Private eyes on tail of MLAs

| 27/02/2017 | 135 Comments

(CNS): MLA Alva Suckoo has claimed that private investigators from overseas are following him and the other independent members of the Legislative Assembly in what they believe is an attempt to find something that can be used to discredit or manipulate them because of their opposition to government’s proposed Legal Practitioners Bill. The Bodden Town MLA told the House in a short statement before it was adjourned Monday night that he and his colleagues had reason to believe the private eyes had been hired by local law firms who want the bill passed for “nefarious purposes”.

Suckoo told his legislative colleagues that three private investigators are in Cayman posing as visitors but they are snooping around the independent members opposing the new lawyers law.

“As a matter of national importance I am therefore requesting that this matter be immediately investigated by the RCIPS, Attorney General’s Office and the immigration department as the actions of these individuals and their clients is a direct threat to the safety and well-being of members of this Honorable Assembly and our families and may constitute the breach of several laws, including the Immigration Law,” Suckoo stated.

The issue was first raised by Winston Connolly earlier in the proceedings Monday, as he defended himself against criticism in the press about the motion he has supported by Arden McLean calling for an investigation and possible prosecution of some law firms and attorneys for alleged breaches of the existing Legal Practitioners Law. He stated that he believed someone was following him and other independent members over the issue but he was less specific about who may be doing the following.

Answering questions during a press briefing Monday lunchtime about the controversial motion on the question of whether the work Cayman-based law firms are doing overseas, Arden McLean and Alva Suckoo both said they believe these investigators, whoever they were, must be trying to dig up something against them that could be used to manipulate or intimidate them. McLean said that they expected that, in the fullness of time, they would find out who was behind it but they raised concerns that it was unlawful.

Then late on Monday evening, as the Legislative Assembly wrapped up for the evening, Suckoo said that they had undertaken further research and believed the private eyes were being paid by at least one law firm. He said the proper authorities should take “any and all legally permissible actions to apprehend and question these individuals”, and asked for steps be taken to ensure the safety and protection of all members of the Legislative Assembly.

There was no response from the government benches to the allegations made by Suckoo, but he told CNS after the adjournment that he and the other MLAs who believed they were being followed by these private detectives would be making a report to the police about their concerns as he said there could be numerous laws being broken.

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Category: Crime, Politics

Comments (135)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I think you will find that’s illegal here but I like the way you think sweety.

  2. Anonymous says:

    It could be the KGB.

  3. A says:

    Chinese, most likely. Doing the groundwork for the courting.

  4. Anonymous says:

    And this is what qualifies as news ? Suppose thats all we can expect from politicians in a run up to an election. How many times have we heard from the same MLA during his term if office ? Nuff said.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Shoulda did this from the 1900’s

  6. Anonymous says:

    People, calm down. There has been sooo much dirt dug up and layed before the public on sooo many politicians, and nothing, nada, zip has happened to any of them. Let the dicks do their dicking, have some sun and overpriced drinks and bad hamburgers, report to their employers, get their checks, and go home. We don’t care.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Maybe it’s the Russians…

  8. Anonymous says:

    My question is this: if investigators are indeed following these MLAs (big if), how do they (the MLAs) know that it was law firms that employed them to do so, as opposed to their rivals or one of the political parties? This is election year, after all.

    Also, how do they have “reason to believe” they are being investigated in the first place? Presumably someone has told them; but if so, how do THEY know? Has one of these law firms confessed? Did the investigators put it on their immigration cards? Did they confess when confronted? Did they blab over a beer? None seems likely.

    So what’s the truth? There’s no evidence these investigators even exist. At worst this is just a story that has been made up by these MLAs to generate sympathy for their opposition to the LPB and distrust of the big bad law firms; and at best a marl road rumor which has gathered credibility because it has been repeated by MLAs who honestly think it’s true.

    I’m inclined to think that the gumshoes don’t exist; and that the MLAs, innocently or not, are generating fake news. But I’d love to be proved wrong.

    • Anonymous says:

      I highly doubt that they would make this up and have everyone accusing them of being crazy. They are threatening the firms for millions.. do you really think the firms aren’t capable of this?

    • So well said 6:29. You asked all the right questions and suspect we will get no answers on any of them. This really is banana republic stuff and I am afraid we are going more and more in that direction every day.

  9. Anonymous says:

    They’re Russians

  10. McCarron McLaughlin says:

    Sounds like the MO of the elites at work, if what these independents are saying is

    I mean how do the elite pull the politically strings??? By having compromised candidates, bought and paid for.

    This concept is new to Cayman… Have a nice day.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I am right that one of these plonkers is an attorney. If so why did he not spill the beans then?

  12. Anonymous says:

    OMG who are these egotistic people. Come on name names or shut up.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Wow, can we have leaders like Trumpy! Just watching his address. Finally, a man who cares about his people.
    God bless Donald Trump.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would you even say that? Sheesh. He is a deceptive, lying gas-bag. I do believe he is not even human. The more he lies and deceives, the more a few people like him. I sure wish I could understand someone like you.

  14. Magnum P.I. says:

    It is sad when our honorable statesmen are made fun of whenever they stand up for the rights of caymanians. It is ironic everyone wish to come, work and live here yet they wish to make cayman just like where they come from. I watch the news and when you hear an innocent man’s life is taken from him by rubbing poison in his face, it makes me appreciate living here in Cayman. Let us not forget that if PIs are really here on island, then this is of national security concern and the Governor should launch a full scale investigation and bring justice to these people of these island.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ha, ha, ha, what a total load of garbage.
      Honourable Statesmen, really? These small town freeloaders wouldn’t know how to act ‘statesmanlike’ if their lives depended on it. They are nothing less than a bunch of over paid rabble rousers who make the most appalling statements of bigotry, sexism, homophobia, anti-expat and anything else that their small minded, uneducated, over fed, double dipping carcasses can dream up. These aren’t people worthy of representation, let alone grand titles and IF they are being followed, it’s been far too long coming.
      Everyone who cares to see knows what’s going on, especially in an election year, PI’s should be the least of their worries. I’ll be amazed if the RCIPS or the UK Govt aren’t already watching these clowns and their ‘associates’.
      Why should the Governor associate herself with unsubstantiated rumour, there is absolutely no proof of any wrongdoing and until there is, we can safely say that these are the rantings of an egotistical wannabe who can’t play with the big boys without crying wolf.

      • Anonymous says:

        8.53- I feel you are holding back…no need to, just come right out with it…

      • Anonymous says:

        .53am That last sentence describes your post exactly like it is .a rant by one who wannabe a candidate but can’t.

      • Excuse me while I I hold my nose says:

        Yeah 8:53 did they “do you” something or trouble “something that belongs to you” or did they pee on your doorstep or are they compromising your livelihood or remainder of time here incautan or on earth.? Come on be man or woman enough to let it out.?you dying to say more we can feel it, in fact we almost know who you are. Speak quick or the Dick following you will get his turn to spill the beans.

    • Anonymous says:

      twuly honerwable, buy self appointment.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Al and Winston are paranoid and desperate. What a disappointment. Thought they were different. Now it looks like they have both turned into the worst type of politician.There’s no way Caymanians can take a chance and put them in charge along with the two from the southeast corner. Al has to put everything on facebook like he so muuch better than anyone else. If he kisses his wife , on fcebook, if he walks his dog ,on facebook. Come on alwa self praise is no recommendation. Now it looks like everything he do is ppolitical.. And they sound so hateful in the house especially to Alden and Wayne. Wow.Hope they nah hiding anything.If not dont worry about a thing.

    • Anonymous says:

      The worst type of politician.. incorruptible, honest and brave. The worst!

    • Anonymous says:

      Obviously you are following Alva on facebook. Are one of the dicks?

    • Well geez says:

      Geez get off the man Facebook nah! Ps. It’s called social media for a reason and unlike some of the ppm jokers he uses it all the time not just during election season to get votes. I had a look and his usage seems pretty normal!

  16. Anonymous says:

    I only wish:

    1) Winston didn’t focus so much on the disenfranchised lawyers…what about the other Caymanians not getting an opportunity for positions or advancement due to a government that only seems to care about work permit fees?

    2) there were more young intelligent Caymanians like Winston in politics

    Keep up the good work Winston and maybe expand the scope a bit.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Historically – a politician and a lawyer are the two greatest bull shit artists you will ever come across in life. They will tell you anything you want to hear to get your vote, take your money and to gain your trust.

    Why do people continue to trust them and beat their gums defending them, is beyond me ?

  18. Anonymous says:

    ” Don’t stop the Carnival “… Cayman style

  19. V says:

    I have been watching y’all all year. You haven’t done much.

  20. M. Bush says:

    They “must be trying to dig up something against them that could be used to manipulate or intimidate them.”

    If your heart is pure and your hands are clean then you got nothing to worry about.

  21. Unison says:

    LOL … but they’re making their complaints to the Police.. suppose the Commish is in on it as well as the Governor???

  22. Unison says:

    Hmmmm … what about from the Governor and Foreign Office. They always had a history 🙂

  23. Anonymous says:

    Hello! We live on an ISLAND! Someone is always watching and stalking you! Doh! *insert eye-roll*

  24. SSM345 says:

    Surely Mac has some insight for our MLAs who are being followed. Can he not get them a discounted rate on private security or is that only reserved for UDP members?

  25. Anonymous says:

    Anything for a headline. After all, it is election season.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is why we are in the bloody mess that we are in now because outsiders can come and say any rubbish and we swallow it hook line and sinker but if one of our own dare to speak up or try to make us aware of anything we call them all manner of things. All of you better wake up, it is almost too late . I thank God for outspoken politicians like Al, Arden, Ezzard, Winston and Anthony. Guys do not be perturbed by the redicule. Continue to show up and as Sandy Sage said “show up, pay attention, pick and speak your words with truth and do not be attached by the outcome.”. Anyone who condone the act of law firms allowing our Cayman Law to be practiced overseas by persons who are not qualified in said law nor possess a practicing certificate is not only legally wrong but also unethical. Anyone who does not or will not understand perhaps should not be allowed to practice law.. this goes far beyond being able to rake in millions of dollars, it in fact borders on selling the soul of our beloved Cayman Islands .Anyone who actually condones this has lost his/her conscience and apparently does not have the best interest of Cayman at heart. A truly sad day for Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Oh dear 3.06-, so let me be sure I have this straight. Outsiders are bad. Al, Arden, Ezzard, Winston are good, because they hate outsiders. Foreign lawyers are bad and bad for the Cayman Islands, and throwing them out would be good, along with all the money they bring them and put in the local economy. Iron logic.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      I am concerned that the investigators are not Caymanian. Why were these foreigners given work permits. An investigation must be commenced immediately.

  26. Anonymous says:

    This would not surprise me at all. I think it does need to be investigated and the public notified if there was any truth to the allegations or not.

    • Michel says:

      It does not surprise me and could very well have truth to it. Not a good feeling. We do not want our elections inteferfed with. There is a lot at stake for some. But what really worries me is that Anyone can come here and pretend who they want to be. Even get jobs. Unvetted. Look at Syed had anyone checked is real credentials we would not have been ripped off by this user of opportunatly. Trying to be a non hater. It’s the same for work permits. If we ( powers that be ) started to check references I assure you that at least 10% ( Being consevative) would be revoked. Now you will say ” where’s the money and i say “Find the money. It’s important. We’re taking in questional character and once you get to know some it’s evident. AND a lot of drug users. That business doing real good. Somebody please, at least think about this.We are wide open
      This is my personnal opinion.

  27. Anonymous says:

    If Alva wears an aluminum foil hat then the UFO brain control rays will not reach his brain.

  28. Veritas says:

    To quell the Caymanian Spring we need to promote all Caymanian lawyers to be equity partners. This has the advantage that then the law firms will need to employ more Caymanians to replace the promoted ones as they will no longer be able to afford work permit fees.

    • Michel says:

      What worries if true is that anybody can come to our islands and pretend to be anyone. No proper vetting .Coming in as a visitor next thing you know a work permit is issued. No vetting, follow up or teeths to the law.

  29. Lagoon Snapper says:

    Some are so blissfully niave in this place The trouble with those like you 9:01am like igonrance as you go along you pick up confidence on the way. Some of these law frims have done worse than follow people. Concerned Caymanian my @$$ exactly what concerns you?

  30. Anonymous says:

    PIs on island and abroad is nothing new. I know of a wealthy who foreign investor with local ties, who literally had a prominent local businessman on the verge of a divorce when a PI uncovered an extra-marital affair he was having with an expat. This was not a very publicized event, because close local family members managed to keep the details under wraps and repay the monies the local businessman owed to the foreign investor. In the end, the story was summed up to a rocky marriage and was quelled by a hearty reconciliation, for the family unit and family business. Today, they walk-around (and drive-around) the island, in flashy cars, boasting a robust ~30-year marriage that could have easily been the demise of a relentless PI. This is a real business – even for Caymanians, MLAs, Local Businessmen/[Businesses], etc. who are caught-up in a PI dragnet. And, “Bugging” peoples’ phones, homes, offices, cars [(il)legally] comes with the job.

    Just know your rights; know your laws. And, do your endeavor best keep your private life, out of the public eye.

  31. Anonymous says:

    It honestly wouldn’t surprise me we are speaking about millions and millions of dollars.

  32. Anonymous says:

    If they have nothing to hide they should not be worried…but they are worried…maybe we should have all MLA’s followed…

    • question says:

      And I assume you would be ok with a PI following you around trying to make you look bad ?

      • Anonymous says:

        I assume (and hope) I would be doing nothing that they could find anything bad with. If it isn’t happening, they can’t make it look bad. Guilty conscience?

  33. Anonymous says:

    Is it that far fetched….haven’t they been known to use concealed gps devices?

  34. Concerned Caymanian in the legal profession says:

    Can these MLAs get any more desperate….you all will say anything to divert the attention from the merits of the LPB…and for what!? To the detriment of those you are claiming to protect…you are only damaging this jurisdiction and our financial services industry with this nonsense and should all be ashamed of yourselves. You know plain and simple you are only causing this ruckus in a last ditch attempt to raise your chances of getting re-elected by preying on the members of the electorate who haven’t read the bill, don’t know anything about the legal industry here and therefore don’t know any better. And to top it off you know damn well the LPB goes much farther to protect Caymanians and regulate firms and the industry than the current LPL does at present. Although, given the stupidity of your actions and claims, perhaps I should not assume that you have even read the bill.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you suggesting that private investigators have not been engaged? Do you know that?

    • Ok then says:

      How does the LpB protect Caymanians ? I bet you haven’t even read it ! State one clause that improves the position of Caymanians !!! I dare you!

      • Anonymous says:

        The requirement to notify the BSP of the impact on the career of a Cayman lawyer (of the same PQE) that the promotion of an expat lawyer would have.

        • Huh says:

          Umm it doesn’t say that

        • Anonymous says:

          That is already the law of the Cayman Islands. Are you suggesting it has not been followed?

        • no sah says:

          The bill removes the authority of the Immigration Law and gives the “Council” which is made up of the same lawyers the law should be regulating the authority. That is protecting Caymanians all right!!! SMH

        • Anonymous says:

          Already the law. Are you suggesting the existing law has not been followed?

        • Anonymous says:

          Rubber stamp worthless boilerplate pull the wool over garbage. “The impact is that the Caymanian attorneys at this PQE will make not make partner right now because there is only room for one more partner in the department for the next 3-5 years”. 3-5 years later: “Sorry Caymanian senior associates, you have been here too long, try for partner somewhere else.” Next application for expat partner: “Impact on Caymanians at same PQE: N/A”.

          If this bill did not allow firms to continue doing exactly what they are already doing when the fine print, what’s NOT in the bill, and what no regulator can see for himself is all factored in, THEY WOULDN’T WANT IT. If I’m wrong, let’s see a few of these equity partners explain what operational control they’ll be sacrificing and how Caymanians benefit.

      • Anonymous says:

        Most of these people on here cussing out the MLAs who spoke out against the LPB that Wayne Panton is trying so hard to get passed does not have a clue what is going on. As iI understand these law firms have attorneys in their overseas offices practicing Cayman Law who are not qualified in Cayman Law. They do not have a license to practice Cayman Law, they have not been called to the bar in the Cayman Islands and it is not only unlawful but highly unethical. These law firms are raking in millions of dollars from this practice but that does not make it right. This practice is actually selling out the soul and conscience of our Beloved Cayman Islands. I say to Al, Anthony, Arden, Winston and Ezzard as well as all the others who understand and agree to not be side tracked by those who don’t even have the sense to understand what is happening here, focus more on those who reached out to you to sound the alarm. Intelligent Caymanians , home grown and immigrants alike will thank you for your efforts and prosterity will stand up and applaud you. In the words of sandy sage, four suggestions for living this life ” show up, pay attention, pick and speak your words with truth and do not be attached to the outcome”. If the Government insist on carrying on these shanagans , then I suggest that they close down the Cayman Law School and send the students who will be accepted by the English law school ( I know several of our students who studied law in England including one of my children) bring them back here and force the law firms to take them to do their internship or else cancel a few of their permits, then send them back to these offshore jurisdictions to practice Cayman Law. Mr. Premier and Mr. Panton, if you all really want to make a difference then follow this suggestion, if not then be prepared to fight. it is time to put your millions where your mouth is.

    • Anonymous says:

      One of the members is a lawyer from a firm that loved him, fact, no foreigner can work here without a work permit, fact, MLA’s are scrutinized by a particular set of rules and laws, fact, any illegal actions should be investigated by relevant authorities,fact. why are you ranting about again?

  35. Naya Boy says:

    The Greatest Private EYE is the State!

  36. Anonymous says:

    ha ha ha! private eyes are watching you….remember the 80’s song!??

  37. Caymanian says:

    I put nothing by anyone. You might think he is crazy but let’s put this crap into context shall we. Law firms could save MILLIONS upon MILLIONS annually by outsourcing to areas where the cost of doing business is less than here in Cayman. Then it’s the permit fees for these workers.

    What would YOU do to protect MILLIONS of dollars annually into your pockets?

    Law firms by their nature are greedy and very dirty doing what ever is needed to get the desired end result.

    In short take nothing off the board.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly! Corporations have been known to do much worse to people to save millions!

    • Anonymous says:

      The myth of outsourcing of work is insane and could only come from people not familiar with the industry.

      The work that is done overseas WOULD NOT COME TO CAYMAN if not for these offices. it would just go to another jurisdiction with offices in that time zone.

      it is not about “cheaper labour” (and if you think labour is cheaper in Hong Kong, Singapore and London then LOL), its about providing a service at all hours of the day. no business in hong kong is waiting all day for us to wake up here in Cayman. they need their work done NOW.

      In my career I have sent 3 whole deals overseas. I am also often involved in work done in our foreign offices and have had far more work passed to me from overseas (at least 10 deals off the top of my head).

      if there is outsourcing this firm has kept it well hidden in the years that I have been here.

      • Anonymous says:

        All hours.. if they are there to provide all your services why the hell am I working until 2 am and expected to be multitasking sleep and my I phone and to take calls at 4 am to clients in hk?

        Thanks for the insight, p.r. Persons. I’ll be heading home at 8 now!

  38. Anonymous says:

    This is the funniest/scariest thing I’ve read this year! LMAO

  39. Anonymous says:

    I always feel like somebody’s watching me.
    And I have no privacy.
    Woh, I always feel like somebody’s watching me.
    Who’s playing tricks on me?

  40. Caymanian donkey says:

    Make them follow you to dump Bar, then hit bananas after this go skinny dipping in the sea in front of Darts house. That should be entertaining.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Interesting, Mr. Suckoo, because that’s exactly what many feel about the new chipped license plates, someone’s always going to be watching.

    • Anonymous says:

      A Province of China has also implemented chipped license plates to track terrorists (i.e. said to be using stolen vehicles). This, particular, province has been experience problems that the government has deemed necessary to combat issues such as Terrorism.

      It was aired on BBC News (TV) about a week ago.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s okay then, then we’ll be all set to deal with the huge influx of jehadists and other terrorist!

      • Anonymous says:

        The UK doesn’t have chipped plates, it has ANPRS, or automatic number plate recognition system. A camera checks number plates with a data base and sends a ticket before you have got 50 yards down the road. It also has many other surveillance uses, but no one is worried as it doesn’t affect the honest and law abiding.
        Stop reading Big Brother type news stories and get some sleep.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Wow…what a way to get sympathy from the public for the piss poor job they have been doing especially Mr. In-Action man. Every evening I drive home to East End and I’m disgusted by his lack of regard for our district. Eight consecutive years that I have been paying attention and nothing of substance. However he fights for every one else except us.

  43. I spy says:

    What a paranoid bunch of goof balls.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true [PI Stalking].

      The simple approach is to not give them more information/material than the public needs know; that is, what is freely open to public knowledge.

      Many discoveries by a PI can be purely perceptive and/or speculative.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t believe that they are being paranoid, if they see something is noticeably wrong or feels wrong. You can’t take things for granted, especially in this day-and-age.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Wha ya sayin Alwa dey drivin rentacars eh? Dem big black ones? Dey had time to tint de windas? Cheh – I tol ya not to burn dat wet stuff! Man jes close da kurtains and turn de AC down low da weird feelin will pass by tomorra!

    • Ha says:

      Mhmmm exactly the type of response someone who is mixed up in this would give!

    • "Stop that train" I'm leaving says:

      Holy Moly, talk about fabrication in a shameful attempt to get sympathy & then ultimately get a few votes, they hope! Do they truly think any politician has money to spend on spies/PI’s to follow their sorry souls around looking dirt, or is that their guilty conscience rearing it’s ugly head? Talk about desperation. I sign my name, “Stop that train”

  45. Anonymous says:

    Stand strong! There’s no dirt on you that could fix this can of worms for them!

  46. Anonymous says:

    Lol, I think Alva and Winston have been watching The Firm on a loop marathon.

  47. Tweety says:

    Al Cuckcoo might need to stop reading dime store novels and get on with something real instead of believing his over inflated ego.

  48. Fred says:

    I always feel like somebody’s watching me.
    And I have no privacy.
    Woh, I always feel like somebody’s watching me.
    Who’s playing tricks on me?

  49. Anonymous says:

    Go to mango tree might see somethin there.

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