Buyer’s remorse sets in over EU exit by UK voters

| 27/06/2016 | 64 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): As the dust settled Monday on the unexpected referendum result in Britain last Thursday, many ‘Brexit’ supporters were beginning to have buyer’s remorse over the vote to exit from the European Union. At least one million people who voted ‘Leave’ have expressed their regret in a survey, including Kelvin Mackenzie, a former editor of The Sun, a tabloid that had encouraged its readers to vote out. Writing of his regret in voting to leave, he said, “To be truthful I am fearful of what lies ahead.”

A petition, which was started by the Brexit campaigners ahead of the referendum asking for a second vote if the result was narrow, had more than 3.8 million signatures on it by Monday evening, even after tens of thousands of probable fraudulent signatures were removed.

The Labour MP David Lammy has called for a legislative vote. H said politicians could “stop this madness and bring this nightmare to an end”, as he pointed to the possible destruction of the UK economy “on the basis of lies and the hubris of Boris Johnson”, the MP who led the ‘Leave’ campaign. Although technically possible that the House of Commons could vote the referendum result down, this is extremely unlikely to happen.

Regardless of the nation’s remorse, the problem now facing Britain is that the European Union leaders are pressing for the talks for the British exit to begin immediately, having stated that they are not prepared to wait for the British Conservative party to sort out its leadership crises before addressing the terms of the UK departure.

However, it has emerged this weekend that the leaders of the Brexit campaign do not have any strategy or plan in place to handle the exit negotiations, possibly because they never expected to actually win.

There is no indication of what they would ask for or how they would get what they want as the country pulls out of the EU, which Britain has been a member of for more than 40 years, or what they would put in place to replace the economic and social vacuum the exit will create.

There has also been a surge of racist incidents across the country, fueled by the result. The Polish community and Muslims appear to be bearing the brunt of the messages of hate telling them to “go home”. By Monday, morning more than one hundred incidents of racial abuse and hate crime had been reported to the authorities.


Category: UK, World News

Comments (64)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    “Regardless of the nation’s remorse ……. (CNS)? Pardon me, but there is a bit of a difference between a number of those who allegedly voted “leave” reportedly expressing regret at having done so and such a blanket statement, which – unless my grasp of the English language is completely shot – is reporting that the nation as a whole (i.e. an overwhelming number of its citizens) is feeling sorry about the decision to leave. This is wishful thinking on the part of the writer, surely?!

    • Anonymous says:

      Or maybe the majority of the UK population has finally realised their majority is xenophobic and or racist by way of the referendum result and are rightly embarrassed by the fact?

  2. 345 says:

    When you have Putin, Le Pen, Trump and Palin celebrating a vote, you know you are in bad company.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The only remorse settling in is by the EU cronies losing grasp of their undemocratic powers.

  4. Anonymous says:

    David Lammy? He’s a great example for people to follow. In March this year he was fined £5000 for instigating 35,629 nuisance calls in breach of the UK’s Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations during his campaign to be selected as candidate for Mayor of London.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh stop it. There are only two types of people. You have the decent, quiet, loving folk who never demonstrate, give everyone the benefit of the doubt, share with others and cry when they see the dead, no matter how insignificant, and then you have the arrogant, ignorant f%$#ks who do not lift a finger to help others, nor do they respect the sanctity of life.
    Leave decent people alone, educate yourselves and learn to be kind.

  6. Anonymous says:

    one of the most despised countries on the planet…..takes a a selfisf backward step into the dark ages…who’s surprised?
    thank you iceland….

    • Anonymous says:

      If you are talking about the British elite and wannabe elite, you have a valid point.
      However if your broad brush of generalization paints the many wonderful, loving, kind Brits, in the same selfish colours, then I would submit that you examine your own heart.
      Good luck.

    • Anonymous says:

      Despised….I think you might find Cayman is equally despised and distrusted across the globe! I think you can thank your son Jeffrey Webb for that!

      • Anonymous says:

        What Jeff did was so wrong, but unfortunately stuff like that happens all the time, everywhere. Wish it wasn’t so. However each one is judged on his/ her own merit. If you can help lead someone in the right pathway please do, if you cannot please do not think you are responsible or that you have failed. Each one teach one the rest is up to the individual.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ignore him buddy.

          We’ll take our boy Jeff Webb and he can stay with his boy Tony “Oil Slick” Blair.
          However, make no mistake, in his mind and many others, of the two individuals Webb’s indiscretions are of far greater consequence.

          Something about privilege and some other stuff comes to mind.
          Gotta love it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please share with us where you got this little gem of information from, or perhaps it was merely a hybrid thought from an undeveloped mind that is only capable of producing opinions based on hatred itself with no supporting cogent argument?

    • Anonymous says:

      Wot the!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    England were humiliated in the eyes of the world and became laughing stock overnight. And 4 days later they were knocked out of the football by Iceland.

    • Let Freedom Ring says:

      When Gandhi stood up to the elite, you immortalized him ( well after the fact).
      Now that the silent majority have stood up and been counted, you are all bent out shape?
      You do not deserve to live in a democracy. A fascist dictatorship would suit you better. See you later.

    • Anonymous says:

      The English appear to be becoming more like the French every day – a bunch of moaning losers!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    It’s a tragedy of modern democracy. And the politicians and the press in the UK have that to their credit.

  9. Donald T. Rump says:

    Time for “CIXIT” I say.

    I call on all people aged 50 or more** to join me and “Make Cayman Grand Again”!

    (**Note: Offer applies only to True Born Caymanians who can trace their arrival, both paternal and maternal, to the weekend immediately following Columbus’ first sighting in 1503.)

  10. Anonymous says:

    I hope the Cayman Islands is paying attention to this and ease the talk about independence.

    The mighty Britain is in shambles and they have so much going for them. How would we do?

    • Anonymous says:

      You may not have a choice

    • Beaumont says:

      The UK is not in shambles. The EU is nearly so, however. Many more countries will follow until a fork can be stuck in the EU. They reached too far for control and tried to mandate their political whims on all countries in it. The UK will survive and eventually prosper and they will be glad for having started the ball rolling.

      Change produces growing pains. The status quo has not served the UK nor us. We have to change also.

  11. Anonymous says:

    But all the English rugby fans are at least ‘Stepping High’ on beating Australia 3-0 in the recent series down-under. That was a good win for them & congrats to their team.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Fear is a natural reaction when you break up from a controlling lover. You don’t go back.

  13. Unison says:

    Could it not be that the elite globalist who benefit from the EU could be financially fueling the news media and UK public to bring in another referendum. Because since the UK voted to leave, have you not notice that not one positive story has been covered about the exercise of the people’s democracy.

    One of the major positives of Leave, is that the EU special interest from other countries will have no more an influence on the outcome of UK votes. And the British parliament will have more of a democracy, free from their influences.

    • Anonymous says:

      You know your thing.

    • Susie Q says:

      Exactly! Either way the greedy bankers and financial market movers are creating the speculation in order to capitalize on it by shorting, hedging…..whatever the heck they call it today…..Keep Calm And Watch This Space…..

      • Anonymous says:

        The waters are clear, Suzie Q. Shuffling papers, sending emails and making a nuisance of yourself on the cell phone does not constitute work. Oops an algorithm just made me 10 grand….go figure.
        Let me give you financial dickwads an algorithm. Get off your lazy arses and do a day’s bloody work.

  14. Anonymous says:

    It was the angry spiteful Little Englanders who thought that the best way to respond to an economic mess was to punish the rich and blame foreigners.

    • Anonymous says:

      While consigning themselves to a wasted economic decade at the least.

    • Anonymous says:

      So, 3:44, the Little Scotlanders who want to leave the United Kingdom and have been blaming the “economic mess” in Scotland on the predominantly (foreign) English Tories and in particular a dead woman who left office 26 years ago, were right to vote Remain?

      • Anonymous says:

        Scotland has been more European and European facing than England for centuries. The reasons England voted out and Scotland voted in represent a deep and fundamental difference between the Scots and the English. The Wales are English-subjugated surrender monkeys.

        • Anonymous says:

          Scotland might have voted remain because they are more European, or they might have voted remain because they receive substantial EU funding. Is a Eurocentric world view or money in the pocket more important to a Scot?

          Ummm – tough one.

          The Welsh vote does, however, defy explanation, surrender monkeys or not.

          • Anonymous says:

            The EU leaders are going to tell Nicola Sturgeon to piss off back to Scotland which is still part of the UK. Scotland has nothing to offer the EU and, furthermore, many EU countries have strong separatist movements within them that their leaders do not want to encourage by chatting with La Sturgeon.

        • Anonymous says:

          The Scots, one of the most socialist “whaur’s ma handoot” states in the world, just see the EU as a gravy train, with magnificent social welfare benefits. If they ever get membership (without England’s wealth to prop them up) they will quickly realise it will end in tears.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Disappointing that “Cayman News” is following the US media (especially CNN) …

    (CNS: Just to interrupt you for a second, we’ve been following British media very carefully, not US media for this. You should probably do the same. The Daily Mail and The Sun don’t count.)

    … and making this out to be the worst thing that ever happened/the end of Britain/economic chaos in the world/sky is falling/end of civilisation as we know it; all just to keep things “newsworthy” until the next plane crash or terrorist attack sweeps it off the screens. Get over it! Britain and Europe will, although the efforts of deliberate troublemakers such as high financiers and bankers will make it just that much more difficult. It was also disappointing to see Mr Tim Ridley quoted in the Compass talking about Brexit being the actions of the “Dads Army types” longing for the return of Empire blah blah. Typical condescending bullshit spoken by just the sort of arrogant elite living (abroad in his case) in wealth and luxury, divorced from the real worries and insecurities of life and never having had to worry for one moment about unbridled immigration threatening his job and salary (!) and way of life in a country that used to be able to decide for itself who to allow in as residents, who to expel for terrorism, who to fish in UK waters, how its farmers can farm their own land, what VAT rates it could set and a host of other things, before the crushing dead hand of a vast unaccountable body of overpaid EU bureaucrats descended and decided things for them..

    • Anonymous says:

      I think, CNS, your first sentence is a justifiable comment to establish your point of view and correct what you see as an unfair allegation but your next two are presumptuous and unnecessarily offensive. CNS: Offensive to whom?
      Do the BBC (via Filmon), The Independent, The Scotsman and The Telegraph (all online of course) count, would you say? CNS: Yes.
      Following the UK media does not necessarily mean agreeing with everything they say or write, surely? CNS: No. That was the point I was making, especially about the tabloids. If people read one or both of those two publications (The Sun and The Daily Mail) and nothing else, they tend to have a very skewed viewpoint. I would encourage everyone to read from the list of British news media you have provided here.

      • Anonymous says:

        Farage and Boris are already admitting their lies…whole thing should be voided and rerun…people voted to leave the EU, not break up the UK.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree, CNS, with your evaluation of the Mail (I confess and fall on my sword, I have read it for articles by Max Hastings, Dominic Sandbrooke, Dominic Lawson and Peter Hitchens)) and the Sun (never read it, you must be joking) but why did you mention them in the first place in your response to my original post following your schoolmarmy: “You should probably do the same. The Mail and the Sun don’t count”. “You should probably do the same” would have made your point adequately.

        CNS: We probably would have missed it but it was picked up by other media.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m not the original poster but, given your snide response to the other poster about the Mail and the Sun, why did you quote “Kelvin Mackenzie, a former editor of the Sun”. His opinion should count for nothing surely according to your advice to your readers about not reading the Mail or the Sun and why the Christ you would quote him is beyond me. Oh, damn, I get it, although a former editor of a disgraceful not to be given the time of day tabloid, he says something that agrees with your own pro Remain “nation’s remorse” standpoint.

      CNS: Or, we appreciated the irony. And no, you don’t get it.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Britain dropped its sterilized government filter – allowed its people to show their true colours to the world for a day – and this was the result.

    Unfortunately, most Brits failed to realize said colours until it was too late. (Some tried earnestly to provide a headsup but were shutdown as “foolish” and “hateful” on every occasion.)

    They must now live with their decision.

    Question, if Scotland goes independent and decides to stick with the EU, can we tag along?
    After all, we are a British overseas territory and not an “English” overseas territory. Why must we be limited and stuck to England? (Does the colonial past rise again to determine the present rules? Say it ain’t so! Lol.) If so then it was a fake union all along, no?


    • Anonymous says:

      The Brac can go with Scotland and we can petition for them to take West Bay. The rest of us are staying with England.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just like Scotland you don’t have the financial clout to be independent, that would require considerable national income, neither of which you have.
      You see, the EU requires a considerable membership fee to be ruled by bureaucrats who are not subject to any democratic process. To draw out, you need to pay in and at the moment Scotland draws more out than the rest of the U.K. pays in for them, much the same as Cayman in regards to defence, diplomatic services etc……
      Scotland doesn’t have a political mandate or legal argument to remain in the EU or to call a second independence referendum, it is part of the wider UK and as such must accept the vote in its UK context, exactly the same way as every other area of the U.K.
      Socialist Scotland will always cry into its ginger beard when they don’t get their own way, it’s what socialists do, they always want something for nothing, especially at the expense of the English.
      Personally I think both of you should try independence, but at your own expense, not at ours. In other words, you pay for everything, no loans, no financial settlements, no access to English and Welsh markets, no currency piggy back and absolutely no defence and diplomatic support. You want it, you have it, but at your cost.

      Contrary to the belief of the Remainers, (and no one really knows what they do believe in) over 17 million people voted for Brexit. That number wasn’t just the old, stale, pale and stupid, it was a huge number of people from all across the UK, including Scotland. Many were descendants of immigrants themselves.
      To say the young were denied a future by the old is BS, perhaps if the young had actually turned out and voted the result may have been closer, but they didn’t, so if they want someone to blame then take a look in the mirror or stay at home and don’t go to Glastonbury instead.
      It is also equally true that many supposed Remainers were in fact Brexittiers who were genuinely fearful of a Brexit after listening to the scare stories and threats coming out of the Remain camp. I know many individuals who have stated since voting Remain that they really wanted to vote out but supported the status quo at the last minute.

      The arrogance of the Remain camp and their supporters amongst the metropolitan liberal elite is shocking. The very same people were whinging last year at the policies of government austerity are the same idiots who claimed that the chancellor who imposed it was now to be believed as some financial messiah. They are the same people who blamed the evil bankers for the 2008 crash, yet were quite happy to have their self indulgent campaign financed by them and the international conglomerates who suppress wages by employing cheap labour and who force farmers to except financially damaging contracts on their produce.
      The hypocracy of their position is there to see. They like to say that they are the smart ones, the ones who know best and who should never be challenged by those who don’t happen to live in London. Well dumbasses, that’s why there was vote to leave, people have had enough of these self imposed know it all’s within our society and in the halls of the EU. They got a slap across the face by a huge number of voters who were fed up with being dictated to and they just can’t accept that not everyone subscribes to their liberal utopian dream.
      In effect they are ashamed of their country and of the U.K. Democratic process, they prefer to be led by a disparate group of dreamers who couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery, let alone a competent currency, defence policy, immigration or employment strategy, let alone trade agreements with growing and established economy’s. They would prefer to live under a meaningless flag and a dictatorial political elite, within an inward looking and ineffective trading partner. Over 80% of trade is outside of the EU and the U.K. has a huge trading deficit within the EU, and it getting bigger. Why wouldn’t we look for better opportunities outside, be a forward looking nation rather than one confined by regulation and dogma?
      Like Cayman, we need immigration and also like Cayman it should be controlled, inside the EU it is not. This is not racism or xenophobia, it is common sense, it is our country, our parliament and our right to decide who comes in.

      To them I say simply, it’s a new world, if you don’t like it go live in Europe if they’ll have you, but don’t come crying back when the Euro inevitably collapses, civil unrest punctuates the immigration debate or when the next eurosceptic country holds a leave referendum and pulls the plug on this failed project.

      Oh yes, take a look at your own national flag you idiot. You will notice it has the English lion emblazoned on your coat of arms, not the Scotish saltire.

      • Anonymous says:

        Chill dude. You have said so much but unfortunately all of that is parallel to the motivation of the Brexiters, which was simply; “Too many Poles and too many Muslims in the country!”.

        The UK has been led to a monumental decision by the most basic and gutter-level of human reactions. Kudos.

        As for independence, as I have said many times before, bring it on!
        In regards to your warnings of finance and economics, in my lifetime the Cayman Islands has only given money to the UK, never taken. Furthermore, it has funded countless numbers of its investigations, excursions, functions and all sorts in this country without a blip on the economic radar.

        Regarding defence and diplomatic expenses; dude, give me a break. Open your window – it is 2016 out there. You need an upgrade chip in your memory processing slot.
        Then again, that dysfunction of yours accounts for much of your dated perspective put on display for all to see here.

        Cheers mate.

        • Anonymous says:

          When has Britain ever given anything to the Cayman Islands?. Oh, wait, I remember getting a mug, a little 2×4.inch Union Jack and a pencil with a little tin foil crown on the end where the eraser should have been ( I’d much prefer the eraser) to help us celebrate the crowning of Elizabeth lll as queen. We have paid for so many of their witch- hunt investigations and all the trimmings that came along with it, I do believe we pay the Governor’s salary and other expenses ( could be wrong on that one) and on top of that we sent one million pounds to help out with the Falklands war . Don’t understand why in hell we would do that, but that was a whole different era. I cannot remember getting anything from the mother country but I guess anonymous at 6:32 pm can go ahead and review his report for accuracy. We won’t miss what we didn’t get. Now that Britain has fallen through stupidity I really think you bad minded ” British haters” should try to do whatever you can to make Britain great again and stop worrying about Cayman. We have always struggled and we always come up smiling. Now that you are out of the EU and Junker and Merkel has spoken you should really cease your “superior” rabble dabble.

        • Anonymous says:

          Does anyone say ‘dude’ anymore?
          You appear to be as deluded as those who need to blame racism on a fundamental principle of British democracy, that is that we hold regular elections to vote for our parliamentary representatives. Note I say ‘our’ representatives as opposed to the EU system of an imposed Commision and adjoined Court who are never subject to national sovereignty or scrutiny at the ballot box.
          Unregulated and undocumented immigration isn’t in anyone’s interest, especially when the decisions taken to facilitate unfettered access to Europe and ultimately the UK, were totally undemocratic. Add into the mix the huge influx of Eastern European migrants into the UK without the explicit permission of the British people or consideration of the cultural and societal changes that have seen massive consequences for our health service, housing, schools, traffic and wages.
          It is easy to simplify a complex set of issues as racism or xenophobia, but to do so is a serious denial of the root cause of people’s anger and legitimate fears.
          The liberals always like to indulge in the blame and victim hood game, they love to take offence for others, even if the ‘others’ weren’t offended themselves. But most of all, they believe they know best and that they are the moral gate keepers for the whole of society. Now they are in collective shock because those who believe in our own sovereignty and democracy have spoken.

          Please lobby for independence because your myopic view of how to survive in the modern world will give you a massive shock when you realise your GDP cannot afford its consequences. But don’t take my opinion on it, do it, if you dare.
          I’m not sure why you believe that you don’t need a defence or diplomatic posture in a very dangerous part of the world but you are clearly delusional if you think 2016 will save you from international drug lords and gangsters whose pocket change is more than your entire national wealth.

          Anyway ‘dude’ you are clearly devoid of the reality of functioning as an independent nation state pursuing the argument is hopeless. It is the Cayman way to throw stones without a credible alternative, we are used to the crude vitriol that comes from a few idiots whose expertise is gained from surfing the Internet.
          But we are bigger than that and will overcome.
          And btw, the pound has already risen and shares are rising, so not the apocalypse that was forecast.

          • Anonymous says:

            Ok bub.
            Enjoy the residue of your country.
            Not sure why you are so obsessed with us tho.
            We’ll be fine over here. Thank you.

      • Anonymous says:

        6:32, thank you for a refreshingly different assessment of Brexit from the luvvie and wealthy expat “experts” commenting we have seen hitherto.

  17. 345 says:

    After being called a fear mongoring moron, in replies to an earlier post, I am experiencing a little bit of schadenfreude.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Now that everyone’s sober and the adrenaline is back to normal, reality has now set in! …a little too late!

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