Mac arrested outside US casino
(CNS): The speaker of the Legislative Assembly and former premier of the Cayman Islands, McKeeva Bush, was arrested in Florida, Monday outside a casino. Bush was reportedly released on a $1,000 bond after he was taken into custody over an altercation with a member of staff. The Seminole police record states he was arrested on suspicion of touch or strike/battery, a misdemeanor charge, in relation to the argument.
CNS has contacted Bush, who we understand remains in the United States, but we have not received a response and we have been unable to confirm any of the rumours about the incident relating to his arrest that have been circulating on social media.
Bush not only holds one of the most senior official posts in Cayman as the parliament’s speaker but he is also a key member of the PPM-led coalition government. CNS has also reached out to Premier Alden McLaughlin, whose government depends on the support of Bush and his two CDP members to hold a majority, but we have not yet received a reply from him or any statement from his office .
Category: Crime
I will stay away from American girl!
You’d better stay away from all ‘girls’
This is disgraceful. However, the Premier’s silence is deafening. Please Sir, you owe it to the country to say something.
Really it is a crime that he was allowed to use OUR money to gamble in Vegas on a govt credit card. Clearly he has issues. No he has defamed the Islands in an attempt to save his own a$$. Disgusting.
There is got to be something else happening to Mr Bush’s mental state, this is not normal behavior especially when it is a visiting official of Cayman in the US. Mr Bush is a good person and I hope that He survives this regrettable ordeal. We are praying for you Sir.
Ok, let me say something. Mckeewa is in jail in Miami for touching a lady’s backside. Got it?
CNS: McKeeva Bush is on bail for allegedly grabbing a lady’s buttocks.
Considering A) He was in a casino – cameras everywhere and B) this is in the US. The Police service is a smidge more competent than the local ones here.
I don’t know the facts but it will be difficult to slither a way out of this one.
Can he ship up a Cayman jury and have Steve McField run a Christian themed Chewbacca defence?
I wonder what Austin has to say about this?!!! now that he is in bed with the PPM, will he keep his lips zipped??
Probably say he should have throttled her rather than groped her – you get no conviction recorded for that in Cayman apparently.
One clean hand and a pure heart.
Thanks Trump.
This “Christian” man needs professional counselling and help.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!?
People of Caynan, Thank You, your money is hard at work up here in the US. Please, keep sending them. Political officials and excess money to burn go hand-in-hand
Values hell: Mac is wrong..but country is ok. Foots is wrong..but Braccanal is OK
OK, enough is enough. We have guns floating onto the island, bullets flying In, gangsters recruiting by the day, an educational system at rock bottom, our ever destructive environment, the standstill on resident applications, and Dart’s pretty much buying up the whole island.
And now this. Gotta love Cayman
Anything else would be boring. Ya gotta love it.
Except that we are actually finally changing in relation to education. We have a long way to go but change is happening. We just need to stop hiring teachers from third world countries and maybe even some first world ones too.
We all know why his consituents vote for him election after election and it’s been going on for years, but then these West Bayers have no shame only greed.
Fiinallly someone other than 45 making news for some stupid stuff, stiff…lol… this guy has not learned after his lassst debacle, sooo It’s in your hands Caymanian’s. Let the World know this is not how gentlemen act, publicly or privately
datz ma bouy, he hands jus gav a good ol boy pat on a watress boom boom, der ain nuttin wrong wit dat.
Try Googling McKeeva Bush – top selection is Mac arrested for “buttock grabbing”. Lovely.
What a shining example he is for the youth of the Cayman Islands!
Well of course! Trump’s America welcomes groping. What’s the big deal?
Get ready for Bernie Bush as speaker !!! Now that’s scary.
Trump does not own America, and groping is a crime in America. What planet are you from? Your poor choice of words is an affront to all Americans. I’ll bet you have no reservations about spending those American dollars that keep your economy afloat! I guess then it would’t be a big deal if that was a member of your family.
All Americans ? ..apart from the POTUS ?
Sorry, gotta agree with the OP: Thanks Trump.
Unwelcome groping is a crime here too. Like in the US, it’s an assault.
Must have thought he was at Tootsies!
Hahah and the cannabis users can’t get no fair chances to even collect garbage. Ignorance won’t solve your problems folks.
In the past I have been embarrassed and ashamed that our country could elect such a buffoon as its leader. It seems we were just a bit ahead of the times.
He mussa thought he wha up in Bananas.
You ain’t at Coconuts now BoBo
Trash….Only idiot west Bayer’s voted for Mac an his lame crew….Bunch of Alcoholics an Thief’s…The west Bayer’s with sense got out numbered as usual….Typical Stupid Caymankind
Can you think of a nicer way to say that?
“Sir, would you like to hit or stand?”…
This is the kind of script that fuels ‘Run down’.
A man with any class would resign. No resignations are expected.
A Premier with a spine would fire him. No firings are expected.
A mixture of praying to God and blaming others is expected.
Judging by the shirt he is wearing, he enjoyed the hospitality of the Seminole Police for the night
That’s why they call it “Mackin on the ladies”!
Well you say he is 60 something and shouldn’t be slacking
He is working harder than ever you can call it MACing
A good time to re-view What I See Happening. Pure, unadulterated bureaucratic harassment.
But how can we, do, anything? Anything? At a quick pace.
But he’s only human…
Butt… Butt…
I always been able to grab dat at a Casino.
What is the world coming to?
spineless alden will do nothing….it will be the typical caymanian head in the sand reaction….
If the Premier removes Mr. Bush from the Govt then his West Bay counterparts will likely depart with him… which means that Mr. McLaughlin will lose the majority and the opposition will become the Government… along with Mr. Bush. So either way he will remain as a member of the ruling Government.
There are 13 members in the government without the three from West Bay they still have 10 which is a majority of 19.
@8:53 … Yah. Too bad !
He got rid of Kenneth rather quickly – lets see if he has the same principles this term. Im not holding my breath however.
Crushing all deceivers, mashing non-believers
Never-ending potency
Hungry violence-seeker, feeding off the weaker
Breeding on insanity
Smashing through the boundaries
Lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
more please
Master, master
Where’s the dreams that I’ve been after?
Master, master
You promised only lies
Laughter, laughter
All I hear or see is laughter
Laughter, laughter
Laughing at my cries
Welcome to where time stands still
No one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
Just labeled mentally deranged
Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, No windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred
Could you put that on your low-rider stereo and drive past my house and wake me up?
When he said “more please”, he meant in the sense of “less is more”. Or at least I do… You can stop now.
In more fake news…
I am sorry for the embarrassment this has caused my family and my country.
I was on vacation enjoying my favorite pastime and also I am sad to admit, I was drinking alcohol. In a moment of joy after hitting 2 tens after doubling down on a pair of aces. I happily jumped up and embraced our very friendly server. I understand this was not invited and I behaved inappropriately.
I would like to apologise to the young woman involved.
I have pledged to seek alcohol counseling and promise my people I will never cross the threshold of a casino again.
Said no Cayman politician… ever.
Your post is stupid
Maybe the post is just too complicated for you, 7:37
you can do those things in cayman and get away with it. See it happen all the time. These guys figure if i buy a beer I am allowed to grope you. You can’t do that in the US. it will back fire on you. I think Mr Bush now understands that fully.
If you have seen this happen in Cayman then do something about it. Take a video. Report the offence. Don’t leave it for “somebody else”. Don’t sit in the corner and moan about it.
Hey look nice , come here to daddy Mac.
The daddy mac will make you jump jump
In Batabano
Do we know what credit card he used ?
Mr. Bush might have a gambling addiction and it would be best for him to seek professional help as soon as possible.
Ya think?!
Not “might”, rather mighty!.
You think ??
Where were his retinue of mysterious invisible body guards? You know the ones he paid for with plates and tea cups?
Cant blame this one on The British or Baines or Taylor….perhaps Mac really is an uneducated fool who continues to bring shame on Cayman.
Bbbbbbut, if we can’t blame Baines or a former governor (wrings hands then clutches pearl necklace) what eva will we do?????!
Well They fired Kenneth for being charged with cimmin assault, will they fire Mac for his assault charge ? Or their principles selective ? I hope Alden knows we are watching
CNS: Note that McKeeva Bush has not been charged with an offence at this stage.
We are also watching. Trust that all they try to lead astray today will be more powerful tomorrow.
How does Alden fire an MLA? It is up to us the people to demand MLA’s who behave in such a manner immediately resign. Charge or no charge. Have a by-election. Pick someone worthy.
Ha ha, this is hilarious. Long time coming. Caymanians this is who you keep voting for. Embarrassed yet? Banana republic leaders.
I think we all know who we have been voting for. Our problem is if we cant vote for them because of this type of behavior, who will be left to vote for?!
I can’t say anything. My country elected a sweetheart that did worse than this BEFORE the election. Sigh. At least it wasn’t he majority of my people….
Who would be next in line to take the Speaker position?
Bernie. Not much better but at least he hasn’t been arrested.
You can have Nancy Pelosi, no realy.
Yes. She would fit right in!
Hell, take T-Rump. Please. You like ineffective politicians here, right? My boy T has a proven track record of doing nothing and he’s a gas-bag to boot.
Guess he’ll have lots to speak about when he gets back.
Bible in one hand and honorary doctorate in the other, what could possibly go wrong. Our country mprisons our youth for possession of ganga, denying them the opportunity of employment, yet we continue to elect those with dubious morals.
How many days was he partying at the casino before this happened ? It looks like maybe 2 or 3 days . I thought that he would have learned to stay away from casinos and gambling after his last gambling excursion .
Some people never learn.
He must have a very tolerant employer.
I don’t think you understand addiction.
I’m a born and bred West Bayer and thank God me and my family saw the light and true colors years ago……..not to ever vote for W. McKeeva Bush in life again.
If you don’t want to be seen in public then you should avoid casinos period – where CCTV cameras covers every square foot inside and outside.
Some people just don’t learn.
“My hands are clean and my heart is pure”
But will you wote for him?
Hilarious comment. But perhaps you should re-read the poster’s post.
Soooo, there’s a tape?
The man got no shame, he should resign forthwith!
I’m big mac! The Stylin’, profilin’, limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin’ n’ dealin’ son of a gun
super fly
What a disgusting representative! It’s a pity that people are still fool enough to vote for this clown.
WB’S will still vote 4 him=idiots!!
Which is why a national vote is imperative. The vote needs to be across the island….for all districts.
Agreed – 100%
Yes Pleaseeee!!
Let us choose the Cabinet leaders
This is going to be international news.
Why? He’s a small town clown, nobody in the world would be interested or care.
Just another failed ‘politician’ from the Caribbean.
No news there.
Actually it is international news. Happened in America, reported here, wherever that is.
Don’t fret, the casino is on sovereign Indian land. He will be granted diplomatic immunity by the Seminole Indian Nation.
The Honorable.
It is widely believed that the Police Commissioner for Seminole County is currently having his driveway replaced. Further news will be reported tomorrow when the Tarmac has dried.
Ahhhh. Broward county.
Seminole County is up in Central Florida east of Tampa. We are watching this soap opera. Nothng will happen.
Lodge connections
He is not a Freemason. End of that story.
Dat funny!
Surely you mean dishonorable
Lmao. Please. Couldn’t even if he had a personal genie.