Cyclist lands in hospital after GT collision

| 01/02/2019 | 25 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): A cyclist was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries 0n Friday, after a lunchtime collision on Thomas Russell Avenue in George Town, close to the CNB roundabout. Police said that at around 1pm, a Mitsubishi Chariot travelling southbound from Thomas Russell Avenue towards the roundabout collided with the cyclist, who was attempting to cross the street towards Printers Way. The vehicle and the bicycle were also damaged. Emergency services were called and the injured cyclist was attended to at the scene before being taken to the hospital for further treatment. 

The matter is under investigation by the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Sadly, we need to stop relying on the honour system. Drivers won’t stop intruding into bike lanes (esp at roundabout choke-points) until there are physical car-wrecking bollards in place. Joey Hew and NRA need to be held to account for every accident involving either a failure to implement bike lanes promised years ago, or ongoing negligence in the protection of those choosing that mode of transport. You’d think this would be easy to implement…

    • Anonymous says:

      9:53 Bike riders intrude on the traffic lanes where there are Bicycle Lanes. They should get fined if caught.

      • Anonymous says:

        Stupid comment, how do suppose a cyclist is to avoid dangerous debris, pot holes, walkers and runners? Cycle lanes are not mandated and in some countries not recommend for cyclists exceeding 15 mph which is easily achievable for a fit person on a road bike. SHARE the road.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The striping and conditions on that stretch of road from the CNB roundabout to the Thompson roundabout is horrendous. At night you cannot, see the pavement, the lanes and even worse if it is raining.

  3. Anonymous says:

    they be riding and swerving on to the main road what do they expect

  4. Anonymous says:

    The bicycle lanes aren’t very safe either. A car passed me on the inside lane over the weekend. I couldn’t believe it. If there was a person or bicycle in that lane, the car would have hit them.

    • Anonymous says:

      When easterly tibbits is backed up from the AL Thompson round about everyone uses the side where people walk and ride bikes as a third lane just to pass the traffic. No cops to give these people hefty fines or anything, they do it every day at rush hour.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s not where the car passed me on the inside lane. I’m sorry but “passing traffic” isn’t an excuse to disobey the laws of the road and cause an accident.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Bike Safety – Cayman Islands Government

    Members of the Streetskill committee have chosen to re-visit cycle safety … from the Cayman Islands Road Safety Advisory Council also stressed the need for … that traffic laws which apply to motorists also apply to persons riding bicycles.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Saw the aftermath. This has got to stop happening! How do people not look out for other cars rookie or cyclists is beyond my understanding. On the road you should always be aware.

  7. Anonymous says:

    stupid people on roads…allowing people to pass by stopping in traffic, not using cross walks, u turns in middle of the road…etc………..CIG and RCIP are responsible for protecting us all from each other and they hold final responsibility for the horrible road safety issues we have in Cayman. Test properly, educate properly, screen properly and PATROL the roads…. Sorry this bicyclist was injured and do hope the person that stopped to let him past was arrested

  8. Anonymous says:

    It would be a good idea to have a cycle path on these roads solely for the use of cycles. There is s such a high volume of traffic travelling now on Cayman’s roads going 100 miles an hour that they do not take into account of any other form of transport only themselves. If it was made much more safer a lot of tourists would use cycles. As it is now, there’s no such thing as a leisurely drive admiring the beauty of this island.

    • Anonymous says:

      3:23 I see cyclists riding wherever they want, riding next to the Bicycle Paths yet avoiding them. Baffling and scary.

      • Anonymous says:

        Some of the cycle lanes are so full of road debris, glass, dead iguanas, gravel etc, they are not safe to ride on. It is easy to see Heinikin is the most popular beer in Cayman given the number of bottles tossed out of cars only to result in shards of glass on the shoulder or cycle lane.

        • Anonymous says:

          The cyclist lanes also end abruptly with monsoon-high curbing, and the traffic lane stripes for motorists, particularly at roundabout transitions, were painted by someone who failed geometry class. I’d like to know who the supervisor was for theses projects, and whether they have any qualification, because I’d like to refer them to their peer oversight agency.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s amazing that CIG has spent so much money over the past decade redoing the all the roads east of Grand Harbour, yet there is no bike lane. Shame

  9. Anonymous says:

    Damn. Hit on Thomas Russell way and landed in George Town Hospital! How fast was that car going?

  10. Anonymous says:

    The solution to traffic is more cyclist lanes. I watch a cyclist casually breeze past me at the traffic bottleneck before hurleys.. Unfortunately the drivers don’t respect the benefits cyclist offer and give them some room in return. Less traffic, less unhealthy emissions.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:10 Cyclists must follow Laws, not just ride as if they own the roads as if they are invincible.

      • Anonymous says:

        Same for drivers then we would all be safer

      • Anonymous says:

        Classic victim blaming. Motorists have to be alert, scanning for hazards, and prepared to stop if necessary – governed by the real world circumstances, not the posted speed limit!

        • Anonymous says:

          9:57 Cyclists need to be alert as well. Vehicles are bigger than them.
          Following the Rules of Bicycle Riding and using their designated lanes is a no brainer for their own protection.

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