Owner appeals for help to find stolen boat

| 01/09/2016 | 28 Comments
Cayman News Service

Boat missing from Cayman Kai, August 2016

(CNS): A 26-foot boat has been stolen from a dock in Cayman Kai and the owner is appealing to the public to help him find it. The Dusky vessel, which has a green t-top and a 250 Evinrude engine, was stolen from the owner’s dock on Water Cay Road in Cayman Kai, North Side, sometime between midnight and 5am on Tuesday, 30 August. The theft has been reported to the RCIPS. Anyone who may have seen the boat since or knows what could have happened to it is asked to call the owner, Don Loyd, on 916 -4534.

Anonymous tips can also be provided to Cayman CrimeStoppers on 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.


Category: Crime

Comments (28)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If they don’t steal your boat they’ll steal whatever is not bolted down. Now I have a new anchor that I have to haul around in my car along with the previously ‘built in’ ice chest…

  2. Anonymous says:

    If one was to steal a boat in Florida, for example sake, you would face a grand theft charge with a 12 year sentencing jail term on apprehension & conviction.In the face of the court, it is a charge deemed worse than that of possessing a fire-arm. But we are now living on an island where there is little chance of being caught for such a crime, as is evidenced by the frequency this type of theft takes place. The individuals doing it are not even fazed by their violation of social norms pointed out in this post by others ( stealing someone else’s hard worked for & hard gained possession) nor are they worried about being caught & convicted. I have faith that the new police commissioner would review in some detail the level of these types of thefts are occurring and budget some new measures to fight against it. Not just for the boat owners sake, but for residents & citizens that are now living in an island plagued by both judicial lawlessness and disregard for societies normal laws & values.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Meet me at sea and we can tow it to Honduras!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Boat theft is out of hand here. Occasionally boat storys hit the news but theres a lot of small boats going missing on a regular basis. Needs to be addressed.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The boat is probably still on the island waiting for better weather , with the wind we had the last few days from the southerly direction going to Jamaica or Honduras would be extremely bumpy

  6. Anonymous says:

    Get a gps tracker. You’ll always find your boat back.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I hope they find it soon, it’s a shame when people have their belonging stolen. Scum leave people things alone and work for what you need or want!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if these boats are being stolen by people who have entered the islands illegally and are trying to get back to where they came from….

    • Anonymous says:

      Or perhaps a homegrown scumbag whose self entitled attitude believes that he can take from those who are increasingly the target of local bigotry, xenophobia and blatant racism.
      Before you blame everyone else, take a look at your own disgusting views and attitudes, especially where theft from overseas residents is concerned.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sigh, you came so close, but all you actually did was provide a divisive counter point. (First poster said ‘I wonder if its foreign thieves’, second poster said ‘you Caymanians are racist’.) If only you had stopped after your first sentence. Then, like the first poster, your point is actually delivered neutrally with no bias other than what the reader brings to it. But you had to throw in the attack, didn’t you?

        • Anonymous says:

          Hey idiot, I don’t care what your sanctimonious point is and until your MLA’s and feral youth stop targeting decent, honest people that actually contribute to society instead of leeching off of it, my post stands.
          And for good measure, I didn’t use the term, ‘Caymanians are racist’ but of course if your personal sense of victim hood fits, then wear it. But it doesn’t change the dreadful fact that NS has more than its fair share of thieves, poachers, drunks and junkies all ready and waiting to take what is not theirs. Prove me wrong, or perhaps, before you comment, actually live there and see for yourself.

          • Anonymous says:

            5.36 Of course when people like you take our stuff it is under the guise of capitalism or good business practice.Sometimes you pretend to be a friend and want to buy property to build your vacation home. After you get it at a ‘friendly’ rate you sit on it for a year then turn it into a condo development and make a killing. Of course you see that as good business , I say it is morally corrupt. The right thing would be for you to invite the Caymanian into a partnership, he with real estate and you with cash and business experience. When the millions are made you and your Caymanian partner both profit. But I guess that would not be enough for you.By the way the term “feral youth” first came to my attention in regards to British children, think you need to know that. See article entitled ‘Truth about Britain’s feral youth” at this site:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2163979/Truth-Britain-s-feral-youth-Small-core-youngsters-commit-staggering-86-crimes-age-16.html

            • Anonymous says:

              Your island, your laws, your rules, your mistakes……….your problem, deal with it and stop whining about those who invest and spend in local companies.

          • duppyrising says:

            You are neither decent nor honest. It would not be a tragedy if someone found out who you are and beat you to a bloody pulp.

            • Anonymous says:

              I may not be decent compared to some standards, but unfortunately I am honest and that’s what stings you isn’t it you lardy ass bully?
              Beat me, ha, you need to stop beating yourself because bad eyesight has obviously followed.
              And what kind of loser names him self after an imaginary vision, oh yes, the same loser who makes banal threats of ‘someone’ finding me. Come find me yourself and try your luck loser.

              • duppyrising says:

                You who has no idea of either the nationality or creed of the person or persons who have stolen Mr. Loyd’s boat yet wants to rant with your anti-Caymanian blather and turn the theft of a boat into a soap box to spew your vitriolic bile. You can always feel free to just pack up and leave, it would make dealing with the problems Cayman faces that much more doable because people like you are a huge part of the problem and you are a complete hinderance to the well being of the Cayman Islands regardless of how much money you have and/or spend. The duppy reference is to let you know that you and people like you have yet to feel the wrath of those whom you and people like you wish to denigrate because the thought of a non-Caymanian perpetrating this crime does not jibe with your prejudice against the very people whose country you have chosen to foul with your stinking presence.

          • Lucy says:

            Why, for such a small Country with such a large police force, are we still experiencing these issues?

            Something is seriously wrong here. With the size of our force and the size of our population, it is very telling.

      • Anonymous says:

        2.05pm I get it. You are talking about your own homegrown bigotry, xenophobia, and racism, and entitlement attitude, which you have brought here with you.This is further supported by your comment at 5.36pm where you reveal exactly how low you are prepared to stoop when you refer to locals as ‘feral youth’ and yourself as ‘ decent, honest people that actually contribute to society’ .It is people like you who have really increased the divide between locals and expats, simply because you have no respect for the locals who you obviously see as inferior to you, and destroyed years of goodwill built up by others who came before you.Shame and disgrace to the human race, that’s you.

      • Anonymous says:

        You seem unhappy here…you should go home…we definitely don’t want you although our Permier likes your work permit revenue.

        • Anonymous says:

          Why do you assume I’m an expat, could that be your own sense of bigotry coming to play? Actually I’m probably more Caymanian than you, so take your sense of victim hood and go back to where you crawled out of.
          And yes, I am unhappy here. My own people are a disgrace and an embarrassment to our islands. I

          • Anonymous says:

            I find the statement of you being more Caymanian very unlikely. I don’t know a single Caymanian that would use the term “lardy ass bully”! I’m just saying 😐 That is so not Caymanian in any way shape or form. So before you claim to be one of us proof read your shit!

          • Anonymous says:

            You do realize this is the first time you have said ‘our’ (our islands) in your entire, multi-part, rant. No, if you can’t claim all of the bad ‘ours’ as your (our) own you are less Cayman than a green iguana.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Why is the boat owner acting as the go-between and throwing his personal cell number out there rather than appointing an RCIPS officer?!? Speaks volumes about the state of crime fighting in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      because they most likely wont show up until about a week or so from when he contacted them as they are too busy giving out tickets for seat belts.
      the cops are not exactly the best when it comes to this type of thing.

    • Anonymous says:

      9.55am It speaks volumes about the mentality of the owner, no one else.

    • Anonymous says:

      9.55am The owner is trying to recover his property and is therefore entitled to take any lawful action (within reason) to do so.His actions reflect his approach to solving this problem and does not speak to the state of crime fighting in Cayman.

    • Cayguy says:

      Obviously, the owner knows that he will have better luck dealing with people in the community to assist with getting back the boat by social media etc than he would dealing with the rcips. some people know a waste of time when they see it. I haven’t seen a stolen boat or other personal watercraft ever recovered by local police almost ever.

  10. Captain Obvious says:

    Better appeal to Jamaica and Honduras at this point…

    My guess, if it didn’t have the fuel capacity to make the trip to one of these destinations, is it was tied to the back of one of the un-regulated snapper boats that comes here and was towed away.

    I hope it was insured for theft.

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