Appeal court grants stay in gay marriage case

| 10/04/2019 | 221 Comments
Cayman News Service, rape

Law Courts Building, Grand Cayman

(CNS): Sir John Goldring said that it was “not without hesitation” that the Court of Appeal granted government a stay on the legalisation of same-sex marriage in the Cayman Islands on Wednesday, blocking the impending first gay wedding ever be held in the country. The president of the appeal court said that they could not say there was no argument to be made against Chief Justice Anthony Smellie’s “full and fair consideration” of the case.

The court accepted that there would be prejudice to the women involved but focused on the government’s position that dozens of pieces of legislation would have to be re-drafted to meet the ruling by the chief justice, causing “legal uncertainty” until the appeal is settled.

The president said that the court did not accept that in order to grant a stay the government had to demonstrate a strong likelihood of success, merely that there is something to argue. The appeal judges also seemed to give considerable weight to an affidavit filed by a government official that numerous pieces of legislation would now need to be amended.

The court said that if the couple married now before the issue surrounding the Marriage Law was settled, it could result in anomalies regarding any same-sex couple’s legal position in relation to the laws that would now need to be amended. However, the court observed that legislators seemed to have made no provision at all for the possibility that they would lose at trial.

By granting a stay, the appeal court has given hope to government and fuelled the justification for the use of public funds for the case, despite the wide legal opinion in Cayman that the appeal is doomed to failure. But the court also refused to consider the government’s application for costs, deferring that until after the appeal itself is heard. The court confirmed that it would hear the actual appeal at its next sitting in Cayman, which is scheduled for 19 August to 6 September.

While there was considerable disappointment for Chantelle Day and Vickie Bodden, who were due to marry Wednesday evening, when the court rose a small number of people in the gallery began loudly praising God and had to be silenced by the court marshall.

Dr Leo Raznovich, a leading activist for the LGBT community, said he felt that the appeal court’s decision to deliver the ruling granting the stay a full day after arguments were made was “cruel” and questioned whether the recent political backlash had played in part in granting it, given that the government’s grounds for appeal, which the court appeared to decide was less relevant than the issue of the potential legislative uncertainty.

Nevertheless, the decision is merely a stay and has no bearing on whether or not the actual appeal will be successful.

Education Minister Juliana O’Connor Connolly, who had urged the community to disrupt the couple’s wedding if it went ahead, was also in attendance at the court for the decision, alongside Savannah MLA Anthony Eden, whose recent contribution to the debate on same-sex marriage demonstrated that his long-standing vitriolic opposition to homosexuality has not abated in any way.

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Comments (221)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Most of those out at the Gay March were expats. Caymanians don’t want this change. Leave Gay Marriage for other countries.

    • Anonymous says:

      Simply untrue. But you believe that a God would tell you to hate a certain type of people because they were born a certain way… so I guess you’ll believe anything.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are a misinformed fool. There were many Caymanians there white and black. The only reason the crowd was not bigger is because many that would have gone heard about it too late. It was organized at the last min.

  2. MM says:

    When will there be a push for gay marriage in Jamaica?

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately I think it’s the Jamaican population that is on here commenting for Jesus. I don’t actually think it’s most voters here.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Any particular reason why yesterday’s post of mine was disallowed on this thread?

    – Who

    CNS: Check again. Believe it or not, I don’t work 24 hours a day. If you don’t see it, I have no idea.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It looks like Government has employed the Russians or the Chinese to manipulate the thumbs on these articles.

  5. Anonymous says:

    That’s a wonderful picture in the Compass of Anthony and Julianna leaving the Court yesterday….. I think CNS should run a competition to see who can come up with the best caption.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Common sense, love, and the LAW will prevail come August. I wonder what the bigots will do when they lose? Will they blame their God?

  7. Anonymous says:

    The time has come for a mandatory gay register. The bigots and zealots need to be able to more easily identify their targets.

  8. Anonymous says:

    1865: We ended slavery, against the will of christians.
    1919: We allowed women to vote, against the will of christians
    1967: We allowed mixed racial marriages, against the will of christians.

    You see a trend ?

    2019: We will allow gay people to marry, against the will of christians.

    We now find it quite normal that we dont have slaves, that we can marry a different race, that women can vote.
    Except anthony eden, who is still against all the above.

    Please people, try to see the bigger picture.

    • Anonymous says:

      The church is a dying institution. It’s only a matter of time.

      • Unison says:


        The Church is comissioned by the Most High. Empires and rulers tried to destroy people who revere Gd. It is either you join them or stay in a minor boat.

        They are a moral voice against a law that will lead to same-sex parenting, transgenderism, the behavior taught in classrooms as the norm, the wrong use of words like “discrimination, bigot, hate, love, equality,” … the list goes on.

        The Church, Muslims, and other monotheistic religious groups have always served as a moral voice. They have built thousands of hospitals, provided homes for orphans, help the poor, and many charitable deeds.

        So what is your strategy on getting rid of the Church? And have you seen the fruit of atheism and the LGBT devote their funds in building hospitals, clinics, homes to many people in need? Can you count the stars compared to their bland theories and philosophies?

        • Anonymous says:

          The philanthropy of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates demonstrates that you can be moral and caring without the need for a belief in organised religion or the intervention of the Church.

        • Anonymous says:

          Atheism is a very self-centered and cold belief. I know many atheists. They are very intellectual people, but they hardly come together for the common good – unless if its for some self interest or monetary benefit.

          • Anonymous says:

            Oh that’s simply not true but you just stick your head in a hole and decide what’s true or not.

        • Anonymous says:

          What’s your point about building hospitals and such? There have been just as many religious groups who’ve bombed hospitals and the like because it wasn’t enough to just be a Christian or a Muslim, you had to have the right version of Christianity or Islam.

          Forget about the stars…can you count at all?

        • Anonymous says:

          You couldn’t be more wrong.
          Study the history of religion and you’ll notice it is manmade.
          That is why there are so many different religions and gods.

          • Anonymous says:

            And that is why there exists throughout history of mankind, hatred, greed, prejudice and war.

      • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      women can vote? wtf?

    • Anonymous says:

      That is BRILLIANT post. Christians: any response?

    • Anonymous says:

      We? Your dates seem to imply the US, not Cayman. Woman only got the vote in Cayman in 1958.

      • Anonymous says:

        The dates are besides the point. I think the author of the comment was saying that the church had always stood against the flow of social progress

    • Anonymous says:

      1865: We ended slavery, against the will of white people
      1919: We allowed women to vote against the will of white people
      1967: We allowed mixed racial marriages, against the will of white people

      You see a trend?

      Your generalisations are immature and just plain wrong.

      Attaching a man’s name to a bigoted statement even though it’s a poor attempt at satire, when he is married to a non-white woman, owns no slaves and has benefited from many women voters over the years is also wrong.

      The driving force for abolition of slavery was led by Christians- check out William Wilberforce. Likewise civil rights movement in America was led by Christians of both colours. Right here in Cayman, when women got the right to vote, the charge was led by many devoted Christian women who had the support of their husbands and brothers. Their voices were not silenced.

      So please try to be fair.

      Homosexual marriage is a very sensitive issue of morality for many people- who aren’t out there spreading hate or vitriol. It takes maturity to understand that and to treat people with respect who share an opposing view.

      • Anonymous says:

        It may be easier to exercise maturity and treat people with respect if those same people were not calling others “evil” and citing Biblical references that they be put to death. Its a two way street.

        • Anonymous says:


        • Anon says:

          And just what sources can you show us where Caymanians are crying for gay people to be put to death???

          Also, citing biblical references don’t count. I would caution you to be careful with making false allegations 🤨

          • Anonymous says:

            Why don’t the biblical references count if they call for people to be put to death? Seriously interested in understanding your logic here. If I was to quote some other book that called for discrimination or violence against a minority it would be ok, or not. Or if the exemption is because it’s a religious book, do we give Muslims a pass? How about Jews? Or is just the King James Version?

          • Anonymous says:

            Wasn’t someone outside the courthouse saying they should be put to death according to the press?

      • Anonymous says:

        Slavery was not ended against the will of white people u numpty. The British government led the way to make it illegal. Erm… think they may have been white.

        • Anonymous says:

          1834 the British banned slavery.

          1835 Cayman ignored the British proclamation and the British had to send the Royal Navy to ensure the slaves in Cayman, including Long Celia, who is my personal hero (and should be a national hero), were freed.

          History may not repeat, but it often rhymes.

    • Anonymous says:

      I dont know who has put into your mind that slavery is over, you take a look again at your so called ‘life’ and the ‘life’ of others and think to yourself how free you all really are.

      • Anonymous says:

        You live in the slavery in your ill conceived mind.

      • Anonymous says:

        Only need to look at an expat on a work permit here and there it is, live and well in Cayman to this day.

      • lyndalymo says:

        Everyone, man, woman, black, white or other are ALL slaves to our government! The only person who is a slave today is one that may work as being someone’s personal servant but at least you are being paid for what you’re doing and not beat. If the pay is good, I would do it.

    • No state citizen says:

      Are you talking about America or Cayman because there was never a law against “mixed marriages” here since we are all mixed in the Cayman Islands, even if some want to believe that they are white!

      Also it was men in generally, not just Christians, who were against women voting here so please stop blaming Christians as a whole group.

      Many have married elsewhere and moved here and live peacefully and you don’t or hear them making this kind of uproar.

      Same-sex marriage will be the ruin of these little islands.
      This is not about hate, just because people don’t agree with your choice does not equate to them hating you.

      Anytime anyone disagrees with the LGBTQ community, they are quick to claim hate because everyone does not condone their actions.

      • the last zion says:

        how, how will same sex marriage be the ruin of these Islands….. It hasn’t “ruined” any of the countries that have same sex marriages? Why should it ruin here?

        “Many have married elsewhere and moved here and live peacefully and you don’t or hear them making this kind of uproar”. Are you talking about homosexuals here? The Cayman Islands and their institutions don’t for the large part recognize their marriages… why should homosexual marriages not be recognized here?

        i am sorry it is about hate… look at the bible quotes… abominations.. etc. Referring to people as sodomites… and Mr Eden talking about his Bessy…. These are not the actions of people who “like” homosexuals or disagree with their choice.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Can the country please just have a vote on this?! Once the country decides there will be no reason to argue one way or the next.

    The people of the land will have the opportunity to choose as this effects the entire nation as it stands and our generations to come.

    If the country votes yes, then so be it. If they vote no, whoever doesn’t like it can kindly find somewhere else to reside!

    • Anonymous says:

      The Constitution prohibits the holding of referenda on human rights issues and provisions that would violate the Bill of Rights or other parts of the Constitution. Same-sex marriage, now a constitutional right, cannot therefore be voted upon.

    • Anonymous says:

      you shouldn’t have to vote on basic human rights for all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Should we have a referendum on the right for real estate agents to marry? A lot of people don’t like real estate agents or their behaviour, so why should they be able to marry?

      No, that would be crazy… the views of a majority should not determine the equal rights of a minority.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Very interesting.
    I do not see this same zelous anti-Muslim, going on when they clearly say, it will not happen in Muslim countries.
    Only the nations that have Christians roots are being tormented and made to be a laughing bunch. Why always try to make a mockery of God. ?
    Are you from some kind of monkey? So why do people get offended when called an ape or some other animal?
    There is a God. There is tolerance.
    A gay Atheist. Guess what side of the argument he would be on?
    A family memeber with a Lisbian or Gay child. What side will they take?
    A Caymanian, (real), what side do you think they would be on.
    Keep the foolishness going on. My black is blacker than your black.

    It’s like taking your clothes to the cleaner with a stain.
    “Ma’am you have a coffee stain here”. Wait a minute, that’s not coffee, can’t you see that’s cappuccino, so obvious it cappuccino, you should be fired”.
    (Point being that what you think is normal is not normal through another person eyes)

    In the end, we all support what we want for one reason or the other. The complain now is that 2 little grown girls are hurt over the decision of the stay. Two , dos , 2 Persons.

    If they love each other so much and want to be married. Then I humbly suggest to do it where you been for the last few years and maybe it’s legal.
    Apart from that, let’s argue in a civil way. Not by insulting God or making a mockery of Christians. If you have other values, trust me, they make no sense to me either that there are people in this world that can believe they evolve from a snail and crawl up to the land and started this perfection called humans.
    As Mr. Ben Carson mentioned if that what’s you want to believe and then act all Monkey ish, then that a different topic. So to each his own.

    To the Government. Spend every last cent to fight on behalf of the people.

    The gays, The Atheist, and every other is not spending money out of there pockets, they are being funded.

    Gay human rights Chief / commissioner. Just take that in for a moment.

    • Anonymous says:

      They shouldn’t have to go anywhere else to get married when one of the ladies is from here and this is where they want to live! It’s not a matter of religious beliefs- there are marriage ceremonies everywhere around the world that aren’t based on religion. As you say, to each his own- if that’s the case, than just let everyone have the SAME rights and go about our own business!

    • the last zion says:

      Lets try and go through this line by line:

      i.”I do not see this same zelous anti-Muslim, going on when they clearly say, it will not happen in Muslim countries”. That’s because there is only 1 muslim country which has signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights and they are before the Court in Strasbourg all the time!!!
      ii. “Only the nations that have Christians roots are being tormented and made to be a laughing bunch. Why always try to make a mockery of God.” I’m pretty sure Christians are making a mockery of god… but so beit. In Europe the major countries now all have something akin to Gay Marriage. That is how the world is progressing we are behind the times.
      iii. “Are you from some kind of monkey? So why do people get offended when called an ape or some other animal?”. We are descended from an Ape like creature. People get offending because of the obvious racial undertones which are associated with calling someone an Ape but also because we have evolved. We no longer fling our excrement at people (ok most of us do). To call someone an Ape suggests that the person is basic or unevolved.
      iv. “There is a God”. Prove it…. oh no you can’t.. Until there is evidence of the Christian god, there is no god… Whether there is a higher being, well that’s a different matter.. but you cannot prove evidence of God… please don’t say the earth and humans… muslims and buddists can use the same argument.
      v. “A gay Atheist. Guess what side of the argument he would be on?” A devout Christian who believes the bible is the word of god and quotes Ben Carson… which side of the debate are they going to be on.. i wonder.
      vi. “Point being that what you think is normal is not normal through another person eyes”. I agree. Same Sex relationships in animals have been witnessed in 450 different types and 10% of rams only have sex with other rams. Homosexuality is normal.
      vii. “If they love each other so much and want to be married. Then I humbly suggest to do it where you been for the last few years and maybe it’s legal.” The two ladies in question have strong roots to the Cayman Islands… Why should they go anywhere?
      viii. “Not by insulting God or making a mockery of Christians” You do kind of bring it on yourselves if you believe in the literal truth of the bible, despite its contradictions. Plus quoting Leviticus all the time… It’s meant to be written by Moses… who is widely accepted to be a myth.
      ix. , trust me, they make no sense to me either that there are people in this world that can believe they evolve from a snail and crawl up to the land and started this perfection called humans.” It does not matter what you believe.. the facts are that evolution happened. Your belief does not trump facts.
      x. quoting Ben Carson.. i don’t even know where to start…
      xi. “The gays, The Atheist, and every other is not spending money out of there pockets, they are being funded”. Yeah the church’s don’t fund things either… your point being….

      • Anonymous says:

        Boom, bazinga, pow! High five for taking time to explain the simplest of things to these people who will just keep their eyes, ears and hearts shut.

    • Anonymous says:

      Take your pills.

    • Anonymous says:

      Reading that gave me a headache…

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m sorry, what?

    • Anonymous says:

      Good grief! Did you even read what you just wrote. Your argument and examples are ridiculous. Let’s hope you are in no position of power. Even as an employer!

  11. Leroy Parker says:

    I never usually comment on these things. I cannot help at this stage based on the hypocritical and hateful people on this Island. There are more burning issues that are of grave detriment, imminent or otherwise,to the Cayman Islands.

    We are quick to head to the bible and say it says this and that but yet we forget the parts that says leave all judgment to God. There are marches and protests in the name of Jesus and God. When did they elect you all to be judges? I believe that the issue here is that because it’s more fun to hide in the closet and hit a same sex person, making it legal will take away the thrill so keep it illegal like marijuana so that the risk is worth the high or vice versa.

    Why aren’t we lobbying for the legalization of personal use marijuana and say Smellie, CJ, while you are on the point, can you legalize marijuana since the law was pre the constitution? Why aren’t we seeing such challenge mounted? Keeping the people in bondage is a revenue stream so why make it legal?

    Same sex is not illegal in the Cayman Islands so if it is OK for a man to lie with a man and a woman to lie with a woman, why not allow them to marry? they may live happier ever after and better than some of these pretentious married people I see around here.

    Deut. 22:22. If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel. (Its all dead men and women walking around here) Let he that is without sin, cast the first stone. No sin is greater nor is any smaller in the eyes of God.

    God is love and he who defies love is a hater, the same bible says he who hates is a murderer. What if it were your child? would it make it any different? Ask your pretentious selves the important question, what would Jesus do? Leave the people be and find more beneficial things to do. Why can’t the govt. give money to the feed the future, meals on wheels etc? They waste all this money on appeal and at the end of the day the couple will win! You can’t use settled cases from other jurisdiction to sure up your conviction in other cases, particularly money laundering and theft but the same can’t be seen as acceptable when a same sex couple’s attorney uses it to strengthen their case. Hypocrisy at best.

  12. Somewhere a village is missing its idiot says:

    Vicky and Chantelle be patient. Your time will come – in August or September. I do think it is very important for all those vile, bigoted politicians to put up, or shut up, though. Before the next ruling, they should all make their positions abundantly clear publicly, and should all declare that they will resign in protest if gay marriage is allowed – and back this up by doing so when the inevitable happens. This way, we can clear out a whole bunch of bigots and make room for people who may actually make a positive contribution to these beautiful islands we call home; instead of a bunch of medieval-minded oxygen thieves.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hey leftist and beta-males, here is something that will make your heads explode.

    In the human race,

    1 – only a females can get pregnant
    2- only males can impregnate a female
    3 – only females can give birth
    4- only females can lactate to feed a baby human

    5- Therefore, only females can be actual biological mothers, and only males can be actual biological fathers.

    5- Only males can become grandfathers
    6- Only females can become grandmothers
    7- only males can become brothers
    8- only females can become sisters
    9- only females can become actual wives, and only males can become actual husbands.

    10- And only a moronic leftist liberal can confuse and pervert these facts.

    • Anonymous says:

      But but but….what you’ve just said makes me FEEL baaad!!

      The simple truth you speak makes you an ignorant, disgusting, uncivilised BIGOT!! Shame on you.
      You should lose your job, be ostracised from the rest of progressive and free-thinking society and left to rot with your primitive perspective!

      – Who


      • Anonymous says:

        He’s entitle to his opinion and so do you. He stated his opinion and this is what he believes, now state yours without attacking him.
        Show you are more intelligent than this, people who attack others because of their views lack understanding.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ok so because we refused to have kids, our heterosexual marriage is invalid. Doofus.

      Procreation is not a prerequisite for marriage.

    • the last zion says:

      Are you trying to make a wider point or just trying to divert people away from the gay marriage debate?

      Just because you donate sperm or give birth, does not make you a mother or father. Raising a child and being a true parent involves more things than just the ability to pass on genes.

    • Anonymous says:

      How does biology impact marriage? Are you suggesting the only purpose to marriage is reproduction? If so, then should we be denying marriage to those that cannot conceive.? Just curious as to the logic chain here, because the casual observer might think that you were simply using an undeniable fact to try and defend a policy choice that actually had nothing to do with said fact. Its the Chewbacca defence from South Park, isnt it?

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m sorry, what?

    • Anonymous says:

      Uh-oh, friend, in due course #2, #5, and #9 may no longer apply. Then you’ll be obsolete.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you 9yrs old or what?! Jeez!

    • Anonymous says:

      Everything above seems so simple (aside for statements 9 and 10).

      The only problem is that biology and the legal rights of human beings are two separate topics.

      Maybe someday, your simple “conservative” brain will develop and mature enough to be able to grasp this distinction.

      By the way, you repeated the number 5 in your counting above. I would be careful who you label as a moron.

  14. Anonymous says:

    How can anyone celebrate the cruelty being inflicted on these women and the gay community 🙁

  15. Anonymous says:

    I have said for a long time that Cayman has failed to have the long outstanding conversation about who we are and who we want to be as a people. We have to realize that the world has become less religious and less accepting of traditional religious norms and that there are positives and negatives associated with following the new world order. We can choose to reject the new order of things and accept the consequences, or we can accept the new order of things and accept the consequences of that decision. Whatever we eventually decided to do it is important for us to quickly start to have those long outstanding conversations so that we can settle on a way forward.

  16. for fairness says:

    No surprise, the bigots won again (temporarily): CIG won the stay. Seeing as CIG has no respect whatsoever for either human rights or the public purse, this case may go all the way to the Privy Council. But the outcome will be that gay marriage will become the law of the land in Cayman. The bigots may go into convulsions about it, but it won’t change the inevitable outcome. And the further result will be that EVERYONE — even the bigots — will be better off, because FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY BENEFIT ALL.

    • Anonymous says:

      Which legal expert are you ? Or are you just a fortune teller ?

    • Anonymous says:

      It “may” become is your operative word7:05 am, and if it does you should be courageous enough to put your bamee on your comments as well as your address will ya? I would like to hold a meeting with you darling.

      • for fairness says:

        The arrival of gay marriage is inevitable. Everyone with half a brain knows it. The fact that you attack me merely suggests that you are part of the crowd of bigots. For heaven’s sake, get over yourself. If you are straight, gay marriage won’t affect you in the least. But the freedom to marry the partner of one’s choice means a huge amount to people who happen to have been born gay. Huge cheers for Vicki & Chantelle for waging this court battle!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Go on then – put your name down before criticizing others for remaining anonymous.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Its hilarious seeing the people in these comments who clearly have no clue what a stay is

    You haven’t won anything
    The appeal is now pending and they will still likely win because the government’s argument hasn’t changed they are in the wrong and their lawyers even admitted it during the initial trial

    Its going to be great watching them lose their minds again in August

  18. Anonymous says:

    This is quite normal in civil appeal cases.

    No need to shout victory on either side.

    Anti persons relax

    Pro persons try stop being so nasty

    In the end, human rights will prevail

  19. Anonymous says:

    Can’t we all just get along! Based on the harsh comments I am reading from both sides of the fence are wack. I sense gain here, hope to be wrong tho.

    As a straight Caymanian with deep roots in our Islands I believe in human and animal rights, everyone is equal. I do not condemn the Gay, they know their place and are actually cool. However, I agree religion should win over law. Same sex marriage should not be allowed, the two ladies should just love themselves , marry abroad, get over it and return. Simple, Dammit.

    On the other side, actually know of someone that is in church with his wife and kids every Sunday(not one missed)then after Church meets up with his man friend. Another person, Church, then straight to the bar room. Hiding behind the church ain’t good either. Double lives!

    Small sin, big sin, same sin. Sins cannot be categorized based on personal beliefs. Who am I to judge, right? Not a lawyer, Paster nor God.

    All of this is just a waste of money and time. However, when Gov lose this case the gates will open for Gambling legalization and Cannabis decriminalization.

    If you notice any grammar mistakes, disregard please. I had a few glasses of wine with dinner.

    Good Luck!

    • Anonymous says:

      You realise that even if they marry abroad, it will still be an issue here. One is Caymanian. The Cayman Islands law will still need to observe their marriage/union as the expat will need to be given rights to remain in the Cayman Islands as a spouse of the Caymanian.

      It is really not so simple as find somewhere else to go marry. They want their union recognised.

      Unfortunately, no one on the other side of this argument seems to understand these points. Marriage is not just a religious ceremony, under the law it is first and foremost a legal union. Religion should have nothing to do with it.

      It’s only a matter of time. The further up in the courts it goes, the stronger the arguments for this union will be and it will inevitably be a law in the Cayman Islands. The Marriage Law and Constitution will have to be re-written and at the expense of our public funds, which could be better used to educate our failing public schools.

      But we have more important things to worry about, like two women being in love and that being a wholly wrong union in the eyes. Also, on a serious path to destroying our environment and culture, but yep, two women loving each other the ultimate end to God’s wrath on us.

  20. Dazed and Confused. says:

    What a day!! I come home and find that gay marriage has been stayed. God was clearly happy as:

    1) my Internet was lightening fast. God really does mess around with internet speeds if your country supports gay marriage.

    2) the pot holes outside my house were fixed. Good on you God, we stopped Gay Marriage (for now), you fixed the potholes.

    3) I had a lovely steak for dinner…. God how did you know?

    4) I had a message from some bloke called Sultan… never heard of him but he says he is from Bruni… no idea either. Well apparently he hates the gays as well and he wants to invest his money in cayman… great I said I know just the man for you and gave him a few MLAs numbers. Apparently he is a Muslim… I’m sure they won’t mind.. cash is cash and hating gays is hating gays.

    It’s great that I have got all this money coming in because I have spent a fortune on preparing for God’s wrath. My neighbors thought I was mad raising my house and putting asbestos on my roof, but what did they know. I bet Noah laughed as the hole of humanity was drowned (babies as well, don’t forget those evil babies). Ok, the house on a slight incline and obviously the roof is highly toxic but I’m not going to be burnt or flooded because of CJ Smellie’s ruling.

    I am slightly worried though that this gay nonsense might come back in August. Why can’t god just make all people straight…. can’t be see he is causing all this strife… I suppose he is too busy dealing with his single 30 year son, who spent all his time hanging round with blokes. But they were macho blokes… fisherman and the like.. non of them will be gay.

    Anyway off to watch a movie about Cowboys… broke back mountain. None of that gay nonsense happens with cowboys either.

  21. Anonymous says:

    I’m happy that justice has prevailed so far. Looking forward to the ultimate big victory.

    • Anonymous says:

      God is good!!

      • the last zion says:

        Says all those babies killed when the earth was flooded an when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed….. and when all those slaves remained slaves… and when all those women were burned for being witches…

        the chances of the christian god existing are infinitesimally small. If there is a higher being, the chances of him caring about you or anyone on this speck of dirt in the universe are close to null.

        Grow up

  22. Anonymous says:

    I say we either follow every rule in the Bible to a T or we round up every copy of the Bible and burn them all. How can we cherry pick certain parts to follow and ignore the rest? Either we stone the gays to death or we admit the book is a bunch of outdated nonsense and move on.

    • Anonymous says:

      So round up every copy!

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you noticed that the anti-gay so called Christians NEVER answer that question? It’s been brought up so many times, and so far I have not read any sensible replies…..

      • Anonymous says:

        Because they cherry pick which “laws” they like to follow. Bunch of wolves in sheep clothing.

    • Anonymous says:

      To my knowledge no where in the Holy Bible does in say that homosexuals are to be stoned to death. However, I am sadly not an expert on the Bible nor have I read every scripture. However thankfully as it is easily available to anyone and free online, I ask that anyone who can direct us to the exact scripture please do so.

      “Leviticus 20:13 – If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.”

      I’ve seen many persons used the above scripture as evidence that the Bible demands that homosexuals be put to death. I strongly beg to differ. Even if the scripture is to be taken literally it is impossible for anyone to read that scripture and point out where it says homosexuals “must” be put to death or “who” should do it or that it is “physical” death as opposed to “spiritual” death.

      It is far more believable and probable based on the context of all the scriptures contained in the Bible that the above scripture refers to the fact that homosexuality is a sin and all sinners will be put to spiritual death upon their judgment from God and face eternal damnation.

      “Romans 6:23
      23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

      “Matthew 25:41
      “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:”

      “John 8:7
      7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

      The person referred to above in the scripture from the book of John in the Bible was Jesus Christ. He was asked by Zealots or people claiming to be religious whether a woman about to be stoned for adultery should be stoned. The religious people were trying to trick Jesus into publicly giving his opinion either against the stoning which at the time was accepted law and if Jesus said she should not be stoned He would be guilty of contempt of the law. Alternatively, if Jesus answered yes she should be stoned they knew that He would be seen as a hypocritic for acting against the gospel and word of God which says thou shalt not kill and thou should love thy neighbor as thyself. Jesus however wisely answered them as quoted above by letting them know that none of them were perfect but if they were then they should throw the first stone. Apparently even these mischievous so called religious people knew the truth within themselves that they had sinned and were not pure like God and therefore had no authority to judge and stone the woman.

      Stoning was the method of execution chosen by the unbelieving Jews who persecuted the early Christians. These unbelieving Jews were the same people who pushed the Roman political power to kill Jesus Christ. Those Jews and their religion does not represent the teachings of Jesus Christ and the word of God found in the Bible.

      To many people mix historical facts and beliefs when criticizing the Bible. The Bible is the purest book mankind will ever have. It’s the divine gift and plan for humans to follow and live life much better while here on Earth and to know how to through Jesus Christ receive eternal life in heaven.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Logic, reason, fairness, kindness to all, and progress will always be an uphill struggle in Cayman and elsewhere so long as religions control the minds of so many. Believing in gods and trusting in the leadership of people who wear funny hats or claim to hear divine voices in their heads is a free pass to be childish, senseless, and cruel to others.


    • Anonymous says:

      You start off saying kindness to all, but then you attack believers! I am a believer and religion does not control my mind, because I believe God gave us free will. Science takes things apart to see how they work and religion takes things apart to see what they mean. Religion gives us values, hope and meaning in life. If you choose not to believe it, then I respect it, but try to live by your own words! Everyone tries to blame religion for what is going on it the courts, but it is really about defending the constitutions definition of marriage.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is not an attack on believers to mention the obvious. Religions do control the minds of many. Try flying an airplane into a building without an imaginary friend in your head. Try sending your 10-year-old son to spend private “study” time with a Catholic priest without the blinders of faith on.

        Religions make too many people far more stupid and destructive than they would be otherwise.

        And religions are not necessary to find hope and meaning in life. That’s just part of the marketing campaign used for thousands of years by those who profit from the con. Religion gives us values, you say. Yes, it does, and many of those values are terrible, like prejudice against gays.


      • Anonymous says:

        Oh, is that what it’s about?

  24. Anonymous says:

    The hysteria surrounding this is laughable. The reality is and will be, as and when the law passes, that equality will be one step nearer to applying to all.
    Being gay is not a lifestyle choice, it isn’t infectious and by being gay it doesn’t mean that there will be a stampede of men having sex with men in the open air! This is about two life partners, who are Caymanian, engaged in a monogamous relationship and who want to legally formalize their relationship, and why shouldn’t they?
    This is not an assault on Cayman or its inhabitants. This is not a challenge to the Christian beliefs of these islands which are all too evident every weekend night outside Banana’s and the like.
    People (especially some MLA’s) need to calm down, cut down the vile bigoted rhetoric and just be a little more charitable to each other.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Apologies to Vicky and Chantelle on behalf of all enlightened Caymanians. Your country has dumped all over you.

  26. Anonymous says:

    I want to know which of the pastors in the Cayman islands is going to take the credit for now.

  27. Anonymous says:

    to think the backward bible thumpers actually think they will win in the long run is laughable…
    their genetic and intellectual shortcomings are destined to lose….
    justice for all…soon come.

  28. Anonymous says:

    So here’s how this is going to pan out.

    1. Government already has to pay the legal fees of the two women on top of the legal fees of their own representative. So that’s around the $200,000 ball park.

    2. Government has now chosen to appeal, at the cost of around $300,000 of public money (where there is no guarantee what they want will pass)

    3. If the government is successful in their appeal, the UK will have to then come down and intervene, costing more money to the public purse.

    4. If the two women turn out to be successful in this appeal and choose to sue for discrimination, the government may very well have to end up paying big money for that as well.

    Ignorance has a cost folks. You’re going to pay for this in one form of currency or another.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is not about cost or money!

    • Anonymous says:

      This is not about money at all. It’s about the future of our country and we will have none if we allow a mindset that two people in a sterile relationship to become a ‘norm’.

      • Anonymous says:

        Huh? The amount of kids born is your issue? You know that you don’t have to be in a gay relationship when it’s legal, right? I’m worried, did you hit your head recently and then wrote this post-concussion?

      • Anonymous says:

        But gay people are not the norm…lgbt people have never been the norm. They constitute a small minority of any given society. The purpose of having a Bill of Rights is to protect the rights of all including minorities.

  29. Brian says:

    And Lo ..there shall, in that time, be *rumors* of things going astray, errrm, and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things wi – with the sort of raffia work base that has an attachment. At this time, a friend shall lose his friend’s hammer and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before, about eight o’clock. Yea, it is written in the book of Cyril that…

  30. Anonymous says:

    …human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… MASS HYSTERIA!

  31. Anonymous says:

    Can’t praise God in the court house. That is so not funny. But your asked to swear on the bible. Now that’s a joke for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually you have the option to affirm if you are an atheist, swear on the Koran if you are a Muslim, or whatever … it’s not the court saying the Bible is supreme so much as people confirming that they tell the truth on whatever basis they hold dear. Think the judges would have been annoyed at the noise rather than the content. Try turning up to give evidence without a tie, or using your phone in court, and see what u get.

    • Anonymous says:

      yelling in a court house will get you reprimaded regardless of what you are yelling about

      The rules are made perfectly clear to anyone entering the premises

      People who act out do so not accidentally but purposefully to make a scene

      They should have been held in contempt and taken to jail
      at least then it would give your victim complex something to actually complain about

      Cause Christians are always the victims even when they are the ones doing the discriminating

  32. Anonymous says:

    It will take a national vote regardless of the appeal final outcome. The people need to decide on constitutional change like this, not a couple judges and not politicians.
    Much more important to spend time on a same sex referendum than a cruise one.

    • People's Front of Judea says:

      For the religious fundamentalists on this site, a bit of homework for you…please look up what the word ‘secular’ means and also ‘human rights.’ Your answers must not include the following words/phrases: Bible, God, ‘we don’t want it,’ or ‘it is written.’

      • Anonymous says:


        Judgment of the Human Rights Court of Strasbourg -France

        Unanimously, the World Court of Human Rights has established, verbatim, that “there is no right to homosexual marriage.” The 47 judges of the 47 countries of the Council of Europe, which are members of the full Court of Strasbourg (the world’s most important human rights court), issued a statement of great relevance that has been surprisingly silenced by information progressivism and its area of influence. In fact, unanimously, the 47 judges approved the ruling that “there is no right to homosexual marriage.” The sentence was based on a myriad of philosophical and anthropological considerations based on natural order, common sense, scientific reports and, of course, positive law.Within the latter, in particular, the judgment was based on Article 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This is equivalent to the articles of human rights treaties, as in the case of 17 of the Pact of San José and nº 23 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In this historic but not disclosed, Resolution, the Court decided that the concept of family not only contemplates “the traditional concept of marriage, that is, the union of a man and a woman”, but also that they should not be imposed on governments to “obligation to open marriage to persons of the same sex”. As for the principle of non-discrimination, the Court also added that there is no discrimination, since “States are free to reserve marriage only to heterosexual couples.”

        • Anonymous says:

          The difference with this case is that those couples have the right to family life through another mechanism like civil unions. The issue in Cayman is that those rights are not available to this couple by any other means. If Cayman provided for that in another matter then theirs rights would not be breached.

          • Anonymous says:

            Its not too late for Cayman. And I smell referendum.

          • Anonymous says:

            Let us not forget that the lesbian couple in question did not want a civil union – they wanted marriage.

            I too believe in civil partnerships being the best way forward but the real intent of the modern LGBT campaign has a different agenda unfortunately.

            • the last zion says:

              that’s not what they wanted!!! they would have settled for civil partnerships but because the religious community is so against anything like that the Legislative Assembly couldn’t pass it.

        • Anonymous says:

          The Bermuda Government used that argument in court, and it failed miserably.

          Also, while we’re at it, let me list all the high courts that have declared same-sex marriage a human right: the United States Supreme Court, the Mexican Supreme Court, the Costa Rican Constitutional Court, the Taiwanese Supreme Court, the Brazilian Supreme Court, the Austrian Supreme Court, the Nepali Supreme Court, the South African Constitutional Court, the Bermuda Supreme Court, and most importantly the Inter-American Court on Human Rights, the highest court in the Americas.

        • the last zion says:

          tell you what, shall we do a deal. You stop posting the above nonsense and i’ll stop showing you where you are wrong on ever point…

          how about that

          OK shall we really tell it how it is and don’t pick something off a Christian website?

          i. There is no “World Court of Human Rights”.

          ii. There is the European Court of Human Rights which has 47 Judges from the 47 different Countries.

          iii. This was posted on this website back in 2017. It is very odd that if you search the wording in the post all you get is various nutty Christian websites and CNS.

          iv. I believe it is Article 17 and not the “case of 17 of the Pact of San Jose”.

          v. I believe that the case refers to the decision in Chapin and Charpentier v. France. 47 Judges did not sit on that case. I can’t speak french but here is the decision:

          vi. What is more important is the case of Oliari v Italy which can be found here{%22itemid%22:[%22001-156265%22]}

          vii. Oliari held that because the Italian state had failed to provide Civil Partnerships they had breached Mr Oliari’s Human Rights in particular Article 8. It is therefore a minimum requirement that a state has civil partnerships.

          viii. As Cayman does not have civil partnerships and as the marriage law is contrary to Constitution the CJ rewrote the Law.

          ix. So while it is correct to say that there is no right to marriage there is a human right to have something akin to marriage. So that is where we are.

          the post is pretty nutty, i can’t read the french case of Chapin but i doubt it says many of the things above.

    • Anonymous says:

      I totally agree!

    • Anonymous says:

      The Cayman Constitution forbids holding referenda on human rights issues.

  33. Anonymous says:

    A great day in the Caymans Islands, glad to see sanity prevailing.

  34. Anonymous says:

    A good day for homophobes and bigots..

  35. Anonymous says:

    The people celebrating this really didn’t read the article and or clearly don’t understand legal principles

    “the decision is merely a stay and has no bearing on whether or not the actual appeal will be successful.”
    The CIG didn’t win the appeal or the case they are simply being given time to make their arguments by the appeal court

  36. Anonymous says:

    And there we go another 50 years back in time, while the world around us progresses, we are on a standstill thanks to fundamentalists like Eden.
    Time for younger people to take over and get rid of the old establishment.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Can the courts now get back to pressing matters in relation to amendments for severe jail time for child molesters. Maybe persons with a legal qualification and the financial means as adults can put that same enthusiasm into other self-less acts to deter such wickedness. Maybe focus of those little humans that cannot help themselves, like students who are being bullied and have suicidal thoughts and feel they have no where to turn because they feel they have no where to turn even to local churches.

    I’m sure there are a lot of pressing matters for change in current legislation on the dockets that needs attention, some more important to others, yet this is the only topic people seem to feel is important, yet so much more positives can be accomplished for those that cannot help themselves and are not consenting adults with the financial means to fight their own battles.

    Children also have human rights that are violated every second when someone takes that innocence from them and damages their self-esteem, yet very little outrage has been given to the majority of the cases that have come before the courts, as it is swept under the rug for those children to see their abuser slapped on the wrist and sent to jail for 6 months, yet everyone is in an uproar over the rights to marry.

    Day and Bodden do not speak on behalf of all persons of the LGBT community as there are a lot of persons of the same orientation that are single and not the least bit concerned with getting married in the Cayman Islands or anywhere else in the world for that matter, yet it seems like in order to be an “accomplished” lawyer, this case needs to be won so that the recognition can be plastered across social media for the world congratulate and applaud the win. With a law degree and the ability to fight for those less fortunate, maybe using that same degree and fighting other causes that may not be something that has not personally affected you such as child abuse would also be a great cause for you to champion, as it now seems that there will be several months to hear of the court of appeals decision on the outcome since getting married doesn’t seem to be the point, just getting married in the Cayman Islands to proclaim that you were the first couple to accomplish it seems to be the ultimate goal.

    It does not matter where a couple gets married, the goal is to have spousal rights and civil rights to remain in the Cayman Islands and to be tied legally to that person so that if anything were to happen to that other person they would have the legal right to their property or residence or guardianship over children whether adopted or not.

    Some couples of various orientations with or without rights to marry, choose to simply live together forever without a piece of paper to validate their union.

    Yet the “pride” in this situation, besides from the legal battles, seems to be the one major thing that is actually holding this couple from getting married and applying for a civil partnership, as Ms. Day knew very well what the stance was in the Cayman Islands when it came to same sex marriages before she approached the General Registry, she was simply executing a dare, and has been wasting so much focus on selfish gains instead of using that degree to fight for any other causes and injustices in the Cayman Islands that are also worthy to fight for, there is not an emergency pending for which she needed to get married today, yet every few minutes a child’s innocence is taken and that child is being treated like less than garbage even by those that supposedly “love” that child and being an advocate for something as important as fighting for the rights of these helpless children and for the protection from their abuser could have potentially paved the way for acceptance of her orientation as her intentions may not be looked at as simple vanity to be the first to accomplish this at whatever the cost to anyone including the focus of other pressing matters.

    All of this time an money wasted to secure what you consider to be the only item that will validate you as a family. So you can go down in the history books as a martyr for the cause. Let me hear you say that is not simple vanity. Are you saying that for your entire relationship as a couple that you are not considered a family because you do not have that piece of paper? Are you saying that your relationship has not been full of love until you attempted to get a marriage license? I dare you to use your degree and your advocates backing to fight for other pressing matters that affects helpless persons, show us how love wins!

    • Anonymous says:

      And who are you to tell other people how to run their lives and what their priorities should be? You do nothing for anyone and believe you have the right to judge. How blessed the world is to have you in it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow why don’t you champion the helpless children since you feel so strongly about it and stop criticising these two, and in particular Chantelle for standing up for their rights and her right as a Caymanian to equality under the constitution.

      Even if they got married abroad it wouldn’t be recognized here so they would have to live abroad rather than in Cayman.

      There are loads of causes around Cayman that warrant a lot of attention and perhaps that’s something you should criticise the government for. How is it this couples’ responsibility to take on every charge?

      Why are you so bitter about something so positive? Jealous?

      And you sign off anonymous too. Sound personal to me.

      • Anonymous says:

        ^ is the name on your birth certificate “Anonymous”, because I fail to see the reference to signing off as Anonymous since you have done the same.

        How dare you imply that I am taking things that occur in the Cayman Islands as personal, why you should be ashamed of yourself!

        If getting married was the ultimate goal, and not some personal need to be the FIRST to accomplish this goal, there are a plethora of other destinations to get married at including those that are close to home, as with other couples that got married in jurisdictions that allowed and welcomed it.

        There are other gay couples living and working within the Cayman Islands that were married outside of the Cayman Islands and are they are both working and living happy without a petition into the courts, as they understood what country they were moving to to live and work here and the financial benefits that come with abiding by the laws until they choose to live and work elsewhere and the choose to respect the culture.

        There are no signs anywhere in the Cayman Islands that displays a hatred for same-sex couples or anyone that is gay, and as Ms. Day was indeed raised in the Cayman Islands she is not foreign to the ways or culture, XXXXX.

        You have also skipped over quite a lot of other important points but the tone of your responses seems to allow the echo of that old time “I know you are, but what am I”. You could have simply just answered by rolling your eyes and writing “Sooooooo” to get the same effect.

    • Anonymous says:

      “It does not matter where a couple gets married, the goal is to have spousal rights and civil rights to remain in the Cayman Islands and to be tied legally to that person so that if anything were to happen to that other person they would have the legal right to their property or residence or guardianship over children whether adopted or not.”

      Umm, yes that’s the point. They want to live in Cayman and have the rights to be considered a family, including the rights listed above, which currently the law does not allow them to do

    • Anonymous says:


  38. Anonymous says:

    Best day for Cayman and best news since the start of 2019!

    Feels like when the lights have been off for a long time and CUC finally turns back on the Power!

    Great job Appeal Judges and Government. Thank you God. Don’t want to see this country ruined any further nor do I want to see Caymanians lose respect for the law and the system and decide to riot in the streets like other countries because one Judge abused his power or made a terrible judgment or mistake.

    • Anonymous says:

      Imbecile. It’s more like when the CUC power is cut, and everything goes back to the dark ages for a few hours.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t be absurd. The government will lose in court, That is an absolute certainty. This is a perfect repeat from Bermuda, where the government appealed to the very end and lost. In the end, the real question is, how much will these ill-advised court appeals cost?

  39. Anonymous says:

    The stay is just a delay of justice. The decision will not be overturned. What has been an interesting development out of all this however is the origin of so many bible thumping ‘christians’ overnight who have some how become so holy and feel just in spreading so much hatred because people love differently.. Is that really exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit? But then again, some of you might not have a clue what that means.

  40. Anonymous says:

    May god have mercy on your souls…a sad day when homophobic people are given the right to continue with there hatred of other human beings.

  41. Unfortunate says:

    Not that I agree with this discussion , however I kind of understand waiting for the appeal to be heard.
    I beleive at the end of the appeal these two strong ladies will win.
    It is such a shame that our current elected members, especially the Premier would waste much needed funds for other more important issues our country is facing.
    I aslo feel ashamed to be a Caymanian to read the comments elected members made it the house last week.

    I was plesse to read Mr Pattons stace on this matter and he will be getting my vote in the next election if he decides to run again.

    Finally, to all you so called church going people, us younger generation can’t wait for you guys to have no power and the time is coming soon, maybe not this next election but the one after, you’ll be done!

  42. Anonymous says:

    Well done Appeal Judges!!!! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

    Big respect to the politicians who made this possible and are not afraid to stand up for the everyday hard working Caymanians who dont have time to fight these battles to keep Cayman the way CAYMANIANS want it!

    Media…stop pushing your issues and twisting the truth. CNS…go buy and island and name it CNS island and welcome gay marriage and whatever else you want…you won’t win the fight against Caymanaians who choose to exercise their independent minds and stand up for the Cayman they love. Neither you or Cayman Compass or UK or DART can shape Caymaian minds. We are born thanks to God and we will die fighting for our country and rights and beliefs!!!!

    Long live free Caymanians and may we always respect God and try to better ourselves. No hate to gays and no gay marriage in the Cayman Islands.

  43. Unison says:

    A SMALL VICTORY until the case is fully settled.

    We don’t need and many local don’t want same-sex marriage law in the Cayman Islands. This issue is more than rights and equality which they love to preach. They tend to define rights and correlate the definition with the behavior. Dr. Leo is not telling you everything about ssm. Because he is doctor doesn’t mean he speaks for all doctors. 👀

    The reality is, this one law passed by our Chief Justice, will open the way for same-sex behavior to be taught in our schools, for it to be promoted in our parades, for children to be placed in same-sex couple’s homes under an adoption program, for trangenderism to be introduced, for a biblical sin against God to be made the norm, for COST ACCRUED in supporting a welfare program for gays and trans on this island…. and a whole heap of other laws and sins will take effect because of this one law! Surely, this is more about what is a right 👀

    Caymanians should never be mere followers of what the big countries do!

    Caymanians, think. You have many Conservative Gays that oppose SSM laws. They are not liberal and they do not support the LGBT agenda and listed rights. They are aware of what it means for a government or state to impose a law on the whole nation. It is leftist drive that will program our youth, and it is akin to socialism.


    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t worry Unison. Once the appeal is heard in August and the ladies win, we will effortlessly convert you to being gay too. Coz that is how it works – judge passes a ruling, straight people become gay, god fearing become atheists and worst of all millions of gays flock to our island claiming immediate status on the basis of discrimination.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow, Project Fear is on a rampage in this post! But, you’ve totally convinced me.

      “We don’t need [gay marriage]…” I agree, but also many of us don’t need and don’t want a car. Therefore I have decided nobody should be allowed a car.

      “same sex behaviour taught in our schools” That’s scary. In school I learnt about the English Tudor era. For the next 8 years I was compelled to dress in Tudor attire, it was awful and I’ve never been the same since…most of the time I speak in Ye Olde English.

      And God forbid we would put disadvantaged kids in a loving home with a same sex couple that would care about them and provide for them. Having a stable family life would totally mess up the children.

      I’m also really scared about this transgenderism thing you mention being introduced. How do you think this would happen? Would vans drive around the island grabbing men and changing them into women?

      Finally can you tell me more about all the other random laws that will change because of this…I mean you can’t just say things like that, Do you think murder will be legalised? I need details, I won’t sleep tonight worrying about it.

      You are right, we need everybody to unite and fight this. If this is allowed to happen it will mean the government will impose gay marriage on everyone. I don’t want to be made to gay marry! Not to mention my poor parents who have been married for 40 years. My mum is going to have to find a wife! I’ve heard it happening all over the big countries in America and Europe.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s an awesome reply to the senseless fear mongering. The only thing scarier than these hateful posts is to remember how scared and depressed I was as an in the closet gay kid in a homophobic environment. That was 25 years ago. Now I’m married to my same sex partner for 13 years. Enough of the fear mongering. Let people live their lives.

    • Void says:

      Hi Unison, thought we’d stop by to play too.

      Caymanians for equality

  44. Anonymous says:

    God bless the members of the Legislative Assembly for standing by their people and bless the judges of the Court of the Court of Appeal for doing their jobs.

  45. Anonymous says:

    And just like that, people stopped being gay.

  46. Anonymous says:

    good cayman bout time

  47. Anonymous says:

    Great Day for the Cayman people!

  48. Anonymous says:

    Best news I heard all day!! #godrules

  49. Anonymous says:

    Sorry to Chantelle and Vickie who now have to wait until after August to marry. No doubt this will fail and justice will prevail.

    • Anonymous says:

      It just means we can plan an even bigger party when they eventually win!

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe the legislative Assembly might get “progressive” and pass a civil union law before August that removes the claim against discrimination. The international courts have shown they are not concerned with same sex couples having the right to be “married”. They are against same sex couples not having the right to a family life in the true sense of the word. If this couple had that right would they be satisfied or do they really want to prove a point?

      • Anonymous says:

        No that will give us time to have the stone law in effect

  50. Anonymous says:

    Sad day for Cayman and all humans


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