Cayman dive instructor pulls knife from shark

| 10/03/2017 | 7 Comments
Cayman News Service

Dive instructor Brett Johnson rescues nurse shark

(CNS): Reef Divers’ Brett Johnson has become an internet hero after footage of him pulling a kitchen knife out of a 3-ft nurse shark’s head on a dive with a group of visitors at the end of last month went viral. Johnson, who had spotted the knife sticking straight up from the poor shark’s head during a dive on Snapper Reef, off the north coast of Cayman Brac, pointed it out to a visiting diver who had his camera and filmed Johnson pulling the knife out.

Johnson, who posted the video on his Facebook page, told local TV station Cayman 27 that as he was trying to think of the best way to get the 12-inch knife out of its head, the shark turned around and “settled right below me as if asking for help. I reached down and pulled it out. The shark swam around a bit afterwards and then settled back down in the sand.”

Since the event the shark has  been seen swimming around the same reef and seems to be recovering from the head wound totally unaware of how famous he and the diver who helped him have become.

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Category: Marine Environment, Science & Nature

Comments (7)

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  1. Norberto says:

    Exellent Job Brett. It’s time to enforce sleapping laws in order to protect our enironment and sea life. I notice all over island people fishing small fish with net specially at night, if this does not stop any sooner we will pay a huge price: that is interfering with the ecosystem and sealife development. Keep up the good work Brett.

  2. Sharkey says:

    This kind of behavior is outrageous and should not tolerated by society. And we all needs to remember Sharks were on this planet before us , and the Ocean is their land and we should respect them when we go in the Ocean and see one of them

    Education is what needed here , and where would we find that no sense criminal not in School or Church , so then the other place would be the bar rooms , then we should take our mestaging there .

  3. The Sharks........... and fellow divers too! says:

    Thanks, Brett!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cayman has really gotten bad. Even sharks are carrying knives now.

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