Political heckler flees crash scene

| 10/05/2017 | 66 Comments
Cayman News Service

Road crash on Crewe Road, 9 May 2017

(CNS): Police have confirmed that they are investigating a collision Tuesday night on Crew Road at the intersection with Ella Mae Gardens involving a motorcycle and two cars. The smash happened just after the motorbike rider had been heckling and hurling abuse at the premier during a political meeting at the PPM headquarters for Marco Archer, before speeding off and crashing.

An RCIPS spokesperson said that at around 8:45pm a report was made to 911 which dispatched police, fire and emergency services to the scene on Crewe Road. The motorbike and a black Cadillac had collided and the Cadillac then smashed into the rear of a parked Toyota Corolla. The motorcyclist was said to have fled on foot in the direction of Ella Mae Gardens before police arrived, leaving the motorbike at the scene.

The woman driving the Cadillac was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital for treatment for non-life-threatening injuries, police said in a release.

CNS understands that a heckler who shouted at Premier Alden McLaughlin while he was speaking at the political meeting for Archer, who is running in George Town Central, was the motorbike rider who crashed the bike just yards away.

The shouting and the screeching of the bike leaving at high-speed can be heard on the video footage (see below). The heckler’s comments are inaudible but some of those present at the meeting told CNS that the young man was using abusive language and attempting to cause trouble before revving up the bike and speeding away, only to crash almost immediately.

In a statement, the People’s Progressive Movement’s general secretary said the members were saddened by the incident and praying for the speedy recovery of the woman injured in the smash.

“We are particularly concerned about the reckless behaviour of a heckler who tried to disrupt our meeting and whose subsequent disregard for the traffic laws resulted in injuries to the motorist,” the party official stated. “We abhor this type of politically inspired behaviour. The Cayman Islands have always held free, fair and peaceful elections and the party does not condone misbehaviour in any form.”

The PPM said its candidates would continue to uphold and “espouse the best traditions of the Westminster parliamentary system as we seek re-election”.

The incident is under police investigation and anyone with information is asked to call the Traffic Management Unit at 649-6254. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (66)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This idiot should call Southwest Airlines to be featured in their “Want to get away?” commercial. LOL

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ever did something so stupid that you made headline news?

  3. Tommy E says:

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  4. Anonymous says:

    When the find the motorcyclist, can he be publicly paraded so we can all have a good laugh? He might think twice about doing something stupid again

  5. JAY says:

    did he run to George Town East or West ?

  6. JAY says:

    ZEEKZ bo!!! did he run away to George Town West ? or East ?

  7. JAY says:

    Check out Kurt tho ensuring Alden don’t skip a beat #armsfolded

  8. Anonymous says:

    Life is hard. Its harder if you stupid.

  9. satirony. says:

    Did the bike have a license plate? Was it insured? If not, why not?

  10. Yups says:

    I would use a air horn atleast

  11. Anonymous says:

    He thought he was at stuntfest bobo

  12. Anonymous says:

    Karma at it’s best, ha ha…

  13. Anonymous says:

    Boy he must feel like an idiot.

  14. wi says:

    Is that guy behind him doing a study on how non-verbal body language can be used in politics?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Almost cool. We caymanians need to stop being so spiteful. I do it too. Feels so good but so bad after the initial phychout. Still paradise tho. Whats ur native country like?

    • Anonymous says:

      Mine? Greatest country in the world. You are always welcome to come up and buy a big-assed TV.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mine is great. It has culture. I look forward to spending my savings there.

      • Anonymous says:

        No thanks. U keep ur school shootings and explosions. I dont watch TV. I watch the waves. When ya savings done we still have the sun.

  16. Anonymous says:

    A certain wannabe politician sponsors a motorcycle event one week , the next week a motorbike rider heckles at a meeting for his opponent . Surely coincidence . But lets be honest here guys , the biggest crime on the video is a middle aged politician wearing jeans.
    And the comedy show continues ..

    • Ridin' Dirty says:

      How many arrests were made and charges laid at said motorcycle event and why so little mention by the press?

      • Anonymous says:

        Shhh. He’s healing with the community at the moment.

      • Shadow says:

        Why would there be charges or arrests at a function that took place on private property with permission of the owner. The bikes were brought in on trucks and trailers. Not every time someone rides a dirt bike is it illegally.

        • Anonymous says:

          Except, it is. Dirt bikes are for “off-road”. Always have been.

          So when they take to the main-road, it is indeed illegal. As well as the general public stating that they know this particular rider and his bike are not insured; hence why he fled!

          I am sick of the ghetto mentalities in Cayman. People have no respect for anyone or anything here….this Country will not prosper with such mentalities at the helm!

      • Wilber cortina swaby says:

        The arrest that were made at the stunt show were at the end when the cars were leaving the event,8 for expired coupons and 1 for possession of ganja. Ridin’ Dirty I don’t see what it has to do with a street legal bike riding by an adult that does a burnout and crashes into a turning car,can you tell me what that has to do with StuntFest? And by the way Kenneth was one of the many sponsors at the event so there is no coincidence…typical crab in the bucket mentality! You must ride a Harley …..lame??????

    • Anonymous says:

      Novel writer? A real big stretch to come to that conclusion.

    • Anonymous says:

      True true. Good report from the red carpet. “Bold man goes public in dad jeans”

    • Anonymous says:

      Middle aged? LOL!!! He won’t see that age again in this lifetime.

  17. Knot so good. says:

    Trump supporter maybe ?

  18. Leo's Main Man says:

    How dear he interrupt our leader wid his foolishness serves him right charge him extra for the hospital bed and treatment show him who’s boss in this town go PPM jail all these Caymanians who cant behave themselves

    • Anonymous says:

      A bit hateful aren’t you? It’s not that deep shit like this happens all the time if not worse at less he wasn’t shot at or killed there are politicians who globally who experience way worse.

  19. PPM Strong says:

    Time for this scum on these motorcyles to be removed and when the PPm gets in we will make that a reality a Police crackdown on all riders legal and illegal time for these jokers to get off the road and make our roads safe again PPM 2017

  20. Anonymous says:

    da wuya get!

  21. Anonymous says:

    This is probably the funniest thing ive read/heard all year…..waaaaaaaaaaweeeeeeeewaaaaaaaBANG!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Life is a bitch…just goes to show me and everyone else that should we ever attempt to do something stupid, it will come back and bite us at some point

  23. Anonymous says:

    Again, it always comes back to disregard of traffic laws. Bring back the traffic cops in full force and clean up the streets.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Running away from the scene of the accident leaving his crashed bike….a true indication of the intellectual caliber of the anti Marco idiots.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Two positives in this:
    • woman in Cadillac was spared injuries
    • one less illegal bike to tear up and down the streets like an idiot

  26. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth must be so proud of his supporters.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ignorance is bliss; he is just like his supporters.

      I shudder to think how GT central would implode into a complete garrison if Kenneth were to win!

      I am sorry, but if you can’t even respect the democratic process then you should not even be running. He has zero respect for anyone; make no mistake, he is no leader.

      Marco Archer; continue to exude the calm and collective approach you naturally have, and take pride in your academic and professional achievements as there are many of us who acknowledge them and are proud to call you a fellow Caymanian.

      We will be watching intently at 7pm tonight; good luck!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Karma is a bitch. Serves them right – no broughtupsy.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Deserved what he got. Sorry for the innocent driver he ran into.

  29. Anonymous says:

    what a silly man! Hope they catch ‘im

  30. Anonymous says:

    As Aunt Sookie Says, “Da Wha Yah Get!”

  31. Anonymous says:


  32. Anonymous says:

    fail of the year

  33. Anonymous says:

    “Instand Karma – Just add a$$hole!!”


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