Major crashes land three people in hospital

| 04/07/2017 | 23 Comments

(CNS): After two major crashes over the holiday weekend, the rider of a motor scooter that collided with a car as well as the driver and passenger of a car that crashed through a yard fence and into a tree are all in hospital recovering from serious but not life-threatening injuries. The first of the two collisions happened around 9:00pm on Saturday in Prospect when the scooter hit a Honda Accord.

The motorcycle ended up underneath the Honda and had to be removed by fire crews. The man who was riding the scooter was taken to the George Town hospital and later transferred to Health City Cayman Islands in East End for specialist treatment. Police said that a gold Honda Stream that left the scene of the crash was also involved and they are now looking for the driver of that car.

The second accident happened around 2:00am Monday when a blue four-door Honda Accord crashed into a yard on Shamrock Road, Bodden Town. Police said the driver lost control of the car, which veered off the road into a chain link fence and then into a tree, eventually stopping in front of a house. The man who was driving and his female passenger were both trapped in the vehicle, which was extensively damaged. Cayman Islands Fire Service officers freed the couple, who were both injured. They were immediately taken to the George Town hospital emergency room.

Since then, the man has been airlifted overseas for treatment while the woman is recovering at the local hospital.

The police are seeking information on the gold Honda Stream. Anyone who witnessed the Prospect crash or has relevant information is asked to call the police at 949-4222. They can also contact the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the Crime Stoppers Tip Line at 800-TIPS (8477) to remain anonymous.


Category: Local News

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  1. Ms justice says:

    Hi i wonder why the accident where my son was knocked off his Kawasaki by a policeman was not reported like the other accidents were Thank you Jesus sooooo much he was not killed Stop the speeding officer you can’t do this back a yard so don’t bring the showoff here!JUSTICE PREVAILS!!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    This Gold Honda Stream probably the same car that reversed into my car and left. Not having the decency to say “Hey I hit your car” I do hope that they realize what they did. Cause an accident and put a man in the hospital. Don’t you people have a conscience?? Don’t worry though, karma is a bitch.

  3. satirony says:

    The most dangerous occupation in Cayman is being a wall or a tree on Shamrock Road.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Can RCIPS not just go to their database of licensed cars and search for color/make/model? This should be a 30 second process.

    There can’t possibly be more than a handful of Gold Honda Streams. Go to the address on record for each one and check said vehicle for damage.

    • Jotnar says:

      Unless of course it was sold, and the buyer didn’t register their ownership.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Gold Honda Stream didn’t actually hit anyone – they just pulled out in front of the scooter and the scooter had to swerve to avoid hitting them. Scooter guy then ended up hitting the parked Silver Accord. Still the Gold Stream driver had to have seen him (scooter had its lights on) or heard the impact right after what they did – and as such should turn themselves in ASAP! Obviously they think they’ve gotten away with it, but I am here to tell them – karma is a b*tch!

      • Anonymous says:

        Didn’t hit anyone – just caused the accident! LOL

        • Anonymous says:

          Exactly what I just said! But thanks for clarifying and abbreviating my words for me! *high five* LOL! Clearly the Honda Stream owner does not want to be found for a reason. They know they caused the accident and I am sure they saw this guy and still chanced it and pulled out in front of him regardless. Anyhow may their conscience wake up and fast, and may this guy make a speedy recovery. Thank God his life was spared.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Quick search on the DVDL database based on make, model and color, there’s no more than 5 gold streams on Island. Should be an hours work at most.

  6. Veritas says:

    There was a major accident a week or so ago when a black Audi ran into a tree right outside the Dart Park in South Sound abnd suffered major damage. No mention in the media so maybe it was a politician or senior police officer.

    • Anonymous says:

      Soo true i guess thats why the other weekend crashes were made public and nothing reported concerning my son being knocked offf his bike by a policeman We dont need the publicity but for sure Justice thank you Jesus he was not killed slow down accidents do happen Maybe you never 0wned a vehicle​back a yard but don’t ya come my turf and showofff Because people lives are precious too!!!!

  7. Veritas says:

    The police, after recent events, should know where to look for the driver of the gold Honda who left the scene.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Waiting for the first major crash on the Camana three-lane roundabout. Holy crap do people drive like nut jobs on this! Its wild, wild west and this is just the first week.

    • Anonymous says:

      Traveling north from the Harquail section to the underpass is quite easy. Making a left turn off the roundabout into Camana Bay is a nightmare. Going east on Lawrence Boulevard may be confusing for visitors as there is an arrow which points clearly to the right which could confuse some drivers and make them go around the roundabout the wrong way. Just waiting for the inevitable disaster.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not only tourists from Lawrence Blvd.’ I saw a taxi going wrong way around the roundabout the other day. Shouldn’t be surprised though, taxi drivers are some of the worst drivers on island.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I drive Shamrock Road once every two weeks during weekend days. EVERY time I have cars passing me, and heading into Prospect where two lanes becomes three, almost EVERYONE well exceeds the speed limit.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Hope the driver of that Gold Honda Stream is found, ASAP! Have a conscience and turn yourself in!

  11. Anonymous says:

    When are people going to learn? 🙁


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