GM mosquito release approval ‘flawed’ argues QC

| 19/07/2016 | 81 Comments
Cayman News Service

Genetically modified mosquito containers

(CNS): The decision by the National Conservation Council to grant the Mosquito Research and Control Unit a permit approving the release of millions of genetically modified mosquitoes as part of a pilot project in West Bay was flawed and should be quashed, a lawyer representing local activists argued Tuesday. Stephen Tromans QC told the court that the absence of an independent risk assessment, a lack of transparency around the decision and an inadequate public consultation process, among other issues, left too many unanswered questions about the dangers posed to humans and the environment by the bio-engineered bugs.

Local activists, who have serious concerns about the proposed project aimed at the invasive Aedes aegypti by using insects that have been genetically sterilized, managed to achieve a last-minute stay on the planned release last week as they sought intervention from the courts via a judicial review.

The case, brought by Dwene Ebanks who has been leading the activist group, was heard by Justice Ingrid Mangatal, who is not required to judge the controversial science behind the bio-technology developed by the UK firm, Oxitec, but whether or not the government authorities involved in the decision to allow the release did so in accordance with the law. Following a full day of argument, the judge said she would deliver her decision Monday 25 July and extended the stay until then.

Justice Mangatal will decide whether or not the requirements of the National Conservation Law and the Cayman Islands Constitution were met when the Department of Environment, on behalf of the NCC, issued the MRCU with a permit to import the eggs, then breed and release the mutant mosquitoes.

Tromans argued that the judge should quash the “flawed” decision. He said there were numerous uncertainties and safety issues surrounding the release because there had been no genuine risk assessment and proper consideration was not given to the dangers when the decision was made.

He said the lack of a bio-technology regime or guidelines in Cayman, because the conservation law is still in its infancy, also created problems. But the fundamental argument focused on the failure of the local authorities to conduct an independent site and time specific risk assessment of the hazards posed by what is still a novel and controversial science.

The only risk assessment considered during the process, Tromans said, was a very short report based on the field studies conducted by Oxitec during the 2009 East End trial, which the bio-tech company wrote itself. He argued that there should have been a full risk assessment for this project before a decision to release 22 million mosquitos, some seven years later in a different place, was made.

The only information that the NCC were given to consider that did not come directly from Oxitec was the US report from the FDA and the WHO report. But Tromans said that neither of these reports could be interpreted as giving the release a green light or alleviating all the safety concerns.

As well as having little independent information on which to base the decision to approve the project, he argued that there were problems with the public consultation process, which was insufficient and came a week after the licence had already been issued and only a matter of two weeks before the release had originally been scheduled to start.

Tromans said the approval came some time after the contract between Oxitec and the MRCU had already been signed, which may have influenced the NCC or at best gave the appearance that it might have played a part.

Outlining a number of concerns that the government had not been entirely transparent, the lawyer said that decision may have made with “good intentions” but there were fundamental problems with the legality of the process.

Tromans’ colleague, human rights barrister Deok Joo Rhee, also argued that the Cayman Islands Bill of Rights was relevant to the case, as was the European Convention on Human Rights, which applies in this jurisdiction. She argued that given the failure to conduct a proper risk assessment into a controversial and as yet unproven science, the obligations of the MRCU to suppress mosquitoes could not override due process. She said the constitution requires the authorities to adopt measures to protect the environment and in this case there was “a complete failure to do so”.

Representing the various government stakeholders, Solicitor General Jacqueline Wilson relied heavily on affidavits provided by the MRCU director and the NCC chair.

Wilson argued that the application for judicial review was “flimsy” and that there was no evidence to support their theories that there was any danger to the public. She said there was evidence of public consultation and that the NCC had made the decision in a transparent way. Wilson argued that the NCC chair had followed due process and conducted the necessary research and analysis to justify the decision that was made.

However, although the decision was made by the NCC, at a public meeting on 18 May there was very little discussion at that meeting about how the NCC had arrived at their decision to approve the application from the MRCU. It was made clear the process had included various non-public meetings with the MRCU, Oxitec and the members of the committee but the details were not revealed.

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Category: Environmental Health, Health, Land Habitat, Medical Health, Science & Nature

Comments (81)

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  1. Can Alden stop sperm too says:

    The Zika virus has been found in one man’s semen 93 days after he first reported symptoms, topping the previous known record of 62 days, according to a letter published in Lancet Infectious Diseases this month.

    The patient, a 27-year-old man in France, came down with mild symptoms — weakness, muscle pain and conjunctivitis — shortly after returning from Thailand late last year. He had decided to freeze his sperm before an upcoming chemotherapy treatment, which led to a French laboratory testing his semen for Zika on March 9. While the virus was found in his semen, it was not found in his blood or urine.


    RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazilian researchers say they have found that a second species of mosquito is able to transmit the Zika virus to humans.

    Fiocruz institute said Thursday that additional studies will be needed to determine what role the widespread Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito has played in the dissemination of Zika.

    The research was done at Recife, a city in the Zika epicenter of northeastern Brazil where the Culex is 20 times more common than the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which was previously thought to be the only carrier.

    Most of Brazil’s anti-mosquito initiatives are aimed at the Aedes and the finding complicates efforts to limit the Zika epidemic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can CNS help to gather some public debate on the above new update on the Zika issue?

      Is this second Zika carrier Breed of mosquito in Cayman?

  3. Anonymous says:

    The Doomsday scenario:

    Zika produces mild or no symptoms in the vast majority of those who contract it. We have already had 3 confirmed cases, which means that statistically there are likely many times more people in Cayman who have the disease, (know anyone who avoids going to the hospital unless they are REALLY sick? ) If any one of them is bitten by the Aedes egypti mosquito, (which is prevalent in West Bay) then local transmission is virtually inevitable. It is already established in almost all of our neighboring countries.

    Zica will be locally transmitted. That is a fact that is about to happen. When this occurs, as it will, pregnant women will likely have babies that suffer from reduced brain and head size (micro-encephalitis). These babies will be a social and financial burden on these islands for their entire lives.

    Tourists considering having a family will cancel or postpone visits to these islands, causing a dramatic drop in visitor arrivals.

    That is just Zica, Dengue and Chikungunya personally frighten me far more. I have had the former, and it is frightening. I seriously doubt I would survive another infection. The same mosquito that carries Zica transmits those two as well. Dengue is an old foe in this part of the world, and has evolved fatal hemorrhagic forms. Chikungunya is a newer arrival but I understand it to be debilitating and slow to completely recover from.

    We have at our free disposal the opportunity to prove an effective means of fighting these risks, and we are dithering, because of unfounded, unscientific opposition by activists, pandering to the public on the fear of being used as “lab rats”. This same technology has just been credited for reducing Dengue in a Brazilian municipality by 91% compared to the previous year.

    This is proven science, and I would far rather trust the scientists of the MRCU who have created Cayman’s tourism success story over many decades, by using available scientific methods to reduce the mosquito nuisance, than be guided by political activists and other dubious opponents.

    Potential risks associated with the GMO mosquitoes are speculative, and not supported by good science. The alternative is not a risk, It is the inevitable loss of lives and health to adults that become infected with the multiple diseases bourne by the Aedes egypti mosquito. Add to that the incalculable cost of caring for mentally compromised children due to micro-encephalitis, and the inevitable burden on their families.

    The other side of this scenario is to embrace the GMO technology, prevent/cease the spread of local transmission of Zika in Cayman, and be able to market ourselves to the world as a safe tourist destination with no chance of local contraction of an ever increasing list of Aedes egypti bourne diseases, including Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya.


    • Anonymous says:

      Brazil, a country which has been hard-hit by the virus since it began spreading last year, has reported a total of 7,723 suspected cases of microcephaly and other congenital malformation of the central nervous system between October 22, 2015 and May 28, 2016, according to the Pan American Health Organisation. Of that number, Brazil has confirmed 1,489 cases of microcephaly by clinical, radiological, and/or laboratory methods.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am not at all interested in your one click “dislikes”. If you think I am wrong, then please explain your position. Mine is based on science and fact.


    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t you know that GMO is the boogieman? Anything with the word Genetic in the name will send many into a panic. Have they considered renaming it to “Organic Friendly Mosquitoes”?

    • Anonymous says:

      First, I can’t let your predictions stand. All that doomsday stuff has just fallen to the ground and can’t take root.

      Next, I have one single thing I can’t get out of my mind: probability.

      There is a probability that they are safe. I’m not willing to gamble that they are not.

      There is a probability that they have the potential to reduce the disease. I’d bet not.

      I heard Dr. Petrie say that it’s 100% safe. The law of probability tells me that it is not. We’re wise enough to know that NOTHING is 100% risk free.

      There is a probability that the GMM’s can transmit disease. I bet that no one can prove that they can not.

      Brazil has a multi-million release of GMM’s which have biting females in them, who are able to bite and transmit diseases. While the male cannot transmit disease, the females certainly can and I’ve listened to Oxitec admit this themselves. If it happened to Brazil, why won’t it happen in Cayman? What makes Cayman so exempt from the spread of disease?

      Female aedes aegypti mosquitoes spread disease. Don’t add thousands of them into the environment.

  4. West Bayer says:

    Fools, some people just need Zika in their system to agree, we cant get rid of all mosquitos but you have to start somewhere. I guess whoever is against this would rather them sprayin that sh!t in your yards getting on your kids and fruit trees. But no your worried about if a frog eats a GM mosquito and if his stomach is gonna hurt. I bet if Cayman had 50 zika cases you would want them to deploy millions of um right?

  5. CayStar7 says:

    My trust for government has dwindled. I believe they will sell over Caymanians to be experimented on any day if they see the $$$$ in it. I’m sorry but it will take a long time to regain my trust in our MLAs.

    I recall the Ebola outbreak in West Africa several years ago that kill thousands of people- poor class people. Claims were pointing to the fact that Ebola was “GMO, made in a lab by western pharmaceutical companies and administered to unsuspecting civilians through U.N vaccination programs.” [end quote]

    Read More:

    And I recall how this was brush aside by the media, including western media. The African people knew what was going on and because they were scared to received help from these scientists stayed home and infected others with Ebola. The people mistrusted their own government and the doctors. But this mistrust was there for a reason! Hundreds of years west Africa was peaceful and all of a sudden government allowed “experimental projects” to take place on people. Then an outbreak of Ebola like never before came about, and they claim that it came from the eating of bush meat. Hundreds of years tjese people been eating bush meat and nothing like this happen before! But the people knew better and the news agencies like CNN, FOX, BBC didn’t spoke much about why the people were avoiding to see doctors and scientist there. …

    Why should I trust these people to come to my home land and experiment on me??? As a citizen, I have every right to protest and ask questions.

    • Anonymous says:

      Weak minds are easily fooled by unproven, unfounded “facts”. Where is the proof. Just like AIDS was spread by the white man to eradicate the Blacks….AIDS nor Ebola discriminate. Many religious leaders were foolishly against Vaccinations because they were generally being administered by western religious and aid organizations..Your comments and beliefs are driven by prejudice and not fact.

      • Kill 'em softly says:

        So… “believe” AIDS came from a man screwing a monkey?

        Is that your belief? Because I don’t know if you realize how hard it is to catch a monkey! And after catching him to restrain him is a tough one.

        Jus’ sayin’….

  6. Anonymous says:

    What I and the majority of the people in West Bay would like to know, “Where is Dwene Ebanks getting the $1,000 CI – $1,500 CI per hour to pay Stephen Tromans QC to argue this case before the Grand Court” ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh forget that your govt was willing to experiment on you and he was relentless to that fact! Can’t see the trees for tne forest can you? Maybe you should thank him and offer to help. Btw, i doubt you are a West Bayer. One last thing, i don’t see him here asking for your help for funds and quite frankly it’s none of your business. Thank you Dwene. We appreciate your efforts.

    • Anonymous says:

      So in other words poor people should not expect. Justice as the level of your credibility hinges on your purse?! Typical crab and jealously mentality.

    • Anonymous says:

      That makes him even more admirable does it not? Without deep pockets he still put himself out there. Good on him.

    • The Deep Pockets belong to us, the people says:

      Thanks to an egotistical government who ignored due process and our human rights, the quarter million dollar legal tab will be paid for out of our billion dollar 2016-2017 budget.

      • Anonymous says:

        This is based on the premise that Dwene has a valid case and will win. That’s quite a big premise. I want to know who is paying if he loses; it’s only his name on the injunction. I hope he has a big bank account ready for a rainy day.

    • Diogenes says:

      You can dislike all you want, but its a valid question. Employing a silk to argue a case here is not cheap – as well as the hourly rates, you have the flights and all the prep time. And he had a junior too. You are looking at a six figure bill. Mr Ebanks is not only committed but wealthy – or there is a hidden sponsor.

    • Anonymous says:

      The people who benefit if Oxitec fail are the large chemical companies who sell insecticides. If Oxitec works it will mean future mosquito control will not need to spray chemicals. This business is worth billions. I would not be surprised if a company such as Bayer or Monsanto is paying for the legal fees and funding any future political career. God knows what chemicals will be getting sprayed here if Dwene gets elected.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you sit down and let the chemical companies spray that will be your fault. Dwene has done what he saw as necessary to stop what he didn’t want to see happen.

        If Big C comes, you make it your business to be the first to jump up and challenge it. Somewhere in this country is a multimillionaire or two or three who will fund that challenge too.

        Stop looking at and fighting down each other. The battle here is between a single Caymanian and a multibillion dollar company. Don’t be focusing on his little means when there is a larger truer picture: standing on your on beliefs.

        Dwene I’m very proud of you standing up, regardless of what the outcome is. You have shown this country what one person can do when they stand up.

        And thanks, Katina, you have shown that unity is stronger than any entity. You could have walked away in the midst of the heat, but you’re still there, even in the court room with him.

        Thanks Dwene and Katina. You two have nothing, but yet you have caused something of the greatest magnitude to happen.

        You’re both honourable.

  7. Anonymous says:

    It seems like the Caymanian people were pushed just enough before they responded admirably as one.
    It is nice to see them standing up to the bully boys and their dysfunctional government.
    I am going to put my neck out here and guess that most of the people egging us on to pull the trigger on this project are expats.
    Please, when you a guest in another’s house, respect what was there before you showed up.
    It is simple manners.
    Please stop panicking.

    • Unison says:

      I hope smart folk see that your comment is to generate a whole influx of negative comments … so to turn this issue into an expat versus native issue.

      This is an issue that involves everyone!

      • Anonymous says:

        Of course it involves everyone. If the science goes awry, then where does that leave the indigenous folk?
        Please don’t read into it what was not intended.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually it is the other way around. Who do you think is funding Dwene? This is a case of outside influences telling Cayman they are too small and stupid to lead the world in biotechnological advances. As always they feel they know better.

    • Anonymous says:

      It seems the belief is that expats sponsored the legalities, but the truth is that Caymanians tore him apart.

      There are many expatriates who truly care about these islands, this country. So much so, that they put their money out to try to protect it.

      Alot of money is injected into social programs by the expats in this country.

      But if they injected their money into halting the country look at that balance, though: foreign persons against a foreign company; and Caymanians against a Caymanian.

      Foreign people standing for a Caymanian; Caymanians standing for a foreign company

      Foreign people holding a Caymanians fight up. Caymanians fighting a Caymanian down to hold a foreign company up.

      Good thing he had the foreigners on his side’, thank God. Or the Caymanians and Oxitec both would have eaten him up a long time ago. At least now he stood a chance of being heard fairly.

    • Anonymous says:

      So if I am visiting someone and I notice they have a gas leak I should respect what they have and say nothing?

  8. I'm Awesome says:

    Dwene taking the same advice as Gordon Hewitt and is destined to end up in the same boat.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Ebanks and his group brought evidence that not only a top local law firm wanted to argue but THE leading environmental lawyer – a silk of the UK, wanted to add his name to this. Will done to all. Truly inspirational.

  10. anonymous says:

    Just like Monsanto protection act.

  11. Donkey caymanian says:

    Ok, so Oxitec kill 90% of these mosquitos, we we have another mosquito on the island that carries these virus’s, as we know mosquitos evolve and by illuminating one surely the other will change and carry these virus’s.

    So the CI government will be paying Oxitec hundreds of thousands of dollars to continue releasing mosquitos for years to come.

    With regards to Oxitecs license from the world heath authority, this is not a full license but provisional, the court on behalf of the FDA just got told there has to be better info provided, the court was provided 250 plus pages report, why were we only provided a 85 page report, ah forgot we are stupid Caymanians!!

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean a 20 page report from oxitec.

    • Shibli says:

      Evolution does not occur through “illumination”, but rather through natural selection that occurs over many generations of offspring .. your first paragraph makes no sense my friend.

  12. NotNice says:

    Again THANK YOU DWENE. Your efforts are truly appreciated. A true patriot of the Cayman Islands.

  13. Unison says:

    CNS: “Stephen Tromans QC told the court that the absence of an independent risk assessment, a lack of transparency around the decision and an inadequate public consultation process, among other issues, left too many unanswered questions about the dangers posed to humans and the environment by the bio-engineered bugs.”

    Well said. This should have CNS, CayCompass and all our media houses concerned. How can you rush to legislate laws in the LA to approve a project of experimentation on the people of these islands… why? because you are afraid that the people will ask questions and oppose it??? That’s what this look like! NO PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND NO TIME FOR THE MEDIA HOUSES TO PROCESS IMPORTANT ARISING ISSUES.

  14. What epidemic? says:

    How is Zika impacting neighboring islands? If you desire eliminating a 90% effective solution you should probably have a grasp of the problem at hand, right?

    Martinique: 32,400 suspected cases have been reported, an increase of 640 since last week
    Guadeloupe: 20,070 suspected cases have been detected, an increase of 2,650
    St Martin: 1,260 suspected cases have been detected, an increase of 165

    … and the list goes on. Fighting the solution to an epidemic? maybe Cayman will be spared, but probably not.

    • Anonymous says:

      Will mr. Ebanks offer to pay for care of any microcephalic zika victims who survive birth? Its estimated $10M lifetime cost per patient.

      Infants will never see, hear or learn to swallow… I’m guessing his funds aren’t available.

      • Anonymous says:

        Such an idiot you are.

        • Unison says:

          These comments are design to instill fear on the public to support a project that is tied to foreign commercial interest. “They” somehow from overseas have managed to influence our Premier and MLAs to use us.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your response assumes that oxitec’s bugs would work. How do you come to that conclusion when it was revealed in court that no independent risk assessment was completed. In fact the only one done was done by the company which stands to gain. Your argument is flawed like this process, oxitec and our government in this matter.

        • What epidemic? says:

          They do work. In the 2015-16 year an 82% reduction observed in wild Aedes aegypti larvae population, compared to a non-treated area, the number of dengue cases registered in CECAP/Eldorado dropped by 91%, in comparison with dengue year 2014-15.

          Zika transmission by AE mosquito vector will be equally reduced. But keep fighting the proven science of pest control…. and please plan to visit hospital nurseries to apologize to parents for your fear mongering and be sure and donate whatever you can to the families, they’re gonna need it.

          • Anonymous says:

            You sound like Oxite or their Collaborators haha

            • What epidemic? says:

              And you sound like someone who is not only afraid of their own shadow but someone intentionally making birth defects a priority from the zika virus? These are deformities you want to happen?


            • What epidemic? says:

              And you sound like someone who had trouble being heard as a child.

              As an adult though you should look to the children who are life long victims of Zika. They will never see their mother’s face, never hear their father’s voice, never exist as a human should on this earth, BUT you choose your own validation and accept your own reality in the face of a destructive virus.

              Apologize to the ones you see out and about in the coming years… you at least owe them that.

            • Anonymous says:

              Without a doubt!

              And don’t forget that ebola was supposed to have eliminated the world by now.

              Microcephaly is born by Zika? I thought it was around hundreds of years before Zika? And certainly exists where Zika has never been recorded. And Zika is where microcephaly is absent.

    • Anonymous says:

      How can you, in good conscience, dislike this post? It is the truth, and a revealing indication of where we are headed. Look it up yourself. Cayman is one of the last Zika free (locally transmitted) Caribbean destinations. When we lose that, we lose a significant portion of our tourist industry.


  15. satirony says:

    I wish someone would present a single, scientifically credible theory of how sterilized mosquitoes could be a danger to the environment or man. The science has been used in Cayman before without the slightest suggestion of any unintended consequences, yet insecticide sprays are most definitely harmful to the environment. I think MRCU, who have worked miracles in Cayman since the days of Dr Marco Giglioli, should know a thing or two about mosquitoes, enough to make an informed decision on the use of this technology, which in any case is entirely self-limiting.

    • Anonymous says:

      The problem is we are not talking about MRCU although we are. Their previous work does not supercede the need for due process, following tne law especially when human health risks is tne subject. Add tne environment in that mix and the weight has increased ten-fold. No proper risk assessment done?! Wow

    • Unison says:

      You don’t need theory to see the dangers mosquitoes can cause on us. THE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS OF OXITEC should make you want to have the FACTS.

      • Anonymous says:

        What unanswered questions? Please list them so they can be answered?

        • Anonymous says:

          Your Question:

          Anonymous says:
          20/07/2016 at 10:24 pm
          What unanswered questions? Please list them so they can be answered?

          My Question
          You just woke up?
          You haven’t awoken yet?

          Where have you been?

          With all that’s abounded on this topic you’re really asking that question? LMAO!!!!

          Wake up! Life’s passing you by and the judicial system is trying to bring it all under due process.

  16. Anonymous says:

    That’s one side of the story …. let’s see what the govt. has to say!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s simple. They failed. Govt story is there in one paragraph and perhaps reflects their response. Besides who needs their story when you have your govt exposing you to risk with flimsy care for independent assessment and care for public and environmental health.

    • What are you talking about? says:

      The Government already presented their case.

      That’s why the judge will consider all the evidence and all the laws on what both sides had to say, and then render her verdict on Monday.

  17. AlanP says:

    Below are the headlines of the articles you might want to read.

    Scientific research and academic publishing—from baby steps in basic science to revolutionary breakthroughs—is effectively controlled by five major corporations. They are-Reed-Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor & Francis and Sage

    Academic oligarchy: Majority of science publishing is controlled by just six companies

    Scientists that don’t find a positive result probably won’t get published.

    The majority of scientific papers contain positive results because that’s what scientific publishing companies want. Nobody wants to read about all those weight-loss drugs that failed to work; they want to read about the one that worked. This practice among publishers is so common that it has its own name: publication bias.

    Publication bias is especially harmful in the medical community. Because journals favor the positive results, only the papers stating that a drug works are published and, thus, visible to doctors. Meanwhile studies that find a negative result remain locked away forever and are probably told that they should feel bad.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Who is to say that 22 million Franken Bugs won’t introduce an entirely new strain of disease never seen before in history? Remember Oxitec shareholders stand to make $billions while Caymanians live with all the risk! The laws of nature are not being followed!

    • Anonymous says:

      The laws of nature??? you live by the laws of nature? No you don’t. Your every day is touched by scientific achievements of corporations that make billions. Everything from the contents of a box of cereal to the scuba diving the Caymans is known for… a man shouldn’t breathe underwater because it is against the laws of nature! Please.

      Spraying chemicals is ineffective now and a proven scientific advancement by Oxitec which interrupts mosquito reproduction can prevent viral destruction of infant lives in the womb.

      Your fears are unjustified, your distaste for corporate entities is highly selective, and your foolishness is harmful to others, especially pregnant women who (by the laws of nature) deserve your protection.

    • Anonymous says:

      So what you really are saying is let the pesticide spraying / fogging continue although scientific evidence clearly shows a link over a long period of time between pesticide spraying / fogging and cancer.

      I would prefer to take my chances with sterilized mosquitoes than chemicals being sprayed on me from planes and trucks on a weekly basis.

      There is a reason Cayman has some of the highest cancer rates per capita in the world.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ok oxitec lock your unproven mosquitoes up. ..all of them. ..with this silly guinea pig. There have them all.

    • Are the laws of nature being followed by the spraying and fogging of mosquitoes on Island? Think about it.


    Sorry for the massive legal bill the Cayman Islands Government will have to pay when they lose this case!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Holy smokes! These are the same things that him and her were saying on the tv! Thank God I only read the comments and watched the shows and never said one single word here nor there, because now I get to say this: Caymanians are Caymanians single worse judges! We never say one single good thing about each other. We never stand together with each other. We just keep fighting and fighting each other. These people came in here and trying to turn loose a bunch of mosquitoes on us and nobody doubted them. now we see that the same things that the Caymanians were saying and were always being judged on is now evidence to be judged in a Grand Court proceeding and it was not submitted by some small time lawyer neither. Something must have been right about what they were saying from the beginning. Maybe we should stand together more often, and if not, at least not try to tear down those trying to learn something and ask questions to learn. All this seems very true now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, maybe we should work together with the Caymanians in MRCU trying to save us from mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases …. What? You’d rather not work together?

      • Anonymous says:

        You mean our young caymanians that oxitec were using like pawns…like Arabian horses to deflect the true deception they were attempting to get away with on the Cayman public? Please…that’s weak at best.

    • Anonymous says:

      @ 11.37 What else did you expect him to say? He was hired by Dwene Ebanks to act on his behalf, so one would expect him to say what Dwene wants him to say.

      • Anonymous says:

        And you obviously do not understand people of Silk Troman’s calibre. He don’t take cases that have no merit. He don’t need the money. He did not become the leading voice in environmental matters in the UK because he takes flimsy cases. You sound jealous of his efforts. This man informs his clients not the other way around. Talk from an informed position.

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