Victim did not receive police update

| 18/01/2019 | 0 Comments

Cayman News ServiceSome time ago I was seriously assaulted by someone known to me. The matter was reported to the police and I gave a statement giving details of the assault. Some short time later I became aware that the same person had been arrested for another crime. Since then I have not heard of any charges or prosecution taking place for either crime. Apart from one follow-up soon after I reported the assault, I have not been contacted by the police, though they told me they would keep me updated, nor has anyone else contacted me. I recently saw the individual working for a local company which, considering at the least the criminal offence he committed against me, was a big surprise.

My question is how can I find out if he was prosecuted for his offence against me and if he wasn’t who can I contact to find out why he wasn’t?

Read Auntie’s answer and comment on CNS Local Life

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