Suspect on the run after cops find loaded gun

| 11/09/2016 | 20 Comments

(CNS): The police are looking for a man who left a loaded semi-automatic handgun behind an undisclosed shopping plaza in the Seven Mile Beach tourist area Friday night. On Sunday the RCIPS released limited information about the weapon, which they seized after officers on patrol came across the suspect “acting suspiciously” at around 11:30pm, behind the shopping location somewhere along the West Bay Road. When the police officers challenged him, the man ran off but police then found a package containing the loaded gun.

Police are now hunting the man and anyone with information on this or any other crime is urged to call the police at 949 4222 or 800 8477 (800 TIPS) to remain anonymous.


Category: Crime, Police

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  1. McCarron McLaughlin says:

    This laughable the police can’t even come with the full story. I will let them know when I see a man running behind 1 of the 8 shopping centers on SMB. This funny, imagine the guy got away and they can’t see exactly where he escaped from and what type of firearms recovered.

    I hope they collected the DNA on the gun.

  2. Sharkey says:

    I think that Government has a massive Immigration problem on their hands , now that the Islands are over populated with no data base on who is who . There would be all sorts of crimes now happening and no one being caught.

  3. Jack says:

    Wow…..I was at an undisclosed shopping plaza that night. Maybe I saw the running man.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Door to door early morning raids demand IDs. If illegal fingerprint access Intetpol database to see if wanted easy to do check If not wanted send info to Intetpol and the rest of the world so they can know the behavior of person.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Many people from various countries that come here now must get visa so when we issue visas why not make finger printing a part of the process like they do in the USA for a visa or when you enter the usa on the ESTAS. For work permits people should also be fingerprinted and their DNA information sent to Interpol for confirmation. Why are we in Cayman so reluctant to use all measures at our disposal to find or root out criminals homegrown or otherwise?

    • Jotnar says:

      ESTA fingerprinting doesn’t match against any database of criminals, just against the finger print details on the passport chip.

  6. MM says:

    Why can’t we strike a deal with one of Jamaica or Haiti’s prisons and send our hard criminals overseas to serve time?

    I should imagine they would be more than happy for KYD$30,000 per year per criminal, whereas we are spending over KYD$78,000 per criminal here.

    I highly doubt anyone would have a problem with us exporting the murderers, child molesters (especially the child molesters) and armed robbers to do some real time in Jamaica or Haiti.

    In fact, I would put cash on the table that these little boys doing these crimes would settle down after their friend calls them from a dilapidated cell in Haiti. Serious crime should tumble by 75% after that.

    It is unfortunate to see (and these statistics are available on that there are as much as 46 cases of youth crime in males between the ages of 14-16 years old. I have also noted that youth crime appears to rise during the years with an obvious increase in cost of living. This would suggest that the additional strain, stress and lack of basic necessities from parents is causing already rocky and misguided youth to take there desperate situations in to their own hands.

    • MM says:

      And that is cases ‘per year’ BTW

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe u should be the first one to test this idea out let us know how it is to be in a cell in Haiti or Jamaica or maybe it should be ur cousin /brother r worst child see how that feels u joke about peoples freedom like it’s nothing

  7. Beaumont says:

    Great description of the guy. I’ll be on the lookout for a running man. A suspicious-looking one. We’ve practically got him cornered!

    • Lala says:

      I laughed and it’s funny what you said but all jokes aside, why are we not given detailed descriptions of suspects?

      Things that make you go HMMMMMM……

  8. Donnie 2 Dimes says:

    If only the PO Leece would investigate certain arrested officials properly and thoroughly they would find out just where all these guns have come from.

  9. Veritas says:

    Unfortunately to get away, all the criminal has to do is run. So many of our policemen are in poor physical shape, fitness should be a requirement , unless they are on a desk job.

  10. Anonymous says:

    This is the case where sketches and descriptions should be provided since they(RCIPS) actually see the man “acting suspiciously” and “challenged him”‘.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Our over paid police force that can’t solve no crimes in these islands that have close to 400 police officers that drive around with a/c on & cell phone jammed in their ears 24/7.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Maybe when the police figure out where they found the gun, they will tell the general public. You know, the people they work for.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Figure prints. Every living soul on these islands should be fingerprinted. We are so backward in these modern days. I remember back in the 1950-1960s, when my father went to sea, they had to have their fingerprints taken. Why not now? Is it because it would easier to eliminate the criminals?

    • Anonymous says:

      The older I get the more my figure changes.

    • Truth-sticker says:

      They don’t want us to know who anyone is, most are here illegally!

      Imagine trying to figure out who someone is who has no passport, no drivers license, no permit, no record of entering these islands??

      WTF do you do then???

      Everyone thinks we know how many people are here in Cayman, truth is we have NO CLUE!

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