Baroness picks Cayman for first OT trip

| 21/09/2016 | 18 Comments

(CNS): The UK’s new overseas territories minister will be visiting the Cayman Islands next month for a short visit, government officials confirmed Tuesday. Joyce Anne Anelay, Baroness Anelay of St Johns, who has picked the Cayman Islands for her first port of call of any British territory will be visiting all three islands during the two-day whirlwind trip. She is expected to see the Legislative Assembly in action, visit the police marine unit, and Dart’s new Kimpton Hotel.

Cayman News Service

Baroness Anelay

Also on Baroness Anelay’s schedule is a meeting with disability policy officials and volunteers, as well as MLAs and members of the local financial industry. In the Sister Islands she will visit environmental sites, a local school and a sports centre, where she will meet civil servants and residents.

However, although a direct request was made to the governor by a representative of the local lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community for a meeting with the OT minister during her visit, this does not appear to be on her agenda.

A representative from Colours, Cayman’s only LGBT activist organisation, which has raised concerns that local churches and politicians have been ratcheting up public discrimination and hostility against the community in recent months, has asked for assistance from the UK.

In a recent speech about human rights Baroness Anelay made it clear that she believes in the right of everyone to live a life with dignity, free from discrimination. “The United Kingdom remains strongly committed to promoting and protecting the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, wherever they may live in the world,” she said.

Ahead of the visit to Cayman, Baroness Anelay said she was delighted to be coming to the islands for the first time.

“I hope that this will help to strengthen still further the relationship with the UK,” she was quoted as saying in an official government release. “I am particularly pleased to be able to visit the Sister Islands in addition to Grand Cayman and hope that this will increase my knowledge and understanding of the territory as a whole.”

Premier Alden McLaughlin said it was a privilege for Cayman to be the first territory to host the new minister‎. “I am especially pleased that Baroness Anelay will be visiting Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. I have no doubt that her visit will allow the Baroness to see and experience first-hand what the Cayman Islands and its people have to offer,” he added.

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  1. Veritas says:

    The first item on her agenda should be a tour of Mt Trashmore, followed by a visit to the Mental Health Unit at the Government hospital.

  2. Disappearing Caymanians says:

    Yes Colours you all need to please take a seat as the now minority indigenous populus too need to have and audience with the Baroness to raised serious concerns about being maginalized displaced and discrimination and our rights being trambled on by our dear government who is so addicted to work permits fees to make ends meet while preaching good governace and prosperity for them and their supporters. While our infastructure is crumbling under this weight where our native people are now outnumbered 5 to1 Yes and why is it that they are being praise by the FCO for their prudence in spending whilst our people suffer? Yes and visiting our foreign run RCIPS which is a complete failure under their tutelage. Yes Captain Alden and gang who continually prostitute the Cayman people ? Could we please have those concerns raised before we go granting yet another minority group like ourselves audiences with our invited colonial representative Thanks!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Based on the contents of this post I wouldn’t even introduce you to Father Christmas.

      • Anonymous says:

        But I would ask Father Christmas to make the OP less racist and mediocre, but it would be a helluva ask.

    • Anonymous says:

      Back to basket weaving and fishing then – Caymanian people have plenty of opportunities and rights, the Islands would collapse without the people here on work permits who probably make the Islands what they are.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think not. Caymanians have a long, proud history of hard work & it has been Caymanians who made Cayman the comfortable, welcoming place to losers like you who obviously couldnt make it in your own country. Arrogant morons like yourself have done more to diminish our country than to lift it up. We’ll do just fine without you, you’re welcome to leave at any time. Get over yourself.

      • Anonymous says:

        At least they are real jobs, unlike shuffling papers and tapping away on the magic alphabet box making nuisances of ourselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      To Disappearing Caymanians @ 7.31am As a Caymanian I have to ask Are you always such a pessimist? It seems like you are suffering from ‘ ImisshavingMckeeva inpoweritis’ or Lack of Big Mac .

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember Cayman does not have an “indigenous populus” as you are all from elsewhere! Cayman was an unpopulated swamp until fisherman and pirates took residence. Alas, nothing has changed!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    If course she did. We are the best. What a huge win for the Government.

    But this is what happens when you follow the rules, don’t waste money, achieve compliance with the FFR and build positive relationships with the FCO.

    Can’t wait to see how the two opposition groups react to this. Let me give them some advice. I suggest you welcome the Minister and show her true Caymanian hospitality.

    • Huh? says:

      I suggest you get Off the Alden bandwagon ! Things are not so good out here, despite what the ppm are saying

    • Diogenes says:

      How is having anyone from Head Office visit seen as an accomplishment? Sure CIG would be far happier if she stayed away.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, I suspect she is coming here to see how the UK-OT relationship can and should work and what an OT government that is really working hard to achieve good governance actually looks like. With the opening of a new hotel and the LA in session I’m sure Cayman was the obvious choice for the time window in which she will be making this trip.

  4. Hey It's me it's really me! says:

    Ratted she a come to give pre election o
    Hoarders to Him subordinates.

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