New senior cops recruited from the UK

| 03/05/2016 | 29 Comments
Cayman News Service

George Town Police Station

(CNS): The RCIPS has recruited two new officers from the United Kingdom to fill senior posts in the local police service following the departure of several high-ranking officers. In response to CNS enquiries, the police confirmed Tuesday that two superintendent positions have been filled following a recruitment process that was carried out “in full compliance” with the Police Law. The two officers, who are expected to start their jobs in June, have not been named but officials said they would be overseeing detective and uniform operations.

The police said that any obligations they have under their own hiring procedures, including the consideration of local officers for the jobs, finding candidates with the skills, experience, ability and willingness to take up the “very demanding posts” were all fulfilled during the recruitment of the British officers.

The news of their appointment comes against the backdrop of significant political and community focus on succession planning. Many people feel that in recent years the RCIPS has failed to recruit, train and promote enough local officers to ensure that Caymanians can move into positions from which a local commissioner could finally be plucked.

However, in recent weeks two RCIPS superintendents — Robert Scotland, who was head of uniform, and Mike Cranswick, head of CID — have resigned from the service. This follows the resignations of two other superintendents, Angelique Howell and Stephen Ratcliffe, as well as chief inspector Claudia Brady, shrinking the ranks for future succession.

Defending the overseas selection Tuesday, an RCIPS spokesperson stated, “We believe that the selected candidates, who are both from the UK, have the best combination of qualifications and experience to be successful in these major posts at this critical time. We look forward to introducing them once they take up their posts in early June.”

Last month legislators voted unanimously in favour of a motion calling on the governor to ensure that a Caymanian commissioner would be at the helm of the police service within four years and to show legislators the succession plan.

However, in a short statement following the vote in parliament, Governor Helen Kilpatrick refused to commit to the wishes of the political arm of government. While she noted that succession planning would be a requirement for the new commissioner to fulfill when the current commissioner, David Baines, leaves the job later this month, the UK’s representative did not specify any time period or outline any kind of succession plan for the top post.

Deputy Commissioner Anthony Ennis will be acting commissioner following Baines’ departure in a few weeks until the recruitment process is completed.

Who will be Cayman’s next top cop?

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (29)

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  1. The Cayman Sunset says:

    Dearest Sunrise it appears you do have a problem my question is when will if you are a Caymanian stop eating and drinking and living in Uncle Tom’s colonial Cabin? When exactly is this miracle of being made ready going to happen under British colonial rule?Yes the old small community& Family corruption excuse and colonial strategy which i guess does not apply to overseas officers hired by the direction of FCO who frequently and blatantly show bias when taking care their own countrymen and their interest to the detriment of these islands.The Grand 80’sand 90’s had only British commissioners of Police which you have rightly indicted because they did little or nothing to stop corruption.Why? for the simply reason it was very convenient and it made their rule very comfortable and problem free. Famous quote from one “came here and found it” The problem with your little coming together to support this imported foreign police service propaganda and strategy to remove negative attitudes and comments about the police is it is the direct result of the lack of trust and confidence and oppressive treatment they receive at the hands of law enforcement. That’s worldwide by the way you ignorant A$$ The real trouble with your agenda driven truth and reality is neither is real and the real problem is as ignorance goes along it picks up confidence.

    • Sunrise says:

      Dearest Cayman Sunset, your first part of the response to myself is a bit confusing. However, I think you are asking when will I as a Caymanian stop eating, drinking, and living in Uncle Tom’s colonial Cabin?

      First, just to clarify my status of being a Caymanian, I was born at the George Town Hospital and grew up here on Grand Cayman. I do think that will fully qualify me as a true Caymanian.

      Secondly, I do not eat, drink, or live in Uncle Tom’s cabin, however, when the truth has to be spoken, and then I will speak it. If you did not read my comments on the Commissioner, Mr. Baines, in an earlier article, then I suggest we clarify that. I did state that if he cannot handle the position, as crime is on the rise in Cayman, then I was glad to see him resign from the position!! As far as I know, Mr. Baines is from the UK, or maybe you know something that I don’t.

      Thirdly, when exactly is this miracle of being made ready going to happen under British colonial rule? It has happened in the past and I am sure that it is quite possible to happen in the future. We have had some commissioners of police from the Cayman Islands and we can be certain that there is no prejudice to Caymanians being appointed, when and only when they are ready. However, if you know of some prejudice going on, I would seriously suggest that you have it exposed, cause any discrimination against race is wrong. This a very serious senior position to be capable of performing and I am quite sure that locals can do the job but only when they are ready!! At this point, I do not see any local to fit into this position, therefore that is why I am congratulating the governor on deciding to appoint overseas officers. But, I can only suggest from your comments that you hate the British rule, well let me enlighten you to something, we are a British Colony and until that changes that is the way it is!! I am thankful however, that, Dr. Roy Edison McTaggart, had the sense and the backbone to stand up in the 60’s when we could have went independent.

      “To support this imported foreign police service propaganda”, actually I was talking about the British police being hired because they do not know any locals, therefore it will be easier to fight crime. If there are locals hired that do not do what they are sworn to do, then there will always be a problem. I have seen this before and I am sure that it will continue, as someone that was found doing a criminal act was not charged, because it was family or a good friend.

      As for the 80’s and 90’s, I do remember quite well, but I was actually hitting on the street cops that had the “ring” going on as so to speak!! Maybe, you do not know what I am talking about, but I will not call you any names, as I can speak to people without being rude. The real problem is: We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Bearing in mind that one commissioner only stayed less than 24 hours and another two commissioners lasted less than a year, let’s not get too excited just yet.

  3. Sunrise says:

    Congratulations on Her Excellency, Helen Kilpatrick, to appointment two UK top officers for the Royal Cayman Police Services. I do not have a problem with Caymanians being promoted to top positions, however, you have to be ready for these positions. Also, this is a small community and everyone locally knows each other. Thus, if you are caught by one of your family members or a good friend, chances are you will not be charged with any crime. If we recruit overseas officers from reputable countries, then we will see a difference in the way the police execute the law here. We have to be able to see farther than our nose, we have to accept the truth. When we have officers from most caribbean Islands, we have a tendency to have corruption. Just read on reports from around the region, if you need facts. I am a Caymanian, but I really think that if we are to fight crime effectively we have to recruit officers from the UK, Canada, etc.. Of course, we can have Caymanians training for deputy positions, and if they are competent enough, promote them to top positions.

    If you remember the police officers back in the eighty’s and ninety’s, a lot of them were corrupt. Without saying anymore of where these officers were from, for those who remember the eighty’s and ninety’s. The government back then, did what the government is doing now, just ignoring the facts.

    Let us get together and support our Police Officers, once they are doing their job effectively and efficiently. Let us fight crime and get our little lslands back to what it used to be. Let us also encourage more of our young people to be get involved with law enforcement, as I have heard a lot of negative comments regarding the police, from these young people. This is a cultural thing, as I have traveled quite a lot and a lot of Caribbean Islands have a negative attitude towards the police, from a very young age.

    • Sunrise says:

      Sometimes the truth hurts, but it will still be the truth!! I know it is hard to accept sometimes, but those that have eyes let them see. Those that have ears, let them hear. Those that have mouths, let us speak the truth!! We cannot escape from what is facts and what is not!! We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

  4. Knot S Smart says:

    The British are Coming!
    The British are Coming!
    Lets all head for the hills folks…

  5. Anonymous says:

    Forget who may or may not be arriving – I am more concerned with the high number of recent resignations from the top of the RCIPS.

    – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      The fish rots from the head. The more who leave the better. Time for a fresh start.

      Wish this would happen all across the civil service. Clear all the dry rot out and save Cayman’s foundation before they all bring it down.

      – Me

      • Neal says:

        Hello “me”; please note it is not the civil service bringing down this island. That is but a needle in this grand haystack. What we really need first is to chop Politician’s salaries in half; bring in new blood to lead this country and then start chopping away at the dead wood left.

        Civil service could be cut in half but you would have to find jobs for all those positions made redundant, we know private sector not interested in natives; they won’t take the risk. Imagine, it’s a risk to hire your own kind in your own country.

        Thanks to our own Caymanian politicians! They created this mess; all for personal greed. Focus on these political leaders; follow the money and contracts, and you will see the writing on the wall.

        For years they lied to you all about everything, only to gain your vote one more time. Same thing happened on a larger scale elsewhere. Believe it or not, the entire world is heading in a very bad direction; all because of greed.

        • Anonymous says:

          Too bad it up to the politicians to carry out the first step.

        • Shhhhhhhhhh. says:

          We the voters are ultimately responsible, since we elect them, and then fail totally to hold them accountable for “doing the right thing”. We get what we elect!

    • Anonymous says:

      There is far more to come!

    • Shhhhhhhhhh. says:

      Maybe the plan to appoint more Brits to top spots caused them to resign? Food for thought. Chicken and egg?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Anyone in the LA watching? The worms turned, And made a strong statement.

  7. Impolitic Kamikazee says:

    You ever wonder how the government thrives on failure??? What happen to all the YES men they have running around whom they keep elevating and promoting to the upper level of their incompetence. Things must be getting crucial around here now i guess no need or very inconvenient to have a handpicked loyal imbecile to totally mess things up at this important juncture of Cayman’s financial demise????? Besides we already have to loyal political Janitors doing the cleaning for them.

  8. Anonymous says:

    First shot across the bows and hopefully, should quieter a few!

  9. Anonymous says:

    The problem is not recruitment as this place can be sold to anyone given the right description.
    The hardest job of all is retention.

  10. Harauguer says:

    Bring back Braggs! But just hope we don’t have a hurricane because you know…..

  11. SKEPTICAL says:

    The only way you can have a succession system leading to a Caymanian Commissioner is if local officers are seconded to say the UK, to expose them to a more extensive experience of police work. Crime in Cayman has become far more serious and sophisticated.
    You would not appoint the manager of a small town bank in Alaska, to be CEO of Bank of America.

    • Anonymous says:

      Might be nice though.. Someone actually answering the phone when you ring! The bank that is.. rather than useless auto options!

    • BiFFo says:

      Yet its okay to bring tellers from elsewhere and promote them to managers to run the bank.Secondments were being done 10-15 years ago until those from overseas arrive here and found paradise and realize what that would mean for them and quickly did away with that foolishness!!!!

    • anonumous says:

      Why should we send our officers to the UK for training. As far as I can see the Uk officers that we had/have did not do any better than the locals, so go figure. another thing, I thought I read on here that it would be almost impossible to hire any more officers from the UK. Seems like they were lining up to come. I guess Cayman is not too bad after all.

  12. Ironside says:

    I wish they would choose a new paint scheme for that ghastly building. Perhaps the Glass House could be rehabilitated as a new command center.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Yes!!! If it ain’t Caymanian, then it should be British!!! This is a British territory, not some employment agency for other Caribbean countries that had it good but messed it up!!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Woop!…there it is

  15. Anonymous says:

    Thank you. Every time you cannot recruit a Caymanian, please bring it Brits. They are trained, professional, competent and far better represent Cayman than some of the alternatives.

  16. Anonymous says:

    your article mentions “a local commissioner could finally be plucked”. Short memories! it was a disaster last time.

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