Brexit chaos rolls on, MPs to vote on ‘no deal’ option

| 13/03/2019 | 11 Comments
Cayman News Service

Prime Minister Theresa May in the House of Commons, 12 March 2019

(CNS): Just over two weeks before the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union after more than four decades, the departure remains in complete chaos after Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposed deal was resoundingly beaten in the House of Commons Tuesday. On Wednesday members of parliament began debating the next proposed vote on whether Britain should crash out of Europe with ‘no deal’, which is also expected to be voted down later today, leading to yet another vote tomorrow about asking Europe for more time.

With the clock ticking and no consensus in parliament for how the UK should untangle itself from its 40+ year economic and political union with continental Europe, in the coming days questions about another general election or a second referendum over Brexit are likely to emerge.

The date to leave the EU was set after May triggered Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon in March 2017. But even if MPs vote to ask the EU for an extension, this does not necessarily mean that the clock will be stopped.

Leaders of the EU and its member states have made it clear that while they are open to the idea of an extension, it is conditional on some justification or a genuine change in circumstances. European Council President Donald Tusk said Britain would have to provide a “credible justification” for any request for a delay. The request would also need to be approved unanimously by the 27 remaining EU members.

A general election or a new referendum would certainly meet that criteria, as would a change in approach to a much softer Brexit, where the UK would remain in the European customs union and maintain very close ties.

However, one of the major problems that May’s Conservative government faces over the failure of the current Brexit deal is that not only is there no majority support for it in the House of Commons but there is no majority position in this current parliament on anything at all relating to Brexit, creating a crisis of democracy, where parliament has been unable to deliver on the result of the national referendum on the UK’s departure from the EU.

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Category: Europe, UK, World News

Comments (11)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We’re sorry. We just have much more racists and really stupid people than we could ever have imagined.

    • Anonymous says:

      Virtue signal much? Don’t want to address how importing cheap labor and importing 3rd world cultures have destroyed a once world respected culture? To scarred to address those issues because you will be labeled as a racists and might lose your job? You are the problem.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am not stupid and I am not a racist. Hardly “virtue signalling”. But you go and defend the racists you brave brave man. (I’ll assume you are a man, because you come across as a right dxxx).

        • Anonymous says:

          The word racists has no more meaning thanks to idiots like you, and I am a lady of distinction in our little community, but what does that matter? Just another irrelevant detail to distract or shut down the real details of the reality of what is occurring.

          Next time don’t assume by being apologetic for others that you can now be free of any accusations of being racists or stupid. Racial hoaxes are now a dime a dozen Mr. Wannabee Smollette for all those racists and stupid people, but you are on a virtuous higher plane just looking down on it all, right?

          • Anonymous says:

            It was fair to assume you were a man since the vast majority angry apologists for racism are men. But male or female you do spout vacuous tosh.

            • Anonymous says:

              Unfounded generalizations are the mark of a person who has no clue. Enjoy your echo chamber where you make the rules of what is fair in your little world. At this point it is obvious you are lost cause.

            • Anonymous says:

              What? No rebuttal with respect to immigration? You have clearly lost the argument and I bet you are no older than 15 years old. Clearly you are a product of the educational system where you think acting cheeky wins you the argument. You probably need some cake and a fake award for just participating in these comments.

              • Anonymous says:

                I like your double standards, though your attempts at put downs are a tad Daily Mail. But keep trying, when the basic try to act smart it is always such fun to watch.

                • Anonymous says:

                  I simply love your mellow and ambivalent mental illness with such low energy comments. But in reality your so smart you probably want to keep any insights on Brexit to yourself. Can’t let anybody know your true genius. We will all be waiting on edge for your next breakthrough comment and you can manage with the right medication.

          • Anonymous says:

            Quite dim and doesn’t know it.


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