman Islands and give hope to those in the few other British Overseas Territories that do not yet recognise same-sex relationships. It’s a crucial milestone on the road to LGBT equality for same-sex couples to have their love and relationship recognised and held on the same footing as everyone else,” he said.
As it stands now, all couples in the Cayman Islands who are single and of age, including those in same-sex relationships, are now free to seek a marriage licence. The ruling also opens up a whole new area of promotion for the Cayman Islands as a wedding destination for gay couples, as it is the first Caribbean island to legalise same-sex marriage.
The case has raised a number of other questions about the status of same-sex Caymanian couples which have been passed to Auntie, who is now busy seeking answers from the legal community.
See the summary of the chief justice’s judgment in the CNS Library
Category: Local News
Per the Gospel of St. Matthew 22, 36-44. Jesus only had two Great Commandments, these two are the preconditions for admittance to Heaven. The second Great Commandment concerns “Human Equality” and is not optional. Please spare us the misplaced blasphemy lectures, and learn how to handle a pitchfork.
Time for the Governor and Chief Justice to go….
party, for bringing Cayman into the modern era?
Everyone has the right to marry a person of the opposite sex. How is that discriminatory or unequal?
The two words “Opposite sex” in Constitution are prejudicial to every individual’s over-riding human and civil rights to found a home and a family. Read the CJ judgement rather than ask questions already answered in the Judicial Review (we paid for).
I don’t think anyone is opposing what you want to do. Just don’t tell us we must condone it and approve your marriage. We shouldn’t be force by law to do so.
How can u have equality if someone will always be offended? The Bible made it clear – someone will always be offended. So it comes down to what is good and what is evil. Someone rights will always be trampled on.
Man always gets it wrong. We have no more prophets , they all died out.
At least their is the Bible to help guid us and to show us how imperfect we are and the we have a savior in Jesus.
We cannot rule by feelings. Our feelings will get us in trouble.
Yeah, you’re doing it wrong. You will NOT be forgiven, saved by Jesus, or qualify for Heaven, if you do not follow the second of Jesus’ two Great Commandments in regards to human equality. HE only had two rules and these are the most important tenets of Christianity. Matt 22, v36-40. You’re welcome.
The equality for everyone and love is love message is dangerous. They are preparing the us for a dangerous future. Brainwashing our minds and more government control
If anyone willingly disregards the second of Jesus’ two Great Commandments, which specifically speaks to equality: to “Love thy neighbour as thyself”, then there is no forgiveness, or place for them in Heaven. HE was pretty clear about that. It should be very easy for professed adherents to understand this principle, yet it seems not in the Cayman Islands. See Matt 22 v36-40.
Not only are they brainwashing us Caymanians but look how disrespectful they were to hold the march on a Sunday morning when we normally in church! Remember 1989 Hurricane Gilbert and 2004 exactly 15 years apart Hurricane Ivan? This year is also exactly 15 years from Ivan. Watch our devastation come and how all of them will go back home and leave us here cleaning up and fixing our country! Wake up cayman! Take back what belongs to us! We are a God fearing country!
Caymanian people bend the knee to their colonial masters. Accepting the excesses of a dying empire over their own moral and traditional norms. Continuing to destroy their culture.
One thing for certain no one gives a dam what you do in the privacy of your home or your hotel room. We don’t hate nonchristians, gays or lesbians. We all have them in the family. We don’t like you changing and changing Caymans’ idiosyncrasies. Its what makes Cayman Cayman. No one cares if you had got married in Miami and came back with the marriage certificate. However, you all keep opening the door a little wider each time you bit#$% about another problem you perceive is here. There will come a time when you will all “get it.” You don’t control Cayman’s future, and another group will have the “judge” change a “law ” to suit another group or religion.
This entire ruling has just cemented what I have thought all along
Caymanians believe this country is a theocracy where their religion makes them superior to all other persons and where they expect all branches of government to enforce religious rules on all persons
We do not respect the independence of the judiciary to interpret and strike down unconstitutional laws
We do not respect a separation of church and state
We do not believe that minorities should be given protections from discrimination (in fact according to many there is no discrimination whatsoever unless it is against Christians)
Madness sheer madness
What discrimination? Your idea of discrimination is skewed. Stop trying to compare this to some racial thing. Please tell us what are we discriminating?
We have every right to oppose a lifestyle!
Ignorant comment – this has nothing to do with race and being LGBT is not a lifestyle or fashion choice. Discrimination applies to LGBT community as equally as it does to race, sex, disability and various other facets that make the fabric of our society different and richer for it. Resistance to this demonstrates the antiquated, bigoted and homophobic unaccepting extremist attitudes of a minority on this island. Live and let live!
The most important thing out of all of this is the clearly identified need for constitutional reform to ensure that there are sufficient restraints on the judiciary to prevent an unaccountable branch of government from subverting the expressed will of the people.
If the Premier had done his job, this would not have happened but he dragged his feet and wrung his hands to do nothing. Had it been to give an investor the reigns to cover us up and claim all, it would’ve been gone immediately.
What are you talking about? This was a Judicial Review by the Chief Justice ordered by the Cabinet, Governor’s Office and FCO, and they (and you) all lost fair and square! Read the judgement and come to terms with its content. Who knows, maybe you’ll actually learn something today.
This is nothing more than a game to you where winning is more important than respecting the expressed will of the people. One of these days you will find yourself on the receiving end of judicial overreach and only then will you come to respect democracy.
Tower of Babel and same sex marriage all at the same time. what is Cayman coming to? Beware!
Can we now legalize ganja? I am tired of the discrimination that I face everyday.
Every elected voter who voted for the constitution should sue for the lack of action by our elected members.
It’s amazing how those that profess to be religious and preach righteous forgiveness quite happily spout bigoted and homophonic bile and display a general intolerance to anybody or anything that doesn’t fit with their outdated view of reality.
This is the 21st century people and what’s wrong with living and let live and maybe you all might let a little bit of happiness into your miserable world, if not for a brief period pending ‘judgement and eternal damnation’ that you all seem obsessed with.
Congratulations to the couple that won the judgement and I wish them eternal happiness.
We need Anthony Eden in charge of this country now !!!
Meanwhile, deafening silence from the shameful Premier’s office and Cabinet. What a bunch of poor losers. These women had every right to seek damages in proportion to their personal misery and trouble. The CJ was a gavel stroke away from feathered them a nice homecoming nest in Salt Creek with their award, but they never sought one. Their discretion is an example of what true class and character looks like Cayman. We should all take note.
This message is to all those who believe in seem sex marriage it don’t matter who it is it could be the president, governor, who ever it is, GOD is against you and you will pay the price in this life and in the next and if you don’t believe in hell well it’s real and you will have memories when you’re their burning, and you will remember this message while you are their, if the cayman island agrees to seem sex marriage god will be against this island, and all you can look forward to is bad times, and don’t worry if you think in your minds that things is good, maybe for a while but things will change little things at first but as time goes on you will pay and you will pay hard ( hurricane Ivan ) was just a sample of what’s to come if you the cayman people decide to agree with this seem sex marriage, the only people that is in seem sex relationship or believe in seem sex marriage, their minds and their lives is controlled by satan and unless you have god in your life and in your heart you will loss, and all you have to look forward to in this life is bad times search your heart and read the word of god and you will know the truth You probably already do know the truth The governor and all those that’s thinking about changing the law read the word the Bible says you are to reap what you sow.
Put your phone down and take some more medication ….
Damn, didn’t even get 4 lines down. Paragraphs are something too, your bible would’ve taught you that.
Hell does not exist. It was made up to make people fearful of not going to church. Great tactic for the churches but absolute BS. And if I’m wrong then there’s always that forgiveness thing you guys keep preaching about…
Weather you believe that theirs a hell or not it’s their and you’re still going to go their, if you don’t turn your life around and give your heart to god you just can’t live any way you want and think god is going to forgive you (like you said that forgiveness thing) and you will go to be with him no sin can go with god you keep on letting satan tell you those lies you think down here on this earth is hell theirs a burning hell and you will feel it for ever and ever think about that
Please don’t waste your time replying to these empty balloons who are the fools that say there is no God.
Hell is very much real and Satan doesn’t control the fire burning but you nonbelievers don’t need to take my word for it because every life whether homo or str8 has an expiry date and one day you will find out the truth but unfortunately when your day comes it will be too late.
Let’s hope for the sake of these vengeful, hate-driven, Bible thumpers there isn’t one, because I suspect many of them will have already punched their ticket with St Peter, and will be descending the escalator all the way down to the sub-basement levels.
Blasphemy in full force here.
I pity the ignorant, for they know not what they do or say…
Loving the semi-literate religious drivel Ag. Great work.
There is no Christian god. This is silly. Ask yourself why you don’t believe in Apollo, Zeus, Odin or Thor and then ask yourself why your believe is anymore rationale than the belief the Ancient Greeks or Romans or Vikings. You can’t threaten domination on those who think you are talking rubbish. It’s like me threatening to make your middle toe grow 3cms.
Are you genuinely suggesting that Ivan was because of homosexuals or because of tolerance to them? Why wasn’t the world torn apart by God because of slavery???? Oh that’s because God agrees with slavery…. you are full of rubbish.
I am not saying Ivan was because of gays I am saying Ivan was because of sin, to many people playing with god, playing church, people act like god can’t see the evil things they do behind close doors then say they serve god. now that this law is passed for the gays to be married, gods wrath is going to come upon this cayman island, and he use nature disasters, to bring it about be it hurricanes, earthquakes, what ever it is, it will come just a matter of time, this thing with the gays is one of the worst sin against god that you could do and this cayman island will pay the price. Watch now and see what’s about to happen to cayman. so now settle back and think that things is good, god will hit when no one expects it, I will pray for this cayman that repentance will come before his wrath comes remember the days of Noah. All though everything was good then, then GOD hit, seem thing is going to happen here may god have mercy on all those that’s out of the will of god ask god for forgiveness.
‘..Gods earth is going to come upon this Cayman Island!! ….Watch now and see what’s about to happen to cayman’. … You mean this could manifest itself in a bad lineup at next years Kaaboo!!?!
THANK YOU! Can you please speak to the local weather teams and universities to clarify this!! All of these years I thought Ivan was because of warm moist air over the ocean rising and being replaced by cooler air. The cooler air then warming and starting to rise, and there being enough warm water to have the cycle continue and the storm clouds and wind speeds continue to grow causing a hurricane to form.
To think, it’s actually just as simple as a sky fairy having a temper tantrum.
See you all at Havana Club!
The BIBLE say’s and I quote…… “Thou shall NOT covet thy neighbours’ ASS .”. Just having some pun. People do what you want to do, some day, some way, we will all pay. Just saying .
Either you’re a day late with your April Fool’s gag or you need to take a long hard look at yourself for supporting such hate.
You mean April Fool’s law
Coming soon: Gay couple sues church for not accepting to marry them
Why haven’t atheists done that already? Why haven’t Baptists sued to get married in the Catholic church?
And why does this happen NOWHERE ELSE?
There is one church in the US state of New Jersey which was sued, but not for providing a religious service. The problem was that they rented out a public hall to all comers, but refused it to a gay couple. That’s a different story.
This mythical belief that somehow gay people are going to want to force others to provide them with religious ceremonies, when those others don’t want to, is simply ridiculous. Religious organizations have the freedom to provide services to whom they want, and you cannot go and get yourself baptized, confirmed, or bar mitzvah’d in a congregation where you are not a member – just as they limit marriages to their own members.
Utter blind foolishness.
Baking cakes is a religious ceremony now? Although it’s not surprising there are people who can’t tell the difference between a religious ceremony and an ordinary commercial transaction.
Yes, in the US there are still churches which don’t admit African descendants or recognize inter-racial marriages. They do just fine and nobody sues them,
Read. The. Judgment.
I read it. I’m now gathering up a drywall bucket full of handy stones to stone my neighbor for trimming his beard. I plan to have at least six more buckets full for the neighborhood adulterers. My very own Mother insists on wearing mixed fabrics. sorry Mom, rules is rules.
I’m going to need more buckets. At least they have comfortable handles.
What you mean is, that a church is above the constitution.
Time for you to move to Afghanistan.
It’s not going to happen because section 8 of the Marriage law protects churchs. It is almost as if people don’t read the laws and decide to spout crap all the time. Ok if you are Christian that is going to happen more often but for Pete’s sake read the Judgment and the laws then come up with a sensible view point.
The conflicting Marriage Law was absolutely nullified by the higher authority of the Constitution Order (an Act of Parliament), and that’s not a viewpoint, it is the legal conclusion of both sets of QCs, the Chief Justice, and the Governor’s Office. Done. Move on!
I;m surprised the right wing moralists haven’t already lobbied to have the pronunciation of ‘Cayman’ changed; because it sounds so much like ‘Gay-man’.
Okay that’s a bit silly. Besides, they are waiting to decide which variation of the new name that Dart would like us to be called.
goat comment
Actually, the freedoms entrenched in the Constitution Order (an Act of Parliament) voided the repugnant verses in the Marriage Law 2009.
Let the UK force their will on the people of the Cayman Islands. It will ensure that history reflects the complete lack of regard and respect that they have for the people of the Cayman Islands. Our political representatives are required to represent the views and values of their constituents and should vote accordingly. As it relates to judicial overreach, there is need for constitutional reform to ensure that this never happens again.
The politicians had ample opportunity to legislate for civil partnerships but were all too happy to leave the decision to the court as they were too cowardly to stand up to their constituents and note the right course of action – they wanted to have someone to “blame” and assert that this decision has been “forced” upon us.
It is a fact that there are many gay and lesbian Caymanians. It is also a fact that they are also required to be afforded equality and protection under the law. There was no other plausible result once challenged in court.
All of this hatred and outrage really just exposes a bunch of homophobic and discriminatory individuals in Caymanian society, who think that it is acceptable to have second class citizens in society on the basis of difference.
Same sex couples previously had no right to have their family unit legally recognized, essentially shunning them from society. If their partner died, inheritance issues arose as foreign marriages were not recognized. Co-parenting also wasn’t recognized in addition to a host of other issues.
The marriage institution is not a religious institution. It is secular. For you uneducated bigots, that means you are not required to share Christian beliefs to be allowed to marry. Therefore you do not hold the keys that open the gate to marriage, the state does.
Do not be mistaken, there is no difference in your views and discrimination to what black people have faced at the hands of whites in history, or more recently women at the hands of men.
The court is there as the final pillar in society to ensure law and order and the protections of minorities from these majoritarian discriminatory views.
At the end of the day, the future generations will be better off growing up in a society where equality and dignity exists, and that is something we should all be grateful for.
I am Caymanian and your views do not reflect mine, nor any of my hundreds of Caymanian friends and most of my family – don’t assume you speak for us all.
Thank you from the bottom (and top) of my heart for taking the time and thought and care to express yourself. Perfectly said.
— another Caymanian —
What are you rambling on about? Nobody ever claimed to speak for you are your morally bankrupt friends and family. Modern day marriage has its roots in religion but the institution was corrupted by secular institutions for their own nefarious purposes. The larger issue here is about judicial restraint and the importance of respecting the expressed will of the people.
What are you talking about?? Modern day marriage? When does the modern day start? It’s been a secular institution for at least 200 years. So I’m guessing that’s not modern day?
People have been married for thousands of years even before Christ so I guess you don’t mean that far back.
Marriage is not owned by Christians. You didn’t invent it, it’s not yours. Don’t pretend it is.
If you read the summary of the Judgment you will see the CJ is following precedent so this isn’t judicial oversight.
Who the F wants to get married today??
It’s so fake. It is just a waste of frigging money people!
Not to mention how expensive a divorce could be as well if it doesn’t work out!
Absolutely agree. Well said!
Well put. I am a proud Gay Caymanian, and I thank you kindly. I will never understand why our Government thinks it’s right to discreminate against up LGBT Caymanians. Allot more cases involving LGBT cases will more than likely be decided in the courts. Because previous and our present Government has for years discrinidiscr against the most vunlerable in The Cayman Islands and the LGBT COMMUNITY. When will Cayman wakeup and stop electing these over paid bunch of children. Learn from yourselves. It’s either your gonna stay with the UK or GIVE US THE VOTING CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY TO DECIDE OUR FATE. And to the hypocritical so called people of God. Yes the same God I was brought up believing in. He never hated anyone. Stop building palaces on this Earth. And instead help your fellow Caymanians who are not as fortunate as you. Stop using raffles and fish frys to sell tickets. And you all church people call it church building fund. Yeah right, bunch of haters, adultery lying hyprocerates. I sure could care less what you think of me. Like so many Caymanians using going to church to hide their sinfull dirty ways and doings.
Excuse me Chet, but you and other members of the LGBT community are NOT the most vulnerable in society.
I take this time to let you know that our children are our most vulnerable members of society….not thinking and working adults like yourself.
We are forgetting in all of this, that our kids are our future.
Chet, how did you and the LGBTQ community become the most vulnerable in Cayman’s society.?..Has anyone been persecuting you because you are gay and the LGBTQ community in general. I don’t think so.
This foolishness about Gays vs. Christians is stupid. Everyone that is Christian is not anti-gay and everyone that is Gay is not anti Christian.
For years we have lived together in harmony so don’t you see how this ruling has made us so divisive?
I respect the rights of both the Christians and the LGBTQ community but asking a country with long held beliefs, traditions and social norms to be told by one judge that it will all change with a stroke of his pen is certainly inciting something to divide us on the highest of levels…
Beautifully said.
Brilliantly sad… shame most of the bigots you refer to will ignore this post.
This message is to all those who believe in seem sex marriage it don’t matter who it is it could be the president, governor, who ever it is, GOD is against you and you will pay the price in this life and in the next and if you don’t believe in hell well it’s real and you will have memories when you’re their burning, and you will remember this message while you are their, if the cayman island agrees to seem sex marriage god will be against this island, and all you can look forward to is bad times, and don’t worry if you think in your minds that things is good, maybe for a while but things will change little things at first but as time goes on you will pay and you will pay hard ( hurricane Ivan ) was just a sample of what’s to come if you the cayman people decide to agree with this seem sex marriage, the only people that is in seem sex relationship or believe in seem sex marriage, their minds and their lives is controlled by satan and unless you have god in your life and in your heart you will loss, and all you have to look forward to in this life is bad times search your heart and read the word of god and you will know the truth You probably already do know the truth The governor and all those that’s thinking about changing the law read the word the Bible says you are to reap what
And here we have another one that does not understand what is going on.
YOUR politicians forced a constitution on YOU that forces YOU to accept gay marriage.
Caymanians have caused this problem themselves.
Getting tired of these naive and uneducated people.
How do our leaders fairly represent ALL of us when we are not all haters? After all is said and done, some of you folks acting as if homosexuals aren’t human, our neighbors, friends, and family. You do understand what HUMAN rights are don’t you? They are rights afforded to humans….all colors, all genders, all races. And by the way, to those of you justifying your hate with “it’s just not normal”, do you know that the animal kingdom has many species that are homosexual, asexual, able to change gender in order to procreate and evolve? Just saying….some weird God you have for creating things like that in nature huh?
Idleness is a sin dear.
Food for thought.
Not condoning VIOLENCE against anyone, but I can’t help but not applaud Brunei’s soveriegn stance against homosexuality
Again, I am not condoning violence, but we need real Opposition to this LGBT crap we see here! We need Opposition that will stand up for our traditional and family values! The jokers here are too afraid to stand up for the people!
See link –
Are you crazy?
After they have killed all of the gays, and turn to killing bigots, then you will wish that there were some gays left to beg for mercy on your behalf.
If only there was another country in recent history that took the “sovereign stance”
of eradicating undesirable minorities in promotion of the state approved culture and values
You people are despicable, your ideas are despicable, and you need to be put on watch-lists and monitored
There is no place on earth for thinly veiled eugenics and cultural ‘purity’
If you’re the sort of person who can’t write two lines without contradicting yourself it’s probably best to avoid double negatives. Maybe stick with the emojis until you learn to use English.
Of course you aren’t merely condoning it! You just said you are applauding it! Why don’t you go there for a visit and walk out in the street and hold your bible up proclaiming it the only true word of the only God there is. I am sure your family wont be expressing applause at your services you world class moron!
CORRECTION: Its not the Bible. Its the Koran. There’s a big difference. Most if not all Caymanians, proclaim homosexuality is a sin, and yes … HATE the lifestyle. And theres nothing wrong with hating a lifestyle. But the intentions of this posted comment, is to portray us as if we promote violence and hate people. To hate a lifestyle and to hate people are two different things. The above comment does not represent the views of conservative Caymanians who oppose this gay law.
You obviously have difficulty understanding. The comment from Caymanian portrayed you as promoting violence and hate. Do you really believe it is appropriate to make a distinction between condoning and applause in those circumstances? It is a distinction without a difference since their motive is hate and their method is violence. Great company – perhaps you should both visit Brunei with your Bibles!
Of course you are condoning violence.
By supporting and sharing such a dictatorial and violent response to the lgbt community there is no other conclusion to draw but your call to action for a similar response in Cayman.
You should be a shame of yourself. Any action of hate against a member of the lgbt community is a hate crime.
CNS – this comment should never have been permitted to be posted.
CNS: I did consider deleting it. But if you look at the article, with this new law Brunei is not only targetting LGBT people but punishing adultery among heterosexual couples with death by stoning. Perhaps that’s something you should discuss with this person.
Seriously? In that case you are just pure wicked!
Brunei is not just applying this stance against homosexuality… they are doing the same for ADULTERY– guess there would be a ton of locals getting stoned to death in the Town Square in George Town!! You say you’re not condoning violence, but you are. If you applaud this, you most certainly are condoning it.
Just read the final judgement summary from our Chief Justice. The Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 essentially states that the Marriage Law 2009, is repugnant to the Constitution Order (which is an Act of Parliament) and thus, void and inoperative. It’s not that hard to follow. If there are MLAs that don’t understand this construct, then they should ask someone smarter than them to explain it, or offer to resign their seat in the legislative assembly due to their incapacity. We already know the church lobby can’t read.
Couldn’t agree more.
Ok Roper, that’s very cute and all but…why the heck should I / we care for your views on gay marriage?
We are living in the 21st Century.
Democracy is the only respectable principle of human existence.
You, as governor, was arbitrarily appointed to your position.
I, nor my fellow Caymanians, have not democratically elected you to power or influence.
In reality, your title is nothing but an out-dated role somewhat akin to a court jester.
Interesting how many who place weight behind Roper’s words will be the very same disparaging others for upholding Christian or biblical principles in this debate.
For clarity, I regard Roper’s words and perspective with as much dismissal as his supporters do our conservative Caymanian Christians.
– Whodatis
#wigsareforinstgrammodels #keepit100 #middleagesmadness
Love comes from God. Hate comes from ignorance and fear. Be glad he gave each of us our own choice to make. If you believe that you are so great in his eyes that you must make a choice for other people then pay attention to what you sow.
I know it doesn’t suit your agenda of anti-gay bile, but what the constitution actually says is:
14.—(1) Government shall respect the right of every unmarried man and woman of marriageable age (as determined by law) freely to marry a person of the opposite sex and found a family.
It says nothing about defining, or restricting, it as only a man and a woman. It merely respects the right of a man and a woman to marry. And this may come as a shock: that is unchanged.
I am on your side but what is the meaning of the words “to marry a person of the opposite sex”?
It means that the right to marry can never be taken away from heterosexual couples. It’s protected under the constitution. For example in the U.K. following the success of the heterosexual couple winning the right to have a civil partnership, there was consideration on whether marriage should be done away with and civil partnerships the way forward for all couples, heterosexual or same sex going forward – this didn’t materialize but it’s a good illustration. The constitution would prevent that scenario as it protects the right to marry (rather than defining it). Read the summary judgment for more detail.
Seeing this 1 gay law will cause other laws to be made:
Will the powers that be, respect the rights of children, parents, people of faith, remains to be seen!
Now, you have given the LGBT powers to push their laws on the population, thanks to mute leaders, brainwashed by them about its all about “love, equality, and fairness,” which is not!
It is a pandoras box that will affect the moral standing of these islands
Gd help us.
Yes. God help the ignorant. He gave the rest of us common sense.
In other news allowing adults to eat meat has led many to push for allowing cannibalism.
I take delight in your misery, Unison.
Accept defeat.. you can’t change it now. Love wins.
Anyone naive enough to think that Cayman has anything resembling a “moral standing” needs to spend about half a minute reading the Ten Commandments. Gay marriage is the least of our problems.
Exactly. I am a Caymanian who is also Christian but do not take the Bible literally because I can think for myself. I recognize that while I believe there is a creator, we are all viewing that creator, that God, through different windows and over thousands of years have recorded thoughts, messages, the “rule book” in different ways.
The Bible has about 700 rules many of which make little or no sense in today’s era. (Read A. A. Jacobs’ A Year of Living Biblically.)
The rules that do actually make sense in this era, that is to say, are helpful toward guiding us to a morally upstanding life, I would hazard a guess most of us in Cayman have broken at least a few.
So forget homosexuality (a normal happenstance in all of nature as another commenter noted) and go ahead and leave Cayman if you have:
-Had an adulterous affair
-Had sex with someone before marriage
-Beaten your spouse or partner
The last one off of Cayman can turn out the lights.
I have one question ok maybe a few…. to all those who are opposing the latest ruling to the same-sex marriage. If it is such a sin…
how is that any different from all of our god loving seamen who went abroad and bedded different women who were not their wives to whom they were in a heterosexual marriage
how is that different from all those god loving Seaman who went abroad and fathered children outside of that marriage
how is that different from sleeping with his brother’s wife
how is that different from having children out of wedlock or while that husband was away.
Just asking.
Because that is Cayman culture. You are being culturally insensitive. Darling.
As far as i know this wasnt made legal. The question isnt about the act being performed its about society accepting it as legal amd permissible. I don’t see anyone asking for extramarital affairs to be legalized.
Oh sweetie, they don’t need to be. Extramarital affairs are like common law here!,,
and if you’re like the poster who is applauding Brunei, all those who are committing “common law” extramarital affairs will also be stoned to death! Do you all agree with that as well? SMH
All the Cayman LGBT+ community needs to do is start outing all these self righteous hypocrites who we occasionally “fool with”. That will teach them to stop mining other people business …. and being so hateful.
Gay marriage will bring a ton of $$$ to the tourist product and you know the gays love to shop and buy expensive stuff. Once Moses sees these rolls of cash going into his family highend stores he will cancel the dock … plus gay people are better looking and know how to dress …. more than can be said for that horrid lot that get off the cruise ships arguing over the cost of a Diet Coke !
The church goers don’t need to worry about the foreign gays packing up their church’s on Sunday either, us gays go to brunch on Sundays and spend ton of $$$ on champagne…..
The gays love to regenerate a neighborhood so downtown George Towns problems are sorted just look at what the gays did for Lincoln Rd Miami Beach – beautiful people everywhere …. and for the str8s beautiful women always follow their fabulous gay friends.
See all sorted a win/win all around and we can all live happily ever after ….
Money is not everything – God is!
I have few Caymanian friends by birth are gay either man or woman and they are nicest people and willing spend money. They even go to church on Sundays.
Total disregard and disrespect for Caymanians’ religious beliefs, traditions, practice and way of life. Makes a total mockery of our constitution.
Paul Twocock…LoL
Let me give you a little preview of the Govt’s response. “We may not all like or support it but the court has made a decision which we must accept in the interests of ensuring there stability of our jurisdiction”. Anyone who thinks this wasn’t their plan all along has a space reserved for them in the new East End facility.
Also, big up he Chief Justice(on this occasion).
Would that really be sufficient a statement for this highly prejudicial hoax? What about a round of apologies for wasting everyone’s time and public money, giving false hope to the 17th Century Old Testament interest group, and of course trading on the suffering of these poor women (and others like them)? It was always going to end this way and Alden, a lawyer, knew this months ago. The higher court precedent will always prevail, even if it had to go all the way to Privy Council – thankfully it does not. If this regime wants to extend the hoax and pretend to appeal, then our Tourism pillar may not survive the backlash of what comes next, and this tyrannical regime will be blacklisted by NGOs, human rights groups, and powerful lobbies around the world. This Cabinet of losers must demonstrate contrition and apologize today.
Hold your breath for those apologies.
hope you say the same thing when they legalize prostitution …
One man should not be allowed to change the laws. That is communism
No it’s not. I’m not sure you know what communism is.
Amazing news(rubs hands together)
But what about the Dump? Isn’t it more important than gay marriage? The Dump poisons everyone including the governor. Gay marriage kills no one.
Civil Rights and Environmental Awareness are not pie – we could do both, and more, if we had intelligent people at or near the helm!
I will encourage all In Cayman to watch the documentary on Netflix of the Massacre of the Miami Show Band to see exactly just how far some will go to murder innocence and to show respect and tolerance for others!!! They are two kinds of reality in which they exist?
it won’t make a difference, just read the comments these” christian” caymanians applaud sharia law, and the stoning of adulterers and homosexuals, even stoning 12 year rape victims for adultery.
You won’t overcome their their hatred for anyone but themsleves, the most selfish christians I have ever met
At some point there has to be a national vote on this, it should not be up to one judge to change a country. People should stop wasting time on that silly cruise petition and start one for a referendum on gay marriage. It would not be a petition against gay marriage, just one that allows every caymanian to have their say.
Caymanians already had their say when they voted for the constitution.
The same constitution which defined marriage as between one man and one woman.
Not exclusively. You see, words are important. Words have to not just be read, but understood. Half way there, I suppose.
Yeah, that’s the Marriage Law which was found to be repugnant to the Constitution Order (an Act of Parliament). That’s why it was found to be immediately void and inoperative. The two words “Opposite Sex” in the Constitution Order are repugnant to the Individual Rights to Home and Family. Maybe you should read the judgement?
You’re obviously confused. The Marriage Law is almost irrelevant as marriage is defined in the constitution.
That’s not the reason. The reason is that the cowards at the Gov’s Office, the FCO, Premier and Cabinet, already knowing the inevitable outcome, all wanted this to go through the theatre of Judicial Review so that none of them would be individually blamed by their core 17th Century “Church” lobby. They used our money, these women as their pawns, and are now trying to rewrite the narrative. We know they did nothing to help. For that, they should be apologizing and begging forgiveness.
here come the ignorant hate-bots…
Lets build that fifty story tower and bring in another ten thousand foreign people. More changes to come but a few people making plenty money.
Caymanians, this is more reason why we should come together and sign the petition for keeping marriage definition in the Cayman Islands between one man and one woman. For the Governor himself, the UK special interest, the Chief Justice himself, and even certain members of the Legislative Assembly that appear mute, are ALL in it. I think this was a well planned legislative act that undermines the will of the people.
Read the Constitution:
70.—(1) Without prejudice to section 69, a law enacted by the Legislature shall make provision to hold a referendum amongst persons registered as electors in accordance with section 90 on a matter or matters of national importance *** that do not contravene any part of the Bill of Rights or any other part of this Constitution. ***
There is no ability granted under the Constitution to have a referendum on matters of rights protected under the Bill of Rights, including the right to a private and family life and the right to be free from discrimination under the law. As clearly articulated in the Chief Justice’s decision, these rights include the right of every person to marry another single adult of their choosing, regardless of their gender.
For anyone paying attention
^^^^^ the person who wrote the original comment has not read the constitution
That is all
Any attempts to undo this ruling will be met with failure
Any appeals will go to the Privy Council where precedent will be upheld
Any attempt to change the constitution will need to be approved by the UK, and seeing as we have already wasted our political capital trying to get changes from them this year they will likely not grant that discussion for many more years
and even if they were to go back to the table this area is a red line for the UK they have said time and time again they would not initiate a change forcing Cayman to change the laws but they have never said they would allow Cayman to undo a change of this nature
If you are wondering why the CIG hasn’t made a statement publicly it is because of one simple fact
The elected government sat on its hands and now they are screwed
So as the tally currently stands
2 branches of the Government are for
and 1 is against
Lets get some of the keyboard lawyers and constitutional experts in these comments to explain how the LA should be allowed to overrule the two other democratically established and approved branches of government on behalf of a bigoted authoritarian rightwingers
I’m also sure your inadmissible online petition is going to really make a difference here right
Bermuda tried everything people here are saying the CIG should do and it didn’t work
How about this, let people live their lives and you live yours
How hard of a concept is that to understand?
I’m waiting to see how our Premier and the Government will respond…We are now having a judge making laws from the bench and the Governor endorsing it…It is nothing short of overreach by this judge and support by the Governor…
The government, in my opinion, has lost all credibility and they are impotent when it comes to incidents such as this..How can we expect that they could do anything for us when we know that a judge can simply write a law from his office and they have no power to override it…
Let’s see if any of them have the balls to stand up and be counted!
Wait… What?
Dont you get it we are a colony and there is nothing we can do about it. Its a done deal!
It’s a tad revisionist for the Gov’s office and FCO to suggest they had supported same sex unions while they sat on their hands and did nothing to intervene for years/months: passively allowing this complaint to proceed all the way to an avoidable judicial review. They should be (a) begging the forgiveness of these women, (b) others who suffer in their position, and (c) broadly the people of the Cayman Islands, for their having done nothing to support equality and civil justice while thrusting this expensive indulgence on the public purse. At least our Cabinet had the plausible excuse of wanting to appease our 17th Century troglodytes by feigning this pushback. Even the dummest can now see how poor that tactic was.
Did we expect anything different from him??
The present government isn’t dumb and didn’t avoid it. If you were elected, would you support the cause of gay rights seeing the political suicide that happened to someone else? Name don’t matter when getting this across.
Many knew this was the right direction, but couldn’t support risking votes from some cults. By leaving it alone, they knew eventually it would be challenged in court.
Make court take the licks. Poor CJ unna do the man bad…only doing he job. Anyways, they knew that the court would instate this equality. Marriage between two adults that love each other. Nothing more, nothing less.
How unna mix up casinos between two adults being in love in their own privacy idk. The “what if my children see two men holding hands” argument is DUMB, I’m sorry. We glory dry humping and walking the road drunk during Batabano but Buddha I mean Gd *wink Unison forbid two adults find a peaceful loving relationship..
A veteran in the army had inscribed on his tombstone,
“when I was in the army, they gave me medals for killing men, and a discharge for loving one.”
One step closer for government to maintain an attitude of neutrality toward religion. We won’t let some thousand year old text written by goat herders dictate how we live our lives.
“when I was in the army, they gave me medals for killing men, and a discharge for loving one.” Let that sink in. Thanks Void!
Please waste your time and petition against the ruling for equality. If it goes to privy it will be shut down by the motherland as has occurred in other BOTs.
Go on, add your names to the list of ignorant bigots, about 5% of the population thus far.
The arguments against the ruling have been laughable and the “Cayman kind Christians” have shown their true colours.
Such intolerance is why I’m glad that I go fishing on Sunday mornings instead of paying some man to preach me a fairytale.
such hate! I wonder if this is how all the LGBTQ …whatever people feel about Freedom of Speech
CNS: Freedom of speech means that you can say something objectionable and that you can be called out on it. It does not mean that you can say what you like and everyone else has to be quiet.
We must take note of the Most High King who sits on a throne. His WORD is LIFE. His WORD was not made for man to alter or condemn. Be very mindful that this GREAT KING doesn’t sleep or slumber. Watch your sayings and be conscious that the KING of KINGS also chastises his children in his timing.
Are you talking about ELVIS???!! All the words in the Bible come from a hand full of old men to control the population. WAKE UP stop the hate.
Neither God or Jesus wrote the Bible. Men did. You are worshipping them. Dead for hundreds of years. God is still with us if you could just listen to him.
But its said, God verbatim produced the Koran. Every scholar will tell you that. No mistakes there about the sin of sodomy.
Who is its?
Thank you for proving my point. Listen to yourself explain how you listen to God through a thousand year old book. It’s said, God verbatim produced the book. I will admit that it would be much easier to listen to a book that has your own views then to listen to a God that might not have your views.
What a load of tosh!
Anonymous says: 02/04/2019 at 10:05 am – I really like the point you have made; ‘Neither God or Jesus wrote the Bible. Men did. God is still with us if you could just listen to him’
Some call that spirit within their ‘Higher Power’. Your Higher Power is still with us if you could just listen.
Thank you
Thank you Governor for having the courage to support our Judiciary. Will our politicians do the same?
Men and women should not be judged only for the easy decisions that they make. But the hard and unpopular decisions.
What are you talking about?!? He and FCO spinelessly sat and waited for the Judicial Review to conclude – dragging these poor women through the courts – using OUR money!! Outrageous!