Thieves make off with valuables from beachbag
(CNS): Police are urging people not to leave valuables unattended when they go to the beach after a number of valuable items stolen from a couple’s bag while they were swimming at Governor’s Beach yesterday lunchtime around 1:00pm, Thursday 12 October. The woman and the man had left a backpack on the beach beneath some trees when they went into the water. When they returned five or six minutes later, they went through the bag and discovered that valuables were missing, although they did not see anyone tampering with the bag.
Police: Sting Operations and decoys. Put the word our in ghettos that large sums of cash will be at given place at a given date for example.
Police patrols on the beach. Not difficult. Come on RCIPS.
Because, the idiots here still tell Tourists Cayman is safe don’t worry about it. Tell them the truth…lock your car doors, lock your windows, DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLE ALONE!
your kind made it bad…its wasnt this way before the Spoils bobo
Unfortunately, this type of crime is not exclusive to Cayman. I have just returned to the UK after spending a few weeks on the island visiting friends and old Police colleagues. As I spent many hours on 7 mile beach I noticed all tourist each side of me leave their bags and going into the sea for quite long periods. I warned each and everyone of them never, ever, leave their valuables on the beach due to the thieves that frequent this area. They looked at me in amazement of what is currently a common theft these days. The only time I left my bag was at the poolside of the Westin Hotel to have a quick dip and I never took my eye off my bag. If I saw anyone within 6ft of my possessions I would have shot out of that pool and he would have been a very sorry thief!! I guess the Police Officer in me will never go.
Apart from this, I truly had a wonderful holiday in Cayman. I will be returning each year but will still remain vigilant. So don’t cross my path you criminals out there.
What a terrible look on life. People are sick of having to keep their head on a swivel. Beef up the security and chop off the hands of thieves yourself if you have to.
Surely the title should read “Tourists Victims of Beach Theft” or “Valuables Stolen from Beach Bag” because as it stands now the “Thieves make off with valuables from beachbag” would lead anyone who just glances at the title to think that there is a known group or ring of thieves on the beaches on Cayman. The number of thieves is unknown and I think that the title should reflect the ambiguity just for clarification. May seem like semantics and nitpicking but it is a objectively inaccurate title at the very least or an assumption on the author’s part
Gotta love dislikes for pointing out an objective inaccuracy in in the article, if that many people dislike me simply because of my name I must be doing something right
8 police officers with 6 cars, including task force, spent the whole day at frank sound junction checking stickers on vehicles.
That is why they were not on the beach protecting our visitors.
It is getting close to christmas, so bonuses have to be collected.
This is disgusting …….. Where is this island going…stop importing poverty please
So your sure its not home grown
For the most part, yes.
Just checking the vehicle sticker is no longer enough, because the thieves are now stealing the stickers from Jeeps and open cars to place on their vehicle. So the police will have to get close enough to read the license # on the sticker to match with the vehicle plate. Mine was stolen last week, Expires September 2018.
damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Stickers need to be checked. Being vigilant on a beach is a must. Visitors are fine on a beach, they don’t need to be protected there other from their own inattentiveness.
Disagree @ 10:47 am.
We need some presence on our beaches here. We don’t even have fricking life-guards!
the perps were not european or asian….
And you know this because you’re scared of black people?
Aliens I tell you
The Public Beach and the Governor’s Beach should be patrolled by security staff to stop these lowlife criminals. The cost can be financed by charging the beach vendors’ licence fees.
Nooooooooo maybe this should not happen period
A poor lady’s handbag stolen at a funeral, flowers stolen from a grave ( mother really upset. As she visited her son’s grave on week-ends to water them to keep his memory alive) people begging at funerals how depraved this Island is coming to so much more could be highlighted. Is this Paradise?fast approaching on the State Advisories List or now on. Still crime free/ Jewel of the Caribbean? With a so-called effective police force or useless which is now applicable?
Which district? West Bay or………….?
It’s costume jewellery at best.
Very sad.
I thought these incidents had die a natural death! Resurrect again! Did the police ever patrol the beach areas? Guess not ! Maybe when the last incidents of this nature happened had a drive through visit not beat patrol. Forgot about these incidents no need to patrol beach areas. When a serious crime happens on the beach then warnings and advisories will be highlighted again as its been now. Shame shame !!!!!!
CIG is ruining Cayman
So very sad that our island has come to this, and SO embarrassing to say the least! Also sad to say but, we need more police/security patrolling our beaches.
poice should plant a bait bag with a gps tracker on phone….
problem solved.
They should have bait cars and houses to deal with these shit heads
7:59pm they are not that smart. Many ways to skin a cat.
Routine Activity Theory says you should not do this if you are visiting a ghetto slum third world bad part of town -so the beaches have become the bad part of town now.
Dont take valuables to the beach. Lock them up in your car or leave them in your hotel in a safe. If you must take valuablea to the neach place the bag where you can see it at all times from the water. Problem solved.
Or, change the culture so that Cayman Beaches are known world-wide as a safe haven for all people of all wealth, then watch all caymanians salaries double from the increase in business from the trust that the Cayman is a safe-haven from crime. But bending over for the criminals is what a criminal would want, are you a criminal minded or just too lazy, or maybe you have relatives who need the cash and would rather steal than get a job. You are the problem why Cayman is on the slippery slide…
Dream on.
Which is why people like you need to leave…NOW!