Archive for April 18th, 2019

Premier to ride in St Tropez bike race
(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin will be mixing business with pleasure next week during a trip to Europe, where he will meet with UK officials in London and maritime experts in Monaco. He will also be taking part, alongside Prince Albert and other celebrities, in the 8th annual Champagne and Oysters Cycling Club (COCC) St Tropez […]

Absent US woman to be tried again
(CNS): Carol Ann McNeil-Skorupan (68), from Wisconsin, will be tried for the second time in September, after a trial in her absence ended Wednesday as the jury was unable to come to a decision on the charges against her for the possession of an unlicensed firearm. McNeil-Skorupan had denied the charges and claimed that a […]

Up close with: Croy McCoy
(CNS Local Life): Croy McCoy (51) is truly a man of the sea. Born on Cayman Brac, with summers spent at his father’s dive business, Sam McCoy’s Diving and Fishing Lodge, on Little Cayman (where he eventually moved to work in 1984) he learned to scuba dive at nine years old. Since then he has […]

Why do I feel so poor?
Theresa Green writes: Soooooo… the premier spent more than two hours on Friday telling us all how brilliant things are going. He told us the economy was booming, government coffers are bursting with cash, unemployment is almost a thing of the past and Caymanians are earning good money. It all sounds great. So why do […]

Minister agrees to tackle traffic troubles
(CNS): Government has agreed to examine setting emissions and other standards for vehicles imported into the Cayman Islands and address other issues fuelling congestion on local roads. Responding last week to a motion on the weight of traffic and the importation of vehicles, a merger of two private members’ motions, Joey Hew, the minister responsible […]

MLA claims success going it alone
(CNS): Despite being a single, independent member of the Legislative Assembly sitting on the opposition benches, Chris Saunders claims he has demonstrated that it is possible for a representative to be successful out of government and not part of a political group. Saunders disputes the idea that it takes being the member of a political […]