Suspect caught stealing from parked cars in GT

| 01/11/2016 | 3 Comments

(CNS): A 40-year-old man from George Town was arrested on suspicion of theft and criminal trespass after police received a report in the early hours of this morning of a prowler trying to break into cars off Coemer Drive in the Walkers Road area of the capital. A 911 call was made around 1:30am on Tuesday 1 November, reporting that a man was behaving suspiciously in the car park of a residential area and was trying the door handles of several vehicles.

The police arrived in under five minutes and searched the area, where they found a suspect at the rear of a property. As a result of evidence gathered at the scene he was arrest on suspicion of theft and criminal trespass and he is currently in police custody.

Robert Graham, Superintendent of Uniform Operations, urged the public to secure their property.

“This incident is an important reminder for all of us to keep vehicles locked and remove valuables from vehicles, but even more so, it illustrates how effective we can be together at preventing crime when the community alerts us to suspicious activity,” he said.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Every residential car park should have a night vision webcam/security installed and a sign notifying people to smile.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to the person who phoned 911, and to the police for the quick response. Who knows how much further damage, expense and frustration was prevented by the actions of the caller. See something… say something!

  3. Anonymous says:

    There was a break in into one unit of Secret Garden condo in Fairbanks road also on the same day and around the same time according to strata email. Would be the same person or just a coincidence.

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