Tourism minister backs out of GT meeting over port

| 14/01/2019 | 50 Comments
Cayman News Service

MLA Kenneth Bryan at a cruise port project meeting

(CNS): Kenneth Bryan, the MLA for George Town Central, whose constituency will be home to the controversial cruise berthing facility if government presses ahead with the project, has cancelled a public meeting he had arranged for this week after Tourism Minister Moses Kirkconnell said he would not attend. Bryan has been trying to get the minister to come and speak directly with his constituents about the project, given the direct impact it will have on them, but although he had agreed to a meeting, he cancelled for the second time over the last few months, Bryan said.

The GTC MLA said that, since the minister would not be there to answer his constituents’ questions, he had cancelled the meeting and was now turning his attention to polling the registered voters in his district about their feelings on the port.

Bryan told CNS that he had wanted the tourism minister to come and speak to his constituents before he surveyed the public opinion of George Town because he felt that would put them in a better position to decide how they felt about what has become a very divisive issue.

“But for the second time the minister has declined to attend, even though I had not invited the opposition or CPR campaigners, giving him an opportunity to present the government’s position. I’m not sure whether this is politics or what, but it’s very disappointing as he had made a commitment to me on the floor of the House to meet with my constituents,” Bryan told CNS.

In the survey that Bryan is now conducting, he is asking his constituents what they think about the proposed development and so far, of those that have responded, only 20% say they support the cruise project, with over 50% against and the rest as yet undecided.

Bryan said that as he has only just started his poll, he has not yet been able to get it to all of voters in the district and so far less than a quarter of his 1,247 constituents have responded. But he said that if he could get a response from around half of the electorate in the central area of the capital, it will give him a clear indication of the general feeling of the people he represents. The results will then help inform what he will do going forward to support their wishes.

Anyone who lives in GTC can contact his constituency office to take part in the poll and help him get a true measure of the constituency’s opinion.

“The very early results seem to indicate that this project is not popular among those who are going to be the most impacted, but I don’t want to jump to any conclusions until I have results in from voters across the constituency. This is a much too important an issue not to have the facts,” he said.

“That’s why the minister’s decision not to come to George Town, when I was offering him an open platform to address the people about the project without any opposing presentations, is so disappointing,” he added.

To take part in the GTC constituency poll contact Bryan on 936 4040.

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Category: Politics

Comments (50)

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  1. Window says:

    WINDOW: It appears as though there is an impenetrable concentration of parochialism and sentimentality permeating through the politics which serves almost as an intellectual barricade or an insulation against meticulous critique of representation.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I live in GTC and I don’t need another meeting about the port, I went to the last one the government held and the minister spoke at. Kenneth you need to stop using this to promote yourself. Please work on fixing up GT instead.

    • Anonymous says:

      We don’t need any more meeting. We need Ken Ken to stop promoting himself on the radio and trying to sound important and start working to upgrade GT.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile the compass is writing the 5th or 6th editorial bashing the EU and Jeremy Corbyn (or both) in the last 6-8 months, as if there isn’t news here to focus in on

    “Just more Kaaboo this”
    “Old people that”
    “Look at how lovely this new development our advertisers are building will be”

  4. Anonymous says:

    Have the meeting, document the sentiments and make him answerable in the LA, – of course when televised

  5. Anonymous says:

    More anti progress theatrics

  6. Anonymous says:

    It is much better to live in a country where the government fear the people rather than live in a country where the people fear the government.

    We knew we could not trust Mac’s UDP.

    The PPM was supposed to be the “Government you can Trust” – What has happend to them?

    They let us down.

    It would be great if the 2020 government we elect could could be one we can 9all respect.

    Moses come out of your crab hole and meet the people.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Moses proves again he cannot be trusted

  8. Anonymous says:

    Ignoring the politics of this or any other issue for a moment, it is good to see representatives from specific constituencies having to own the issues affecting them and take action.

  9. David Shibli says:

    Why would Moses Kirkconnell show up? It is completely against his personal and financial interests.
    Hopefully Mr. Bryan has the wellbeing and prosperity of the Caymanian people in his heart? I am not convinced.
    People need to stop being motivated by money, power and influence and start being motivated by what is true, right and honest in the sight of God and man.
    Why is this so difficult? We we all face our Maker. Surely it is better to face Him in humility and truth than arrogance and falsehoods?
    Why face down a Rock? It will not end well.

    • OLD Caymanian Captain says:

      Well why didn’t Mr Ryan continue to have the meeting and hear from the public without Mr Kirkconell . Or is this intimidation gone all the way to the top .

      • David Shibli says:

        Old Caymanian Captain, I hope you are wrong. Time will tell. Blessings.

      • M says:

        The point if the meeting was so the gov could inform the people so they could make their decision. Mr bryan is all too aware that not everyone has the full facts. He is trying his best to encourage people to make informed decisions. A task that is all too difficult if those with the information neglect to share it.

      • Anonymous says:

        3:00 to inform you captain , he already did , I was there and Mr kirkconnell d was a no show .

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s what Goliath said.

    • Say it like it is says:

      Unfortunately David Shibli is not a Caymanian, as we need people like David in politics, not all the backscratchers we have now.

      • Anonymous says:

        David is Caymanian

        • Anonymous says:

          However only born and bred allowed to run for office.

          • Anonymous says:

            For how long ? I cant wait until I can vote for DART. Just of Sick and tired of these poor ass back stabbing, cut throat anti caymanians in government..

            • Jah Dread says:

              Hello I suggest you do notbitethe hand that allowed you to be here, we might just give you a Conor husk cat boat and a newspaper sail (compass of course) and a bottle of count water and send you on your merry way. Be nice or haul ya self back home.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are absolutely right. I am not Caymanian, although I do have a lovely piece of paper granting me status. It is a piece of paper that I cherish because it means that the Caymanian oversight in 2001 saw fit to grant me this honour.

        Expats should never have the right to stand for election because it would mean that in a few short years, people would represent you with no respect for your culture.

        I am a strong proponent of Caymanian values and culture and will always speak and add my name to causes that stand for truth.

        If I could offer any advice to the Caymanian people, I would suggest that you insist that members of secret societies such as the Lodge and the Eastern Star be compelled to declare their membership before standing for election.

        These people have an allegiance that is completely anti-Caymanian and as such, they cannot be trusted. They are incredibly surreptitious and place selfishness and greed above the wellbeing of their country folk. You know who they are. In fact, almost every senior position in Cayman is occupied by these reptilian swamp-dwellers, from the LA, to the judiciary, to the medical field, law enforcement and God only knows what else. Being a mason in Cayman seems to be a badge of honour.
        To me, it is a badge of weakness and subterfuge because if it was so good, it would not have to be secret.

        Finally, let me say that I know many good and righteous Caymanian people who I hope will stand for election the next time around so the swamp that is the LA can be properly drained.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cray cray

    • Anonymous says:

      The real question is why wouldn’t Mr. Kirkconnell show up.? He would have had a very good opportunity to talk to the central George Town people. After all when the port is built they are the ones who would feel the full brunt of the high seas in the event of a hurricane, along with the business owners,, court house staff including the town hall, post office and library!, I cannot believe thst a man if his stature is afraid of Kenneth and his constituents. Ken ken it looks like you got him hiding! ” What a tangle web we weave when first we practice to deceive”.

      • Anonymous says:

        you all forgot that mr. kirkconnell already had a big meeting for all, what else do you want to hear? this meeting was for Byran call

    • Amjed says:

      Correct David 100%

  10. Anonymous says:

    Rass Claat, they ‘fraid of Kenny. ah hahahahaha

    now ya know t’ings ga be bad, if that’s the case.

    • Anonymous says:

      All the PPM has to do is be better than the UDP and they can’t do it. This time, they even making Kenny look good. LOL, you can’t make this stuff up.

      I guess they think the rest of us don’t take notice. Come next election, they going to find out.

    • Anonymous says:

      Big Mac and the UDP must be laughing their empty heads off.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Kenny trying to pretend he knows something about anything again.

    • Anonymous says:

      We sick of hearing him blowing off on the talk shows

    • Anonymous says:

      crab much?

    • Anonymous says:


      Quite the OPPOSITE Kenneth does not know the detaild he invited Moses to come, meet, explain port dock details.

      Kenneth acted as a redponsible MLA SHOULD ACT- take the issues to the people.

      Moses is the arogant coward.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did you not know the Govt and Mr Kirkconnell have already had meetings?

        This is just Kenneth trying to bring attention to himself!

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop hating, he’s doing more than your anonymous personal attacks against him. He’s out these actually trying to do something.

  12. Anonymous says:

    This time next year we will find Moses in the flooded Brac caves clinging onto his flimsy ego and shady deals. We SEE you! Bye Bye!

    • Anonymous says:

      Excuse me 242! We are Brackas and we support Hon. Kirkconnell.
      He is trying to bring improvements to GC. You do not appreciate him and the fact that he gives of his time. We have fine homes on the top of the Bluff and on the low land. How dare you accuse one of us of cave dwelling in a swamp.
      We housed you all after Ivan and we will again. It is you all that are on low lying land and could get in a swamp from another storm. Watch how you talk about Brackas when we are running most of GC over there. The docks will be built so chill out.

  13. Anonymous says:

    *feigns surprise*

  14. Anonymous says:

    Surprise, surprise

  15. Anonymous says:

    Man there worried about not being re-elected?

    • Anonymous says:

      Moses holds the safest seat.

      • Anonymous says:

        Especially after the $5-$10M worth of buildings going up in the Brac were just announced.

        • Anonymous says:

          Let’s finish what we started. Building by Sports field, pool, etc. Then move onto the rest.

          • Anonymous says:

            But that is not the PPM way.

            Incomplete school (JGHS).
            Incomplete road (Linford Pierson Hwy).
            Incomplete Bodden Town boxing gym.
            Etc etc etc

        • Anonymous says:

          What? These unnecessary buildings are to prop him up? No way. Just make sure the guy running against him is canceled out at the last minute, like last time.


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