Oceans heating up 40% faster than last predictions
(CNS): Scientists working in the field of climate change have found that the Earth’s oceans are heating up far more rapidly than predictions made just five years ago. Because the seas absorb most of the heat-trapping gases generated by human activity, the oceans are a better yardstick for climate change than surface temperatures, and researchers have found that the oceans are on average heating up 40% faster than estimates in a 2013 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This means the planet can expect, sooner rather than later, more flooding events, stronger storms and hurricanes and much more coastal erosion.
The findings were published in the journal Science, where the authors said that these increasing temperatures are already contributing to increases in rainfall intensity, rising sea levels, the destruction of coral reefs, declining ocean oxygen levels, and declines in ice sheets, glaciers and ice caps in the polar regions and that the situation is worse than previously thought.
“It’s mainly driven by the accumulation of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to human activities,” said Lijing Cheng, a lead author of the study from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, according to Reuters. The increasing rate of ocean warming “is simply a signature of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere”, Cheng said.
The scientists explained that since the 2013 research results were published, the climate research community has made substantial progress in improving long-term predictions and has identified several sources of uncertainty in prior measurements.
The experts stated that the more accurate results of this recent research “shows that the planet is clearly warming” and “should be of concern given the abundant evidence of effects on storms, hurricanes, and excessive rain”. The scientists also said that there is a clear need to continue to improve the ocean observation and analysis system to provide better estimates to allow for more refined regional projections.
“The need to slow or stop the rates of climate change and prepare for the expected impacts is increasingly evident,” the experts added.
The scientists involved in the study explained that the ocean’s ability to absorb as much heat as it does is saving the land from heating faster than it currently is and saving us from massive warming. But warmer oceans are a major problem, the experts warn. This will negatively impact marine species, kill coral reefs, fuel sea-level rise, and lead to more severe weather events.
Ocean is characterized by its slower and delayed responses to climate change. So even Pairs Agreement target is met, oceans are still warming and the impacts continues. IPCC is assessing ocean and cryosphere now and a special report will be out in late 2019. @valmasdel @IPCC_CH pic.twitter.com/HkrRCylujq
— Lijing Cheng (@Lijing_Cheng) January 12, 2019
Category: Marine Environment, Science & Nature
Hum, what NASA?
“A new NASA study says that Antarctica is overall accumulating ice. Still, areas of the continent, like the Antarctic Peninsula photographed above, have increased their mass loss in the last decades.”
Ahhh. but of course, someone has already weighted the net losses of somewhere ELSE in the world, and minused it from this pile, and decided we are still going to all be 20 feet underwater in the next 20 years. So humans will burn the globe down after all.. Might as well keep paying those carbon taxes to fix the climate!
Yin and Yang, my friend. Earth is in perfect harmony and balance.
It will be when it eliminates humans
It is not a net static global situation even if Western South Pole snowfall is temporarily offsetting regional losses on Eastern Antarctica ice sheet, while the northern hemisphere continues to melt apace…maybe you should re-read your article:
“…but it might only take a few decades for Antarctica’s growth to reverse, according to Zwally. “If the losses of the Antarctic Peninsula and parts of West Antarctica continue to increase at the same rate they’ve been increasing for the last two decades, the losses will catch up with the long-term gain in East Antarctica in 20 or 30 years — I don’t think there will be enough snowfall increase to offset these losses.”
The young AL Gore .
Nobel Prize-winning American biochemist Dr. Kary Mullis says man-made climate change is a fraud.
Close your eyes and ears leftists!
There are 100’s of these videos by 1000’s of “actual” scientists.
His important 1993 Nobel for his work on PCR-DNA mapping in scourge against HIV/AIDS in no way qualifies him as an expert scientist to weigh-in on climate change. If anything, it is a discredit to his legacy to humanity for any 74 year old lay-person to comment off-the-cuff on any subject without having done any work in that field. He of all people should know that scientists need to stay in their lane of specialty. Try again.
Oh….but in this world. Dont expect anyone in the know to pop up and say you are not in the k ow and then inform you accordingly. Get real lodge man!
Dr. Kary Mullis also says astrology is true. So choose your sources carefully.
They gave Nobel prize to Obama. No credibility.
Interesting that sea ice has been decreasing in the Arctic while the Antarctic has seen an increase in sea ice. Weather patterns change over a 10,000 year period and during the last 1,000 and 100 years the temperature changes with increasing speed. We are in that last 1,000 year cycle. Yes, CO2 captured in the atmosphere does impact the ability for the earth to increase in surface and sea temperature.
The industrial revolution created additional CO2 in the atmosphere and added to the more rapid increase in surface and sea temperature for the last 100 years. The US CO2 emissions decreased from 2006 to 2017 and then increased in 2018. Why? Higher GDP per capita growth. That means that business and industrial production increased dramatically in 2018, and CO2 emissions increased because the economy improved dramatically. People had more money to spend because of the lower tax rates and reduced government regulations.
Where does CO2 originate?
• China emits more CO2 than the US and Canada put together – up by 171% since the year 2000
• The US has had declining CO2 for two years running, the last time the US had declining CO2 for 3 years running was in the 1980s
• The UK is down one place to tenth on the list, 8% on the year. The country is now behind Iran, South Korea, Japan and Germany
• India is now the world’s third biggest emitter of CO2 – pushing Russia into fourth place
• The biggest decrease from 2008-2009 is Ukraine – down 28%. The biggest increase is the Cook Islands – up 66.7%
So why are Chinese scientists traveling the world talking about climate change – money. Eight (8) of the top ten solar panel manufacturers are in China where coal is the major fuel for production. China is building a greater number of nuclear plants to change this ratio but it will be several years before any significant change in CO2 is recognized. China is a major manufacturer of many products used around the world because of their low wages. That is slowly changing as world economics changes. Germany and China manufacture most of the wind turbines used around the world.
According to FactFish the Cayman Islands produced 547.2 kt of CO2 emissions in 2014 (the last year of available data) and only 11 kt CO2 in 1960. The largest increase came in 1979 (91.7 kt) and has increased dramatically since that time. That is due to Cayman increasing GDP and economic expansion. Progress.
Why is it that Co2 lags global temperatures by more than 200 years? This means that *first* the temperatures rise, then Co2 level rises 200 years *later* respectively.
Please explain to me how Co2 is causing rising temperatures today.
It makes perfect sense when you know how the earth works and that everything is in balance.
Well there you have it….you just have to suspend silly ideas of correlation and “know how the earth works” Your upper lip must be a red perma-stache from all the koolaid guzzling.
Stop the war…drilling…fighting…and all other badmind disease plagues on the erths land and maybe you all qill find your brain even runs a bit cooler let alone the globe….they grudge for everything…
how is that remotely amusing? grow up kid
Global warming, brought to you by the same folks as:
The moon landings
Hole in the ozone layer
Much, much more
CNS, what is your agenda? Do you honestly think that Grand Cayman will be underwater soon? Whom are you trying so hard to scare and for what reason?
These days, sheeple hear “scientists say” and they believe it to be the absolute truth. Unfortunately these so called “scientists” have political agendas. If they actually gave a damn, they would be finding ways to stop billions of tons of plastic from entering the oceans! Instead, it’s the people who are making the effort. They would stop huge trawlers from leaving ghost nets drifting at sea, instead of picking on the small time rod and reel fisherman. They would stop cruise ships from spewing pools of human waste into the water, fertilizing algae and causing the oceans to become acidic. Nobody talks about this though…
The scientists are bough. CNN is bought. Faux News is bought. CNS is bought. Break free from the chains Cayman! Think for yourselves and do something about the real problems.
Can’t wait to see the dislikes, “scientific” articles and the editor’s response…
CNS: If you think the moon landings were fake, there is no point in further discussion.
– Moon Landing = Very Real and Fact
– Flat Earth = False and Moronic
– Human Induced Catastrophic Global Warming and Human Induced Climate Change = Global Tax Fraud
LMAO, at the fact that people still believe that we actually landed on the moon!
Back in the 60’s no less! Wake the F up people….you’re still asleep.
Remember, believing this non-sense is on you. The elite are laughing all the way to the bank on your ignorance.
The previous generation will never accept the truth unfortunately… They saw it on TV, so it must have happened.
The landing sites for Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 are not hiding. Confirm for yourself, and get some professional help.
Apollo the demi god for athiests and devil worshippers or….
I see there’s a lot of flat earther morons on the thumbs down button.
The only person who said anything about the flat earth was 1:14, who was siding with the cool-aid drinkers and yourself. Don’t try to make this about something it’s not! Funny how when your group loses traction, they throw insults instead of facts.
What facts have you brought to the table on the subject?
Who needs a fancy degree or book and cyber learnin’ when you can git your History from watching 13 seasons of Ancient Aliens…
But the moon landing WAS completely fake, and staged….in a studio!
Made like a movie.
Capricorn 1. Brilliant movie.
I’m glad they mention that the reefs are dying. Now lets get this dock built
Very good, corals can’t die soon enough. I suggest we boil water in a few hundred drums and dump the hot water in George Town harbor to speed up the process.
Scientists still trying to figure shit out when the Bible clearly states what the future holds, we are clearly living in the last days and it says that even to the very islands will return back to where they came from, sorry for you all God less heathens cause there ain’t no escape from this judgment.
I am not scared of the climate change.
What really scares the hell out of me, is people like you.
personally, i’m scared of both
People who and can do critical thinking can scare some folks. Especially the emotionally unstable lefties who see the climate boogyman behind every cloud.
LOL and agreed with 1:17 pm
Me too.
I am the least of who you should be afraid of but I’m not going to argue with ignorant dummies like you, everyone of us will meet the reaper one of these days and when your time comes it will be too late.
Go back to your cave.
…said the Caucasoid foreign animal.
Racism has no part in this conversation- you divisive, ignorant troglodyte.
Says the person who goes to Scientists to get medication that was synthesized by Science to save YOUR life, only to credit a sky fairy because you’re indoctrinated into fearing “the end times” that has been preached for 2000 years to keep the masses under their control.
My 82 year old neighbor has been telling me the end DAYS are here for the past 30 odd YEARS. No sah. Wake up from the lies.
Pharmaceuticals are killing people. Globally.
And at the same time maintaining ridiculous wealth…..off your life.
Keep defending the big corporations ruining your lives….they love your ignorance. Keeps them paid, and paid well!
Bah! Medicines saving lives?? They are creating customers for one of the largest industries in the world!
Pharmacy comes from the word “pharmacaea” which literally translates into black magic or witch craft.
We would be in a better position if we simply ate naturally, exercised and died when it’s our time. Look around, the old people are dependent on their drugs, miserable and ready to die. I’ve been told this many times by them…
Develop diabetes and try to live without metformin (3.50 a month) or insulin.
One would think that if we were designed by an almighty creator, he could’ve omitted cancer, diabetes, mosquitoes, etc.
One would not develop diabetes without having a poor diet.
Type 2 maybe, not type 1, moron.
Type 1 can be reversed. Epigenetics determine genes expression. Son of the pioneer of “green smoothie revolution” in the USA, Victoria Boutenko, got it reversed.
Type 1 is also caused by poor diet, moron.
Don’t worry one of these days you are going to wish that you had listened to your elders, plus I don’t go to the doctors for anything because any sicknesses that I get can and will always be cured by the natural medication that is made by God, it’s a shame you don’t have common sense to know that the doctors are controlled by the masses to ensure they kill you quicker, but don’t worry your day will soon come to find out the truth, don’t take my word for it.
I’ll play along with you.
Natural medicines such as Aspirin, one of the most useful and first drug to be commercialized was first extracted from the bark of natural willow..
But that natural form isn’t as effective.
A scientist discovered how to modify the molecule into a better form with simple chemistry.
Please, give that a read. Yes it’s Wikipedia but it is accurate.
You idiots are always living in end times.
Proverbs 11:29 , “He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.”
You understand? You’ll be left with nothing, because you’re a self-righteous judge of everyone, elevating yourself and your lofty opinion above everyone else.
Your relationship with God should be private. Nothing to be ashamed of, but it has no business in this discussion.
More “science”, this time from National Geographic.
“CORE SAMPLES, TIDE gauge readings, and, most recently, satellite measurements tell us that over the past century, the Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) has risen by 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters). However, the annual rate of rise over the past 20 years has been 0.13 inches (3.2 millimeters) a year, roughly twice the average speed of the preceding 80 years.”
TRANSLATION: Based on our very precise and scientific monitoring of global temperatures and ocean warming, we have determined that oceans have risen 8 inches, but we could be wrong by a factor of more than twice/double our precise scientific estimates….
But despite that we can be wrong by as much as an order magnitude in our “precise” calculations of the entire globe, oceans and the atmospheric temperatures, we anticipate our estimates to be more than double _those figures_ in the next 20 years….
This also means that every financial institutions such as banks giving 30 year loans in places like Florida, Texas, New York and basically the whole gulf and eastern seaboard, must ALL be morons. And we know that banks are complete morons that never factor risks such as eminent environmental disasters… Surely they will all be blindsided by this inevitable rising of the seas because not one has stopped giving loans in those areas due to climate change nor has insurance companies stopped insuring them.
You’re forgetting that banks ask for home insurance and a deposit. Hence the environmental risk is not really a factor for them. The insurance companies in turn are able to diversify the risk among a very large pool of home owners, including ones in low risk areas thus keeping premiums affordable. But then again, some are indeed unprepared: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-insurance-climatechange/u-s-insurers-unprepared-for-climate-change-disasters-study-idUSKCN1IG3FQ
Here’s another possibility. The whole bunch of them are actually smarter than you?
you are drunk on the fake news koolaid!
Gee, NASA’s laser-measurement satellite error rate seems to be <5%…do you have a handy link to your competing space program and tide databases that refute this elaborate human-pollution conspiracy?
Refer also to the AIRS Mid Tropospheric CO2 (ppm) visualizer…we should believe you that this 2002-2016 data is probably also an elaborate gov't-funding fraud undertaken by left-wing nutjobs?
What were the Co2 Levels and during the Cambrian period according to the same sources? I think was around 7000 ppm. What lowered them to about 150 ppm?
It’s funny when it comes to facts, there are no takers. Just parroting a bunch of climate change rhetoric like a bunch of pigeons.
Yeah, you’re really smart. When it comes to climate change, why should we listen to dumb climate scientists over brilliant bankers? Common sense, right?
I see CNS is feeling the need to serve up more climate kool-aid to protect the globalist leftwing agenda. I can’t blame CNS as they surely are seeing that many folks have begun catching on to this global tax fraud over the last decade or so.
Also if you read the very top pinned tweet of this “scientist” illustrated by CNS, you will find a typical left wing anti-Trump tweet from John Kerry talking about the wall. So much for scientific objectivity from this climate alarmist…
What were the ocean temperatures for the last 100,000, 500,0000, 10 million and 500 million years? To make any kind or realistic assertion for global oceanic temperatures will be for the next century, based only the last century is absolute idiocy I don’t care what degree you have. You don’t need a PhD in bullshit, to know bullshit when you see it. That would be like doing a complete assessment of the stock market and predicting exactly how it’s likely to perform 100 years from now, based on a few seconds of data, and even worse… then to be able to say with certainly as to why the stock market would react the way it would and how to change the outcome to a predetermined outcome. Except multiply the complexity about 4 billion times for the amount of years this planet has been around and also keeping in mind that the climate is far more complex than the stock market…
And to suggest that it is a “known” what would be the effects of sticking to the Paris accord and exactly how this would affect temperatures 100 years from now is not science.
Its complete laughable rubbish for countless reasons. Are they going to control what China and India does in the next 100 years? What about new growing industrial regions , like Africa (Especially the carbon producing agriculture industry)? Are they going to install solar panels and drive Teslas in Africa during the next 100 years of their industrial growth or will they likely go for the cheapest form of energy which are fossil fuels? Give me a break!! How can you seriously peddle this nonsense as news?
Unfortunately, universities around the world are no longer producing scientists. They are producing religious zealots of leftwing cults.
When they say greenhouse gases are responsible the the ocean temperature warming, which gases are they referring to? Are they referring to the 77% of gases that are made of water vapor? Or the Co2 gases that actually lags global temperature increases by up to 200 years? Or the methane that is largely produced by the earth, oceans, swamps and lakes?
“What were the ocean temperatures for the last 100,000, 500,0000, 10 million and 500 million years?”
That’s what you fail to acknowledge. Even just a century ago we weren’t pumping billions of tons of additional CO2/etc into the atmosphere outside of the natural equilibrium.
You’re so dense that you call objective science not science because it doesn’t reflect trump’s visions. Burning ancient fossil fuels isn’t good for the environment – that is not an agenda, that’s proven Fact!
So you’re still won’t answer the question?
The answer is that it has been many many many times over much warmer than now, Co2 level orders of magnitude higher than it is today, or that will be in the next 10,000 years, YET, all by its self it has managed to go from 7000ppm down to as low as 130ppm WITHOUT global taxes.
We have had numerous ice ages, numerous melt downs, that are MUCH warmer than today. And the earth has always cycled. How can that be?
What proof do you have that climate today, is behaving any different than it always has since the beginning of the earth? NONE! NASA, NOAA and every single scientist on earth have NO conclusive evidence otherwise to form any scientific theory! This is a fact.
This is why there is a CONSENSUS (Opinion), NOT a scientific theory that must follow the scientific model to be called SCIENCE.
You believe in catastrophic human caused global warming, because you are told to believe in it. Like any cult does, now don’t ask any questions, and pay your global cult taxes like a good disciple.
How about developing a healthy respect for people whose opinions differ from your own?
Why do you bring “the ocean temperatures for the last 100,000, 500,0000, 10 million and 500 million years” argument? Who knows what ocean temp were for the last 100,000, 500,0000, 10 million and 500 million years? NOBODY!
Only complete idiots would deny OCEAN HEATING, which is the FACT!! Oceans acidification and sea-level rise are the facts also. Pay attention, I am talking only about ocean heating and acidification, not global warming! The cause?
Here is an opinion, if you can stomach it.
“Ocean acidification will double in less than 40 years from today based upon current data. What is the major driver of this? Some will say it is carbon emissions and the use of fossil fuels, but I don’t…..There was always a problem with the CO2-as-cause explanation.. .Recently, one conclusion being drawn from a new paper by Canadian physicist Qing-Bin Lu of Ontario’s University of Waterloo, is that climate change might be tied directly to the EMF issue.”
The nature probably has a way to cool down the oceans by pushing the enormous mass of Antarctica’s glaciers down hundreds of feet below sea level allowing warm intermediate ocean waters direct contact with the base of glaciers during periods of rapid global warming ( from Earth from Space’ Documentary).
If so, it would be a VERY slow process during which human population would experience Sixth extinction, because “the planet becomes uninhabitable by humans if the average temperature goes up by 4-6°C. It doesn’t sound like a lot, because we’re used to the temperature changing 15°C overnight, but the thing that is not mentioned enough is that even a 2-3°C average increase would give us temperatures that regularly surpass 40° C (104° F) in North America and Europe, and soar even higher near the equator. This heat index alone would cause massive dehydration in all life quite quickly. Human physiology begins to break down after six hours at a 100 percent humidity and a temperature of 35° C (95° F) because of the dehydration effect of a loss of water.”
CNS! Thank you for the article.
Says the respectful one…
Only a blistering cretin like yourself doesn’t bother to educate themselves on the opposing views and the facts they present, before coming here to make a complete jackass of themselves. The problem you have, is that you’re ignorant.
Start by researching what global temperature changes where since the beginning of the earth. Then make your case as to why temperatures were what they were at the time and why for those epochs. Not just the timelines for when it’s convenient to make your moronic leftist talking points.
The ocean is not hot everywhere. Cold in some parts….you all are a bunch of drama queens.
As always, people refuse to rely more on their natural, God given senses than CNN.
Everything is closer, wake up.
When was the last time you people even looked up at the night sky and looked at the constellations?
Hi, wonderful, insightful comments! I just wonder, if you are so convinced that you are right, and almost the entire scientific community are wrong, why not post this under your own name? After all, we are going to want to proclaim you as a prophet in years to come!
Are you really so naive to believe corruption in government organizations only exists in movies?
Same reason that you did not, Anon. See how that works?
I can answer that sarcastic however incredibly unintelligent question.
First, the notion that “the entire scientific community” agrees with man-made global warming is a lie that you have swallowed like a goldfish. there are literally 100’s of scientists across the spectrum that *publicly* disagree with the fraud of man-made global warming.
Second, I am willing to bet that you never heard of a single one, ever! Why would that be? There are 100’s of not thousands that are on the records of NOT supporting man-made global warming/climate change?
Why would you have never heard of Climate Scientist Dr Roy Spencer for example? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNafpG3KvbQ
Third, I have no reason to post this under my real name. I’m not buying the leftist fraud bullshit. As far as I’m concerned, you can keep swallowing that load of crap as long as you want like the goldfish you are. I’m not forcing you to believe what I believe. The issue that I have is being forced at gun point to pay for that fraud and have fools like some people here tell me I have to believe in that rubbish.
I’m just offering up a dose of countermeasures for hysterical mind numb idiots that peddle crap like this (By the way, this has even made it into the US congress and is certainly being entertained at the EU):
Wake up!
https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=9b71bf0f-ca21-49a3-a192-ae0ce597ee41 (Six-figure penalties for non-compliance with climate change regulations)
He’s no longer trump. He’s now known as The Orange Russian.
Just because you want it to be, nothing more, nothing less.
A very wise statement you just accidentally made, but don’t understand.
You sound angry. Are you scared, because that can lead to anger, and that’s okay. Just more truthful and healing for you to say you’re scared. Of what. I’m listening.
I hear you there. Is that you that I see now and then driving that car that runs on clean coal?
Have a read of this while you’re watching FOX News: https://www.businessinsider.com/miami-floods-sea-level-rise-solutions-2018-4
Lol where do they get people like you from? Bear in mind 10-500 million years ago the Earth was inhabitable, are you claiming that the Earth is proceeding back to this state?
Around 22,000 years ago the Earth was 4c colder than it is now, gradually climbing to the average temperature we are at now. As it stands with global pollution and our Co2 footprint we stand to increase our average temperature by 5c within the next 100 years. So to break down for you, over 22,000 the earth rose in temperature by 4c on average. with human intervention we’re on course to do the same but only in 100 years. If that seems natural to you then there’s no hope for close-minded folks likes you.
Let me refer to you a simple graph, simple enough to explain to you how we as humans are causing an unnatural growth in the average temperature. Mind you sources are sited in the right hand side of the graph. https://xkcd.com/1732/.
So an average eruption with a volcano equals how many tonnes of C02, what about forest fires or is all that our fault as well, and for the people who have lived in Cayman all there lives , how high has the sea risen in the last 20 years or so are you really almost under water if so please let the travel agents know right away
What part of my comment have you read?
Where did I claim natural disasters are our fault?
I will admit the severity of natural disasters are our fault, see the California fires for example.
What IS OUR fault is the unnatural rise in Co2 levels.
As to answer your question the sea height variation in 1998 was 18mm. in 2018 it was 85mm (see: https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/sea-level/).
I believe at this point though there is no convincing you. People don’t like to admit being wrong even in the face of facts and prefer to formulate crazy ideas supported by niche bloggers on the internet with no credible background, experience or source. As long as it further proves their clearly wrong agenda, their happy.
WTF are you talking about???? Whaaaaat??
10 to 500 million years ago the earth was PERFECTLY habitable. There was all kind of life!
It just depends where you were located on earth and which given period in that time frame. Just, you may not have been able to build a condo on 7 mile beach, but that does not mean the earth was inhabitable.
Ever hear of the Jurassic periods and Cambrian periods? (As in the movie Jurassic Park)
Try reading real information, not cartoon sites to appease your emotions.
I’d rather not take the chance of you being wrong…and also you are talking crap.
It sounds very much like you are an American of a certain political clout given your many US politics based references. I don’t think US domestic politics is applicable here as luckily, Cayman is not the USA and we are still able to consume facts rather than the kind of propaganda our friends up North are exposed to and quite often believe. Partisanship really has nothing to do with climate change. Besides, the political spectrum in the majority of countries ranges from left to right and is not made up of 2 extremes. Right- or left-wing, it doesn’t make a difference when it comes to global warming.
It is a fact that 98% of climate scientists say climate change affects us for the most part adversely and is man made. It is also a fact that the remaining 2% are mostly working in heavy-industry-funded and mostly American research chairs. And as an island nation we see the effects of climate change every day. We are disproportionately affected and the risks to a low-lying nation like Cayman are immense. It’s bizarre how you choose to disregard that and rather arrogant how you belittle Cayman for legitimate existential concerns.
The quote is 97%, not 98%, and it’s a bullshit statistic. Read the following link about the Doran Paper, if you have the stones. Oh, haven’t heard of it? Read on, grasshopper: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/07/18/what-else-did-the-97-of-scientists-say/
That link is from 2012… Since then there have been multiple revisions of that claim that address exactly the issues you are raising:
I think we can all trust NASA and the papers cited here as correct and thus the claim stands that a vast majority (97%) of researchers agree. Quite frankly, it’s bizarre why anyone would even bother to deny the findings the UN, most countries and research institutions agree on are hurting the environment and by extension our health and livelihoods.
This is a mind that needs professional mental help, friend support, and probably medication.
And a ban from the internet, to stop the spread of fake new to other gullible basic idiots.
Gotta laugh when people who believe every word from Fox News, Trump, and TV preachers suddenly become super-skeptics on science issues.
I am sure they feel the same about you.
And of course we cant forget cow farts .
We have a carbon tax here in Canada , but not a single volcano , should we be taxing the volcanos there’s a lot of them going off right now , I guess they don’t have the right currency to pay
Yikes. Don’t think you should own in Cayman because this island will be done in 20 years.
Yeah, so you should leave now.
Nah, I’m going to reap the benefits then move on when it’s time.
You and all others but not for long hehe…robber man coming bobo
God will keep to God’s plans.
Cayman will be done in 20 years? Well you better stick around, the USA and Britain will be done long before that, demon.
Demon? Lol wow
I own a piece of Cayman Brac bluff land.
If Cayman is “done” in 20 years, I guarantee you, when all the fly-by-nighters and gastarbeiters are gone, the Caymanians will still be here, even if they all have to live on stilts. Do not underestimate the resolve of this people.