Cops hunt drug smugglers at large in EE

| 16/11/2016 | 21 Comments

(CNS): The police are asking for the public’s help to find suspected drug smugglers who they believe landed illegally on Wednesday morning in East End. Officers have been searching for the suspects since around 5:30am after they seized a canoe and an undisclosed quantity of what they suspect is ganja. The men who were believed to be aboard the boat found in the Colliers area are now “at large”, police said.

“We believe that they may still be in East End but attempting to travel to other parts of the island,” a spokesperson for the RCIPS stated in a press release.

Anyone who has seen any suspicious people this morning in the district and surrounding area is asked to call 9-1-1 or the police directly 949-4222.  Anonymous calls can also be placed to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477(TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Home sweet home for them if they’re Caymanians, just in time for good ole jolly pirates week.

  2. Anonymous says:

    LEGALIZE IT!! 🙂 dum dums, cayman already on a str8 path to become a parish of jamaica again, u bobos mussa went school haffa day dum dums, everybody has to eat not just a select few, thats why you got ppl regulary here with boatloads of herb, I dont wrong um, eat my brothers!!! 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    Damned smug drugglers.

  4. SSM345 says:

    Perhaps the RCIPS should interview the food vendors at the EE Heritage Day to see if they can recall 2-3 men that looked like they had been on a boat and were very very hungry……

  5. Honesty again again. says:

    Well, since they landed I guess it was only a land based op.

    Obviously the vessels arent running again because of no maintenance, funding, lack of managerial experience and certain questionable people in positions. No routine patrols again, part of a greater plan?

    Or were the vessels at the outside maintenance providers because they have no engineer (he’s suspended for traffic offenses supposedly committed while keeping the vessels running).

    Why wasnt the vessel taken at sea in order to prevent the landing.

    Or was this another “intelligence led” op where the smugglers were the ones telling the police where to be or not to be.

    They left the ganja but only god knows what they took with them (usually the cocaine, firearms and illeagal immigrants).

    But as usual the fancy important sounding excuses, if any (sometimes they just dont say anything), will be given to sweep/hide the mistakes away.

  6. Bertie Dewitt. says:

    You are correct about everything 5:09pm except the telephone and cellular tapping by the powers that run this place. It has been going on but it’s not for criminal activity.However that is the excuse they have been using to justify it. Political, economic and strategic purposes nowadays anything to preserve the realm.

  7. T Drump says:

    Build the wall!!

  8. Mellow says:

    Good luck – those people up there don’t talk to police about anything.

    EE has long been a lawless district.

  9. Anonymous says:

    If the police / government want help, getting this information HOURS ago would have helped. HOURS I say…… Cc

  10. Bluff Walk says:

    Da Jugs mann a run tings inna dis ya place bwoy . They are operating here with impunity cause they got dey compadres inna deh police. Yes Cayman these are the things that our colonial master frequently neglects to tell us when they bring their henchmen to control us natives.

  11. McCarron McLaughlin says:

    And please RCIPS if it’s not an emergency, being life or death, there no need to speed. Take it easy on the accelerator as the drugs aren’t going anywhere.

    Today I saw two vehicles heading East at 60 to 70b mph break neck speeds.

    Someone is going to get hurt seriously if this doesn’t stop.

  12. Just Sayin' says:

    Suspicious people in East End? How much time and resources do the RCIPS have?

  13. Anonymous says:

    I think many of the public want to help, but we’re not convinced the police are capable of managing their information flow to coordinate the interdiction of crime. The Police need a method to receive citizen submissions of photographic and video evidence – crimes happening in realtime. There are 40k+ smartphone cameras they aren’t currently tapping into (e.g. Recordings of the wheelying unlicensed and unlit dirt bikes of gang members; their daily routines and fearless unmuffled demonstrations of lawlessness – same people and face masks day after day and often at the same times ferrying guns, ammo, drugs and cash with impunity). It should be obvious that the police need to be on patrol ready to respond in communities, preferably armed and with police motorbike support (at least until these dirt bikes are under control). Beat officers should be tackling the staggering frequency of traffic issues until more urgent calls come in. Community readiness is lacking (even on SMB) and frankly discourages most people from saying or reporting anything helpful – knowing the perps will be long long gone by the time “the law” shows up to ask questions. We hope the new commissioner will finally hear what the public are asking the RCIPS to do. Addressing the brazen criminal mobility of those that enable the transshipment economies – should be a top priority.

    • Anonymous says:

      amen…100% yes., hit them at the source of funding and then you would see the canoe loads drop.

      Heck, just legalise the herb and make a special economic zone for some of the East End Farmers and a couple of government smokes shops where the stuff is taxed very hard say 50% tax. Please use that money to buy a tram system and some proper buses that run on an app that shows everyone exactly where they are and when they are coming…

    • Man of letters says:

      Anon 5:09pm couldnt have put it any better than that You are right on the money. Problems is what you have describe has been deliberate plan of actions by our governing power to control certain things in this BOT. They have been eagerly assisted by our local loyal minows elected by our loyal idiots. When you then add functionally illiterate corrupt help from a former colony you get the outcomes you have outline in your post. If it sounds a bit hard it is because we end up being those who are frequently victimized by them and the criminals who are running our little island.

    • Anonymous says:

      Great suggestions and observations. To add to the new Police commissioners to do list : Blacked out license plate covers & vehicle windows-immediately ban all such. Friday night 80mph drag races by Hurleys Grand Harbour -Impound vehicles & impose a $5000 recovery fee. Fund and implement speed cameras in all jurisdictions of the island. Wont add anything else , as the man has only just arrived.

      • Horacio Zetas Smit says:

        He ain’t going to do Diddley squat for Cayman just here to carry out the FCO’s mandate.Which is take good care of our very own especially the earners for the motherland and let the local rabble and foreign help fend for themselves.Cherio mate.

      • Jotnar says:

        Tint, licence plate covers and drag races are already illegal, and we supposedly have CCTV coverage over a lot of the island. The problem is simply that the RCIPS don’t do anything about any of it. Now that is something the new commissioner could fix, surely/. Flagrant breach of the law, and more policemen per head of the population then you can shake a stick at to enforce it with, but no action on minor but highly visible breaches of the law which completely undermine any confidence in the police. Don’t listen, don’t care, and rarely act.

    • ThIs WrItInG Is VeRy IrRiTaTiNg says:

      Yes, if the little things were enforced things would be much better here for the law abiding citizens. Please start with enforcement of basic traffic laws before any more cyclists or pedestrians are killed.

      • Null says:

        Just want to add one thing about cyclists in Cayman. Even when they are provided with a riding lane, they still choose to ride in a car lane!

        This is not only inconsiderate but blatantly rude and ignorant. What happens when you get run over then?

        You have the right to ride your bicycle just remember you do not own the road!

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