Activists to build on LGBT issues momentum
(CNS): While 2016 was the year that Cayman began talking openly about equality for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, local activists hope that 2017 will be the year things really start to change. Building on the momentum from last year, Colours Cayman is hoping that the UK will help to move the local government towards legislative changes that will introduce true equality. While members of the LGBT community in Cayman have traditionally kept a very low profile, 2016 revealed a shift with the emergence of a Colours, a fully formed organisation to act as their voice.
Last year, the issues of same-sex marriage and equality for all continued to dominate the news headlines, as a few small but significant steps were achieved. The Immigration Appeals Tribunal found that local law required recognition of same-sex dependent spouses who were legally married; Cayman hosted its first ever international conference relating to LGBT issues; and Baroness Anelay, an advocate of human rights, was appointed as the British Overseas Territories minister and made it clear on her visit here that she expected the local government to abide by international obligations when it came to equality for members of the LGBT community.
Given the fact that LBGT issues moved into the spotlight, it was no surprise that there was still considerable backlash from some in the religious community and politicians. In September, the various Christian denominations put aside their theological disagreements over who represents the real path to ‘truth’ to unite for an anti-gay rally. A private member’s motion calling for a referendum on the issue of gay marriage, filed by the opposition leader, was rejected by government as the premier said his administration had no plans to introduce same-sex unions. But it offered another opportunity for some elected officials to vilify their LGBT constituents.
Although there has been no real ‘road to Damascus’ moment for any of members of the Legislative Assembly, with Wayne Panton remaining the only minister still openly offering his support to the LGBT community, during the debate a number of members were keen to stress they wanted to ensure everyone was treated equally and that members of the LGBT community were not discriminated against.
However, Gender Affairs Minister Tara Rivers is still in denial that the issue is one that falls under her remit, and requests from Colours for clarification and questions submitted by CNS about who, if not the gender affairs minister, is responsible for this issue went unanswered.
Billie Bryan, the founder of Cayman Colours, said she expected many more challenges ahead this year for the LGBT community but said she hoped to build on the momentum. In a New Year statement, she said that the efforts of Colours Cayman have placed the issue in the spotlight, but despite the growing support from the wider community for LGBT equality, there is a lot of work to be done and “the challenges that lie ahead are formidable ones”, she warned.
“Our elected officials can either move us boldly forward towards real inclusion or draw us back into the shadows. It is up to us as a collective, as a people, to hold their feet to the fire and ensure their words of campaigning for equal representation don’t fall on deaf ears,” she said. “Now is the time to make good on that promise of fighting for the dignity of all Caymanians.”
Bound to be an issue on the election campaign trail, it remains to be seen if any candidate is bold enough to put the pursuit of same-sex marriage on their platform.
Category: Politics
You can denounce whatever you want, but again you resort to name calling.
It never ceases to amaze me how much people care about this issue and not about other more pressing issues. On CNS, you read other stories about immigration reform, or environmental issues or corruption in government, and maybe you’ll see one or two comments (if any). But if you want to see anything between 66 -300+ comments on CNS, just bring up the gays. Talk about click bait…
This is symptomatic of many ill-conceived exclusionary policies that impact residents. It is felt by by some of the LGBT community and many of those waiting on the PR side. Though you may think the deprivation of other people’s rights does not affect you personally, that doesn’t invalidate the efforts of those affected to stand up for themselves. As lawsuits are filed (particularly on PR side), the cost of the denial of rights will be quantified and the rolling sum of imprudent decision making should be of concern to ALL TAXPAYERS.
Hello. Please allow me to express my opinionon this matter.
I am a homosexual male, caymanian, and have a male partner that i have been with for over 20yrs now.
We grew up in these islands all our lives and never once allowed our private lives to become public or a public issue. We have kept our lives just that — PRIVATE. We have never experienced any form of discrimination, biasness or bigotry. We have our families, friends and others who know who we are and treat us normal, just like anyone else would. In fact there are several couple just like us happily living their lives. Quietly just like anybody should.
Now we have other persons here trying to create an issue where there never was one. I and all of the other quiet couples have never asked these Colors people to represent us. In fact i know there are some who are part of this group who are not even gay or anything but heterosexual.
These people are only oppurtunists looking to become famous because they fought for gay rights here, just as if they were MLK back in the 60s.
Please stop. You are going to make our lives harder. You do not represent us as a whole . We do not want our lives public. We are happy with this place. You all are going to destroy our lives.
If you are satisfied with a muffled personal existence, that’s your choice. Know that your feelings on the matter do not repeal ECHR decisions, or Cayman’s territorial obligations. You also lack authority to silence the genuinely aggrieved on the basis that it makes you (of all people) uncomfortable. Anyone is free to pursue their right to lawful recognition and protections without your consent. It would be unreasonable for the CIG to seek to continue to deny these obligations, on this and other significant inconsistancies that remain at issue.
I believe that the CIG should tackle unemployment, child molestation and education issues and find solutions to those before focusing on a minority issue that can be alleviated by simply moving.
The movement of people would not repeal ECHR decisions, or Cayman’s territorial obligations. This isn’t going away.
Caymanian and migrant LGBT shouldn’t have to relocate because the idea of the implementation of their rights offends you.
Totally agree. The best way to alleviate most of caymans issues would be if the CIG simply moved away.
They can take the churches while they’re at it.
What a pious bunch of hypocrites all of them.
And furthermore MM, you havent covered yourself in glory by suggesting that this issue needs to wait in line behind more pressing concerns. Lets analyse that concept. Tackling the policy items you mention (education and unemployment) are monstrous, multi layered tasks. Neglected and mishandled by successive governments. And child molestation.. oh ok lets elect a govt to solve this. Good grief!
Heres the tough reality. Tackling the LGBT issue just requires the govt to grow a set of iron balls and to have the fortitude to tell the religious cartel to shut it. Then sign a piece of paper. 1 hours work. Move on!!
Religion at its best promotes peace and love for your fellow man. Religion at its worst is used as an excuse to discriminate and judge. Sad.
Religion at it’s best promotes ignorance. Religion at it’s worst is used as a license to spread their bigotry, hatred and ignorance.
You might not care enough to pursue equal rights but, there are others who do and will stand for equality regardless of their gender or sexual orientation to support the people that deserve it.
Sorry, but these past threads sound like the words of opportunists who will do anything for fame. You all are not genuine, you do not speak the truth.
Stop trying to capitalize on others. Stop trying to force people to do something without due process i.e.:vote.
You all call everybody who says anything you don’t like Nazi’s, among other things, but the fact is that it is all of you trying to force your will on us. Hitter tried it, NK does it. We will not bow to what you personally want out of personal gain. You are all sounding like the same things you accuse everyone else of being because they don’t side with you.
Go seek fame elsewhere.
In fact maybe if you had a little more upbringing as children you might have made good citizens but alas you were liberally raised so I don’t expect anything better.
As the commentator stated, you do not represent the reality of the majority of people in this country. You bunch are creating an issue where there was none before you started your fame/glory seeking.
How amusing 12.22, so if we don’t like your view we should go somewhere else? Sounds just like, well…err the same Mr. “Hitter” you refer to. Or you could try opening a dialogue and listen for a change and see if you can actually see another persons point of view. They do have a right to that you know, or would you like that removed too?
I would like to start a movement to regain the word ‘gay’ to mean what it once used to mean and also recover the rainbow while we are at it.
Oh yes, the rainbow; I do miss the rainbow.
I would like to start a movement to regain the word christian to mean what it once used to mean. JC didnt give 2 hoots about being gay. Too busy fishing and drinking wine and hanging with the disciples. Also no mention in the commandments. Adultery and Stealing made the list though. A Lot of sinners residing in these blessed islands.. and im not referring to LGBTs.
All of this controversy over a god no one can prove exist.
Or prove doesn’t exist
Can you prove there isn’t a homosexual god?
Ignorance is bliss
If God was a physical being nothing would exist because physical matter is limited by its design – a physical God would certainly have had no ability to bring the universe in to existence.
Gender is a physical limitation in itself and therefore whether you are a believer or an atheist; even those with the least understanding of the nature of God should easily realize that It has no gender and therefore no sexual orientation.
And that is whether you believe there is a God or not, we can agree that based on what is taught about God being a creator, It cannot be a physical being.
Sad that some churches and religions water it all down so much that it is hard to not imagine the lil old man in the sky.
Based on what is taught about gods in general we can be as sure that the christian god does not exist as christians are sure Zues, Thor and the Flying Spaghetti monster doesn’t exist.
There is no compelling evidence to support those extraordinary bs claims.
This could go on forever could it not? So no, I could not prove anything you put before me concerning God and neither can you or anyone else because it is faith based, so lets leave it there shall we.
I’ve also heard that Mrs Clause isn’t really a Mrs!
I don’t doubt that
Good luck, LGBT people and supporters, as you attempt to capitalize on the momentum of liberal/left-leaning countries. I doubt the C.I. Constitution will ever be changed to include homosexuals getting married, but good luck all the same.
The Cayman Islands are legally obliged, to not only recognize same sex civil unions (not marriage), but to PROTECT those rights. #fail
Well they better recognize my common-law marriage too then while they are at it so that my partner and I can reap the legal benefits and monetary savings of our many years together since that is what this is all really about.
Finally you understand. You are absolutely correct – this is part of what “Colours Cayman” are fighting for. There is an obligation to recognize and safeguard the rights of ALL domestic partnerships and civil unions independent of gender or sexuality.
Our churches can continue to do whatever they want in their houses. That group is not asking for holy marriages consecrated in churches overseen by ordained minsters. Though the churches enjoy conflating the two and then protest on the basis of sparing the islands from ghastly deity retribution – which, when you think about it, hasn’t happened for the many more serious and chronic 10 Commandment-grade infractions we read about. We can only wonder why.
Well said 1.10 and good job MM, you get it, and that’s fantastic.
I’ve always gotten it; I just do not like people using marriage as monetary gain, whether straight or LGBT.
I have done divorce law, it is nasty and disgusting! How a couple married for 5, 10, 20 years can turn in to greedy, vicious, destructive individuals.
One thing about LGBT relationships you do not usually here of this drastic turn of hatred within a couple regardless. Having legally recognized relationships will change that.
There is no LGBT couple in Cayman that can really say they are with their partner simply for convenience, when you make a life choice like that it is genuine and really from inner feelings.
But once legal marriage/civil unions gets involved LGBT people will be prey to desperate, selfish individuals who will do anything to gain something, just watch.
The CI Constitution doesn’t preclude recognition of same sex marriage. It affirmatively guarantees opposite sex couples the right to marriage, but says nothing either for or against same sex marriage and allows that to be a matter for domestic law.
Meanwhile – I feel that legal marriage is simply a revenue item for any and all Governments worldwide. If you love someone, you love someone, simple.
I married once, and what a regret that is. Now my partner is absolutely amazing and we are both non-supporters of going to a Government appointed “marriage-officer” to confirm our devotion to each other.
It is unfortunate surely, because if either of us wanted to gift our land to the other we would have to pay stamp duty, etc. But, that is the least of our concern because we love each other.
Why is it that every argument around legal recognition of unity is based on what CANNOT be gained in the relationship without the Government’s stamp of approval? Or the community’s acceptance of it?
If two people are genuinely in love they will not spend heeps and mounds of energy fighting for acceptance, they will spend it on each other and if it becomes unbearable, seek a place of refuge together to live out days in unity.
Why is this heated topic based around what other people think about your LGBT relationship? Why stress each other out and fuel this daily instead of using it as an opportunity to be stronger with each other?
And yet, if you sold your land you would probably want a contract of sale, when you are employed you probably want a contract of employment. Marriage is similar in that we seek a ‘contract’ of commitment, even if it is symbolic in nature. While you may feel marriage need not be formalized, it can offer much to those of us who believe in it, so you go your way believing it is a revenue item, and leave us who think otherwise to go our way, and peace be with you.
Exactly – “it can offer much to those who believe in it”. Money savings? residency? work permit dependency? land transfers by gift?
Why must you place a monetary value on your “love”? Contracts are for things or relationships with monetary value (like one with your attorney or auditor).
This entire battle is not for equal rights because anyone in Cayman is stoning, abusing, beating or even verbally discriminating against LGBT here – it is all people seeking publicity and hype.
I know many highly respected, successful people in Cayman from the LGBT community, in fact their life-choice makes them even more desirable and interesting. I have many friends and family members who are LGBT, and they are perfectly happy here. In fact, they find the Cayman community less discriminatory than even countries where LGBT marriages are legalized!
This is simply ridiculous.
MM: as a person who can empathize with spending time at GT hospital, how will you feel when one of your LGBT friends grows old, falls ill, and their domestic partner is treated like a stranger or denied access to intensive care at our medical institutions, and later, joint assets, pensions, and savings cannot be inherited by the surviving partner and rightful next of kin. Does that seem fair to you? What if you had perished in hospital and those rights and final comforts were denied to your surviving partner? Why would it bring satisfaction to continue to deny these rights to your “highly respected” LGBT friends? Before you answer, I believe your suggestion was that it would be more convenient (for you) for your Caymanian LGBT friends to “just move” anywhere else where territorial legal obligations were actually carried out…the crux, as perhaps you can appreciate, is that there often is not a lot of free travel time to re-domicile during medical emergencies.
Im hitting you hard today MM. And i will tell you why. You present the same argument that whites do about blacks in the US to this very day. “I have lots of black friends” “they have equal rights now” “why are they still angry”.
This all comes from the convenient and often unconscious ignorance of being a majority and viewing the situation from your own perspective. In my example above, whites will be adamant that they are not racist, they understand.. and yet, racial stereotyping will still invariably occur at a subconscious level. Its human nature. Same goes for straight vs gay.
This is not about hype MM! Useless comment. That is your stereotyping coming through maybe without you even knowing it. Oh those gays.. so flamboyant.. with their rainbow flags.. You have waded in with a dismissive slap of your hand, assigning a motive for their protests from your ivory tower, then sought to qualify your narrow view by reminding all that you have many highly respected LGBT friends, who are happy as hell. And respected! Wow, awesome, congrats to them on earning your respect.
But see.. you missed the target. This is all about VALIDATION. Recognition of basic human rights. Being equal under law. You will never understand this from their perspective because you grew up straight. You are automatically validated. Oh he is gay but he is happy and respected… yeah well he/she probably had years of angst and feeling like an outcast before he/she won the right to be classified as happy and respected by you the straight majority.
Btw im straight and white. Lucky me.
The thing is I completely understand that everyone wants to be accepted under the law, but believe me, such acceptance is going to come at a price when it is gained.
I recognize LGBT people to be friendly, optimistic and ‘happy’; always loving and respectful especially to each other. Accepting and understanding of all – but this reaction and nature has been encouraged because of the NEED for unity.
The same way that oppression had African Americans much more unified and supportive of each other. Back then black women also had greater respect for themselves and black men had greater respect for black women. It forced the black race to work harder to be successful – now the majority in the US is on welfare, in gangs or very poorly educated.
Now, with the advent of “freedom” – well, the problems in the black community speaks for itself. (And I am black, and I also did not “grow up straight” either).
I can see the LGBT community taking on the same transformations very soon and I just want to be sure that everyone involved really feels like the love they are fighting for is worth sacrificing for legal acceptance.
The whole argument itself makes me worry that the couples or a specific person in the relationship is pushing this ordeal to benefit from their significant other’s offerings (whatever it may be).
This will bring about the true test of genuine love and affection in LGBT relationships and the LGBT community will also open itself up to individuals seeking easy prey and handouts.
MM… thanks for your rebuttal. lets address your comments:
Now, with the advent of “freedom” – well, the problems in the black community speaks for itself.
What on earth are you saying here?Fact check. The problems are despite the freedom, not because of it. Freedom was gained after a long oppression and inter-generational discrimination. Its like running a 100m race under the same starters pistol while lining up 20m behind the other starters.
And even worse, this:
I recognize LGBT people to be friendly, optimistic and ‘happy’; always loving and respectful especially to each other. Accepting and understanding of all – but this reaction and nature has been encouraged because of the NEED for unity.
Im amazed at your casual condescension. You are reeling off statements disguised as fact to justify your thought process. Eg you move from your generalisation (lgbt people are happy – fact check number 2, like you and I, we are all human and subject to the same human condition) to a conclusion (they feign happiness to get unity) without any evidential link.
LGBTs and this movement for equality dont need your misplaced concern MM. Your heart may be in the right place but i do find your argument to be really condescending.
I think human liberty overrides all. I remember crewing for my uncle in sailing races in nz back in the 90s. As the startup to the opening gun was approaching, we and other yachts were jostling for best start position. In the heat of the moment a nearby skipper yelled at us to watch our line, feeling threatened by a collision or maybe just nerves. To which my uncle, an experienced skipper, with right of way, yelled back: “sail your own yacht”.
What a great life lesson. 4 words that have always stuck with me. Too often we look around at others and see fit to comment, when all the while we should just focus on ourselves.
So.. Sail your own yacht, anti LGBTers.. and let them sail theirs.
It is true that love is love, and that a “piece of paper” marriage certificate doesn’t change that, and I totally agree with what you are saying. Unfortunately however legal rights do follow from that piece of paper, including issues like the land transfer. Paying stamp duty might not bother you, but what about when you or your partner are in hospital unable to make your own medical decisions? Or if one of you dies intestate? Regardless of the depth, length or closeness or your partnership, the other may well be left out in the cold as the law looks to those who have a “legal relationship” to sort out these issues. To be legally married or not (and to benefit from the rights that flow from it or not) is absolutely a personal choice – LGBT individuals simply want to have that choice too.
And so i say again. You want to be liberal. Okay its fine by me. Lets get liberal then.
Word of warning though.
You get to “marry” whoever and whatever you want.
I get to do whatever and whenever i want.
I have no problem being liberal, you might though. How ever long you last in this liberal country. Alive.
That takes care of the opinions expressed about people being biased, discrimatory, homophobic and all the other little words they use to push their personal beliefs down others throats.
I would have rather put it to a vote peacfully but you want to force it like idiots.
You want your way only without due voting process is also being biased and discrimatory too.
This is about being SMART or STUPID: it has already been established that the Cayman Islands has a legal human rights obligation that a local “vote” on the recognition of LGBT or PR rights would not change. We need to understand this. We carry an open liability as a territory of the UK. The CIG continues to operate in breach and can be sued at any time, by anyone. You can like it or not, but the “the idiots” have a far better legal footing than the churches, homo and xenophobes – none of whom will foot a dime of the public defense budget, costs, and damages – it will all be borne by us, the public. To me, as a Caymanian, it is STUPID to press on with a loosing poker hand in the face of “bankrupting” consequences. These are NOT the actions of a prudent government.
Oh great, a death threat to those that stand up for their rights! Wtf?
Building on what momentum? I remember about seven of them outside the Lions Centre?
That’s cause the 100’s of gay Caymanians are too scared they will be stoned to death by their God fearing families.
It is nice to see this frenzied topic of irrelevance being consigned to the ignominy that it deserves.
If you want to sin, go ahead and sin. You do not need my blessing.
A spirit untouched by the core principles espoused by Jesus.
so you’ve never sinned? You’ve never stole anything, disrespected your spouse, taken the lord’s name in vain, cheated, lied………? Why are those sins worse then the other? Why do you deserve to have your rights while you sin in one way, and someone who sins in another deserves none.
2:39 this is the crux of christianity, the indoctrinated feel superior over minorities because they believe that they have the grace of god on their side. The intolerant christians here use their religion like a license to spread hate and bigotry which is the real sin, not people who are committed to loving each other regardless of gender.
The real sin are these deluded individuals who strongly believe they’re better than everyone else because they have the grace of god on their side, a god no one can prove exist, it truly a disgusting practice.
Hello. I am a heterosexual and whilst I have no issues with the LGBT community. I do however find it highly offensive when, after hundreds of years, I have a small group of people who are trying to change something that, even after all the grandstanding, boils down to one thing. Marriage. A word. But a deeply religious word none the less.
I am not a very religious person. Not by far. But I do believe in certain things. Marriage, by the word alone, is one of them. Just like I believe that the sky is blue. Red is red, green is green.
Marriage has, and will always, be defined as between a Man and a Woman. Not two men, two women, a human and a dog etc…….
Marriage is deeply rooted in ALL religions as being between a Man and a Woman.
That is not to say that there can not be a civil union between two persons. That can be done between anything such as two men, two women, a man and his car, a woman and her cat etc……
But I for one will take a hard stance against anyone, or thing, that attempts to change the definition of Marriage to suit their beliefs. Call it a civil union, get your rights and go quietly about your bussiness.
To all the liberals, I say this. You say people against changing the word Marriage are full of hatred and biasness. Well I say this to you. Laws where made by men. Laws are changed to suit people’s wants, beliefs and desires. Correct?
If your answer is yes then consider this. Why is bigamy against the law. If consenting adults want to all be married together then why not. We changed the law to suit you. Why not me? Us?
Since we changing laws then I for one would like to change the law to suit me. If someone wrongs me then I would like to be able to take care of that right there and then permanently. Sort of like what they used to do in the old west. Showdown at midday kind of style.
You can not change certain things because you feel like it, to suit people. You open yourself up to all changes then. You cannot be liberal about what you want only and forget everyone else. That is the essence of biasness. So when you call someone biased, take a mirror and look into it. The face you see will be the biased face.
Again I say that in a democratic environment anything that is changed in the law regarding people’s rights are put to a vote and voted on. If the country as a democratic society votes for it then yes you change it. But if not then you bite your tongue.
Beside there are other places around this world that have changed their laws related to this. You are free to move if you want.
So you’re not a very religious person? Awesome! You must then realise marriage is not a religious practice as history has people involved together in custom long before organised religion.
The change is more a focus on equality and human rights. Lets not complicate matters 10:28.
Splitting hairs: the recognition (and protection) of civil unions is actually a civil obligation as a territory of the UK and party to the ECHR, not a human right per se. We are still well in breach though.
I’m a married heterosexual who is non religious and couldn’t care less what the church thinks about my marriage, or anyone else’s for that matter. Live and let live buddy
they are not asking you to care. They are asking for recognition of their unions in the same way that yours has been recognized. You took the time and effort to enter into a contract with the government by getting married so it means something to you, they are asking for the same right.
And I strongly believe they should have the same right. I personally just couldn’t care less if the church like my marriage or same sex marriage.
Your mirror is calling you.
The recognition of civil unions is an existing legal obligation and can be administered from a municipal authority (with a form and a small fee) in almost every western democracy around the world. This is a very different legal construct from a “holy” marriage consecrated by a church and presided over by an ordained minister – that’s a theological extension that the churches are free to decide on in their own time. Differentiating between these two constructs shouldn’t be as hard as it has been. The homophobic offense you take while simultaneously absolving yourself of any bias, is the very definition of hypocrisy! You are an idiot.
Marriage is part civil, part religious. The civil part is what the LGBT community want most and there is no good reason for the religious groups to claim a monopoly on a state sanctioned set of legal consequences flowing from a couple’s legal decision, which after all, is all that civil marriage really is.
Do you know how many stone age practices have changed, evolved and disappeared on human history??? People used to be placed in a stadium to battle lions. That practice went away because we deemed it archaic and cruel. Just because something was once law doesn’t mean it should not be changed later as humans evolve, become smarter and more tolerant. The question is and still remains, why do you care? If marriage means a union between a man and a woman in your eyes, then you and you alone can choose only to marry a person of the opposite sex. Why do you care how others define marriage, who others marry and why they wish to do so? How does a man marrying a man and a woman marrying a woman affect your marriage and your life?
Whilst I don’t mind the LGBT movement seeking more rights in Cayman and I support there efforts, I do mind the fact that, in most cases, grass roots activists like this think they are more “special” than the average citizens.
This is one of several genuinely aggrieved and wronged HRC communities – none of whom seek more rights than what Cayman is already obliged to provide and protect! That’s the problem. Nobody is asking to be “more special” – you are applying your abhorrence at the suggestion of fairness towards people you look down upon and that skews you into thinking they’re asking for more than what they are already legally entitled to.
It is up to the rational Caymanian registered voters to pressure politicians to protect the rights of LGPBQ individuals. Promise of a vote for or threat of a vote against a politician is the only words the hear. Their entire existence is focused on getting re-elected. Unfortunately the overwhelming majority of our elected officials will be going where the votes are — and are not focused on doing the right thing.
Unless doing the right thing (or insulating the CIG from lawsuits) is what voters want.
The next round will be a wake up call because it involves lawsuits, headlines, and orders in council. Colours should start by suing Tara Rivers. Such an easy and predictable victory that there might be law firms that would take that on a contingency basis. CIG is way offside without any legal footing to defend an antiquated and theologically-biased position. The AG and Premier are essentially gambling with our public money that nobody will sue. Unlike the “credit card-gate” of 4 years ago, they have no plans to insulate the public from the outcome of these wagers when they are exposed and most assuredly loose. This, and the PR wager, are just two examples of brazen public financial risks, whose costs haven’t even begun to be tallied. Nobody can accuse the LGBT community or PR applicants of not having been patient. Time’s up.
If all you say is even remotely true, then why are LGBT practicing lawyers using the courts to get it done for themselves. Not too long ago a gay lawyer and his “wife” were leading the charge, are they too dumb to do what you say is a slam dunk?
I have no problem with LGBT rights, however I are really sick and tired of people like you making these baseless threats to Caymanians who may not know the difference.
By the way………I am lesbian.
Some PR applicants have taken the time to sue (as reported on this news service). You will also recall the law professor DID famously appeal an Immigration Tribunal decision for the recognition of his spouse and won. They are free to take civil action if they want to. The Cayman HRC has already pointed out very clearly the error in law made by AG and Premier. Congrats btw on your lesbianism.
Sue Rivers for what, exactly? Refusing to agree they are part of her portfolio? How does that result in a damages award that would pay a contingency lawyer?
There are far greater pressures and prejudices typical of the “traditional” western world facing the average Caymanian than LGBT issues.
Therefore it is very interesting that in certain forums these are the ones that gain traction and are swiftly uplifted while the more traditional and glaringly obvious are dismissed as fantasies and falsehoods.
I wonder why?
In fact, LGBT-ism and Environmentalism together is essentially the leading charge of the neo-Crusadism currently being inflicted on the world.
Perhaps the host regions of these movements should take the time and effort utilised to figure out how the ever-present racists and xenophobes are destroying their countries from within, forcing globally reprehensible national policies by way of everything from referenda, political assassinations, and pu**y-grabbing President-Elects.
Nevertheless, certain folks same intent on ignoring their clear and present downfall as they point fingers and demand everywhere else in the world to adopt every policy and perspective that ultimately led to their current deplorable state of affairs.
Have you seen the currency exchange lately? 1:1 !!?
I trust readers in the room are taking this opportunity to transfer the majority of their Cayman-based savings to their home countries – you know, out of faith in the rhetoric that their economy will “bounce back” stronger than ever in short time … as are the claims of certain talking heads (and virtually every national when backed into a corner).
Put your money where your mouths are people – otherwise, kindly stfu and show some respect and appreciation for the better existence afforded to you in the Cayman Islands.
We are far from perfect but, by your very presence, we are evidently more perfect than from whence you came.
I may feel differently if my country had equivalencies to; Jo Cox (murdered government MP victim of nationalistic, Christian, terror attack), Trump, a Brexit vote, ensuing xenophobic attacks and MURDERS in the wake thereof, meteoric rise of far-right “alt-right” political parties, Dylan Roof, Anders Breivik – I could go on.
But no, Cayman’s marriage laws, inherited from our colonial masters no less, is evidence enough to convict us in the hypocritical and myopic court of western ideals.
GTFOH. You could probably sell that to an ignorant and uninformed Caymanian, but you won’t have much luck over here, nor with my beloved gay cousins.
– Whodatis
Internet troll; “In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll’s amusement.”
Between the two of us, whose post fits the above definition?
– Who
Yours. Next question.
Your gay cousins who are so beloved that you will not fight for their equal treatment, eh?
1.) They are fully capable of speaking up for themselves. We aren’t shy or fearful in these here parts buddy.
2.) I have forwarded a comprehensive solution to the issue of gay marriage a long time ago on this very forum. Search for it – seeing that you care so much.
I guess the lack of fear must be self evident in all the public displays we see then – including the couple arrested for kissing in public? Or the invisible counter protesters to the anti gay cruise ship protesters a few years back? Seem to remember that “Sodomists go home” was one of the politer placards – seems strange that fearless gays and lesbians didnt have anything to say about that.
As for your comprehensive solution, saying that the government should allow civil rights but then castigating anyone who attempts to lobby for that – ” LGBT-ism and Environmentalism together is essentially the leading charge of the neo-Crusadism currently being inflicted on the world” – when government declines to act on your suggested solution hardly seems an answer. “Some of my best friends are gay” used to be lampooned as the classic exculpatory remark of the homophobe, but you have elevated it to a new level by citing your relatives.
Your post stands as clear evidence of a perspective that has utterly failed to understand or integrate into its host community.
Breaking News!! Different cultures have different approaches to certain issues.
E.g. Africans, Hispanics, and Eastern Europeans would probably commit suicide before sticking their elderly parents and grandparents in a “retirement home” – whereas that is the norm in the USA, UK and (Western) Europe.
Also, the former group tends to hang on to their adult kids and postpone their ‘flying the coop’ for as long as possible – whereas the other countries commonly put them on a countdown deadline until their 18th birthday.
Nevertheless, despite these cultural differences, many from certain cultures tend to negatively judge others according to their outlook on these issues – all the while, the other side is looking back at them, baffled.
From cousins, to classmates, friends, teachers, church brethren!!, associates and acquaintances – I / we have existed on this tiny rock in general harmony – gay and straight alike.
Surely you have read the testimonies of gay Caymanians in this very thread clearly expressing their perspective on the matter – which differs quite a bit from yours.
Pray tell, in your opinion, who do you think I as a Caymanian living in Cayman should pay more attention to, them or you?
– Who
Try paying attention to your conscience – how can you simultaneously say that you love your gay cousins, and attack people whose only offence is to stand up for their rights? I have read the testimonies of gay Caymanians who say the exact opposite – I should listen to them, or you, or form an opinion based on common decency and respect for individuals regardless of their sexual orientation and without the caveat that they should have lesser rights in law and society because they are different from the majority?
You remind me of the South African farmer in the bad old days who said all the criticism of apartheid did was stir up trouble and make life harder for “his” servants, all of whom apparently were perfectly content with their lot. Different cultures certainly do have different approaches to certain issues. Unfortunately, some of the posts on this and other blogs relating to gay rights make it painfully clear that those approaches here seem to consist of tolerating gays as long as they are not visible and don’t ask for the same rights as the straight majority.
Ok. You are accusing me of being anti-gay.
Do your research and try again.
I’ll be here when you get yourself together.
– Who
Btw, your framing of this argument into a national issue is unfortunate but not surprising – as many others have committed the same argument-crippling error.
London, New York City, Moscow, Lagos, and Rio de Janiero are the “gay capitals” in their respective countries for a reason.
I wonder if you can figure out why?
– Who
Well said. ** Standing ovation! **
Happy Love zzz
Anyone protesting for hungry kids in our schools? How about our elderly?
No one is stopping you if that is what you are passionate about. Don’t diminish the value of what is important to one person just because it might not be important to you. If you have a social issue you are passionate about it stop asking if anyone is protesting about it and do something yourself. At least these activists are actively participating in highlighting issues that are important to them. Regardless of whether or not you support the cause, the fact that people do exercise their right to publicly declare their support or highlight their concern is to be respected.
Nice reply 8:51. Spot on!
Still waiting on the anti-child abuse rally but it appears consenting loving adults are more of a concern for the “united”.
Stellar pair – why are you waiting for the rally? Why don’t you organize it?
8:46 It would be a waste of time or it would have been done already. It is clear that the majority of this nation which is under the the influence of organised religion are more concerned about what consenting adults do behind closed doors rather than address the real problems that inflict our society.
Exactly!!! I so support the LGBT community but we have other major social inequalities that similar require the country’s immediate attention
Those are ‘social’ inequalities, not ‘legal’ inequalities. While social inequalities present very important and pressing issues, society is able to have a positive impact on those and can thereby be responsible for bringing about change (e.g. By being charitable and generally helping others). In the case of ‘legal’ inequalities and discrimination in the law (and I note that the Cayman Islands Human Rights Commission has identified numerous laws that do in fact discriminate against LGBT) it is only the government and politicians that are able to bring about change. LGBT people simply ask to be treated equally under the law to anyone else; they do not ask for greater rights than anyone else and they sadly understand that Cayman society may take time to embrace them fully. That does not, however, justify a continued discrimination against them in the law.
Those are worthy causes – go ahead an organise the protests. The fact that the LGBT community are fighting for their rights does not stop any other protests from taking place!!
What’s stopping you?
Smh, So many things happening in the world and this is what you guys find time for?
One would expect tolerance and compassion for the LGBT community from religious groups but sadly the opposite seems to be true. They seem to be threatened by the LGBT which is puzzling to any adult comfortable in their own skin.
It is also regrettable that the issue seems a favorite among aspiring politicians who feed into fears to pander votes.
Repent now and seek forgiveness
JOHN 3:16
Ezekiel 23:20
20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Sounds like my kind of girl.
But they weren’t gay donkeys or horses.
Leviticus is the most ridiculous book in a collection of ridiculous books
ME : 12:25.
HAHAHA Awesome!
Fairytales. Grow up people!!!
Of course, one doesn’t have to be a participating member of the LGBT community to appreciate the position of Colours Cayman and lend support. There are many rational Caymanian heterosexuals that follow their efforts on social media. Adapting to our current legal obligations and doing the sensible thing shouldn’t be such a struggle. As always, our inept politicians will leave behind expensive consequences in their efforts to satisfy a shrinking minority of the electorate.
Being compassionate, decent and sensible shouldn’t label one as an activist. The continuance (and costs) of hatred (from anti-LGBT political rallies to deliberately stonewalling rightful PR applications) should be a central election issue. We’re not voting for anyone that stands on a platform of hate.
There’s a difference between hate and opposition. Branding anyone who opposes any part of your agenda a hater, bigot or racist is not reasonable or fair.
If exercising one’s right to denounce legitimate inequalities, and/or breaches in our territorial obligations (including our consequent legal exposure) is “an agenda” you dispassionately oppose, then what is the legal basis of your myopia and intolerance? Explain please.